
Midnight Shadows

Music Created By Laura Marie With Suno AI

Midnight Shadows

@Laura Marie

2024-05-19 23:03

Midnight Shadows

@Laura Marie

2024-05-19 23:03

[Verse] Creeping through the darkness Under the pale moonlight Trick or treating with my crew Gonna raise some fright Knocking on every door Hoping for some treats Collecting candy Sweet As we roam the streets Eyes wide open Heart pumping in my chest Haunted houses on every corner Put us to the test Whispering ghost stories Chilling to the bone With my friends by my side We're never alone [Verse 2] Under flickering streetlights we courageously roam Through the misty alleys Our fears we disown Jack-o'-lanterns glowing Carving grins so wide Through the haunted town We fearlessly stride
Style of Music
aggressive rock