
Best Folk Music Playlist - Top Folk Songs Collection

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Creado por 昆 con Suno AI

红偶香残玉秦秋, 轻解罗商, 独上兰舟。 云中谁寄锦书来? 雁字回时, 月满西楼。   花自飘零水自流, 一种相思, 两处闲愁。 此情无计可消除, 才下眉头, 却上心头。
Erebus' Lament

Erebus' Lament

Creado por Kelly Farris con Suno AI

Verse 1 In the heart of the white silence, under the Arctic sky, Terror and Erebus whispered, where the frozen secrets lie. Sailing through the icy mirror, into the night they crept, Carrying souls in search of passage, where no map was ever kept. Verse 2 Bound by hope and glory, they faced the unknown face, In the grip of nature’s fury, in her cold, unforgiving embrace. The ships like specters drifting, in the endless polar day, Chasing horizons ever shifting, as the ice barred their way. Chorus Oh, Terror and Erebus, in the silent snow you sleep, Guardians of the deep, where the secrets keep. In the frozen heart of winter, under the northern light, Your tale a shadow whisper, in the endless polar night. Verse 3 Time passed as a slow waltz, in the white desert’s hold, Men’s dreams turned to frost, in the creeping cold. Steel and will were tested, as days turned to years, In the land that never rested, they faced their deepest fears. Chorus Oh, Terror and Erebus, in the silent snow you sleep, Guardians of the deep, where the secrets keep. In the frozen heart of winter, under the northern light, Your tale a shadow whisper, in the endless polar night.
We're All Just Walkin'

We're All Just Walkin'

Creado por Kelly Farris con Suno AI

[Verse 1] Wake up in the morning, sun's light on my face, Coffee in my cup, the start of the daily race. Every step I'm taking, part of the human dance, Moments big and small, life's game of chance. [Verse 2] Evening comes, the world slows down, Stars above in the night's gown. Dreams of tomorrow, hope in our hands, Together we stand, as life demands. [Chorus] We're all just walking, walking the same road, Hoping and talking, carrying the same load. Love, loss, and laughter, tears in the night, Living this journey, between darkness and light. [Bridge] In the silence, hear the beat of your heart, Each thump, a reminder, we're never apart. Breathing in life, exhaling fears, Together through joys, together through tears. [Chorus] We're all just walking, walking the same road, Hoping and talking, carrying the same load. Love, loss, and laughter, tears in the night, Living this journey, between darkness and light.
A Woman Takes A Load of Work

A Woman Takes A Load of Work

Creado por Kelly Farris con Suno AI

This twisted tale of little mouse hop along the edge of life scattered food and flea and mite torn scraps of heat and strife woah but a woman doesn't live like that she takes the bad with the good the skinny and the fat and when the dogs start barkin' what does she do? she looks out for her own and sometimes watched Dune.


Creado por Bucket Black con Suno AI

Verse 1: 月光如水洒窗前,静谧夜色绘思念, 指尖轻触旧照片,回忆温热犹在指间。 灯火阑珊处,你我曾共剪西窗烛影斜, 此情此景深深烙印在心海深处的画卷。 Chorus: 低吟浅唱柔情曲,星光交织爱的经纬, 月下缠绵的誓言,比翼双飞入梦乡翩跹。 脉脉温情绕指柔,编织甜蜜恋人的旋律, 把所有眷恋,镌刻在皎洁月色之间。 Verse 2: 共赏过繁星点点,也曾风雨共度寒暖, 你的眼眸倒映湖畔月色,似深情款款的诗篇。 执手走过四季更迭,约定永恒不变的诺言, 让爱情在岁月流转中,熠熠生辉永不熄灭。 Chorus: 倾听心跳的共鸣,情感在月色中交响, 携手步入月华之境,誓约之情如酒醇香。 月下倾诉的私语,织成浪漫的诗行, 我们的故事,在每一个月圆之夜轻轻回响。 Bridge: 月光洒落肩头,照亮彼此无尽的温柔, 倚窗望月思量,真爱如诗温暖心头。 借月色寄寓深情,用爱意填补世界的空洞, 相爱的瞬间,犹如月光照亮漫漫长空。 Outro: 月下倾心语,缠绵悱恻的眷恋永无休止, 这一曲爱的颂歌,伴随月色盈盈荡漾千里, 但愿这份情缘如明月常伴左右, 在每个宁静夜晚,温暖你我的心底。


