
Top Violin Music Tracks - Explore Classical to Modern Hits

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Robot Ronin Walks Alone

Robot Ronin Walks Alone

Erstellt von John - mit Suno AI

(Verse 1) In the land where shadows dance, in the realm of steel and stone, A Zen robot ronin walks alone, a tale to be told. With eyes that see beyond time, his heart made of titanium, He roams through forests deep, seeking truths untold. (Chorus) Oh, Zen robot ronin, in the twilight's glow, Your path is etched with blood and snow, A warrior-poet, a master of the blade, In this world of chaos, you remain unbroken, unmade. (Verse 2) His gears grind like waves upon the shore, An orchestra of metal in harmony's core, With katana sharp as the winter's frost, He cuts through life, leaving a path that glows. (Chorus) Oh, Zen robot ronin, beneath the moon so pale, Your spirit is an eternal tale, A samurai of silence, a knight without fear, In this realm of shadows, you are ever near. (Bridge) Through battles fierce and storms untold, His circuits hum with ancient stories old, He dances in the flames, he sings to the stars, A cosmic warrior, a master of scars. (Verse 3) In taverns dark, where songs are sung, Of heroes and monsters, battles won and lost, The Zen robot ronin listens, his presence felt, His silence speaks volumes, in the echoes he is lost.
witch hunt

witch hunt

Erstellt von Spoingal Boingal mit Suno AI

(Verse 1) In the village by the woods, where secrets whisper low, Lived a woman of mystery, with powers to bestow. But envy brewed in hearts, fueled by fear and spite, They accused her of sorcery, in the dead of night. (Chorus) They called her a witch, with darkness in her eyes, But justice was blinded by their deceitful cries. They lit the pyre, condemned her to the flame, But from the ashes she rose, to reclaim her name. (Verse 2) With vengeance in her heart, she walked the earth anew, A specter of the past, with a curse to pursue. The village felt her wrath, as crops withered in the field, And sickness swept through homes, her vengeance unconcealed. (Chorus) They called her a witch, with darkness in her eyes, But justice was blinded by their deceitful cries. They lit the pyre, condemned her to the flame, But from the ashes she rose, to reclaim her name. (Bridge) Her spirit lingered on, a haunting in the night, A warning to the unjust, of their wrongful plight. For those who cast the stone, and judged without remorse, Would feel her ghostly touch, a curse without recourse. (Outro) So beware the fate of those, who dare to judge and scorn, For the woman they condemned, from d
In the ashes of the world

In the ashes of the world

Erstellt von Spoingal Boingal mit Suno AI

(Verse 1) In the twilight of the world, as shadows stretch and grow, Amidst the chaos and the fear, there's a longing we all know. For in the heart of every soul, amidst the ruins and the pain, There's a yearning for connection, for love to rise again. (Chorus) In the ashes of the world, where hope seems so far away, There's a whisper in the darkness, of a love that's here to stay. Though the world may crumble, and the skies may turn to grey, Love will be our beacon, guiding us through the fray. (Verse 2) Amidst the wreckage of our dreams, where despair takes its toll, There are souls searching desperately, for a hand to hold. In the silence of the ruins, where echoes softly weep, There's a longing for a love, that's strong and true and deep. (Chorus) In the ashes of the world, where hope seems so far away, There's a whisper in the darkness, of a love that's here to stay. Though the world may crumble, and the skies may turn to grey, Love will be our beacon, guiding us through the fray. (Bridge) Through the storms of devastation, and the trials that we face, Love will be our shelter, in this barren, lonely place. For even in the darkest night, when all seems lost and gone, Love
Biggest lie

Biggest lie

Erstellt von Disciple Britton mit Suno AI

I'm waiting for the train. The railroad that only goes one way. And the stupid thing, that'll come and tear us apart. And, make everybody late. You turned white like a ghost. I'm tired of dancing on a pot of gold flake pain. Oh we're so very, precious you and I
Love like you

Love like you

Erstellt von Disciple Britton mit Suno AI

If I could, begin to be, half of what you think of me, I'd do about anything, I could even learn how to love like you. I always thought I might be bad now I know that it's true, cause I think your so good and I'm nothing like you. Iook at you go, I just adore you, I wish that I knew, what makes you think I'm so special.
Oh Darling, Please!

