Barani sa pasujú ako zvyčajne na tejto lúke pod hradným kopcom. Ich majiteľ si zrazu všimol, že sa okolo nich motá podozrivý chlap. Keď sa prišiel pozrieť, čo sa deje, zbadal niečo, na čo tak skoro zrejme nezabudne. Tu som vybehol nenormálne, Láta s rukou vypadla. Kukám hovorím, že toto môže on nohavice rozopnuté. A. Pán Marián bol z toho, čo videl v šoku. Sám nevedel, čo robiť. Muža, ktorý sa vraj uspokojoval na jeho baranovi, napokon odohnal. Som ho Chytil po zadku som mu dal, jak mi mydlil barana. Polícia prípad vyšetruje ako priestupok proti verejnému poriadku. Prišli ta ta , čo stalo, že vám Škoda, ne nestala, ale jebal mi barana. Toto bezbranné zviera podľa slov jeho majiteľa sexuálne zneužil muž, ktorého poznal zo susedstva. Stretli sme ho neďaleko miesta, kde sa to všetko malo odohrať. Čo ste s ním robili? O nič konkrétne. Pretože vraj videl niečo konkrétne. Videť mohol, ty si mydlil môjho barana je to tak alebo nie. No tak dělaj priznaj se. Je to pravda. Čo vtedy? On to tak tvrdí no tak. A čo tvrdíte vy? Som vysunul. Podozrivého muža policajti vypočuli a ten sa po skutku priznal. Je to normálne?.
I don't need you to heal my wounds.I can do it for myself. I don't need you to apologise or be somebody else.Its the damage you've done.Its the pain that you cause.
We appreciate you coming
on our dear father Ashok Grover’s demise
We appreciate your friendship
And the time you spent with him
He live a long life of 94 years
And brightened the room around him
He was a medical doctor
And he cured many eyes
But most of all he loved his friends and family
And liked have a good time
We appreciate your celebrating life with him
It means a lot to our family that you were able to attend
We are honored by your presence
And hope that his memories will endure in your life
We appreciate your coming on our dear father Ashok Grover’s demise
We hope this is a celebration of his wonderful life
Uma, Varun and Neelima appreciate your coming
We appreciate your coming
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that were always there for me
The hands of my dear daddy Ashok Grover
He lived through the partition and found his path
The path that held his loved ones
And showed us the way
The hands that healed and guided so many
These were my daddys hands
I miss my daddys hands
A father to me and a grandfather and a guide to many
These were the hands that were there to bless me to reach my goals
The hands that were hard on me when I did wrong
The hands that consoled me when I was sad
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that always pointed me in the right direction
The hands that were strong for me when I was weak
The hands that said “go to America and make your life”
The hands that gave me the freedom to do what I wanted
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that brought me as a child from England
The hands that healed me when I was sick
There was so much love in Daddy’s hands
You showed me how it feels to feel the sky within my reach.
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me.
Your love made me make it through tough times
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that were always there for me
The hands of my dear daddy Ashok Grover
He lived through the partition and found his path
The path that held his loved ones
And showed us the way
The hands that healed and guided so many
These were my daddys hands
I miss my daddys hands
A father to me and a grandfather and a guide to many
These were the hands that were there to bless me to reach my goals
The hands that were hard on me when I did wrong
The hands that consoled me when I was sad
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that always pointed me in the right direction
The hands that were strong for me when I was weak
The hands that said “go to America and make your life”
The hands that gave me the freedom to do what I wanted
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that brought me as a child from England
The hands that healed me when I was sick
There was so much love in Daddy’s hands
You showed me how it feels to feel the sky within my reach.
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me.
Your love made me make it through tough times
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
tengo un grupo de amigas que me las quiero un montón
America, sí, un poco loca, vibra con la vida
Maribel, sindicalista, pero todo corazon
Lourdes, con mil historias y vivencias que apetece escuchar una y otra vez
Pilar, no hay canción suficiente para explicar lo que siento por ella
Como no os voy a abrazar, una y mil veces
sois vitamina para el alma
la vida es maravillosa si estoy cerca vuestro
Even if I can’t see, and I can’t feel your touch, I will trust in you Lord.
Though my life may seem lonely and I feel so all alone. Yet, I’ll surrender to You. So many painful struggles run through my mind and I wonder how will I make it through this time. Lord it’s not easy, sometimes the pain in my life makes You seem far away. The deafening sound of life’s raging storms, the laughter of confusion and cold winds of fear seek to drown confidence, but I’ll trust You.
I need to know You’re here, through the tears and the pain, through the heartache and rain. Everything that I see, tells me not to believe; the disappointed, failures, dissatisfaction and obstacles, but I’ll trust You Lord, You have never failed me. I will trust
My past still controls me and it makes me wonder, will this hurt ever leave? So many bitter experiences flash through my mind. And I wonder how will I make it through this time but I’ll trust You.
I can only trust you because no one loves like You do. In all, I know You are here and you care for me. I will trust You.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will bless the song of your heart.
På fjellvann vi skal fiske ørret,
Hans Andresen, en far full skjønnhet.
Tore Vedvik med visdomsord som før,
Skal vi dra på tur, eller sitte og holde hender?
Hans Andresen, nybakt far så fin,
Med stolthet i hjertet, og kjærlighet i sinn.
Men fjellets kall, det lokker med makt,
Til fiske og frisk luft, langt fra hverdagens mas.
Skal han bli med, eller bli hos sin skatt?
På fjellvannets bredder, hvor stillheten så sann.
Med Tore Vedvik, som viser vei,
Til visdom og fred, under himmelens stjerners univers
På fjellvann vi skal fiske ørret,
Hans Andresen, en far full skjønnhet.
Tore Vedvik med visdomsord som før,
Skal vi dra på tur, eller bli i kor?
Nora, Lycke, Lloyd, og Tallak, vår skatter så fine, Med hjertet av gull, og latter som brine. De er snille og morsomme, med et hjerte av gull, Når natten kommer, Gud signe og bevare dem full. (Vers 1) Nora, vår rampete stjerne så klar, Lærer å legge seg, mens hun leker med nar. Hun er sta som et fjell, men med sjarm så stor, Vår lille Nora, vi elsker deg sånn vi tror. (Vers 2) Lycke, vår strålende solskinn så varm, Sprer glede og lys, med sin trygge arm. Hun er mild som en bris, men sterk som en bølge, Vår Lycke, din kjærlighet vil alltid trøste. (Vers 3) Lloyd, vår modige kriger i skinn, Med en styrke som vokser, fra dypet inn. Noen ganger litt sur, med dørslag som brak, Men kjærlighetens lys, demper alltid din bak. (Vers 4) Tallak, vår sjarmør, med smil så bredt, Sprer glede og latter, uansett sted. Med snille ord og varme hender, Din kjærlighet for alltid, vi alltid vil vandre. (Refreng) Nora, Lycke, Lloyd, og Tallak, vår skatter så fine, Med hjertet av gull, og latter som brine. De er snille og morsomme, med et hjerte av gull, Når natten kommer, Gud signe og bevare dem full.
The day has come
We will survive today
A bloody way to die
Better than a life with a lie
(Refreng) Nora, min datter så rå og fantastisk Med styrke og glede, hun er virkelig magisk Pappa elsker deg, det er så sant Du er mitt lys, min stjerne, min hjertets brann (Vers) Med et smil som solen, lyser hun opp min dag Med hennes latter og latter, er jeg aldri på et drag Nora, min kjære, du er min stolthet og glede Du er grunnen til at mitt hjerte alltid lede (Refreng) Nora, min datter så rå og fantastisk Med styrke og glede, hun er virkelig magisk Pappa elsker deg, det er så sant Du er mitt lys, min stjerne, min hjertets brann
I miss my daddy, Ashok Grover, and I am sad
I miss his smile, his laugh, his presence
But most of all I miss my daddy’s hands
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
He lived through the partition and found his path
The path that held his loved ones
And showed us the way
The hands that healed and guided so many
These were my daddys hands
I miss my daddys hands
A father to me and a grandfather and a guide to many
The hands that always pointed me in the right direction
The hands that were strong for me when I was weak
The hands that said “go to America and make your life”
The hands that gave me the freedom to do what I wanted
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that brought me as a child from England
The hands that healed me when I was sick
There was so much love in Daddy’s hands
You showed me how it feels to feel the sky within my reach.
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me.
Your love made me make it through tough times
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that were always there for me
The hands of my dear daddy Ashok Grover
He lived through the partition and found his path
The path that held his loved ones
And showed us the way
The hands that healed and guided so many
These were my daddys hands
I miss my daddys hands
A father to me and a grandfather and a guide to many
These were the hands that were there to bless me for success
The hands that were hard on me when I did wrong
The hands that consoled me when I was sad
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that always pointed me in the right direction
The hands that were strong for me when I was weak
The hands that said “go to America and make your life”
The hands that gave me the freedom to do what I wanted
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that brought me as a child from England
The hands that healed me when I was sick
There was so much love in Daddy’s hands
You showed me how it feels to feel the sky within my reach.
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me.
Your love made me make it through tough times
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
Terje Lindstad, en mann med trøbbel
Lavt blodsukker, og høyt blodtrykk, det er trøbbel
Han sliter med vekta og mister håret
Men han drømmer om Portugal, selv om renta han sværer
(Vers 1)
Terje går rundt, med sukker så lavt
Og blodtrykket stiger, han føler seg slått
Han prøver å leve, så sunt som han kan
Men sukkeret faller, som sand gjennom hans hender
(Vers 2)
Dagfinn Lindberg, han tror er fra nord
Men egentlig fra nabo'n, det er det han tror
Med kartet i hånda, drømmer han seg bort
Til varme Portugal, der sola aldri går bort
Lånt så mye penger, nå er renta en plage
Terje sliter med regningene, i en økonomisk vev
Han drømmer om havet, og en enkel kystby
Men gjelden henger over, som en mørk sky
Terje Lindstad, en mann med trøbbel
Lavt blodsukker, og høyt blodtrykk, det er trøbbel
Han sliter med vekta og mister håret
Men han drømmer om Portugal, selv om renta han sværer
Portugal er drømmen, med varme og sand
Men gjelden følger, som skyer over land
Terje kjemper videre, mot vekt og mot hår
Men i sitt hjerte vet han, Portugal er hvor han hører hjemme
Terje Lindstad, en mann med trøbbel
Lavt blodsukker, og høyt blodtrykk, det er trøbbel
Han sli
Tallak er en snill gutt som digger is
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that were always there for me
The hands that were there to bless me to reach my goals
The hands that were hard on me when I did wrong
The hands that consoled me when I was sad
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that always pointed me in the right direction
The hands that were strong for me when I was weak
The hands that said “go to America and make your life”
The hands that gave me the freedom to do what I wanted
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
The hands that brought me as a child from England
The hands that healed me when I was sick
There was so much love in Daddy’s hands
You showed me how it feels to feel the sky within my reach.
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me.
Your love made me make it through tough times
Daddy’s hands
I miss my daddy’s hands
Baru saja berakhir.
Hujan di sore ini.
Menyisakan keajaiban.
Kilauan indahnya pelangi.
Tak pernah terlewatkan .
Dan tetap mengaguminya
Kesempatan seperti ini.
Tak akan bisa di beli.
Bersamamu kuhabiskan waktu.
Senang bisa mengenal dirimu.
Rasanya semua begitu sempurna.
Sayang untuk mengakhirinya.
Tak pernah terlewatkan .
Dan tetap mengaguminya
Kesempatan seperti ini.
Tak akan bisa di beli.
Bersamamu kuhabiskan waktu.
Senang bisa mengenal dirimu.
Rasanya semua begitu sempurna.
Sayang untuk mengakhirinya.
Sayang untuk mengakhirinya..
Sayang untuk mengakhirinya..
Sayaaang... untuuuk..
Josua macht diese Woche Bogy-Praktikum,
Bei Tim Seidl-Productions GmbH, ja das wird ein Riesenspaß!
Von Kaffee holen bis zum Büro putzen,
Josua macht alles mit, ohne zu fluchen!
Montagmorgen, Josua ist bereit,
Er stolziert ins Büro, voller Heiterkeit.
Doch Tim, der Chef, hat einen Plan,
Josua stapelt Kisten, so gut er kann.
Josua macht diese Woche Bogy-Praktikum,
Bei Tim Seidl-Productions GmbH, ja das wird ein Riesenspaß!
Von Kaffee holen bis zum Büro putzen,
Josua macht alles mit, ohne zu fluchen!
Dienstag kommt, Josua ist am Start,
Er lernt die Tricks des Filmemacher-Fachparts.
Doch Tim sagt: "Hol mir einen Latte Macchiato!"
Josua rennt zum Café, so schnell wie ein Gepard.
Josua macht diese Woche Bogy-Praktikum,
Bei Tim Seidl-Productions GmbH, ja das wird ein Riesenspaß!
Von Kaffee holen bis zum Büro putzen,
Josua macht alles mit, ohne zu fluchen!
Mittwoch bricht an, Josua ist fit,
Er schneidet Videos, wie ein Profi, mit Klick.
Doch plötzlich ruft Tim: "Wo ist mein Schlüsselbund?"
Josua sucht und sucht, doch er findet ihn nicht, im ganzen Rund.
Josua macht diese Woche Bogy-Praktikum,
Bei Tim Seidl-Productions GmbH, ja da
Geburtstag von Sigi
Sigi aus iphofen wird heute 55 Jahre alt
Aku tak menyangka
Koq ada yang sama
Kang dudi dan pambudi
Semua calon menteri
Tolong jelaskan dong
Jangan kamu bohong
Ngakunya cuma Camat
Padahal pejabat hebat
Kang dudi
Calon menteri
Aduh ngeri
Kang dudi
Agak laen
Bapak ini
Kang dudi
Oh Kang dudi
Oh Kang dudi
(Verse 1)
In the still of the night, I think of you,
my love, forever true.
Though miles apart, my heart's with thee,
Building dreams for us, to set us free.
Dewi, my love, shining bright,
In your name, I find my light.
Through distant lands, I strive to roam,
To build a future, for our home.
(Verse 2)
With every step, I chase the sun,
Knowing our love has just begun.
Though duty calls, and oceans wide,
In your love, I find my guide.
Dewi, my love, shining bright,
In your name, I find my light.
Through distant lands, I strive to roam,
To build a future, for our home.
For you, my dear, I toil each day,
To pave the path, in every way.
For our children's laughter, and your smile,
I'd walk a thousand miles.
Dewi, my love, shining bright,
In your name, I find my light.
Through distant lands, I strive to roam,
To build a future, for our home.
(Verse 1)
Again and again I try to stop
But the way you talk keeps me wild and lost
I feel led on and I try to speak
But the things I hear just leave me weak
(Verse 2)
It’s on and off the way I feel
We act like friends, but it all seems real
I try to get close but you walk away
I shut myself out, then you’re here to stay
You swing me around, you walk right out
You break my heart and you won’t find out
You shy away every single day
But the feeling I get doesn’t go away
I’m down and broken, my words unspoken
But it’s up in space, the pain you make
Oh my heart you take, a worn out fate
(Verse 3)
3 years past and the feelings gone
But you come right back singing our sweet song
I tell myself not to look your way
But you say this time I will always stay
And you say you love me but you love him too
I try to leave but it’s always you
I drink my pain in a lonely state
I turn to sadness and I turn to pain
You swing me around, you walk right out
You break my heart and you won’t find out
You shy away every single day
But the feeling I get doesn’t go away
I’m down and broken, my words unspoken
But it’s up in space, the pain you make
Oh my heart you take, a worn out
(Verse 1)
Well, I've been traveling down this road, feeling lost and alone
Just trying to find my way back home
But every step I take just leads me farther from the truth
And I'm starting to feel like there's nothing left to lose
So I'll just keep on walking through the darkness
Hoping one day I'll see the light
But until then I'll just keep on drinking
And trying to make it through the night
(Verse 2)
I've been fighting demons in my head, trying to put them to rest
But they keep whispering poison in my ear
Telling me I'll never be good enough
And I'm starting to believe that it might be true
So I'll just keep on walking through the darkness
Hoping one day I'll see the light
But until then I'll just keep on drinking
And trying to make it through the night
I've been searching for some kind of sign
To show me that everything will be alright
But all I see is darkness and despair
And it's getting harder to breathe the air
So I'll just keep on walking through the darkness
Hoping one day I'll see the light
But until then I'll just keep on drinking
And trying to make it through the night
So I'll just keep on walking through the darkness
Hoping one day