Creado por Bucket Black con Suno AI

Verse 1: 漫步在金色麦田边的小径, 记忆如同飘落的秋叶缤纷, 手中紧握的信笺写下青春誓言, 穿越时空,寻找永恒的诗篇。 Chorus: 星光洒满沉睡的古老城池, 每个心跳都在诉说不朽的故事, 梦想如航标指引迷雾中的船, 在岁月的海洋上扬帆启程。 Verse 2: 悠扬琴音绕过老橡树的枝桠, 月下独酌,静听往事的回响, 不论何时何地,无论雨雪风霜, 心中那份炽热,永远照亮前方。 Bridge: 仰望星空,繁星编织的轨迹, 那是人生舞台上演绎的奇迹, 手中的笔触勾勒未来的轮廓, 在时光的画卷上留下深深的烙印。 Chorus: 星光点点照亮前行的方向, 每一次微笑都是生命的微光, 勇往直前,在生活的旋律中徜徉, 让每一刻感动化作永恒的歌唱。 Outro: 岁月如歌,轻抚心间的痕迹, 让梦想的种子在风雨中萌芽, 拥抱未来,挥别昨日的阴霾, 在时光的旅途中书写无悔的华彩篇章。


Creado por Shaofeng Wang con Suno AI

[Verse 1] 给你一张过去的CD 听听那时我们的爱情 有时会突然忘了 我还在爱着你 [Verse 2] 再唱不出那样的歌曲 听到都会红着脸躲避 虽然会经常忘了 我依然爱着你 [Chorus] 因为爱情 不会轻易悲伤 所以一切都是幸福的模样 因为爱情 简单的生长 依然随时可以为你疯狂 [Chorus] 因为爱情 怎么会有沧桑 所以我们还是年轻的模样 因为爱情 在那个地方 依然还有人在那里游荡 人来人往
Wrong Password

Wrong Password

Creado por Mawahib Guide con Suno AI

You have entered an invalid username or password Please, try again You have entered an invalid username or password Please, try again You have entered an invalid username or password Please, try again Too many failed login attempts Please try again in sixty minutes. Would you like to restore your password? If that email address is in our database We will send you an email To reset your password Your password is too weak Please, try again Your password is too weak Please, try again A link to activate your account Has been emailed to the address provided. Has been emailed to the address provided. You have entered an invalid Username or password Please, try again You have entered an invalid Username or password Please, try again Outro: Please, try again Please, try again Please, try again Please, please, try again Try again (end)


Creado por Jin Mu con Suno AI

Verse 1: 阳光下你微笑如甜蜜 爱意绽放在每一寸肌肤上 无言的默契在眼神中传递 甜甜,你是我心中的宝贝 Pre-Chorus: 你是爱的灵感,我心的梦想 对你的感激无法用言语表达 甜甜,你是我最美的画像 让我为爱付出,永远充满力量 Chorus: 爱是一种感觉,甜甜如春风拂面 你是我心中最美的女人 无论何时何地,你是我的安慰 甜甜,永远是我对你的赞美 Rap: Yo,甜甜,你是我的女王 每一天与你相伴都如诗 你温柔的气息犹如花香 勇气与坚强从你的身上展现 Verse 2: 孩子的微笑如甜蜜的奏鸣曲 你是他们最温暖的避风港 无论风雨,你始终守护着 甜甜,你是我们的引导星 Pre-Chorus: 你是爱的灵感,我心的梦想 对你的感激无法用言语表达 甜甜,你是我心中最重要的人 陪伴我走过艰难,给我无限力量 Chorus: 爱是一种感觉,甜甜如春风拂面 你是我心中最美的女人 无论何时何地,你是我的守护 甜甜,永远是我对你的致敬 Bridge: 在生活的舞台上,你是我最亮的星 每一天与你相伴充满甜蜜 甜甜,你是我永远的梦想 我会陪你走过每一个明天 Chorus: 爱是一种感觉,甜甜如春风拂面 你是我心中最美的女人 无论何时何地,你是我的幸福 甜甜,永远是我对你的珍惜 Outro: 甜甜,我对你的爱永不减退 你是我心中的永恒 感谢你的陪伴和无私的付出 甜甜,你是我生命中最美丽的存在


Creado por wilson peng con Suno AI

在碧波荡漾的湖水间, 思绪随风飘过山川间。 古城墙上鸟儿啼唱, 岁月留下的故事传。 梦里桃花笑春风, 抚摸着心中的思念。 琴声轻扬夜未央, 古道边留下谁的舞蹈? 闲庭信步听松风, 心中佛光照心灵。 山水画卷情难尽, 红尘中的痴缠不停。 让我们共赏此刻风华, 情意绵绵如水流。 唱响华夏千年史, 永远珍藏在心头。
No more BS

No more BS

Creado por Eric G. con Suno AI

I've been selling my soul working all day Overtime hours for bullshit pay So I can sit out here and waste my life away Drag back home and drown my troubles away It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to For people like me, people like you Wish I could just wake up and it not be true But it is oh, it is Livin' in the new world with an old soul These rich men north of Richmond Lord, knows they all just wanna have total control Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do And they don't think you know but I know that you do 'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end 'Cause of rich men north of Richmond I wish politicians would look out for minors And not just minors on an island somewhere Lord, we got folks in the street ain't got nothin' to eat And the obese milkin' welfare But God, if you're five foot three and you're three hundred pounds Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds Young men are putting themselves six feet in the ground 'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kicking them down Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to For people like me, people like you Wish I could just wake up and it not be true But it is oh, it is Livin'


