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Süss fel nap

Süss fel nap

Készítette: Ferenc Balogh Suno AI-val

Bújj,bújj,zöld ág, Zöld levelecske, Nyitva van az aranykapu, Csak bújjatok rajta. Nyisd ki rózsám Kapudat,kapudat, Hadd kerüljem Váradat,váradat. Szita,szita péntek, Szerelem csütörtök, Dobszerda.


Készítette: Comme rage Com Suno AI-val

Dans l'jardin d'la voisine, y'a Samuel qui s'tondeuse, La vieille, son chien, ça laisse des traces, c'est la loose. Pas d'pourboire pour lui, même pas un p'tit sourire, Samuel rigole, mais au fond il a un soupir. Willy, lui, au bureau, c'est l'roi des escalopes, Sur son derrière, il s'installe, tranquille, c'est sa clope. Toute la journée, il s'enfile ça, c'est son truc, Pendant qu'Samuel, lui, cherche à gagner sa croûte. Dans l'jardin ou dans le bureau, chacun son délire, Samuel, sa tondeuse, Willy, ses plaisirs. Mais Samuel, il s'accroche, il veut sa part du gâteau, Pendant qu'Willy, peut-être, finira sur le carreau. Alors dans c'rap, on rit, on se marre, Samuel et sa tondeuse, Willy et ses ragoûts en barre. Mais au fond, qui sait qui finira par avoir le dernier mot, Entre celui qui bataille et celui qui reste les pieds en l'eau ?


Készítette: 张梁 Suno AI-val

【前奏】 烽烟里,龙腾四海,凤舞九天, 一曲战歌,起于山河,赋予无限。 【1st Verse】 横刀立马,烈火中铸就英雄躯, 一身铠甲,凛冬也融化成朝露。 江山美如画,绘不出那壮志凌云图, 只因江湖腥风血雨,谁主沉浮? 黄沙百战穿金甲,胆气磅礴,天地间豪情如酒。 赤手空拳拨乱世,天下苍生,谁与争锋手不留? 擘画青史,一笔一剑写春秋, 英名千古存,长歌当哭,侠胆忠魂入九州。 【Hook】 英雄何处觅?寻他千百度。 一醉方休,斩断世间求不得的牵愁。 英雄目光炬,照亮千秋岁,万世功名谁复忧? 只愿江湖美,一剑高歌为谁秋? 【2nd Verse】 且听风吟剑影凉,寂寞星河旁, 墨染的回眸一瞥,斗转星移方。 千钧一发之际,壮志凌云滔天浪, 以身许国,何惧生死,一怒扫荡八方。 一笑倾城乱人心,却见江山好风光, 君临天下,万马蹄声,震撼历史的沧桑。 桃园三结义,金戈铁骑,只手遮天避烈霜, 一入江湖岁月催,英雄本无常。 【Hook】 英雄何处觅?剑指天地厚。 永恒留名,只为山河永固的忠诚守。 英雄目光炬,闪耀古今光,英名盖世谁竞逐? 敬畏江湖路,一杯浊酒聊复古。 【3rd Verse】 红颜弹指老,流光容易把人抛, 英雄卸甲归故里,但余鸿毛。 留下壮丽传说,岁月悠悠,任白发嘲。 山河永寂,英灵不朽,传唱着你我的豪杰梦。 【尾奏】 烽火燃尽英雄泪,江山如画愁难睡, 待来生莫啼,醉卧美人膝。 曾许天下不问归,时过境迁,谁记英髦? 江山笑,烟雨遥,拂去千年风霜最傲。


Készítette: jános csépe Suno AI-val

You became strong to help others But you can't save everyone They despise you, you're broken, you've become empty, don't care You are tired of helping others alone and no one thanks you and no one helps you You try to imitate others to make yourself feel better, but that doesn't work either, you become more and more empty Empty your mind, think only of yourself, find 1 goal for yourself that will make you feel like you have found yourself and be happy Don't forget to exclude negative things and focus only on the positive


Készítette: yuhao chen Suno AI-val

我期待的不是雪 而是有你的冬天 我期待的不是月 而是和你的遇見 我期待煙花漫天 我可以永遠靠在你左肩 我期待的不是一句抱歉 號碼變作未知斷了線 有人經過後注定失聯 玻璃窗寫著心願 美夢擠滿房間 Oh 冬夜的風吹來就消失不見 離別像天亮不知不覺 無言比謊話更像再見 一個人墜入冬天 孤獨與我周旋 Oh 漫天的雪不及再看你一眼 我期待的不是雪 而是有你的冬天 我期待的不是月 而是和你的遇見 我期待煙花漫天 我可以永遠靠在你左肩 我期待的不是一句抱歉 我期待的不是雪 而是有你的冬天 我期待的不是風 而是歸根的落葉 我期待染白了頭 我和你相擁走很遠很遠 不顧一切的愛永不會變 你像白月陪伴我失眠 (我失眠) 我是你不存在的想念 (的想念) 一個人墜入冬天 孤獨與我周旋 Oh 漫天的雪不及再看你一眼 我期待的不是雪 而是有你的冬天 我期待的不是月 而是和你的遇見 我期待煙花漫天 我可以永遠靠在你左肩 我期待的不是一句抱歉 我期待的不是雪 而是有你的冬天 我期待的不是風 而是歸根的落葉 我期待染白了頭 我和你相擁走很遠很遠 不顧一切的愛永不會變

