Happy birthday to my little cutie
You're like a ducky
So sweet and bright
You're my Boka
My shining star
My love is never far
[Verse 2]
You make my heart sing
Irreplaceable Boka
My everything
You're my penguin
Always by my side
Let's take this wild ride
Happy birthday
My Mera Popat
You're my Panda
I love you a lot
Happy birthday
My Somuu Momuuu
You're the one who makes my dreams come true
(Verse 1)
In realms unseen, where shadows dance,
Awaits a tale of valor's trance.
Heroes rise, a noble band,
To save the world, a sacred stand.
Oh, Saviors, shining bright,
Guardians of hope, dispelling night.
With hearts of fire, they bravely fight,
To bring back dawn and vanquish blight.
(Verse 2)
Through treacherous paths, they forge ahead,
Their spirits strong, their courage spread.
Against the darkness, they shall prevail,
With every step, their legend they unveil.
Oh, Saviors, shining bright,
Guardians of hope, dispelling night.
With hearts of fire, they bravely fight,
To bring back dawn and vanquish blight.
Oh, Saviors, shining bright,
Guardians of hope, dispelling night.
With hearts of fire, they'll win the fight,
And bring forth a world renewed and right.
(Verse 1)
In a realm where shadows dance and play,
There was a sun that shone so bright,
A celestial flame, guiding the way,
Dispelling darkness with its golden light.
Oh, the lost sun, where have you gone?
We miss your radiance, we yearn for your glow,
Your warmth and brilliance, forever withdrawn,
Leaving us in shadows, filled with woe.
(Verse 2)
Through fields of despair and valleys of dread,
We wander aimlessly, lost and afraid,
Searching for hope amidst the sorrow we tread,
But the sun remains hidden, casting no aid.
Oh, the lost sun, where have you gone?
We miss your radiance, we yearn for your glow,
Your warmth and brilliance, forever withdrawn,
Leaving us in shadows, filled with woe.
Like a moth drawn to a flame's allure,
We reach out to the heavens, seeking your grace,
But our pleas are met with silence, forever pure,
As darkness envelopes this desolate space.
(Verse 3)
Yet, even in despair, a flicker of light,
A memory of the sun's golden embrace,
Ignites a flame within us, burning bright,
A testament to hope, in this shadowed place.
Oh, the lost sun, though you may be gone,
Your spirit lives on, within our hearts' core
On the field
We come alive
Where the grass is green and dreams survive
Every kick
Every goal
We're in the zone
Football is life
It's in our bones (yeah)
Addicted to the thrill
We never rest
Chasing glory
We give our best
From the moment the whistle blows
We're unstoppable
The passion flows (oh-oh)
Referee may blow the whistle (blow the whistle)
But we keep on running
We never fizzle (never fizzle)
Living for the game
We never stall
We kick the balls and we give it our all (give it all)
Te vagy a viharos tengerbe a nyugalmat hozó napsütés te vagy a sötét rideg szóban a meleg a fény ölelj át karodal mint anya gyermekét félts úgy mint szegény legbecsesebb kincsét add nekem a szíved minden vágyat ömét hagy érezem én is lángját megfagy a kezem mikor hozzád ér jégbönbe zártad a szived nagya harag ami bennem él segís ne az indulat vezerelje minden tettem mert maga a szenvedés
(Verse 1)
In emerald embrace, where life finds its home,
The Earth breathes deep, a symphony of its own.
From mountains grand to oceans vast,
Her song unfolds, a timeless cast.
Oh, the Earth's breath, a symphony profound,
Guiding us through time, on sacred ground.
Her gentle whisper, a balm to the soul,
As her story unfolds, a tale yet to be told.
(Verse 2)
Through ancient forests, where secrets reside,
Her breath weaves magic, where dreams collide.
The rustle of leaves, a lullaby of grace,
Guiding us through paths, a timeless embrace.
(Verse 3)
In fields of gold, where the sunbeams dance,
Her breath brings life, a vibrant trance.
Grains sway gently, whispering tales untold,
Nurturing our spirits, a story yet to unfold.
Oh, the Earth's breath, a symphony profound,
Guiding us through time, on sacred ground.
Her gentle whisper, a balm to the soul,
As her story unfolds, a tale yet to be told.
