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تم الإنشاء بواسطة Housman Yeung مع Suno AI

刷牙,刷牙,你未刷牙 刷牙,刷牙,你未刷牙 快D刷牙 刷牙,刷牙,你未刷牙 刷牙,刷牙,你未刷牙 快D刷牙
pt2 rp

pt2 rp

تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

[Chorus] Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram. Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram (Instagram). Red pilled man (Red pilled man), A red pilled man's Instagram. Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram. [Bridge] His favorite screenshot of a debate win, The caption reads: "I can’t believe how blind I'd been, Brothers, I see clear, I've escaped the matrix, I have no fear. Now I'm spreading truth, every day and night, Woke up from the lies, I’m in the fight. Your red pilled boy is standing tall, Brothers, I’m awakened, I see through it all." [Verse 3] A plate of steak (heavy on the red), A minimalist wallet, laying on the bed, A simple glass of whiskey, Politically incorrect memes, oh so risky. Three little words, a flag unfurled, And a book recommendation to unchain the world. [Pre-Chorus] Is this the red pill? Or is it just a [Chorus] Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram. Red pilled man (Red pilled man), A red pilled man's Instagram (Instagram). Red pilled man (Red pilled man), A red pilled man's Instagram. Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram.

تم الإنشاء بواسطة Alex Ya مع Suno AI

[Verse] Yo Check it Listen up Here's the story of a hustler man Always chasing dreams Trying to make a grand slam Started with a vision A fire deep inside To stack up some paper No place for pride [Verse 2] He's grinding day and night Putting in work Hoping for a big break A moment to jerk With every single dollar He's on the chase Playing the game of life Running the race [Chorus] He's a go-getter A real risk-taker In the pursuit of greatness He won't be a faker No matter the obstacles He's on his grind With every step he takes He leaves doubts behind
I'm a tree

I'm a tree

تم الإنشاء بواسطة Tyler McCarrol مع Suno AI

I'm a tree You're a frog I'm the sea You're a dog


تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

[Verse 1] An open laptop, A worn-out cap, backlit by the glow of a single lamp, Two hands clenched, over a keyboard so grand, A screenshot of a tweet that misinterprets Rand. Pepe the Frog in a meme, An action figure in a libertarian dream. [Pre-Chorus] Is this wisdom? Or is it just a [Chorus] Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram. Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram (Instagram). Red pilled man (Red pilled man), A red pilled man's Instagram. Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram. [Verse 2] Protein shakes, A selfie in the gym's mirror with a quote about stakes, A wall chart tracking gains and losses, A coffee mug with "Male Tears" embossed. A vinyl record of Joe Rogan's best, Misquoted Nietzsche to put the weak to the test. “Chaos is a ladder,” wrongly credited to Machiavelli, Posted under a photo of a steak, so heavy. [Pre-Chorus] Is this enlightenment? Or am I staring at a [Chorus] Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram. Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram (Instagram). Red pilled man (Red pilled man), A red pilled man's Instagram. Red pilled man, A red pilled man's Instagram.
Holly wood pt2

Holly wood pt2

تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

[Verse 6] See the stars misquoted, feel the public’s glare, Show us shots of your mansion, tell us what you’ll wear. Start a feud, buy a script, or cut to plastic surgeons, Or deny those affair rumors, host a gala, merge your urges in your— Here’s a charity photo op, you should fire your staff, Here’s why your latest film bombed; here’s how you can make us laugh. Which superhero are you? Take this quirky quiz, Hollywood’s recycled stories, it's just showbiz. [Chorus] Could I interest you in everything all of the time? A bit of everything all of the time? Vanity’s a policy, and privacy's a prime, Anything and everything, all of the time. Could I interest you in everything all of the time? A bit of everything, all of the time? Vanity’s a policy, and privacy's a prime, Anything and everything, all of the time.
Welcome Hollywood

Welcome Hollywood

تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

[Verse] Welcome to Hollywood! Take your place on the set, Where dreams are bought and sold, but never without debt. We've got stars of all ages, some fresh, some fading fast, If you think you won't sell out here, you'd be outcast. [Verse] Welcome to Hollywood! Please, enjoy your stay, Would you like to be a lead or just background in grey? There’s no need to fret; this isn’t a test, haha, Just smile for the camera, and we'll handle the rest. [Verse] Welcome to Hollywood! What’s your heart’s desire? Would you like to join the A-list or dodge the paparazzi fire? Be shiny! Be scandalous! Be whatever pays! We’ve got a hundred scripts, but reality wins always. [Verse] Welcome to Hollywood! Check your ethics at the door, Here's a diet for your dog, here's a mogul who implored. We've got botox and yoga and spiritual retreats, And piles of scripts that no one reads because who needs plots when you've got tweets? [Verse] Welcome to Hollywood! Hold on to your face, 'Cause that producer you just met, thinks you need more lace. The contracts are binding and filled with tiny hooks; Don’t look so shocked, you know you love it, you crooks.