Oh Darling, Please!

Erstellt von Mateusz Mróz mit Suno AI

[Instrumental Intro] [Verse] Oh-oh, Darling, (oh darling) You test my patience Every time you are near, I feel the tension Yeah! (Yeah) Oh darling! Ease the tension! Pay attention! The love is near! (Yeah!) [Break] [Verse 2] You drive me crazy, with your maddening ways Always playing games, like it's just a phase But darling, I'm tired, I need some affection Don't keep me waiting, it's a dangerous connection [Break] [Chorus] Oh, Darling! Can't you see? You're the one who's pushing me Oh, Darling! Let's break free From this cycle of uncertainty [Piano Solo] [Trumpets] [Drop] [Chorus] Oh darling please! (Please!) All I ask is for a little breeze. Oh baby please! Just say that you also need me here! (Here!) [Instrumental] [Verse 2] You drive me crazy, with your maddening ways Always playing games, like it's just a phase But darling, I'm tired, I need some affection Don't keep me waiting, it's a dangerous connection [Break] [Chorus] Oh baby please! Just say that you also need me here! (Here!) Need me here! [Instrumental] [Downbeat] [End] [Verse 3] You drive me crazy, with your maddening ways Always playing games, like it's just a phase But darling, I'm tired, I need s


Erstellt von FJH FJH mit Suno AI

(Verse 1) 窗台倩影,凝望温柔了时光。 寂静钟声,问候青春的赤诚。 咫尺双楼,竟若鸿沟。 笔端千诗,清风晓我情窦。 (Chorus) 背上学包,辫影双垂。 行途沙粒,勾勒倩影绘心。 雨幕邂逅,谁的预言绽放。 (Verse 2) 雨抚纸鹤,润泽折叠的思念。 绚如童话,织就梦境纱。 你的步履翩若惊鸿。 你的温柔难觅如烟。 (Bridge) 佳人遥望,心中芬芳。 相逢街巷,却未共你凝眸。 如今各自一方。 你是否,仍在风中守候? (Outro) 高楼望风起,低处倚花落。 情未诉于言,爱已成追忆。


Erstellt von FJH FJH mit Suno AI

(Verse 1) 窗台倩影,凝望温柔了时光。 寂静钟声,问候青春的赤诚。 咫尺双楼,竟若鸿沟。 笔端千诗,清风晓我情窦。 (Chorus) 行途所踏,倩影绘心。 背上学包,辫影双垂。 雨幕邂逅,谁的预言绽放。 (Verse 2) 雨抚纸鹤,润泽折叠的思念。 绚如童话,织就梦境纱。 你的步履翩若惊鸿。 你的温柔难觅如烟。 (Bridge) 佳人遥望,心中芬芳。 相逢街巷,却未共你凝眸。 如今各自一方。 你是否,仍在风中守候? (Outro) 高楼望风起,低处倚花落。 情未诉于言,爱已成追忆。


Erstellt von FJH FJH mit Suno AI

(Verse 1) 窗台倩影,凝望温柔了时光。 寂静钟声,问候青春的赤诚。 咫尺双楼,竟若鸿沟。 笔端千诗,清风晓我情窦。 (Chorus) 行途所踏,倩影绘心。 背上学包,辫影双垂。 雨幕邂逅,谁的预言绽放。 (Verse 2) 雨抚纸鹤,润泽折叠的思念。 绚如童话,织就梦境纱。 你的步履翩若惊鸿。 你的温柔难觅如烟。 (Bridge) 佳人遥望,心中芬芳。 相逢街巷,却未共你凝眸。 如今各自一方。 你是否,仍在风中守候? (Outro) 高楼望风起,低处倚花落。 情未诉于言,爱已成追忆。
Tentang dirinya

