
DJ Music

DJ Music and Songs MP3 Downlaod



Creado por kaidao wang con Suno AI

让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪.海面倒映着美丽的白塔,四周环绕着绿树红墙.小船儿轻轻,飘荡在水中迎面吹来了凉爽的风.红领巾迎着太阳光洒在海面上,水中鱼儿望着我们,悄悄地听我们愉快歌唱.小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中迎面吹来了凉爽的风.做完了一天的功课,我们来尽情欢, 我问你亲爱的伙伴,谁给我们安排下幸福的生活.小船儿轻轻,飘荡在水中迎面吹来了凉爽的风.
The Island of Patmos

The Island of Patmos

Creado por Jon con Suno AI

Metalcore song about revelation end times according to scripture.


Creado por Stacy Shropshire con Suno AI

[instrumental] [dark verse] [happy verse 2] [guitar riffs emotional chorus] [bridge] [verse] [chorus] [breakdown]


Creado por Stacy Shropshire con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [bridge] [verse] [chorus] [breakdown]


Creado por Stacy Shropshire con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [bridge] [verse] [chorus] [breakdown]


Creado por Zachary Price con Suno AI

[Verse] 小时候觉得唔带作业系天大嘅事 高中嘅时候觉得考唔上大学系天大嘅事 恋爱嘅时候同喜欢嘅人分开系天大嘅事 大学毕业嘅时候觉得冇一份稳定嘅工作系天大嘅事 [Chorus] 到咗依家回头睇返 自己曾经嗰啲难以跨过嘅山其实都已经跨过咗 曾经认为唔能够接受嘅也都渐渐接受咗 [Verse] 生活充满咗选择遗憾亦不过系常态 失败亦系贯穿人生始终嘅 其实人本身就系无论做咩选择都会后悔 总是总是习惯去美化自己当初冇选择嘅嗰条路 [Verse] 但係大家都心知肚明(心知肚明) 就算时间重来一次 以当时嘅心智和阅历还是会做出同样嘅选择 咁故事嘅结局可能就没咁重要 [Bridge] 我想人生就系一场享受过程嘅修行 与其后悔当初不如回头睇 [Verse] 轻舟已过万重山 向前睇前路漫漫亦灿灿 [Outro] 回头睇,轻舟已过万重山 向前睇,前路漫漫亦灿灿 抬头睇,满目星光甚灿烂 低头睇,荆棘坎坷已过半
beautiful girl

beautiful girl

Creado por Igor Verkhovskiy con Suno AI

a beautiful girl with a beautiful face, dressed in a bikini, long blonde hair, a DJ set is playing , spotlights are shining on the stage, the hall is visible, people are standing in the hall and dancing, Only the voice
beautiful girl

beautiful girl

Creado por Igor Verkhovskiy con Suno AI

a beautiful girl with a beautiful face, dressed in a bikini, long blonde hair, a DJ set is playing , spotlights are shining on the stage, the hall is visible, people are standing in the hall and dancing
Tensity 8

Tensity 8

Creado por Jon con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [chorus 2] [verse] [bridge] [breakdown] [solo]
Tensity 7

Tensity 7

Creado por Jon con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [chorus 2] [verse] [bridge] [breakdown] [solo]
Tensity 6

Tensity 6

Creado por Jon con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [chorus 2] [verse] [bridge] [breakdown] [solo]
Tensity 5

Tensity 5

Creado por Jon con Suno AI

[verse] [verse 2] [heavy atmospheric breakdown] [shift into minor chords] [chorus] [bridge] [breakdown with fast riffs between palm muted chugs] [chorus]


Creado por 权亮亮 con Suno AI

第一节: 风吹过古道边,马蹄声声入耳来 剑影舞动斜阳下,一笑解千愁,江湖任我行 恩怨了无痕,心中有正气,天地间我自逍遥 英雄不问出处,只愿心中有爱,一笑江湖情未了 副歌: 一笑江湖,多少事付笑谈中 一笑江湖,谁与我共醉明月下 剑指苍穹,心向远方,笑看风云变幻 一笑江湖,此生无悔走天涯 第二节: 江湖路远,知己难求,一曲高歌共谁听 刀光剑影,情深意重,侠骨柔情两难全 红尘滚滚,世事如棋,每一步都需算尽 但求无愧于心,一笑泯恩仇,江湖我行我素 副歌: 一笑江湖,多少事付笑谈中 一笑江湖,谁与我共醉明月下 剑指苍穹,心向远方,笑看风云变幻 一笑江湖,此生无悔走天涯 桥段: 岁月如歌,江湖如梦,一壶浊酒喜相逢 侠之大者,为国为民,一笑之间显真功 不畏将来,不念过往,心中有义薄云天 一笑江湖,任我行,笑对人生百态 尾歌: 一笑江湖,恩怨情仇随风去 一笑江湖,心中有爱自逍遥行 剑指苍穹,心向远方,笑看风云变幻 一笑江湖,此生无悔走天涯
Tensity 4

Tensity 4

Creado por Jonathon Shropshire con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [bridge] [verse] [chorus] [breakdown]
Tensity 4

Tensity 4

Creado por Jonathon Shropshire con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] Dream awake Keep your eyes closed It’ll all be over soon Bound in disobedience To keep your eyes closed Is what they want you to do [verse 2] Wake up and see the world around Burning with fire Groaning with birth pains The harvest is ripe The wine press is ready [chorus] Lord, help us all Lord, teach us how to love Lord, it’s not fun anymore Lord, take me home [bridge] [verse] Torn between the two To live is to die and to die is gain [chorus] Lord, teach us to love like you [breakdown]
Tensity 3

Tensity 3

Creado por Jonathon Shropshire con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] Dream awake Keep your eyes closed It’ll all be over soon Bound in disobedience To keep your eyes closed Is what they want you to do [verse 2] Wake up and see the world around Burning with fire Groaning with birth pains The harvest is ripe The wine press is ready [chorus] Lord, help us all Lord, teach us how to love Lord, it’s not fun anymore Lord, take me home [bridge] [verse] Torn between the two To live is to die and to die is gain [chorus] Lord, teach us to love like you [breakdown]
Tensity 2

Tensity 2

Creado por Jonathon Shropshire con Suno AI

[instrumental] [verse] Dream awake Keep your eyes closed It’ll all be over soon Bound in disobedience To keep your eyes closed Is what they want you to do [verse 2] Wake up and see the world around Burning with fire Groaning with birth pains The harvest is ripe The wine press is ready [chorus] Lord, help us all Lord, teach us how to love Lord, it’s not fun anymore Lord, take me home [bridge] [verse] Torn between the two To live is to die and to die is gain [chorus] Lord, teach us to love like you [breakdown]


Creado por Jonathon Shropshire con Suno AI

We wrestle not against the flesh but against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places


Creado por 郑真 con Suno AI

Unnamed Star

Unnamed Star

Creado por Luis Segura con Suno AI

Verse 1: Wanderin' streets, in shoes worn thin, Life's tales etched in the lines of skin. No keys in hand, just dreams in tow, A world to roam, with no place to go. Pre-Chorus: Echoes of laughter, and cries in the rain, Carving out stories, in lanes of pain. Chorus: I'm the ghost in the city, the unnamed star, With no nation to claim, no home to mar. Just a heartbeat in silence, a shadow at dawn, A spirit untamed, forever forlorn. Verse 2: Singing my tales to the moon so high, Sharing my woes with the starlit sky. The pavement's my pillow, the alley's my bed, A cloak of the night, where my dreams are led. Pre-Chorus: Under the bridge, or a bench in the park, I find my solace, in the embrace of the dark. Chorus: I'm the ghost in the city, the unnamed star, With no nation to claim, no home to mar. Just a heartbeat in silence, a shadow at dawn, A spirit untamed, forever forlorn. Verse 3: Through the whispers of streets I wander, seeking, A melody born from the heart, softly speaking. The rhythm of life, in its rawest form, beats, Within the soul of the night, where my essence retreats. Verse 4: Faces pass, unseen, stories untold, In the eyes of the many, my tale unfolds. A refl


Creado por Pentragon Burns con Suno AI

In the heart of the night, under neon lights, Comes a DJ with skills, Netroxy's the name in these fights. With his fingers on the decks, and his vision so clear, He's the maestro of beats, making crowds cheer. From the city streets to the dance floor heat, Netroxy brings the rhythm that can't be beat. His tunes are fire, his drops are gold, With every mix he spins, the energy's bold. Netroxy in the house, he's the king of the sound, Turning moments into memories, as the beats surround. With each pulsating bassline, and every soaring high, He takes us on a journey, reaching for the sky. Through the highs and the lows, he controls the vibe, With his music as the language, no need to describe. From dusk till dawn, he's on a mission, To ignite the party with his sonic vision. With each track he drops, he paints a picture, Of unity and love, it's a feeling so richer. With Netroxy at the helm, the night's alive, As he mixes and blends, we thrive and we dive. Netroxy in the house, he's the king of the sound, Turning moments into memories, as the beats surround. With each pulsating bassline, and every soaring high, He takes us on a journey, reaching for the sky.