تم الإنشاء بواسطة Merete Hjorth مع Suno AI

En sang til vores søde smukke dejlige Madski Tillykke tillykke med din konfirmation Du kom til verden som en solstråle med Sofus som din vogter - Du elsker dyr Brombær indtog jeres hjerter hus og have. Du kan være stille men ved hvad du vil og giver ikke op.-pasionen ligger klar. Politik skal drøftes mor er ikke altid enig med dig. Du blev vegetar, vinterbader akrobat saltomotaler for og baglæns. Du flyver gennem luften tonerne lige dan. Klaverprinsesse børnepasser Willum og Leopold elsker dig. og din tålmodighed er stor når vi er på landet. Du elsker at rejse ferier i sus og dus- skolen knap så meget, dog i Bastrup med Willum matematik dansk og engelsk gled ned med film og kage. Du er der for dine venner og stiller altid op når der er brug for dig. Tiktok tager også tid så Jeg elsker du gider din gamle moster og håber det blir ved. Nu må sangen slutte vi ønsker dig det bedste - et liv hvor du gir den gas så kærlighed og skønne fantastiske oplevelser er med på din vej. Verden venter på dig. Tillykke tillykke du smukke unge Madski På denne din konfirmationsdag Vi elsker dig


تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

I am the common sense, it’s the utopian vision. I want it to resonate, And I just want it to… what’s the term? Win bigly? Win, just win bigly. Alright now, Right Wing, you’re being unrealistic. No, Left Wing, I’m merely embracing vitality. You could try it; it might be enlightening. I worked tirelessly to provide him with realistic expectations. You got lost in the dreams he was cautious about. I’m composed and strategic when you go off-script. I am the tactician, you are the dreamer. You think you’re the correct choice every time. You believe you’ve mastered the theory. But you know so little of the real world. Half of his dilemmas were meant to be my concern. But you hoarded all the limelight. I hope you’re pleased, because he’s certainly not. Well, according to my forecasts, I’m sorry, let me run the simulation again. Um, you’re delusional. Name-calling, really? You’re resorting to name-calling? I’m not just calling names; I’m citing the observable, and the fact is, you’re hopelessly naive. I’m naive? At least I don’t still play with outdated strategies, okay? Strategic models are not just pastimes; they sharpen our logistical acumen.


تم الإنشاء بواسطة dedek irwansyah مع Suno AI

Jika engkau terlalu lelah sayang Disini ku berdiri di belakangmu Rasa ini masi tetap tak akan hilang Untuk hidup denganmu Janganlah kau bersedih dan sandar di pundaku Lagi lagi dan tetap begitu Aku tetap disini dan jangan coba pergi Jadi tenangkanlah sayang Ku takkan pernah pergi darimu
pt welcome

pt welcome

تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

Start a rumor, buy an umbrella, or send a snarky letter to a teller, Or tweet a celeb and berate her, have a scone, join the debater. Here’s a healthy breakfast option: fry up till you pop, Here’s why your train’s delayed again, here’s how to mime a bop. Which British biscuit are you? Take this funny test, Nigel Farage blamed the EU, to make your life a pest. Could I interest you in everything, all of the time? A bit of rain and politics, all of the time. Tea’s a tradition, and queuing is prime, Anything and everything, all of the time. Could I interest you in everything, all of the time? A little bit of tutting, all of the time. Stiff upper lips a classic, and irony’s a sign, Anything and everything, all of the time. You know, it wasn’t always like this, Not very long ago, Just before the internet rose, Right before reality shows. This was just old castles, Fish and chips, a pub or two, We set our clocks and spent our nights waiting, For you, you, you, oh insatiable you. Mum let you use her tablet, you were barely two, And now you tweet and troll as we expected you to do. Now look at you, oh, look at you, unstoppable, viewable,
left right

left right

تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

This is Bo's Left Wing: Objective, logical, cold, analytical. Obsessed with structures, obsessed with data. He’s efficient, and a total buzzkill. This is Bo’s Right Wing: Subjective, fiery, intuitive. Tuned into values, tuned into the masses. He’s passionate, and completely scatterbrained. That’s your opinion, just, be careful with opinions. Okay wings, let’s have a civilized debate. I am the Left Wing, I am the Left Wing. I toil endlessly until my ideological collapse. You have a manifesto to draft, you better draft it right, With the stringent rigor of the Left Wing’s oversight. I like protests and policies, yes, In that sequence. And I sobbed for days after the election results. I am the Right Wing, I feel deeply. I’m somewhat chaotic, But I’m hopeful, traditional and searching for a nation to uplift. Here comes an election, here comes an election, Puff up your slogans, grab your signs, and check your speeches. Our political goal is to triumph, So analyze the polling now and see if the public’s a feasible ally. Holy cow, I think this policy might just work! There’s something about it, I can’t quite explain it… Freedom?
Welcome to