From raging rivers to tranquil streams,
Her breath flows onward, fulfilling our dreams.
In every drop, a reflection we see,
Of our connection, an eternal decree.
Oh, the Earth's breath, a symphony profound,
Guiding us through time, on sacred ground.
make a song with name noam jamal
Вернуть нельзя Опять слеза по щеке
Летит мечта короткий след от комет
Великий ход столетний лед от потерь
Рассвет и тьма все будет там или нет
Лети вперед, и отрази
Все то что знаешь и гляди
Внутри себя и все вокруг
не знаешь ты
Границы нет, и нет преград
Наступит может Вертоград
О чем слова, не знаю я не знаешь ты...
It is I Nefertari
my happiness was molded
out of slave ropes
in my hair I wore
a golden band
I knew nothing about the people
on whose shoulders
shackles were tightening
Now my throat
is smothered by a ring of pain
vein cords swell
on my temples
I hide suffering under the eyelids
in my strained veins
flows fear
Vengeance wears masks
of human faces
Sveiki čia radistai stumiam mes dūra čia yra kovūškė mes radistai esame nuostabūs su antenom ir radijais ieškome signalu visur keliaujame nes mes esame nuostabūs sik sik sik
Love me if you can
– she asked perversely
as in the midst of a meadow
they struck the deal most humbly –
and give me from yourself only
that penitential bit
which together with me
will wander to the other world
and I in exchange
will work out for you
the unfinished eternity
Love me if you can
– she asked perversely (she asked)
– so deceitfully she begged
for a little love (for a little love)
I’ll give you a half
save the rest for myself
and half-eternal
in joint eternity
together we will have
the whole of our eternity
– so deceitfully she begged
for a little love
Suheri, aki lollal játszik,
De a játékban nemigen találhat rá jó fogást.
Mindig fídel, csak fídel,
De barátja, Tintás, mindig mellette áll ki.
Bár a játékban küszködik, mégis boldogan játszik.
Óóó a kis suheri, a kis haszontalan suheri
barátja dani kivel sokat veszekszik
óóó a kis suherii de a kis suherii a júzlesz suheri
tintás mindig bífeli a suheriiiiiit
Suheri a pályán mindig kicsit hibázik,
De kitartása és lelkesedése mégis hű marad.
Tintás barátja minden nehézségben mellette áll,
Suheri barátjával danival sokat veszekszik.
Tintás lupi és a vén veterán Dávid
Óóó a kis suheri, a kis haszontalan suheri
barátja dani kivel sokat veszekszik
óóó a kis suherii de a kis suherii a júzlesz suheri
tintás mindig bífeli a suheriiiiiit
जंगल में एक बंदर खेलता है,
आसमान में उड़ जाता है।
मीठे बनाने खा के हंसता,
खुशी से सबको बहुत भाता।
ऊँची ऊँची डोरियों से जंगल बजाओ,
बंदर की मस्ती सबको भाओ।
खेलो, नाचो, मस्ती में खो,
बंदर तुम मेरे दोस्त हो।
पेड़ों के बीच में छुप जाओ,
सूरज के किरणों में खिल जाओ।
मीठे बनाने खा के हंसता,
खुशी से सबको बहुत भाता।
ऊँची ऊँची डोरियों से जंगल बजाओ,
बंदर की मस्ती सबको भाओ।
खेलो, नाचो, मस्ती में खो,
बंदर तुम मेरे दोस्त हो।
स्विंग में ऊंचा उड़ जाओ,
नीले आकाश में खो जाओ।
दोस्ती से ये जंगल खेले,
बंदरों की ये मिठास भरे खिलौने!
ऊँची ऊँची डोरियों से जंगल बजाओ,
बंदर की मस्ती सबको भाओ।
खेलो, नाचो, मस्ती में खो,
बंदर तुम मेरे दोस्त हो।
चलो बंदरों, खेलें हम साथ,
जंगल में ये खुशियों की बारात।
हर झप्पी, हर गले की गोद,
बंदरों के साथ है हमारा रिश्ता बहुत ही प्यारा!
kupiłam w kiosku
prostokątny kawałek szczęścia
ujęty w dolinie rzeki
pasował mi jak ulał
przyłapany na pienistych obłokach
zabłękitniał z tęsknoty
po horyzont
aż się zmierzwiła woda
by zatrzeć po nich ślady
gdzieś krowa wyrosła na łące
a drzewa rozchyliły się kusząco
wabiąc w gęstwinę nieuwagi
Que el cosmos sea testigo de nuestro amor.
