
God knew

armita abbasi 使用 Suno AI 創建的音樂

God knew

@armita abbasi

2024-04-28 20:43

God knew

@armita abbasi

2024-04-28 20:43

Ooh hoo God knew If you were still here I would die Ooh hoo God knew If you were with me I could die Baaaby If you held my hand I would have a heart attack I you would say my name I would fight for you with my bruises Its so sad But its true I feel like God knew Somtihing That me and you Couldnt haven known Ooh hooo God knew If you would say yes I would cry Ohh hoo gad knew If you liked me I would cry Baaaby I tried With all my heart But i think That This is best for both of us Go on your journy My little prince If future Is near You ll be the king Oh if you were here I coul have make it clear But oh Go go and finf your love Ohhh if she is happy You know is because of us Ohh if she loves you more Than go and be happy Who said that every story Needs to have a happy ending Ohh ooh God knew That cupid is dumb Ooh hoo God know That you woinld never be mine Ohh hoo God knew That our first try Ohh ohh God knew Would be our last goodbye But oh you know That your my love And thats so good Even if your not mine