
POP Music

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Pop Russian

Pop Russian

Créé par Gggg Gggg avec Suno AI

[Verse] Пришли мы в гости к другу Увидеть друг друга Попить пивка с пацанами Собрались на этой хате [Verse2] На тусе все ахуенно Играет музыка громко Мы сидим угараем Здесь веселый Артём , Антон и конечно Мишутка [Verse3] Но вот закончился праздник И мы все в адеквате Погас свет в этом доме Спать захотелось всем скопом Наступает момент Тело встает с дивана Проходит мимо не глядя И начинается кадр [Chorus] Михаил насал на пол Ему поебать на все Желтый дождь идёт ручьем Наебенился в говно [Chorus] Михаил насал на пол Ему очень хорошо Зачем нужен туалет Если есть в тебя пол


Créé par SAMUEL LIU avec Suno AI

[Prelude] [Verse 1] 這世界天天時時刻刻分分秒秒讓人琢磨不透,讓人跟不上節奏, 假面具太多,永遠看不到背後,那猙獰的面孔。 [Verse 2] 這城市每條街道每條胡同連接成了一座迷宮,禁錮靈魂的牢籠, 沒人能逃脫,那些未知的惶恐,為何偏要承受。 [Interlude] 總錯把燈火闌珊的夜當成彩虹 緊握住這稍縱即逝的心動 總嚮往自由自在沒拘束的生活 不再怕心痛 不再有心痛 [Refrain] 看不懂太多絢爛的迷惑 聽不懂苦苦哀求的輓留 放開手我不捨有什麼用 回憶奼紫嫣紅 還不懂倔強留下的傷口 恨太濃再沒什麼能揮霍 回過頭所有際遇的經過 一場戲一場夢一場空 這故事篇篇段段章章節節 都在描繪一群小丑 被命運無盡嘲弄 想要的太多 永遠都不夠 又何時才劇終
киберспортсмен Artkoj в CS2
my city

my city

Créé par amad mirzaei avec Suno AI

Welcome to the city where I always reside. This city is full of color and aroma. Every street, every alley, whispers stories to you. In every corner, the voice of the past finds solace in the embrace of the future. In this city, the streets are like veins of a spiritual heart, always pulsating with life. They host all human emotions and thoughts, from joyful smiles to sorrowful tears. Everything is observable on these streets. Every house in this city has a story. From families bonding with smiles to lone wanderers scattering their dreams in the streets, this city provides different experiences for everyone. In this city, historical architecture is intertwined with modernity. Old buildings blend with modern attractions to create a living, dynamic artwork. Here is known as a fusion of the past and the future. In this city, every hour and every moment is seen as a new opportunity to start afresh. It's where dreams blossom and hope enters hearts. Come to this city and immerse yourself in the beauty and introspective life.
my city

my city

Créé par amad mirzaei avec Suno AI

Welcome to the city where I always reside. This city is full of color and aroma. Every street, every alley, whispers stories to you. In every corner, the voice of the past finds solace in the embrace of the future. In this city, the streets are like veins of a spiritual heart, always pulsating with life. They host all human emotions and thoughts, from joyful smiles to sorrowful tears. Everything is observable on these streets. Every house in this city has a story. From families bonding with smiles to lone wanderers scattering their dreams in the streets, this city provides different experiences for everyone. In this city, historical architecture is intertwined with modernity. Old buildings blend with modern attractions to create a living, dynamic artwork. Here is known as a fusion of the past and the future. In this city, every hour and every moment is seen as a new opportunity to start afresh. It's where dreams blossom and hope enters hearts. Come to this city and immerse yourself in the beauty and introspective life.


Créé par 杨洋 avec Suno AI

谁能阻止对上帝的背逆 半生从未南墙回头 今生骄傲的情欲 躲不出的海角天涯 构成我们一生的悲剧 盖世英雄 粉碎自己 否则我们不能相爱 不是因为一定要走 而是不知怎样去留


Créé par 崔可图 avec Suno AI

春天的baby天开二度 春天的baby啊大条依旧 夏天的baby眉毛浓绿 夏天的baby啊不穿袜子 什么时候n会大约等于7 什么时候小九九能得81
End Days

End Days

Créé par Ricardo J avec Suno AI

Oh, what a world, what a lovely world, Where the ice caps melt in a cheerful twirl. Forests are shrinking, but hey, that's fine, We'll have more space for you to whine! So let's raise a glass to the smoggy skies, Where the birds once flew, now nothing flies. And we'll dance on the beaches, oh so grand, Ignoring the plastic in the sand. The markets are booming, or so they say, While the bees are leaving, won't stay to play. Oceans are warming, but that's okay, No one wants to swim in a chemical pool all day! Here's to the cities, so bright and bold, Never mind the heat, forget the cold. We're building higher, reaching new heights, Who needs the stars, we've got city lights! In this tragic symphony, composed by autotune, Singing along, out of key, doesn't matter, you are a redundancy. We laugh and jest at the world's dismay, For tomorrow is just the same old day. So let's keep singing, don't mind the fuss, The world's not ending, it's just us. With a wink and a smile, the bots can play us out, Not a whimper, not a shout.


