You simply must meet Nigel. Nigel!
Nigel Farage is coming back!
Nigel Farage is coming back!
Nigel Farage is coming back!
Nigel Farage is coming back!
Nigel Farage is coming back Lord he’s
Been off in the media for so long!
Brexit was our revolution
There is no more status quo
But the sun comes up
And the world still spins
I helped draft the plan that led us out,
Then I said, ‘I gotta go,
I gotta be on television.’
Now the work back home begins…
So what’d I miss?
What’d I miss?
Britain, my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss
I’ve been on air meeting lots of different viewers...
I guess I basically missed the late teens...
I traveled the wide, wide media world and came back to this…
There’s a letter on my desk from the party
Haven’t even put my bags down yet
Sally be a lamb, darlin’, won’tcha open it?
It says the party’s assembling a cabinet
And that I am to be a key strategist, great!
And that I’m already popular with the base...
I just got home and now I’m headed up to the conference
Headin’ to the conference!
Headin’ to the conference
I was the Health Secretary, guiding us through COVID's storm
Never did I expect this tempest would reform my life's norm
There she was, an old friend, hired to advise
Little did I know, her smile would hypnotize
Gina Coladangelo, a vision so fair
Caught in her spell, I fell into her snare
Rules I enforced, social distance decreed
But her intoxicating presence made me take heed
Of deeper desires, long suppressed within
As our friendship crossed lines, we descended into sin
He was a man of power, I admired his command
Never did I foresee I'd cause this great scandal to land
An embrace captured, a damning photo
My world unraveled with one cruelbow
Unveiled for all, my lapse in judgment bare
Forced to resign, my career left in despair
Condemned by the public, rebuked by the press
Our indiscretion left in its wake, such a mess
Your steady wife Martha, now divorcing your life
While I lost my Oliver, torn by this strife
But I loved you Gina, that much is true
Risked everything, ethics and integrity too
To feel your sweet kiss, spend nights in your arms
Intoxicated by you, ignoring all alarms
Ah-yuh-yo, yo-yo-yo, yo!
What time is it?
Like I said
Showtime! Showtime! Yo!
I’m Dominic Raab in the place to be
Two pints o’ lager, but I’m workin’ on three
Those skeptics don’t want it with me
'Cause I will pop chick-a pop these doubts 'til I’m free!
Oui oui, mon ami, je m’appelle Liz Truss
The Joan of Arc of the conservative fuss
I came from afar just to say, "Good night"
Tell the opposition, "Take flight!" Who’s the best? It's me!
Brrah, brrah! I am Michael Gove
Up in it, lovin’ it, yes
I heard the opposition said, "Come again?" (Ayy)
Lock up ya secrets and plans
Of course, it’s hard to advance without a few stances (wow)
No more silence, pour me another brew, mate
Let's raise a couple more to the innovation
Well, if it ain’t the prodigy of Westminster’s halls
Boris Johnson, give us a verse, drop some knowledge
Good luck with that, you’re takin’ a stand
You spit, I’ma sit, we’ll see where we land (boo)
Johnson, the change is imminent, what do you stall for?
If you stand for nothing, Boris, what'll you fall for?
Ooh, who you? Who you? Who are you?
Ooh, who is this kid? What's he gonna do?
Pardon me, are you Boris Johnson, sir?
That depends, who's asking?
Oh, well, sure, sir
I'm Rishi Sunak, I'm at your service, sir
I have been looking for you
I'm getting nervous
Sir, I heard your name at Oxford, I was seeking an accelerated course of study
When I got sort of out of sorts with a buddy of yours
I may have outshone him
It’s a blur, sir
He handles the economic plans?
You outshone the chancellor?
Yes! I wanted to do what you did, rise in rank, then shape the nation
He looked at me like I was naive, I’m not naive
So how’d you do it? How’d you climb so fast?
It was my ambition’s drive since my early past
You're a politician? Of course!
I'm a strategist, God, I wish there was a way
Then we could prove that we’re worth more than anyone bargained for
Can I buy you a drink?
That would be nice
While we’re talking, let me offer you some free advice
Talk less
Smile more
Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for
You can't be serious
You wanna get ahead?
Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead
(Verse 1)
Юля, ты знаешь, я здесь одна,
Мне так нужен твой светлый лучик.
Ты все время с другими,
Мне стало грустно без тебя.
Юля, не игнорь, я прошу тебя,
Поговори со мной, хоть немного.
Я же твой ручной поросёночек,
Не бросай меня, дорогая моя.
(Verse 2)
Тебе, наверное, неинтересно,
Как я вижу мир без твоей ласки.
У тебя другие друзья,
А я здесь одна, как в темной комнате.
Юля, не игнорь, я прошу тебя,
Поговори со мной, хоть немного.
Я же твой ручной поросёночек,
Не бросай меня, дорогая моя.
Кстати, Мише казаху передай,
Что я скучаю, и не могу без тебя.
Может быть, он подскажет,
Как мне вернуть твоё внимание.
Юля, не игнорь, я прошу тебя,
Поговори со мной, хоть немного.
Я же твой ручной поросёночек,
Не бросай меня, дорогая моя.
Юля, я верю, что мы сможем,
Вернуть нашу связь к лучшему.
Поговори со мной, моя любимая,
Я жду тебя, мой единственный свет.
E não?
Pessoal acha que ter o ato simbólico de votar em alguém que não mudar nada dentro de um sistema totalmente estruturado pra não ser mudado é sinônimo de um estado com "liberdade"
Soltei e sai correndo
ninguém nem sabe quem tu é
tem um monark solto aqui gente
那收音机播放 的是谁的回忆
是否也有过 一些开心的曾经
在耳机里 再听一次你的声音
静静地听着你 对我的用心
真的没那么容易 想让你再试一试
想就这样一直一起 幼稚
几次动心成为我的回忆 安静
Tierra encantada y bebidas de dioses
de verde esmeralda, cielos azules y corazones de jade,
donde el sol brilla con fuerza y la luna ilumina con sutiles luces.
En selvas frondosas y ríos caudalosos,
misterios aún no revelados,
secretos ancestrales, leyendas que susurran entre hojas de selvas magestuosas,
Gente noble y cálida,
con corazones abiertos y sonrisas radiantes,
que te reciben con brazos abiertos y cantos vibrantes.
genç erkek rüyası tatlısı
genç erkek rüyası tatlısı
genç erkek rüyası tatlısı
genç erkek rüyası tatlısı
genç erkek rüyası tatlısıııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııı
Gavurdağ Salatası
Gavurdağ Salatası
Gavurdağ Salatası
Gavurdağ Salatası
Gavurdağ Salatası
Gavurdağ Salatasııııııııııııı
Selamat sore bapak ibu , just info dari koperasi, silahkan yang mau beli motor bisa lewat koperasi daripada kredit di luaran sana, mendingan kredit dikoperasi saja
From Bronnie to you mothers, I just want to say
that since you're special each and every day,
that every day, is Mother's Day,
( verse 1)
in your embrace, we learn to walk and talk,
Guided by your wisdom, like a steady rock.
From tying shoes to untying life's knots,
every day, is Mother's Day,
If not for you, our mothers, it is clear,
None of us would be present, none would be here
from your womb's embrace, life's journey starts,
From the beginning, you hold our hearts.
To celebrate you in every way.
because every day, is Mother's Day,
Every day is truly Mother's Day,
For all the magic things that you do.
from bronnie hazelwood to you
In my exploratory essay, I dove headfirst,
Into the impact of language, it quenched my thirst.
I laughed at the theories, so outlandish and grand,
How words shape our thoughts in this mysterious land.
Oh, language and thought, a whimsical delight,
The way we communicate is quite a sight.
In my essay I explored, with humor in tow,
The power of words on the mind's great show.
From Sapir-Whorf to Chomsky's universal grammar,
I delved into linguistics without any stammer.
But amidst all the research and academic chatter,
I found myself drawn to what really mattered: laughter.
So here's to you, dear reader, let's raise a toast
To exploring language with humor as our host.
Let's break down barriers with wit and jest,
And see how language shapes minds at its best.
