
Sovereign Creator

Music Created By Evan McNeff With Suno AI

Sovereign Creator

@Evan McNeff

2024-05-08 19:25

Sovereign Creator

@Evan McNeff

2024-05-08 19:25

In the dark, the Spirit flew across the water, and left His mark. Preparing the way for His sons and daughters. His strength and power brought us light and peace to carry with us. He came to devour All our hearts' sense of loss and brokenness. There is no pain too much to bear. There is no way we can be unaware, Of the One who sets us free. He's throughout nature for us to see. He understands our struggles and doubt. That's why His grace has been with us throughout, When our lives seem harsh and cruel, He draws us back to our most valuable tool. And we see it in the sunrise. We see in the existence of the stars. It all points to our greatest prize. His name is Jesus Christ. He came to set us free - And He desires that we'll always be with Him in eternity.
Style of Music
Indie Folk Soul