Créé par Dougle Lee avec Suno AI

锄禾日当午 汗滴禾下土 谁知盘中餐 粒粒皆辛苦
I hate you because i love you

I hate you because i love you

Créé par Nay Htun avec Suno AI

(Verse 1) I'm caught in this confusion, emotions running wild, You're the one I love, but it's driving me so wild. Every time you hurt me, it cuts me deep inside, But I can't help but love you, no matter how hard I try. (Chorus) I hate you because I love you, it's tearing me apart, This twisted love we share, it's a battle in my heart. I'm caught in this paradox, a love so Aittersweet, Thate you because love you, it's a feeling
I hate you because i love you

I hate you because i love you

Créé par Nay Htun avec Suno AI

(Verse 1) I'm caught in this confusion, emotions running wild, You're the one I love, but it's driving me so wild. Every time you hurt me, it cuts me deep inside, But I can't help but love you, no matter how hard I try. (Chorus) I hate you because I love you, it's tearing me apart, This twisted love we share, it's a battle in my heart. I'm caught in this paradox, a love so Aittersweet, Thate you because love you, it's a feeling


Créé par Nove Julianyy avec Suno AI

貴方は風のように 目を閉じては夕暮れ 何を思っているんだろうか 目蓋を開いていた 貴方の目はビイドロ 少しだけ晴るの匂いがした 晴れに晴れ、花よ咲け 咲いて晴るのせい 降り止めば雨でさえ 貴方を飾る晴る 胸を打つ音よ凪げ 僕ら晴る風 あの雲も越えてゆけ 遠くまだ遠くまで 貴方は晴れ模様に 目を閉じては青色 何が悲しいのだろうか 目蓋を開いている 貴方の目にビイドロ 今少し雨の匂いがした 泣きに泣け、空よ泣け 泣いて雨のせい 降り頻る雨でさえ 雲の上では晴る 土を打つ音よ鳴れ 僕ら春荒れ あの海も越えてゆく 遠くまだ遠くまで 通り雨 草を靡かせ 羊雲 あれも春のせい 風のよう 胸に春乗せ 晴るを待つ 晴れに晴れ、空よ裂け 裂いて春のせい 降り止めば雨でさえ 貴方を飾る晴る 胸を打つ音奏で 僕ら春風 音に聞く晴るの風 さぁこの歌よ凪げ! 晴れに晴れ、花よ咲け 咲いて春のせい あの雲も越えてゆけ 遠くまだ遠くまで
(Verse 1) Gusto ko magmanggad, mangita'g kwarta, Ang hamubong kinabuhi, gusto ko'ng bag-onta. Magtrabaho, mangahas, walay undang, Ako'ng gugma sa panginabuhi, dili mag-untang. (Chorus) Magmanggad ako, sugdan na karon, Sa mga pangandoy nga ako nagpanaad kanunay. Sa kinabuhi, walay kahadlok, Manghagit sa kaugmaon, ari ako karon. (Verse 2 - Continued by AI) Ang akong kinabuhi, usa ka kumpas, Magpadagan sa dalan, walay kapakyas. Sa kalibutan, ako magpabilin, Mangangkon sa kadaugan, walay hingpit nga kahimtang. (Chorus) Magmanggad ako, sugdan na karon, Sa mga pangandoy nga ako nagpanaad kanunay. Sa kinabuhi, walay kahadlok, Manghagit sa kaugmaon, ari ako karon. (Bridge) Walay hadlok sa kalisod, ari ko mag-atubang, Ang kadasig sa pagsulay, akong pagtakluban. Manglakaw sa landong, di madula'g paminaw, Ang pagmugna sa kaugmaon, ako'ng ginalauman. (Chorus) Magmanggad ako, sugdan na karon, Sa mga pangandoy nga ako nagpanaad kanunay. Sa kinabuhi, walay kahadlok, Manghagit sa kaugmaon, ari ako karon.


Créé par 해산물 avec Suno AI

이 세상에 하나뿐인 이찌노의 꿈 간절히 원하면 나타날 것이고 두들기면 뽑힐 것이다 이찌노의 꿈은 멀리 있어도, 결코 포기하지 않아 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 끊임없이 도전해 이찌노의 꿈은 언제나 이찌노를 이끌어 줘 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 달려 (하이라이트) 이찌노의 꿈은 이찌노의 미래를 밝혀 줘 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 달려 이찌노의 꿈은 이찌노의 삶을 더욱 풍요롭게 만들어 줘 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 달려 이찌노의 꿈은 이찌노의 삶을 더욱 아름답게 만들어 줘 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 달려 이찌노의 꿈은 이찌노의 삶을 더욱 빛나게 만들어 줘 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 달려


Créé par 해산물 avec Suno AI

이찌노의 꿈은 언제나 밝고 아름다워 간절히 원하면 이루어질 것이고, 두드리면 열릴 것이다. 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 오늘도 노력해 이찌노의 꿈은 멀리 있어도, 결코 포기하지 않아 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 끊임없이 도전해 이찌노의 꿈은 언제나 이찌노를 이끌어 줘 그 꿈을 향해 달려 (하이라이트) 이찌노의 꿈은 이찌노의 미래를 밝혀 줘 그 꿈을 향해 달려 이찌노의 꿈은 이찌노의 삶을 더욱 풍요롭게 만들어 줘 그 꿈을 향해 달려 이찌노의 꿈은 이찌노의 삶을 더욱 아름답게 만들어 줘 그 꿈을 향해 달려 이찌노의 꿈은 이찌노의 삶을 더욱 빛나게 만들어 줘 그 꿈을 향해 달려


Créé par Mukund Bomble avec Suno AI

Love u meena On this day of reflection, let joy find its way, Happy birthday, Meena, in every sun's ray. May dreams unfurl like petals in the breeze, And happiness dance through life's mysteries. Though paths may part, love's flame won't dim, Happy birthday, dear Meena, in each heartfelt hymn.


Créé par Сергей Мануйлов avec Suno AI

Ну, здравствуй, небо февраля! Уж ждут весны и встречи с солнцем птицы. Уж позади звенящий холод января И тают медленно снежинки на ресницах. Жизнь в доме по особому тепла. Вот-вот и выпорхнем с жилища на просторы. Но тем пора февральская мила, Что крепче сны и всё душевней раааазговоры. Жизнь в доме по особому тепла. Вот-вот и выпорхнем с жилища на просторы. Но тем пора февральская мила, Что крепче сны и всё душевней раааазговоры. Пора души. Пора метелей. Проводов зимы. Пора, когда мечты твои проснутся вскоре. Уж всё короче ночи и светлее дни... Пора тоски щемящей в утренней лазори. Тоски по свету в сердце, радости надежд. Вот-вот, опять и солнце лëд растопит. И будет ветер беспредельно юнн и свеж. Бокал с игрою света до последней капли допит, Чтоб наслаждаться жизнью допьяна. Чтоб просто жить, любить, надеяться и верить. Люблю тебя февраль, люблю моя зима! Ты всякий раз нам открываешь в сказку двери! Где ожиданье сладостно томит, Где бьётся сердце пением синицы. Где с неба льются нити серебра. И просыпаются все люди будто птицы!


Créé par Zikun Yang avec Suno AI

你总说 月光不会躲 星辰不会坠落 你对我的感受 一直从未被撼动 风吹蓝了天空 像你给的温柔 我迷失其中 原来这是心动 时间仿佛围着你倒流 没体会够你温柔 带我去你的星空遨游 让浪漫更紧凑 潮水冲去我们 留下的脚印 没关系就算在 一亿光年之外 我也不会忘记你 你总说 月光不会躲 星辰不会坠落 你对我的感受 一直从未被撼动 风吹蓝了天空 像你给的温柔 我迷失其中 原来这是心动 时间仿佛围着你倒流 没体会够你温柔 带我去你的星空遨游 让浪漫更紧凑 潮水冲去我们 留下的脚印 没关系就算在 一亿光年之外 我也不会忘记你 你总说 月光不会躲 星辰不会坠落 你对我的感受 一直从未被撼动 风吹蓝了天空 像你给的温柔 我迷失其中 原来这是心动 你总说 月光不会躲 星辰不会坠落 你对我的感受 一直从未被撼动 风吹蓝了天空 像你给的温柔 我迷失其中 原来这是心动