Creado por Дэн Хрущёв (ХРУЩЁВКИ) con Suno AI

[INTRO] [VERSE] Поле-полюшко. Травы в цвету как косы по пояс. Доля-долюшка. Вольному - воля, ворону - горесть. [CHORUS] В небе разыгралась синева. Под ногами пыльная дорога. Знаю, что дождёшься ты меня. Ой, у дома нашего порога.
Amžių Šviesa

Amžių Šviesa

Creado por Armantas Pranaitis con Suno AI

Verse 1: Lietuva, per didvybes ir nelaime, Mus sujunge tavo dangaus kelias, Per amzinybes zibureli tu sustatytas, Muzikos zviegimas ir senove. Chorus: Lietuvos dangaus kelias, aukstai pakyla, Lietuva, muzika tavo Like, Mes gyvensim dvasinga sirdimi Mes saugosim tavo garbe. Verse 2: Per visus laikus, kovojom mes be galo, Per amzinybe, mes laike tavo sviesa, Tavo dainos ir tavo zodziai mus giedos, Atskleides mums amzinybe. Chorus: Lietuvos dangaus kelias, aukstai pakyla, Lietuva, muzika tavo like, Mes gyvensim dvasinga sirdimi Mes saugosim tavo garbe. Bridge: Lietuvos dangaus kelias, aukstai pakyla, Mes nugirdom tavo balsu, Mes jausim Tavo siela Dzukija, Aukstaitija, Zemaitija, mes laike Tavo sirdi, Lietuva, Tu tavo himnas mes giedosim. Chorus: Lietuvos dangaus kelias, aukstai pakyla, Lietuva, muzika tavo like, Mes gyvensim dvasinga sirdimi Mes saugosim tavo garbe.
The Song of Youth

The Song of Youth

Creado por Lynn Nick con Suno AI

Verse 1: In the glow of the dawn, where our stories are born, We walked barefoot in the dew, our spirits anew. With the dreams in our eyes, under the vast skies, We chased the sun, believing we're one. Chorus: Oh, the days of our youth, so wild and so truth, Like a river, we flowed, where the winds of fate blowed. In the fields of green, where our hearts were seen, We sang our song, where we belong. Verse 2: By the fireside light, through the whispering night, We shared tales of old, our ambitions bold. Under the moon's soft gaze, through the haze, We found our way, in the night and day. Bridge: And though seasons change, our hearts remain, Bound by the memories, in the melodies. Through laughter and tears, over the years, Youth's song plays on, even when we're gone. Chorus: Oh, the days of our youth, so wild and so truth, Like a river, we flowed, where the winds of fate blowed. In the fields of green, where our hearts were seen, We sang our song, where we belong. Outro: So here's to the time, in its prime, To the days we spent, in youth's relent. For in every chord, our souls accord, In the folk song of youth, lies our eternal truth.


Creado por hj hj con Suno AI

从海外远来,心怀期待 产品注册路漫漫,心情难免慌张 研发部门说这个,法规部门又说那个 推诿来推诿去,谁来担责这一场 海外注册路遥遥,心中惆怅 研发和法规争执间,我心烦恼 让我们携手共进,一起努力向前 合作团结,才能战胜困难的阻碍 产品说明书已经准备好,英文版的文档 但研发说有问题,法规说需修改 两个部门你来我往,谁来为难谁呀 让我们放下分歧,共同寻找出路的方向 海外注册路遥遥,心中惆怅 研发和法规争执间,我心烦恼 让我们携手共进,一起努力向前 合作团结,才能战胜困难的阻碍 没有谁能独自完成,这场海外注册的征程 需要团结一心,共同迈向成功的彼岸 海外注册路遥遥,心中惆怅 研发和法规争执间,我心烦恼 让我们携手共进,一起努力向前 合作团结,才能战胜困难的阻碍
Brand new day

Brand new day

Creado por Boonesborough Beach Boy con Suno AI

Oh my what brand new day can bring bring new ways to play, Brand new day brings brand new games