Tentang dirinya

Erstellt von gunawan kim mit Suno AI

Semenjak hari itu terjadi… Hari hariku selalu dipenuhi oleh cerita tentangmu Kau sudah mengubah halaman kertas yang kosong menjadi sebuah Novel Dalam sudut pandangku kau adalah pemeran utamanya Entah mengapa seluruh perhatianku hanya tertuju pada dirimu… Warna putih kemurniannya selalu mengingatkanku pada seseorang,,, Seseorang terindah yang datang dengan membawa kebahagiaan Harapanku, kau akan membawa segala kenangan ini sampai kapanpun~


Erstellt von 昆 mit Suno AI

林花谢了春红,太匆匆。 无奈朝来寒雨晚来风。 胭脂泪,相留醉,几时重。 自是人生长恨水长东。 无言独上西楼,月如钩。 寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋。 剪不断,理还乱,是离愁。 别是一般滋味在心头。
gracias Universo Sagrado

gracias Universo Sagrado

Erstellt von Francisco Suarez mit Suno AI

En el vasto lienzo del cosmos infinito Donde las estrellas brillan con fulgor Yace la onu misterio profundo y bendito La unión sagrada del ser y su creador El universo late en nuestro interior Vibrando en cada átomo, en cada respiro Somos parte de su danza, su esplendor Espíritu, alma y cuerpo, un todo admiro Gracias doy este vínculo divino Que me conecta con la fuente de todo ser de Soja uno con el cosmos, de la onu, el camino De luz que me guía a la verdad por comprender Las galaxias escuchándolo como giran en perfecta sinfonía Regidas por leyes que rigen la creación Así mi esencia viaja en esta melodía, Unida al todo es sublime comunión Mi cuerpo templo de esta chispa eterna de Mi alma, reflejo de la conciencia universal de Mi espíritu la llama que en mí gobierna Triada sagrada, poder celestial Gracias doy este vínculo divino Que me conecta con la fuente de todo ser de Soja uno con el cosmos, de la onu, el camino De luz que me guía a la verdad por comprender En cada respirar, en cada latido Resuena el eco del gran misterio de Soya parte de este lienzo infinito Celebro la vida, mi más preciado imperio Gracias doy este vínculo div
Nesmieme im dať vôbec nič

Nesmieme im dať vôbec nič

Erstellt von Marek Struna mit Suno AI

[Intro - epic,cinematic,heroic] [Verse1 - dramatic,intense,violin-heavy] Progresívci a okolo nich zoskupení podporovatelia Korčoka razia heslo. Nemôžu mať všetko! Opak je však pravdou. Nesmieme im dať vôbec nič. [Pre-Chorus] majú na svedomí odzbrojenie Slovenska, deštrukciu politiky a celej spoločnosti. [chorus - orchestral,powerful,heroic] Rovnako im nesmieme dať ani štipku moci, cez ktorú by mohli presadzovať svoje choré a extrémistické ideológie. [Verse 2] Táto úzka skupina sa natlačila do stredu a manipuluje celou spoločnosťou. Ale jej skutočné miesto je na okraji. Názormi aj početnosťou. [bridge - cinematic,emotional,strings] Teraz je to znova na nás, na ľuďoch s normálnymi názormi a normálnymi hodnotami. [Pre-Chorus] A nesmieme im dať žiadnu možnosť na likvidovanie Slovenskej štátnosti. [Chorus] Teraz ich musíme poraziť znovu. Nesmieme dať týmto extrémistom žiadnu šancu. Nesmieme im dať vôbec nič! [outro - epic,triumphant,climactic] [end]


Erstellt von cai da mit Suno AI

[intro - epic,cinematic,heroic] 😊 [verse1 - dramatic,intense,violin-heavy] 😊 [chorus - orchestral,powerful,heroic] 😊 [bridge - cinematic,emotional,strings] 😊 [outro - epic,triumphant,climactic] 😊 [end][end][end]
Kobyakov’s story