Créé par 해산물 avec Suno AI

아침에 눈을 뜨면 제일 먼저 생각나는 이찌노 오늘도 이찌노와 함께할 생각에 웃음이 나 하루 종일 이찌노와 함께 있으면 시간 가는 줄 몰라 이찌노와 함께하는 모든 순간이 소중해 가끔은 다투기도 하지만, 그래도 괜찮아 이찌노와 함께라면 모든 걸 이겨낼 수 있어 밤이 되면 이찌노와 함께 별을 보며 이야기를 나눠 이 순간이 영원하길 기도해 이찌노와 함께하는 모든 순간이 행복해 이찌노, 너는 나의 전부야 이찌노와 함께라면 세상 무엇도 두렵지 않아 너와 함께라면 어디든 갈 수 있어 이찌노, 너는 나의 빛이자 희망이야 너와 함께라면 나는 언제나 행복해


Créé par Jorge Isaac Ramirez Duran avec Suno AI

## introduccion musical ## Verso 1 Penélope Con su bolso de piel marrón Y sus zapatos de tacón Y su vestido de domingo Penélope Se sienta en un banco del andén Y espera que llegue el primer tren Meneando el abanico. ## Coro Dicen en el pueblo que un caminante paró Su reloj Una tarde de primavera Adiós, amor mío, no me llores, volveré Antes que De los sauces caigan las hojas Piensa en mí, volveré Por ti ## Verso 2 Pobre infeliz Se paró tu reloj infantil Una tarde plomiza de abril Cuando se fue tu amante Se marchitó En tu huerto hasta la última flor No hay ni un sauce en la calle mayor Para Penélope Penélope Tristeza a fuerza de esperar Tus ojos parecen brillar Si un tren silba a lo lejos Penélope Uno tras otro los ve pasar Mira sus caras, les oye hablar Para ella son muñecos ## Coro Dicen en el pueblo que el caminante volvió La encontró En su banco de pino verde La llamó: "Penélope, mi amante fiel, mi paz Deja ya De tejer sueños en tu mente" "Mírame, soy tu amor Regresé" Le sonrió Con los ojos llenitos de ayer "No era así su cara ni su piel Tú no eres quien yo espero..." Y se quedó Con su bolso de piel marrón Y sus zapatitos de tacón Sentada en la estación Sentada en la estación


Créé par Barshat Rana avec Suno AI

(Verse 1) I'm just a boy of fifteen, with dreams so big and bright, I want to start my own business, to reach for the stars at night. But the road ahead is rough, and the path is full of thorns, I'm facing pain and struggles, since the day that I was born. (Chorus) But I won't give up, I'll keep fighting through the pain, I'll rise above the challenges, I'll dance in the pouring rain. I'll reach for my dreams, no matter how far they seem, I'll keep moving forward, even in my darkest dreams. (Verse 2) I talk to God every night, I tell Him all my fears, I ask Him for the strength, to wipe away my tears. I know He's listening to me, guiding me along the way, He's my hope, my strength, my light, in the darkness of the day. (Chorus) But I won't give up, I'll keep fighting through the pain, I'll rise above the challenges, I'll dance in the pouring rain. I'll reach for my dreams, no matter how far they seem, I'll keep moving forward, even in my darkest dreams. (Bridge) I may be young and small, but my dreams are big and bold, I won't let anyone or anything, stop me from reaching my goal. I'll work hard, I'll persevere, I'll never lose my faith, I'll turn my dreams into reality, no mat


Créé par cloniks YT avec Suno AI

песня про самурая виталика, который вечно строит дом и живет у мамки под юбкой на короткой цепи, долбит шмаль и телок, ест разноцветные таблетки с пола
Omix teknoloji

Omix teknoloji

Créé par Ateş Gos avec Suno AI

Omix güvenin simgesi, Omix tarzını değiştir. Tarzını yansıtmak istediğin anda yanında. Teknolojide lider, her daim birincisi. X altı ve X yedi modelleri, Gücün ve zarafetin en güzel simgesi.
You Are the Man

You Are the Man

Créé par SÜPER FİNANS avec Suno AI

(Verse 1) In the hustle of the city streets, Where dreams and struggles often meet, You stand tall, amidst the crowd, With courage and grace, you make us proud. (Chorus) You are the man, of honor and might, In your presence, things feel right, With every step, you pave the way, Inspiring us to seize the day. (Verse 2) Through challenges and trials, you persevere, Your resilience shines, crystal clear, With a heart of gold, you lend a hand, Spreading kindness across the land. (Chorus) You are the man, with strength and grace, In your path, the world finds its place, Your actions speak louder than words, In your wisdom, hope is stirred. (Bridge) In a world that often seems unkind, You're a beacon, for the lost to find, Your integrity, a guiding light, In your presence, we find our might. (Chorus) You are the man, with a spirit so true, In your essence, virtues renew, With every deed, you leave your mark, In your journey, you light the dark. (Outro) You are the man, in every sense, Your legacy, an eloquence, With gratitude, we understand, In this world of ours, you are the man.