Que los quasares se empalidezcan por tal pasión.
Que las galaxias y sus estrellas hagan homenaje a tu brillar,
de como todo comenzó con un beso semejante a un gran Big Bang.
Que el universo mismo sea echo de nuestra canción,
una que aunque muda para los planetas, solo podamos escuchar los dos.
Para que al fin después de billones de años de existencia y creación.
Nos unamos tal como la materia cuando colapse en una gran implosión.
(Intro electric guitar solo)
the first to open a new era.
interpreting with purest endeavor.
humagear is life.
the sound of destruction echoes.
separation of good and evil.
i am the rule.
the ending's up to us to find.
who can understand my pain.
the story never truly ends.
the savior of the stars.
everyone has their own demon in their heart.
saying goodbye to the past life.
only once in a lifetime.
believe with no reason.
the cradle of future's season.
ultimate cycle.
millennium demands.
the answer is in your heart.
This is Linghe Kamen Rider
Heroes are in the heart,forever
Heroes are in the heart,forever
(Intro electric guitar solo)
(big finish)
(fade out)
(fade out and end)
Screw this competition, we've been here for hours
None of us can string this, we don't have the power
Screw this damn challenge, no more delays
Can't you guys see we're being played?
This is how they
Hold us down while the throne gets colder
Hold us down while we slowly age
Hold us down while the boy gets bolder
Where the hell is our pride and our rage?
Here and now, there's a chance for action
Here and now, we can take control
Here and now, burn it down to ashes
Channel the fire inside your soul
Hold us down
While the throne gets colder
Hold us down
While we slowly age
Hold us down
While the boy gets bolder
Where the hell is our pride and our rage?
Here and now
There's a chance for action
Here and now
We can take control
Here and now
Burn it down to ashes
Channel the fire inside your soul
(Verse 1)
Di malam yang gelap, aku menatap bintang
Rinduku menguar, untuk Kakak Diah dan Kakak Icha
Mereka yang selalu ada, saat langit tak lagi bersahabat
Namun sikap mereka, kini tak lagi sama
Hatiku terluka, oleh kehampaan dan kecewa
Rindu yang terpendam, tak pernah mereka dengar
Kakak Diah, Kakak Icha, di mana kalian?
Hati ini sakit, karna merindukanmu
Tapi sikap kalian, kini berbeda
Tak lagi kurasakan, cinta dan kehangatanmu
(Verse 2)
Bintang-bintang menyaksikan, derita yang kurasakan
Rindu dan kekecewaan, memenuhi relung hati
Aku mencari jawaban, dalam kegelapan yang mendalam
Namun Kakak Diah dan Kakak Icha, tak pernah memberi jawaban
Hatiku terluka, oleh kehampaan dan kecewa
Rindu yang terpendam, tak pernah mereka dengar
Kakak Diah, Kakak Icha, di mana kalian?
Hati ini sakit, karna merindukanmu
Tapi sikap kalian, kini berbeda
Tak lagi kurasakan, cinta dan kehangatanmu
Mungkin ini ujian, yang harus kuhadapi
Rindu dan kekecewaan, menguji kekuatan hati
Kakak Diah, Kakak Icha, di mana kalian?
Hati ini sakit, karna merindukanmu
Tapi sikap kalian, kini berbeda
Tak lagi kurasakan, cinta dan kehangatanmu
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Lying awake in the silence of the night
Thoughts running wild
But I'll try to hold on tight
In this world
It's so easy to lose sight
But I'll keep reaching for the stars
With all my might
With every beat
I can feel it in my veins
A fire burning
Driving out my doubts and pains
I'll rise above
I won't let anything restrain
I'll chase my dreams
And I know I will attain
When the world feels heavy and you're feeling small
Just close your eyes and let your dreams take control
Don't be afraid to stumble and to fall
Believe in yourself
And you'll conquer it all
Verse 1:
Verse 2: