
Best Folk Music Playlist - Top Folk Songs Collection

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Говяжий батон и чеченцы

Говяжий батон и чеченцы

Creado por Влад Петролай con Suno AI

Король албании однажды сунул хуй в батон говяжий. Минут через десять хуй застрял. Чего делать, никто не знал. Даня перец был матёрый, сунул хуй он в джем сливовый. Хуй задёргался, вспотел — Даня в небо улетел. В общем, победили Запад. А у меня был запасной хуй. Очень надёжный хуй, спиздил я его у покойного батьки Махно. Тот, если кто помнит, по Киеву ездил, хлебом на базаре торговал. Добрые люди подвозили, машины тормозили. В одной из ОКА сидел исламский террорист, Данин хуй ему зашел, он забрал его в Тунис. Ну а Даня пьяный в дупель думал едет в Мариуполь. Нарвался, в общем. Хорошо, что у него бульба была. Он её жмурам чеченам отдал. Тоже отвели душу. И правильно сделали. Вот и весь сказ, ребята. Думать надо, кого ебёшь. Пусть ишак ебёт. Не зря исламские террористы в Твиттере всех ржут.
moppe roger 8

moppe roger 8

Creado por Odin con Suno AI

Moppe Råger från Ulriksberg, kör sin Yamaha längs Dalarna’s skogsväg. Genom tallar och björkar, han susar fram, mot skogsvatten’s spegelblanka famn. Hans hjärta slår takten, som en tyst sång, med doften av barr och en fiskmång. Fiskestugor gömmer sig bland träden, Moppe ut på tur på leden Moppen puttrar tyst, som en hemlig vän, och Råger ler brett, känner frihet igen. Han drömmer om sjöar, om nät och om båtar, och om kvällar vid lägerelden, där han åker Så kör han på skogsvägen, med vinden i håret, och tankarna flyger, som fåglar i svärmet. Moppe Råger och hans Yamaha, ett par i harmoni, i Dalarna’s skog där äventyret är fri. yiiiha


Creado por haipeng Zou con Suno AI

The moon in the bureau mirror looks out a million miles (and perhaps with pride, at herself, but she never, never smiles) far and away beyond sleep, or perhaps she's a daytime sleeper. By the Universe deserted, she'd tell it to go to hell, and she'd find a body of water, or a mirror, on which to dwell. So wrap up care in a cobweb and drop it down the well into that world inverted where left is always right, where the shadows are really the body, where we stay awake all night, where the heavens are shallow as the sea is now deep, and you love me.


Creado por haipeng Zou con Suno AI

Bit by bit, quietly creeping into the moonlight Awaiting the wild wind's arrival, hastening to peek within the light Uncertain whether it's a lake or a sea When the branches lightly tremble, they see me and then myself Unexpectedly, thin from the gentle breeze's blowing, wrinkled by its touch Until the barren marsh brims over, the sunset rises once more Scooping up a handful to read carefully It turns out to be a letter, a piece of writing Just a step behind today Tomorrow, slower still, and the day after, even slower It's just, just Destined to be impossible


Creado por Radosław Kopiec con Suno AI

Grażyna Ruszowa jedzie do Wrocławia tego Gdańska
The Sausage

The Sausage

Creado por Iskander Sitdikov con Suno AI

Ты моя сосиска Сосиска тараканья Императрица, киска Богиня... свиданий
 monkeys jumping

monkeys jumping

Creado por Tiny Treasure Studio con Suno AI

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" One little monkey jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor said "Put those monkeys right to bed!"
Night finds me

Night finds me

Creado por Orr Limpisvasti con Suno AI

Happiness is sleep and promise Worries dashed on the rocks Joy of what is here before the telling Nothing needs to change but my sight Clarity and truth finds me
Running for my life

Running for my life

Creado por Boonesborough Beach Boy con Suno AI

I was going to play music with my friend, the other night I caught ride with Uber, not thinking I might die The Uber driver dropped me off In the wrong part of town He drove off and left me alone, as the sun was going down Before I could think, a gang was chasing me down the street Luckily for me I was quick on my feet I ran and hide under a bridge til the sun rose up again, Running all night , running for my life
[Verse] In the land of Shurpy A gamer so bold He grabbed his controller His story untold With rusty armor and a heart full of might He battled online Hoping to win the fight But Shurpy Oh Shurpy He was no gaming ace His skills were lacking at a snail's pace Each duel he faced He stumbled and fell Leaving the battlefield His losses to dwell [Verse 2] With roaches as his comrades They scurried around In Shurpy's tiny room Where a true gamer's found His joystick and keyboard Covered in grime As he fought virtual wars One duel at a time


Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In a tavern On a moonlit night The dice are rolling The cards in sight We gather 'round In a fantasy land Tarisland Where heroes take a stand [Verse 2] From knights to mages And rogues so sly We set off on quests Reaching for the sky With swords and shields We battle in the fray In Tarisland Where legends come to play [Chorus] Come along Join the adventure In Tarisland Where dreams come alive Leave behind the strife and the sorrow And let your spirit forever thrive
kids song

kids song

Creado por SARITA SINGH con Suno AI

badal aaya barish laya sab bacche khub nahaya khele khub masti mein kahan milegi sasti mein badal aaya barish laya sab bacche khub nahaya khele khub masti mein kahan milegi sasti mein
Moj naj kamoš

Moj naj kamoš

Creado por Lubko con Suno AI

Tomáš Panáček, náš priateľ plamenný, Ryšavý ako oheň, jeho vôňa nie je vôbec žiadna náhoda. Keď blízko je, cítime tú nezameniteľnú vôňu, Tak silnú, až máme pocit, že sme v stajni plnej hnoja. (SMRAD) (Refrén) Tomáš Panáček, ten smrad je neuveriteľný, Jeho ryšavé vlasy, z nich nekonečný smrad stúpa. Toľko vône, že sa cítime akoby sme boli v hnoji, Tomáš Panáček, s vôňou jeho je to, čo nás teší. (Verse 2) Aj keď je kamoš skvelý, s ním je sranda vždycky, Nie je možné ignorovať túto nepríjemnú vôňu, nie je to žiadna sranda. Ryšavé vlasy, ako ohnivé plamene sa točia, A smrad, ten je ako špinavá práčka, niečo, čo nás děsí. (SMRAD) (Refrén) Tomáš Panáček, ten smrad je neuveriteľný, Jeho ryšavé vlasy, z nich nekonečný smrad stúpa. Toľko vône, že sa cítime akoby sme boli v hnoji, Tomáš Panáček, s vôňou jeho je to, čo nás teší. (Bridge) Napriek tomu, že nás smrad trápi, je to náš kamoš zlatý, So smradom sa musíme naučiť žiť, je to niečo, čo nás spája. Tomáš Panáček, so smradom jeho, nech je akokoľvek nepríjemný, S ním sme šťastní, aj keď vonia horšie ako smeti. (SMRAD) (Refrén) Tomáš Panáček, ten smrad je neuveriteľný, Jeho ryšavé vlasy, z nich nekonečný smrad stúpa. Toľko vône, že s


Creado por Tobias Bubla con Suno AI

Volám sa Tomáš Smradláček a smrdím ako starý dedeček ryšavec to som predsa ja strčte mi kus hovna do vaja nadržaný som jak taký Bubla keď vidím Glenu hneď mi knedla stvrdla neumyjem sa ja nikdy v živote ani keby mi za to platili päť korunami po kokote
Rock Tarisland

Rock Tarisland

Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In a tavern of old In a land far away There's a game people talk about night and day Tarisland they call it Full of quests and lore But the release date keeps getting pushed more and more [Verse 2] We've been waiting so long It's been quite a while For Tarisland to come Make us all smile The developers say it'll be better than before But we're losing patience Can't take it anymore [Chorus] Bring us Tarisland With its castles high and dragons bold We're tired of the World of Warcraft We yearn for something new to hold Tarisland Oh won't you come and take us on that quest To a realm of magic and adventure Where we'll find eternal rest
Tales of Tarisland

Tales of Tarisland

Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In a tavern of old In a land far away There's a game people talk about night and day Tarisland they call it Full of quests and lore But the release date keeps getting pushed more and more [Verse 2] We've been waiting so long It's been quite a while For Tarisland to come Make us all smile The developers say it'll be better than before But we're losing patience Can't take it anymore [Chorus] Bring us Tarisland With its castles high and dragons bold We're tired of the World of Warcraft We yearn for something new to hold Tarisland Oh won't you come and take us on that quest To a realm of magic and adventure Where we'll find eternal rest
Tarisland's Achord

Tarisland's Achord

Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In a tavern of old In a land far away There's a game people talk about night and day Tarisland they call it Full of quests and lore But the release date keeps getting pushed more and more [Verse 2] We've been waiting so long It's been quite a while For Tarisland to come Make us all smile The developers say it'll be better than before But we're losing patience Can't take it anymore [Chorus] Oh Tarisland Oh Tarisland Where are you My friend? Release your magic Let the adventure never end Replace World of Warcraft Let the new era transcend Tarisland We're waiting Patiently till the end


Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In a tavern of old In a land far away There's a game people talk about night and day Tarisland they call it Full of quests and lore But the release date keeps getting pushed more and more [Verse 2] We've been waiting so long It's been quite a while For Tarisland to come Make us all smile The developers say it'll be better than before But we're losing patience Can't take it anymore [Chorus] Waiting for Tarisland It's been a bumpy ride When will it be released? We can't hide From the excitement building deep in our souls But for now We're stuck in this waiting game's toll [Verse 2] We've been waiting so long It's been quite a while For Tarisland to come Make us all smile The developers say it'll be better than before But we're losing patience Can't take it anymore
Waiting for Tarisland

Waiting for Tarisland

Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In a tavern of old In a land far away There's a game people talk about night and day Tarisland they call it Full of quests and lore But the release date keeps getting pushed more and more [Verse 2] We've been waiting so long It's been quite a while For Tarisland to come Make us all smile The developers say it'll be better than before But we're losing patience Can't take it anymore [Chorus] Waiting for Tarisland It's been a bumpy ride When will it be released? We can't hide From the excitement building deep in our souls But for now We're stuck in this waiting game's toll
Tarisland Unleashed

Tarisland Unleashed

Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In an ancient tavern Where legends are told A tale of a game that's yet to unfold Tarisland They whisper In hushed tones of gold Brave knights and dragons A story untold [Verse 2] But the clock keeps ticking And the days go by The game's been delayed It's making us sigh We're tired of Warcraft It's time to say goodbye Tarisland We're waiting Our hearts reaching high [Chorus] Oh Tarisland Oh Tarisland Where are you My friend? Release your magic Let the adventure never end Replace World of Warcraft Let the new era transcend Tarisland We're waiting Patiently till the end [Chorus] Oh Tarisland Oh Tarisland Where are you My friend? Release your magic Let the adventure never end Replace World of Warcraft Let the new era transcend Tarisland We're waiting Patiently till the end
Tarisland awaits

Tarisland awaits

Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In this medieval tavern The fire's burning bright We gather 'round the table Stories in the night Talking 'bout Tarisland The game we all crave But the release date Man It's driving us insane [Verse] The bards are strumming chords Singing tales of old As we sip our ale Waiting for the story unfold Tarisland They say A world we'll soon explore But the developers Man They're keeping us at the door [Chorus] Waiting for Tarisland It's been too long We're growing tired We need a new song Our patience wavers Frustrations ignite Come on Developers Give us a taste Make it right!


Creado por harsh majithiya con Suno AI

(Verse 1) એક હતો હાથી મોટો, વનમાં ચાલે ઘણો રમતો, મને આવી ગાથા સંભળાવી, અને વાતો સાથે જગાવી। (Chorus) હાથી અને બાળકો મિત્ર, સાથે ગમતા રહે જીવો, વનમાં રમે આનંદની છાયા, હાથી અને બાળકોનો સાથ જીવો। (Verse 2) આવો હાથી જોયો અનેક ખેલો, બાળકોની આંખો ખુલી રહેલી છે મેળી કેલી છે, સુંદર ગાથા સાથે રમી, સમય વારીઓ હાથી અને બાળકોનો સાથી। (Chorus) હાથી અને બાળકો મિત્ર, સાથે ગમતા રહે જીવો, વનમાં રમે આનંદની છાયા, હાથી અને બાળકોનો સાથ જીવો। (Verse 3) હાથી અને બાળકો એક સાથે, વનમાં રમે આનંદની છાયા, મિત્રતાનું રંગ મને સાથે લાગાવો, હાથી અને બાળકોની જીવનની રહે ખુશીની પથદેરી છાયા। (Chorus) હાથી અને બાળકો મિત્ર, સાથે ગમતા રહે જીવો, વનમાં રમે આનંદની છાયા, હાથી અને બાળકોનો સાથ જીવો।
Nyári nap

Nyári nap

Creado por Renátó Kovács con Suno AI

Új nap, új reggel Nehéz szív, tele a fej Mégis újra fel kell kelni Az idő múlása a remény szikrái Erőt adnak A test fiatal, a lélek feldúlt A szív fárad, de élno akar Az akarat utat tör, húz ha menni is fáj, ha fáraszt Nincs félelem, nincs stressz Nyugtat hogy bármit megtehetek Padlón lenni béke Tiszta a kép Nincs tét Már nem fáj semmi, nem bánt semmi Jöjjön ami jön Az új nap Nyári nap Perzseld fel a bánatom Nincs több fájdalom Nyári nap Töltsd fel a szívem Még van miért Még van kiért élnem
Delayed Dreams

Delayed Dreams

Creado por Le Dofi con Suno AI

[Verse] In the land of Taris Where the mountains stand tall A game was promised To capture us all A world to explore With quests to complete But the wait's been long And it feels bittersweet [Verse 2] They spoke of a game A true masterpiece A replacement for WoW For the souls seeking peace But the release date came And then drifted away Leaving us stranded In a longing dismay [Chorus] Oh Tarisland What have you done? You filled our hearts Then left us undone We were ready to journey To a new virtual place But the delay shattered dreams At a slow and steady pace