Oh, language and thought, they go hand in hand
A funny take on serious matters can help us understand
So sing along now to this catchy tune
Language impacts thought like sun impacts June
As I wrap up this song about my exploratory essay
On how language affects our thoughts every day
Remember to approach life with a light-hearted glee
And see how humor can set your mind
Ini adalah fu'adverse. Semesta dimana varian mas Fuad berkeliaran dan bertebaran
Masing-masing dari mereka sangatlah menggangu dan mempesona, dan tentunya kita sebagai manusia harus menghormatinya
Mulai dari Fuad empat enam sang kesatria Romawi pembasmi iblis kuno. Lalu ada Fuad sembilan dua, pebasket profesional yang sangat terkenal. Fuad enam puluh si pebisnis vape, sekali hirup asapnya kamu pasti mencium surga. Fuad dia tiga pelari marathon harus kamu tonton, penjual sosis bakar si Fuad delapan belas, hati-hati sama dia nanti sosismu dia libas. Fuad tujuh tiga sang gitaris genjrengan nya bisa merebut hati para gadis. Begitu pula dengan Fuad delapan satu cat lover garis keras, Fuad tiga empat juara lomba cerdas cermat. Fuad tujuh dua ketua klub kicau mania. Fuad tiga delapan ahlinya dunia percaturan. Fuad dua tujuh sang panah asrama, jangan sampai dipanahnya nanti jadi komik jadinya. Fuad empat empat sang ahli piano hebat, lalu Fuad enam satu barista kopi kekinian dan terakhir ada Fuad sembilan lima beliau ini musafir dari timur Tengah. Masih banyak lagi varian Fuad diluar sana yang masih belum terdeteksi dan teridentifikasi keberadaannya. Nanti kita lihat saja
Dans l'amphi de maths, Évane s'ennuie à mourir,
Quand Zine, le prof, lui fait un clin d'œil à ravir.
Entre les probabilités et les intégrales compliquées,
C'est là que leur drôle d'histoire a commencé.
Évane et Zine, un duo improbable,
Dans ce monde de chiffres, leur amour est invraisemblable.
Entre les équations et les regards langoureux,
C'est l'amour qui sème le chaos, c'est pas sérieux.
Dans les formules alambiquées et les matrices en folie,
Évane trouve en Zine une étrange folie.
Zine, avec son charme et son humour en réserve,
Fait chavirer le cœur d'Évane, c'est un vrai casse-tête.
Évane et Zine, un duo improbable,
Dans ce monde de chiffres, leur amour est invraisemblable.
Entre les équations et les regards langoureux,
C'est l'amour qui sème le chaos, c'est pas sérieux.
Entre les parenthèses et les calculs farfelus,
Évane et Zine se perdent dans leur amour tordu.
Dans ce monde de nombres et de théories bancals,
C'est l'amour qui fait dérailler leur équilibre mental.
Dans leur univers de maths, leur amour est un gag,
Évane et Zine, dans leur folie, ils sont à la dérive.
Entre les équations et les rires, c'est leur histoir
[Verse 1]
Di dalam kegelapan, kau tak sendiri.
Walau rintangan datang, kita berdiri.
Dalam setiap langkah, ada harapan.
Menembus awan kelabu, mencari sinar.
Bangkitlah, oh jiwa yang lelah.
Teruslah berjuang, ada cahaya di ujung jalan.
Angkatlah kepalamu, raihlah mimpi.
Kita takkan terkalahkan, bersama kita bisa.
Hidup ini tak selalu mudah.
Namun percayalah, kita bisa melewatinya.
Satu langkah demi satu langkah.
Kita akan mencapai puncak kejayaan.
Bangkitlah, oh jiwa yang lelah.
Teruslah berjuang, ada cahaya di ujung jalan.
Angkatlah kepalamu, raihlah mimpi.
Kita takkan terkalahkan, bersama kita bisa.
Bersama kita bisa, bersama kita bisa.
Takkan terkalahkan, bersama kita bisa.