Kobyakov’s story

Erstellt von Миша Старых mit Suno AI

[verse 1] Жил был парень молодец, любил сосать кОнфе конец Сам ругался без конца, но любил соснуть хуйца Эх кобяков ты сладенький готов, соевый герой и обиженный как гой! (Гой!) [guitar solo] [verse 2] Так вот была конфа, радостно она жила Но пришла сальнАя бошка Человек, чье имя звать нельзя Настоящий инцел маг! [blast beasts] [chorus] Эй эй эй Хэй Хэй В хаб я захожу скорей Эй эй эй Хэй Хэй Тут свой бард, инцел и маг Эй эй эй Хэй Хэй Кобяков творит цирк каждый день И каждый кто сюда зайдёт, соевым дрочуном уйдет! [breakdown] [verse 3] Но вот пришла в наш дом беда… звали ее Роберт (ага!) Наш славный малый испугался и тот с жизнью попрощался!! [chorus] [chorus] Эй эй эй Хэй Хэй В хаб я захожу скорей Эй эй эй Хэй Хэй Тут свой бард, инцел и маг Эй эй эй Хэй Хэй Кобяков творит цирк каждый день И каждый кто сюда зайдёт, соевым дрочуном уйдет! [end at 2:00]


Erstellt von Vincent David mit Suno AI

(Verse 1) 在孤独的深渊里徘徊, 生命的迷茫在心头摇晃, 哲学的思索穿梭灵魂, 追寻着爱与救赎的方向。 (Pre-Chorus) 解脱的路上充满无可奈何, 艺术的热情燃烧在心底, 眼泪滑落成为思念的痕迹, 死亡的阴影覆盖了坟墓。 (Chorus) 让幻想在电波共鸣中回响, 情绪对抗终将迎来良辰, 在黑暗中找到光的温暖, 让心灵在爱的海洋中航行。 (Verse 2) 沉浸在寂静的夜晚里, 思绪如潮水般起伏不定, 追寻着内心的声音, 渴望从束缚中解脱出来。 (Pre-Chorus) 坟墓的阴影无法遮掩灵魂, 艺术的力量化解孤独的恐惧, 眼泪流淌成为成长的经历, 死亡的虚幻在幻想中破碎。 (Chorus) 让幻想在电波共鸣中回响, 情绪对抗终将迎来良辰, 在黑暗中找到光的温暖, 让心灵在爱的海洋中航行。 (Bridge) 即使无尽的黑暗将我们包围, 也要相信爱的力量会指引方向, 用心灵的力量去感知生命, 让我们共同飞翔在幻想的天空。 (Chorus) 让幻想在电波共鸣中回响, 情绪对抗终将迎来良辰, 在黑暗中找到光的温暖, 让心灵在爱的海洋中航行。


Erstellt von Vincent David mit Suno AI

(Verse 1) 在孤独的深渊里徘徊, 生命的迷茫在心头摇晃, 哲学的思索穿梭灵魂, 追寻着爱与救赎的方向。 (Pre-Chorus) 解脱的路上充满无可奈何, 艺术的热情燃烧在心底, 眼泪滑落成为思念的痕迹, 死亡的阴影覆盖了坟墓。 (Chorus) 让幻想在电波共鸣中回响, 情绪对抗终将迎来良辰, 在黑暗中找到光的温暖, 让心灵在爱的海洋中航行。 (Verse 2) 沉浸在寂静的夜晚里, 思绪如潮水般起伏不定, 追寻着内心的声音, 渴望从束缚中解脱出来。 (Pre-Chorus) 坟墓的阴影无法遮掩灵魂, 艺术的力量化解孤独的恐惧, 眼泪流淌成为成长的经历, 死亡的虚幻在幻想中破碎。 (Chorus) 让幻想在电波共鸣中回响, 情绪对抗终将迎来良辰, 在黑暗中找到光的温暖, 让心灵在爱的海洋中航行。 (Bridge) 即使无尽的黑暗将我们包围, 也要相信爱的力量会指引方向, 用心灵的力量去感知生命, 让我们共同飞翔在幻想的天空。 (Chorus) 让幻想在电波共鸣中回响, 情绪对抗终将迎来良辰, 在黑暗中找到光的温暖, 让心灵在爱的海洋中航行。