

Suno AIتم إنشاء الموسيقى بواسطة Belteshazzar Abel باستخدام


@Belteshazzar Abel

2024-05-08 17:00


@Belteshazzar Abel

2024-05-08 17:00

ive said it before and ill say it again im a broken man who never been lure got plenty of reason for me to stop trying but how can i hate when ocean waves tried to stay happy after all the goodbye i tried building the kingdom evntho it keeps fall i kept on faking my ugliest smile kept wishing ull come when u said i ws home remembered how u look up at the clouds baby tell me are u happy now u wished the winter come makes me glow but how can a sandman get shine from the snow ? look like a radiant u look so pretty how could u choose to shine a sandman like me the day we've met u looks so lonely no wonder ur life looks okay wout me i came from the sand not im build from the snow i promise to glow u more than the gold but remember me when u turn into sunset cause i was the sand when u glow by the sea
نمط الموسيقى
Blues, male voice ( teenager ), starts w guitar, add some sad genre, piano and violin. make it wonderland.