南郭子綦隐机而坐,仰天而嘘,荅焉似丧其耦。颜成子游立侍乎前,曰:“何居乎?形固可使如槁木,而心固可使如死灰乎?今之隐机者,非昔之隐机者也?”子綦曰:“偃,不亦善乎,而问之也!今者吾丧我,汝知之乎?女闻人籁而未闻地籁,女闻地籁而不闻天籁夫!” 子游曰:“敢问其方。”子綦曰:“夫大块噫气,其名为风。是唯无作,作则万窍怒呺。而独不闻之翏翏乎?山林之畏佳,大木百围之窍穴,似鼻,似口,似耳,似枅,似圈,似臼,似洼者,似污者。激者、謞者、叱者、吸者、叫者、譹者、宎者,咬者,前者唱于而随者唱喁,泠风则小和,飘风则大和,厉风济则众窍为虚。而独不见之调调之刁刁乎?” 子游曰:“地籁则众窍是已,人籁则比竹是已,敢问天籁。”子綦曰:“夫吹万不同,而使其自己也。咸其自取,怒者其谁邪?
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Recruiting Last Dealer 랏딜러 구합니다
오천에 백팔십 Fifty hundred one eighty
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오천에 백팔십 Fifty hundred one eighty
В сердце моем тишина,
Словно песня на исходе.
За окном стонет весна,
За окном несется гроза.
Ты пришел, как стрела мне,
В сердце моем - новый день.
Словно вихрь, ветер свистит,
А любовь моя не тает.
Ты - мелодия моя,
Ты - мой свет во мраке ночи.
В душе моей луна жива,
Не уйдет она без прочи.
Рэперы грозятся бифами и диссами
Рифмами и skills'ами, клипами, релизами
Облизывая марки, как филателисты
Вы нарки, я вас разнесу, а вы лишь СПИД и сифилис
Я стакан, ты стопка, мы не одна тусовка
Твой рэп — подтасовка, мой рэп — потасовка
Твоя crew не матерится, не пьёт и не курит
Но выглядит, как Вицин, Моргунов и Никулин
Я пуленепробиваемый, в буре не потопляемый
Дурень, тебя пинали мы! Хули вы залупались, блин?
Даже Coolio не так ультрапримитивен
Мы вам руки превентивно к диджей-пультам привинтили
У меня есть эта страсть к декадентским
Излишествам, дайте-ка мне Настю Каменских!
Или шубу из вымирающих видов
И кукол вуду рэперов, заражающих СПИДом
Ты читаешь про богов, про саги и легенды
Перестань выпендриваться, сын, ты сосал на weekend'ах
И остался никем, твой лейбл не матёрый, cut this shit
Я зависаю с мародёрами на кладбищах
Пешком по Лондону с мешком полония
Русский рэп без эмиграции — ничто, колония
Ты считал, что «Код да Винчи» был котом этого гения Италии
Твой IQ как твои гениталии (Сын!)
Ты — мой читатель, каждой ночью дрочишь в чате
Не иначе твоя дочь от непорочного зачатия
Oxxxymiron в рэпе как красная нить
Как сказал убийца: «Разрешите вас перебить»
zonas de confort en las que nado,
deje de escribir lo que estaba pensando,
cerrar una etapa es complicado,
blanquear con ustedes los tantos,
no voy a escucharte si me hablas de tu potencial,
mostrame la mierda que nadie quiere comentar,
encontrar la paz no es abrir el google maps,
saber morir es natural pero no comercial,
sin nadie que cuente tu muerte,
sin nadie que ponga patentes,
sin nadie que ponga la frente,
morir a veces te conviente,
con que bienes te vendes,
con quien conviene te ven 10,
sin la suerte es un no se,
un lugar al que pasar despues,
perros te muerden si no te conocen,
con que familia llegas despues de las 12,
la plata es una fuente de goces,
de coches, de noche, derroches, dolores,
fotos y flashes, las clases y otros,
potros y parques,
tronos y pases, frases y locos,
con quien amas cuando no hay mas que olores,
sin roze ni manos para sostener,
quien abraza cuando afuera llueve,
cuando te descoces y no entendes,
la fuente del rencor y otro,
altercados complicados de explicarte,
somos malos si tocamos arte,
si creamos lo deseado arte,
si lloramos lo bailado arte,
si abrazamos lo sangrado arte,
si rompemos con las manos arte,
somos malos si rompemos arte,