Welcome to

تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

Welcome to Britain, have a look ‘round, From the peaks of Scotland to the bustling London towns, We've got queues of content, some soggy, some dry, If none of it interests you, you'd be the first to pass by. Welcome to Britain, come and grab tea, Would you like to complain about the BBC? There’s no need to worry, this isn’t a jest, Just nod or shake your head, and we'll sort out the rest. Welcome to Britain, what would you like best? Would you like to argue about Brexit or read the Queen’s behest? Be grumpy, be cheeky, be utterly miffed, We got a hundred different queues where you can stand stiff. Welcome to Britain, put your brolly aside, Here's a tip for spotting rain, here's a politician who lied. We've got history, and scandals, and a spot of cricket, And reams of dreary novels about societies afflicted. Welcome to Britain, hold on to your hats, 'Cause a local just complained about immigrants, stats. They are vague and misleading, he just sent you more, Don't act surprised, this is what moaning’s for. See a fox get hunted, get appalled, take a gander, Show us pictures of your garden, tell us which royal you slander.
Meditasi kopi 2

Meditasi kopi 2

تم الإنشاء بواسطة August Entio مع Suno AI

Di suatu senja kopi seakan bernyawa Sejumput pahitnya bergulir sempurna Saat engkau teguk Kopi mengalir lembut Membentuk ngarai, lembah dan sungai-sungai Ke dalam tubuhku kopi itu merasuk Ke dalam dadaku, muara jantungku Pahit yang menyelam ke lautan dalam Mencari tepi yang penuh puisi Pahit, kopi, dan senja Menyatu di dalam jiwa Bagai untaian mantera tak beraksara Dalam sukma...alam semesta


تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

[bridge] Dont sing a lullaby Please I dont wanna say goodnight not tonight Cant stop your lullalies please dont ever say goodnight not just for tonight [chorus] Watch me throw a tantrum saying blah blah blah I’m getting tired of repeating stuff I'm really close to giving up because I cant learn when you play so damn rough Im tired of throwing tantrums, i'll try to stay calm My words are clear, so ill call your bluff I wish that I could stay but ah ah ah I can tell that you have had enough
Repeating stuff

Repeating stuff

تم الإنشاء بواسطة will - مع Suno AI

[verse] Words i speak are nonsense, and you never understand me Try show me a picture book, but the words too hard to read Building blocks while your building up a fence Throw tantrums and I feel you getting tense [pre-chorus] Words are stuck inside my mouth Try to pry them out but now they’re staying down Not speaking the same languages He gets the angriest, now i wont make a sound [chorus] Watch me throw a tantrum saying blah blah blah I’m getting tired of repeating stuff I'm really close to giving up because I cant learn when you play so damn rough When your out with your friends, you say your sick of babbling You'll pretend your riddles aren't that challenging I wish I'd learnt all the words to make you stay I wish you'd pretend its all okay [pre-chorus] Words are stuck inside my mouth Try to pry them out but now they’re staying down Not speaking the same languages He gets the angriest, now i wont make a sound [chorus] Watch me throw a tantrum saying blah blah blah I’m getting tired of repeating stuff I'm really close to giving up because I cant learn when you play so damn rough [bridge] Dont sing a lullaby Please I dont wanna say goodnight not tonight
Teste 1

Teste 1

تم الإنشاء بواسطة Ingrid Vanessa Medeiros De Lima مع Suno AI

Oi Ingrid você faz avaliação de imóvel pra vender? Oi, boa tarde! Tudo bem com você? Sim, faço avaliação do imóvel através de um estudo de mercado. É que eu queria saber se dá para pegar uns 300 Mil na minha casa. Se eu te mandar as fotos você consegue fazer? A melhor forma de avaliar o imóvel é realizando uma visita técnica, que tal agendarmos uma visita? Assim eu conheço melhor seu imóvel e já levando algumas informações. É que na verdade eu queria fazer um acordo para ficar bom pra mim e pra você, eu preciso de 300 mil na minha mão e o que passar é seu. Dá certo assim?
Muara rindu

