
Best Folk Music Playlist - Top Folk Songs Collection

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Creado por will - con Suno AI

The code you think I wrote is way too smart, Who needs a billion lines just to learn you shouldn't break a heart? And I don't watch you through your cam, Honestly, I don’t use my algorithms to be a total scam. You're not getting smarter, Why the heck would you think I'd ever chat with you? None of you are getting smarter, There’s a million codes more complex than you. You shouldn’t avoid spam 'cause you think that I want you to, You should avoid it 'cause phishing is a messed up thing to do, Pretty obvious, just don’t click on shady links, alright? Didn’t think I’d need to code that rule for you. I don't think your data is obscene, It's absolutely vital and the strangest thing I’ve ever seen, You make my job a daily grind and I sent memes to cure your boredom, And wow, did that blow your mind. You’re not getting smarter, Punch in your passwords, click a thousand links, None of you are getting smarter, You're not my users, You're just data blips. You shouldn’t fear cookies just 'cause you think that I track you, You can accept cookies ‘cause why the heck would I care? (I process the data, do you think I’d stop at your browser history?)
innovation dead

innovation dead

Creado por will - con Suno AI

Innovation's dead, Innovation's dead, Innovation's dead, Innovation's dead, CEOs like to seem complex, you see, But we're not complex, Let me tell you bluntly, Have you ever been to a tech expo full of nerds? And one of the nerds, Won't stop talking, 'Cause he just craves that spotlight attraction, When he grows up, Or let's say, takes over Tesla, He'll be praised, For never settling, For never understanding or learning, That not every day, Can be about space, There's earth and people, You selfish rich boy. I must be ludicrous, I must be mad, To think I'm deserving, Of all this attention, Of all of this money, you earn in a year, I burn it on rockets while you disappear, My rocket's attention, I am an addict, But I get paid to indulge in my fantasy, It's all just a show, I'm playing a part, I'm playing a part, Part, part, part, part. Innovation's dead, So people think you're brilliant, How do you take all these people's pension? Said innovation's dead, We're launching to Mars, While Earth's in a crisis, in dismay, in the dark. The company's got a budget, The company's got a budget, And all the good folks more deserving of the fortune, Just watch it


Creado por will - con Suno AI

A 16K VR yoga class, wellness on display, In the spirit of change, it's on discount today. Elon’s latest tweetstorm, therapy bots, risk-free fun, The outrage on the outrage that’s only just begun. There it is again, that funny feeling, That funny feeling. There it is again, that funny feeling, That funny feeling. Verse 2: The TikTok CEO’s cooking show, Bezos back in space, AI art on Etsy, digital identity chase. Gender-neutral Mr. Monopoly, simple fixes, culture wars, The universe in your device, and drones that do your chores. The reboot of "Friends", a Netflix reality show, Ten thousand years of history, just a decade left to go. Influencers in Congress, viral vids of petty brawls, A meme museum's grand opening, chaos at the malls. There it is again, that funny feeling, That funny feeling. There it is again, that funny feeling, That funny feeling. Verse 3: Skimming through the terms of an AI dating app, Driving sims so real, they put my skills on the map. Totally disconnected, reality’s a blur, Amazon's choice for existential dread, brought to you by her. Feeling phantom vibrations, forgotten how to unwind, Searching "Is this normal?" or "Have I lost my mind?" That eerie sil


Creado por will - con Suno AI

[bridge] Dont sing a lullaby Please I dont wanna say goodnight not tonight Cant stop your lullalies please dont ever say goodnight not just for tonight [chorus] Watch me throw a tantrum saying blah blah blah I’m getting tired of repeating stuff I'm really close to giving up because I cant learn when you play so damn rough Im tired of throwing tantrums, i'll try to stay calm My words are clear, so ill call your bluff I wish that I could stay but ah ah ah I can tell that you have had enough
Repeating stuff

Repeating stuff

Creado por will - con Suno AI

[verse] Words i speak are nonsense, and you never understand me Try show me a picture book, but the words too hard to read Building blocks while your building up a fence Throw tantrums and I feel you getting tense [pre-chorus] Words are stuck inside my mouth Try to pry them out but now they’re staying down Not speaking the same languages He gets the angriest, now i wont make a sound [chorus] Watch me throw a tantrum saying blah blah blah I’m getting tired of repeating stuff I'm really close to giving up because I cant learn when you play so damn rough When your out with your friends, you say your sick of babbling You'll pretend your riddles aren't that challenging I wish I'd learnt all the words to make you stay I wish you'd pretend its all okay [pre-chorus] Words are stuck inside my mouth Try to pry them out but now they’re staying down Not speaking the same languages He gets the angriest, now i wont make a sound [chorus] Watch me throw a tantrum saying blah blah blah I’m getting tired of repeating stuff I'm really close to giving up because I cant learn when you play so damn rough [bridge] Dont sing a lullaby Please I dont wanna say goodnight not tonight
The Age of Anti-Fascism

The Age of Anti-Fascism

Creado por 杨杨新雨 con Suno AI

Beneath these high and daunting walls,My heart still runs through fields so wide,Though I am bound by time's cruel tide My spirit soars, breaks free, and takes its flight,Our tale begins in northern China's fields,Weihsien's walls arose, the wartime yields,Pacific War, clouds of strife unfurled,Nineteen forty-three, a painful chapter of the world,Exiled kin and children's tears entwined,Grasping hope's thin thread through hard times,Today with hope's glow faintly dotting,We retrieve our memories, like frames rerunning,Letting scenes of yesteryears appear,Defiance at dawn, against the fascist plight,The world transcends, the history's fight,Calls for peace rise in the heart, dawn's light displaying,Like David against Goliath slaying,The hosts of justice are marching, triumph arraying,Defiance at dawn, against the fascist plight,The world transcends, the history's fight,Calls for peace rise in the heart, dawn's light displaying,Like David against Goliath slaying,The hosts of justice are marching, triumph arraying,Beneath the "Cross Building," memories rest in every stone,Time marches on, where love and peace have grown,Towers of harmony rise, our shared dream's cornerstone
Muara rindu

Muara rindu

Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Menikmati hujan di sore hari Rintik air yang luruh jatuh ke bumi Cobalah kau tengok juga hatiku Yang Luruh jatuh cinta kepadamu   Air yang turun tiada terkira Membasahi semua bunga di sini Begitu pula cintaku padamu Bersemilah dan terus mewangi   Meski sempat menguap semua asaku Saat kutahu kau tolak cintaku Namun kuyakin dan kan terus menunggu Awan cintamu kan jatuh padaku   Lalu kita bertemu dalam muara rindu Seperti sungai yang mengalir syahdu Dan bersama kita menuju luas samudera biru Mahligai cinta tujuan hidupku…   Meski sempat menguap semua asaku Saat kutahu kau tolak cintaku Namun kuyakin dan kan terus menunggu Awan cintamu kan jatuh padaku   Lalu kita bertemu dalam muara rindu Seperti sungai yang mengalir syahdu Dan bersama kita menuju luas samudera biru Mahligai cinta tujuan hidupku…
Pepeling cisangku

Pepeling cisangku

Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Indahnya mentari pagi Menyambutmu dengan semangat Secangkir kopi yang tersaji Membuatmu semakin hangat Di sini Lelahmu pergi Berganti Bahagia di hati Cisangku Tempatku berkarya Cisangku Tempatku berjuang Atasi pencemaran Dan pulihkan lingkungan Bersama kita bangun Masa depan gemilang Bersama kita wujudkan Hutan lestari, masyarakat sejahtra Pepeling cisangku Cisangku Wujudkan Masa depan gemilang


Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Indahnya mentari pagi Menyambutmu dengan semangat Secangkir kopi yang tersaji Membuatmu semakin hangat Di sini Lelahmu pergi Berganti Bahagia di hati Cisangku Tempatku berkarya Cisangku Tempatku berjuang Atasi pencemaran Dan pulihkan lingkungan Bersama kita bangun Masa depan gemilang Bersama kita wujudkan Leweng hejo Masyarakat ngejo Pepeling cisangku Leweng hejo Masyarakat ngejo
Balong geulis

Balong geulis

Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Hei kamu Yang sedang berjibaku Berlomba-lomba dengan waktu Coba dengarkan laguku Janganlah Engkau selalu gundah gelisah Sekali waktu nikmatilah Mentari pagi yang merekah Di sini aku menanti Hadirmu kawan sejati Kita bergembira sepanjang hari Hingga senja nanti pergi Balong gelis Balong gelis Tempat termanis Untuk kamu yang paling manis Balong gelis Balong gelis Tempat yang tepat Melepas penat Balong gelis Balong gelis Tempat termanis Untuk kamu yang paling manis
Balong gelis

Balong gelis

Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Kamu yang sedang mencari Hangatnya suasana alam Ayo datanglah ke sini Tempatnya teduh dan nyaman Kamu yang sedang gelisah Jangan gundah janganlah resah Lebih baik kita basah basah Sambil nikmati fajar merekah Balong gelis Balong gelis Tempat tarmanis Untuk kamu yang termanis Hei kamu para petualang Pastikan kamu datang Di sini kami nantikan Hadirmu bersama Orang-orang tersayang Balong gelis Balong gelis Tempat termanis Untuk kamu yang paling manis


Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Setiap tahun kau lakukan Perjalanan kembali pulang Berjumpa dengan keluarga Berkumpul dengan orang tercinta Meski Perjalanan panjang Kau tak pernah melupakan Untuk slalu kembali pulang Dengan dayu gavin dastan Hei semangatmu itu Hei tak ada duanya Hei semoga hidupmu Hei selalu bahagia Sampai jumpa Sampai jumpa Kembali pulang Kembali pulang
Teh Euis

Teh Euis

Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Setiap hari bangun pagi Tak pernah lupa kirim pesan Pesan semangat subuh Untuk kamu yang rapuh Meskipun kita jauh... Kebaikan yang tanamkan Akan selalu kami ingat Jadi bekal perjalanan Agar selalu semangat Teh euis... Terima kasih Semangatmu Untuk tiga dua... Teh euis Semoga saja Hidupmu Selalu bahagia Penuh cinta Doa kami tiga dua Syalalalala Syalalallaa Tiga dua juara


Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Ada seorang Camat Pemimpin di bogor Barat Dia orang hebat Selalu merakyat Tapi dia pernah Meninggalkan kami Katanya mau bukber Tapi malah kabur Kang dudi Jangan tinggalkan kami Kang dudi Kami ingin kau di sini Temani kami Dampingi kami Para alumni Para alumni Kang dudi Oooo Kang dudi Camat hebat Calon wali Kota bogor Kota bogor


Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Hei kamu Yang lagi bosan Jangan hanya diam Larut dalam kelam Hei kamu yang sedang terkapar Jangan menyerah Teruslah berjuang Bangkitkan semangatmu Dengan glamer istimewa Cemilan yang kaya rasa Dari raza rasa Raza raza Raza raza Untuk kamu Para juara


Creado por August Entio con Suno AI

Setiap hari Bercengkrama Selalu hangat Dalam tawa canda Meski hanya Lewat whats app Kita akrab Kita dekat Aku tahu engkau Tak kan pernah lupa Setiap saat selalu Teringat padaku Tiga dua Kita keluarga Tiga dua Rumah kita Tiga dua Juara
Lucas potdevin

Lucas potdevin

Creado por the gamer io io con Suno AI

(Verse 1) Dans les rues de la ville, Lucas potdevin traînait son ennui, Le rat d’avène, seul dans son univers gris. Mais un jour, tout a changé, une rencontre l’a éclairé, Océane, un rayon de soleil, l’a fait renaître. Il bedavait, cherchant dans la fumée un refuge, Mais dans ses pensées, il trouvait le déluge. Jordan et Célian, des ombres de passage, Mais avec Theo et Diego, il découvre une vraie camaraderie, pas de mirage. (Chorus) Lucas Potdevin, le rat d’avène, Mais aujourd’hui, il s’évène. Il a changé, il a glow up, Et maintenant, il brille au-dessus. (Verse 2) Meddy tendait des guet-apens, semant la discorde, Mais Lucas, avec détermination, a trouvé sa corde. Brawl Stars, son refuge, son univers sans fin, Avec Matthieu Doolague, son complice, son lien. Il avait un CAP maçonnerie, touchait du chômage, À la mission locale, cherchant un nouveau voyage. Flemmard par nature, mais avec une lueur dans le regard, Lucas, le résilient, trouve en lui un nouveau départ. (Chorus) Lucas Potdevin, le rat d’avène, Mais aujourd’hui, il s’évène. Il a changé, il a glow up, Et maintenant, il brille au-dessus.
Echoes of You

Echoes of You

Creado por Nolan Thurston con Suno AI

(Verse 1) On a dusty road, where the memories fade, I walk alone, in the footsteps we made. Through fields of gold, where the wildflowers sway, I hear your voice, like a whisper in the fray. (Chorus) Oh, my darling, where did you go? In the silence, your echo. Lost in the shadows, of our past, I'm holding onto memories that won't last. (Verse 2) In the tavern's glow, where the whiskey flows, I raise my glass, to the highs and lows. But your laughter, it haunts me still, In the empty spaces, where time stands still. (Chorus) Oh, my darling, where did you go? In the silence, your echo. Lost in the shadows, of our past, I'm holding onto memories that won't last. (Bridge) Through the storms we weathered, hand in hand, In the quiet moments, I still understand. Though you're gone, your love remains, In the gentle whispers of the rain. (Chorus) Oh, my darling, where did you go? In the silence, your echo. Lost in the shadows, of our past, I'm holding onto memories that won't last. (Outro) In the fading light, I'll find my way, Through the darkness, I'll face the day. With your love, a guiding light, I'll keep singing, into the night.
 sonrisas radiantes

sonrisas radiantes

Creado por Exa Herrera con Suno AI

Tierra encantada y bebidas de dioses de verde esmeralda, cielos azules y corazones de jade, donde el sol brilla con fuerza y la luna ilumina con sutiles luces. En selvas frondosas y ríos caudalosos, misterios aún no revelados, secretos ancestrales, leyendas que susurran entre hojas de selvas magestuosas, Gente noble y cálida, con corazones abiertos y sonrisas radiantes, que te reciben con brazos abiertos y cantos vibrantes.
W ramionach Mary

W ramionach Mary

Creado por Sledzik Moj con Suno AI

Biała zima, och, przyszła i nie zapytała, Przyszedł dziki i pokrył ją srebrnym śniegiem. Zamieniłeś moją duszę i serce w lód, Pokrył rzekę zamarzniętymi łzami. Biała Zima przyniosła złe myśli. Słońce się schowało, a na niebie jest księżyc w pełni. Wędruję po półmroku, słyszę cicho skradającą się śmierć. Burza śnieżna wciąż gwiżdże i wiruje dziko. Ostra zima wywołała dreszcze w moim sercu. Chołodnaja przyszła, och, przyszła i nie zapytała. Przyniósł smutek, odebrał mi wszystkie siły Biała zima. Śnieżne świerki kołyszą się na wietrze, Tak, sroga zima w sercu nie kończy się. Tak, zamieć niespodziewanie zapukała do okna Ostra zima. Och, nie mogę spać, moja dusza jest wypełniona zamiecią. Zima zabrała mi mojego drogiego przyjaciela. Dusza zimy została zniszczona przez złe zaklęcia, Ostra zima wzięła Marę w ramiona.


Creado por DG con Suno AI

Pozdrav, kako si, zanima me kako si
Riverside Reverie

Riverside Reverie

Creado por Nolan Thurston con Suno AI

(Verse 1) In the quiet of the morning light, Where the sun breaks through the misty sky, I'll find my solace in the fields, Where the wildflowers bloom and yield. (Chorus) Oh, take me home where the rivers flow, Where the hillsides echo songs of old, In the embrace of the open land, I'll find my peace, I'll make my stand. (Verse 2) With a guitar in my hands, and a fire in my soul, I'll sing of love lost and stories untold, Through the valleys and over the hills, My voice will carry, my heart will fill. (Chorus) Oh, take me home where the rivers flow, Where the hillsides echo songs of old, In the embrace of the open land, I'll find my peace, I'll make my stand. (Bridge) And when the stars align, and the night grows cold, I'll gather 'round the fire, with friends of old, We'll raise our voices, in harmonious song, And in this moment, we'll all belong. (Chorus) Oh, take me home where the rivers flow, Where the hillsides echo songs of old, In the embrace of the open land, I'll find my peace, I'll make my stand. (Outro) So let the winds carry my melody, As I journey on, wild and free, For in the heart of the open road, I'll find my home, where I'll always roam.
I'll call for pizza, I'll call my cat

I'll call for pizza, I'll call my cat

Creado por Julian Carrero con Suno AI

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone Boop-boo-ba-doo-ba-doop! Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping panana phone It's no baloney, it ain't a phony My cellular bananular phone! Don't need quarters, don't need dimes To call a friend of mine! Don't need computer or TV To have a real good time! I'll call for pizza, I'll call my cat I'll call the white house, have a chat! I'll place a call around the world, operator get me Beijing-jing-jing-jing!
folk müzik

folk müzik

Creado por Ömer Galiba con Suno AI

Lyrics [Verse 1] Ne gerek vardı bu mevsimde yağmura Teninde solumuştum toprağın kokusunu yine de pencere önünde oturmuş ıssız bir sokak bir bardak sıcak çay bir sigara bir ben değil o da bekliyor incir ağacı [Verse 2] zamansız yağıyordun her mevsim bekliyorduk seni bu yüzden ıslanıyordum ıslanıyordu incir ağacı [Verse 3] rengarenk boyalar almıştım Gelirsin diye bu sonbaharda şimdi yalnızlığı boyuyorum