Creado por 呂傳欣 con Suno AI

433 宿舍,四个兄弟,曹伟、胡清庭、吕传欣、王俊,中北大学,读书时光,快乐的游戏,玩耍的恋爱。 [Pre-Chorus:] 零二零六二四零八,青春的岁月,难忘回忆。 [Chorus:] 零二零六二四零八,中北大学里,四个兄弟,一起走过,青春的岁月,难忘的回忆。 [Verse 2:] 2024 年,433 的宿舍兄弟,都已中年,烦恼缠身,不开玩笑,有人离婚,人人见老,时光匆匆。偶尔想起,过去美好。 [Bridge:] Only me, still gazing at my screen,AI watches,sends a tune,过去真美好。零二零六二四零八,哦哦。零二零六二四零八,哦哦。 [Chorus:] 零二零六二四零八,433 的兄弟,一起走过,青春的岁月,难忘回忆。 [Outro:] 433 的兄弟,永远的好兄弟,无论何时何地,我们都是兄弟,永远怀念,那快乐的时光,永远珍惜


Creado por digital immigrant con Suno AI

The Dukbobar upon the trek Is ging a bit too far (By no means what you call très sec), This Weary Willy Dukhobar, The Nonconformist Dukhobar, Canada's "warmest '' Dukhobar, The tramping,. scowliog, ramping, howling Nuisance known as the Dukhobar. From Winoipeg the cabled. tale Pictures him shoeless quite; "Bootless" is Canada's avail To "head'' this wandering Muscovite- In a battalion, Dukhobar, Tatterdemalion Dukhobar. Hopekess, dirty, never-a-shirty, Soapless, vagrant the Dukhobar. When a Russian he catches a Tattarhe fads (1 dictum of Bonaparte's), And Sir Wilfrid L. is of no two minds ln gobbling up the Tartes- But, oh, the fanatical Dukhobar The strangely erratical Dukhobar, Tbe shockingly harassing, sadly embarrassing, Passively Christian-like Dukhobar. Paintively murmurs Our Lady of Snows: "What shall I do with the Dukhobar?" Frarkly, my Lady, what I propose ls, end him back to the Great White Czar, With a" Here is your wayworn Dukhobar, Your raggedly all-forlora Dukhobar; Do what you like with the pestilent tyke, The blighted, benighted old Dukhobar!"
Blue eyed heaven

Blue eyed heaven

Creado por Mathias Stuyck con Suno AI

A little shy, a pair of blue eyes. Can't let her walk alone, In this forsaken streets. If there's a god above, why can't he give me more, like her love. I'm sure to handle that.
Blue eyed heaven

Blue eyed heaven

Creado por Mathias Stuyck con Suno AI

A little shy, a pair of blue eyes. Can't let her walk alone, In this forsaken streets. If there's a god above, why can't he give me more, like her love. I'm sure to handle that.


Creado por Frank Beurskens con Suno AI

Spring in the air Darkened by tasks Relive the past Share it to the others Spring in the air Open the files Fight with your spouse Throw it all in the air


Creado por Frank Beurskens con Suno AI

Spring in the air Darkened by tasks Relive the past Share it to the others Spring in the air Open the files Fight with your spouse Throw it all in the air
the story of how the Modest Bard beat the Troll

the story of how the Modest Bard beat the Troll

Creado por Кирилл Борисов con Suno AI

The modest Bard rode across the bridge, On his trusty steed, with a heart so light. But as darkness fell, a fearsome sight, A Troll emerged, with eyes so bright. "You can't run away from my claws, my teeth, buffoon!" Growled the Troll, its voice like thunder's boom! The cunning Bard, with a calm reply, "Let me sing before I die." The Troll sat down with a smile so wide, "Play me a song, a tragic tide..." The Bard began to pluck his lute, A song of love, both sad and brute! He sang of a king, with love so deep, For a lady fair, who made him weep! He sang of longing, unrequited, Of a heart that yearned, but was never requited! The Bard played on, through the darkest night, His song so mournful, it filled the night! As morning's light began to gleam, The Troll turned to stone, a silent dream! The humble Bard, with joy in his heart, Rode on his way, a fresh new start! His song had saved him from the Troll's might, And given him a story to tell through the night!
the story of how the Modest Bard beat the Troll

the story of how the Modest Bard beat the Troll

Creado por Кирилл Борисов con Suno AI

The modest Bard rode across the bridge, On his trusty steed, with a heart so light. But as darkness fell, a fearsome sight, A Troll emerged, with eyes so bright. "You can't run away from my claws, my teeth, buffoon!" Growled the Troll, its voice like thunder's boom! The cunning Bard, with a calm reply, "Let me sing before I die." The Troll sat down with a smile so wide, "Play me a song, a tragic tide..." The Bard began to pluck his lute, A song of love, both sad and brute! He sang of a king, with love so deep, For a lady fair, who made him weep! He sang of longing, unrequited, Of a heart that yearned, but was never requited! The Bard played on, through the darkest night, His song so mournful, it filled the night! As morning's light began to gleam, The Troll turned to stone, a silent dream! The humble Bard, with joy in his heart, Rode on his way, a fresh new start! His song had saved him from the Troll's might, And given him a story to tell through the night!