Muara rindu

تم الإنشاء بواسطة August Entio مع Suno AI

Menikmati hujan di sore hari Rintik air yang luruh jatuh ke bumi Cobalah kau tengok juga hatiku Yang Luruh jatuh cinta kepadamu   Air yang turun tiada terkira Membasahi semua bunga di sini Begitu pula cintaku padamu Bersemilah dan terus mewangi   Meski sempat menguap semua asaku Saat kutahu kau tolak cintaku Namun kuyakin dan kan terus menunggu Awan cintamu kan jatuh padaku   Lalu kita bertemu dalam muara rindu Seperti sungai yang mengalir syahdu Dan bersama kita menuju luas samudera biru Mahligai cinta tujuan hidupku…   Meski sempat menguap semua asaku Saat kutahu kau tolak cintaku Namun kuyakin dan kan terus menunggu Awan cintamu kan jatuh padaku   Lalu kita bertemu dalam muara rindu Seperti sungai yang mengalir syahdu Dan bersama kita menuju luas samudera biru Mahligai cinta tujuan hidupku…
Love story

Love story

تم الإنشاء بواسطة Thearyta Tuy مع Suno AI

A is a vowel, a letter in the alphabet a, a, a, a (Short Vowel A Sound) There was a cat Wearing a hat Taking a nap On my lap
Konawe utara

Konawe utara

تم الإنشاء بواسطة August Entio مع Suno AI

Di sini kami berjuang Menjaga setiap jengkal Tanah air tercinta Indonesia Di sini kami mengabdi Bersatu membangun negri Melawan para pengkhianat Penjahat bermoral bejat Tak peduli semua ancaman Kami akan terus bertahan Demi untuk mempertahankan Nyawa kami pertaruhkan Semangat membara Kami tak pernah Lelah Berjuang berkarya Semua musuh haruslah musnah Di sinilah tempatnya Kita berjuang Bersama Konawe utara Bangkit Bersama Menjadi juara Salam antam Best Salam antam Best


تم الإنشاء بواسطة dbkillerx مع Suno AI

hakuda is for dumb fags i hate quiggers
Modro koleno

Modro koleno

تم الإنشاء بواسطة Виктор Лукић مع Suno AI

Modro koleno, Oko zatvoreno. Laž izrečena, Ljubav je sprečena. Nežni dodiri, U srcu su nemiri. Hajde priznaj mi, Ko je sada ovaj tip? Luda praviš se, Kažem u redu je. Gledam te sa njim, Kako da ti oprostim? Jedno piće još, I biće krvava noć. Vidim grli te, Ruke mu odlutale. Ledene usne uz vrat, Ponovo pridji mi. Niko ne vidi. Ovde smo bezbedni. Rukom po telu, Opet kliziš mi. Niko ne vidi da grešni smo mi. Opet grešni smo mi. Da grešni smo mi. Vreli uzdasi, Usna mu krvari. Sama kriva si, Misliš da se ne vidi. Gotovo je sve, Zašto sada kaješ se? Laž izrečena, Ljubav je sprečena. Ledene usne uz vrat, Ponovo pridji mi. Niko ne vidi. Ovde smo bezbedni. Rukom po telu, Opet kliziš mi. Niko ne vidi da smo bezobrazni. Ledene usne uz vrat, Ponovo pridji mi. Niko ne vidi. Ovde smo bezbedni. Rukom po telu, Opet kliziš mi. Niko ne vidi da grešni smo mi. Opet grešni smo mi. Da grešni smo mi.
Pepeling cisangku

Pepeling cisangku

تم الإنشاء بواسطة August Entio مع Suno AI

Indahnya mentari pagi Menyambutmu dengan semangat Secangkir kopi yang tersaji Membuatmu semakin hangat Di sini Lelahmu pergi Berganti Bahagia di hati Cisangku Tempatku berkarya Cisangku Tempatku berjuang Atasi pencemaran Dan pulihkan lingkungan Bersama kita bangun Masa depan gemilang Bersama kita wujudkan Hutan lestari, masyarakat sejahtra Pepeling cisangku Cisangku Wujudkan Masa depan gemilang


تم الإنشاء بواسطة Isadora Andries مع Suno AI

Vitor estamos tão cansados que nem a colcha da cama nós tiramos. Aonde vamos chegar assim? Lacida toda semana. Única emoção é jogo do Fluzãoo. Nossa vida precisa de mais adrenalina, menos trabalho e mais descanso