Készítette: yuhao chen Suno AI-val

我期待的不是雪,而是有你的冬天。 我期待的不是月,而是和你的遇见。 我期待烟花漫天,我可以永远靠在你左肩。 我期待的不是一句抱歉,号码变作未知断了线。 有人经过后注定失联,玻璃窗写着心愿。 美梦挤满房间,Oh冬夜的雪吹来。 就消失不见,离别像天亮不知不觉。 无言比谎话更像再见,一个人坠入冬天。 孤独与我周旋,Oh漫天的雪。 不及再看你一眼,我期待的不是雪。 而是有你的冬天,我期待的不是月。 而是和你的遇见,我期待烟花漫天。 我可以永远靠在你左肩,我期待的不是一句抱歉。 我期待的不是雪,而是有你的冬天。 我期待的不是风,而是归根的落叶。 我期待染白了头,我和你相拥走很远很远。 不顾一切的爱永不会变。


Készítette: Bence Szathmari Suno AI-val

Cigánybálban sok a roma, Szól a cigány muzsika, Lakatosné jaj de járja, Táncol vele a Zsiga, A nagybőgős jajj de húzza, De mulat a Horvát Pista, Cigánybálban sok a roma, Szól a cigány muzsika.


Készítette: Sam Becher Suno AI-val

(Verse 1) Yeah, it's that nine-to-nine, not just nine-to-five, My office chair's my throne, where I strive and thrive. But this kingdom's got a curse, it's the overtime, Working like a machine, in my prime, I rhyme.(Chorus) Clock in, clock out, but the work never stops, My eyes on the screen, my dreams in the drops. They say time is money, but my time's just theft, Counting down the minutes, till there's nothing left.(Verse 2) Under fluorescent lights, my dreams getting dimmer, Looking out the window, missing the shimmer. Laptop's burning hot, like it's got a fever, My mind's racing faster, but I'm not the receiver.(Chorus) Overtime, overtime, it's like a chain and ball, Wishing on every star, for a break to call. But I'm here, spitting bars, in this cubicle small, Overtime, overtime, watch me stand tall.(Bridge) But in this grind, I find, a beat, a rhyme, A silver lining, in the overtime. With every tick, and tock, of the clock, I plot my escape, to a life that rocks.(Outro) So here's to the dreamers, working late, Hustling hard, shaping their own fate. We'll break these chains, make no mistake, Overtime now, but watch us create.
Nem tudom

Nem tudom

Készítette: Lajos Szathmàri Suno AI-val

Baj van baj van baj gyenge a fű hülye a csaj nedves a dohány kevés a lé baj van baj van ez nem oké. Baj van baj van hangos a zene reped a fal a lábam alatt omlik a föld kapd el a nőt de meg ne öld.
Nem tudom

Nem tudom

Készítette: Bence Szathmár Bence Suno AI-val

József profil létrehozva egy tökéletes választás Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök helyettes ellen nem lehet telefonozni nem tudom ő aki tetszik neked a minőségi magyar szét baszom a napod alkoholista volt a rendőr főkapitány atasé Provident pénzügyi biztos javaslatot a napod
la Crypto

la Crypto

Készítette: Comme rage Com Suno AI-val

Yo, c'est l'histoire de Gil, le mec solitaire, Toujours avec son chat, à la maison, c'est pas la misère, Devant ses cryptos, attendant que la chance frappe, Mais pour l'instant, c'est sur sa chaise qu'il trépasse. Gil, c'est l'gros dilemme, c'est quoi qu'on bouffe ce soir ? Cryptos en hausse ou en baisse, c'est son seul espoir, Dans ses rêves, il s'évade sur des îles volcaniques, Pendant que la vie défile, Gil reste stoïque. Tout en vapotant, il rend l'air un peu plus dense, Son chat s'étouffe, "Pourquoi moi ?" c'est sa sentence, En attendant des muscles, Gil file à la salle, Mais bon, pour l'instant, c'est plutôt sa tchatche qui vaille. Gil, c'est le guerrier de la salle, en quête de muscles qui sont pas la, Mais pour l'instant, il s'inquiète ce qui va se trouvé dans son plat, Entre deux séances, retour à la maison, sur sa chaise, Son chat se dit "Pourquoi c'est moi qui subis ça ?" Les îles volcaniques, c'est son évasion, Pendant que la vie continue, sans concession, Devant la fenêtre, Gil laisse passer les heures, Cryptos, muscles, et rêves d'îles, c'est son bonheur. Alors voilà l'histoire de Gil et de son chat, Dans leur monde à eux, et ne font pas tout un tat.
La Flemme

La Flemme

Készítette: Comme rage Com Suno AI-val

[Intro] Yo, c'est l'histoire de Gil, le mec solitaire, Toujours avec son chat, à la maison, c'est pas la misère, Devant ses cryptos, attendant que la chance frappe, Mais pour l'instant, c'est sur sa chaise qu'il trépasse. [Couplet 1] Gil, c'est l'gros dilemme, c'est quoi qu'on bouffe ce soir ? Cryptos en hausse ou en baisse, c'est son seul espoir, Dans ses rêves, il s'évade sur des îles volcaniques, Pendant que la vie défile, Gil reste stoïque. Tout en vapotant, il rend l'air un peu plus dense, Son chat s'étouffe, "Pourquoi moi ?" c'est sa sentence, En attendant des muscles, Gil file à la salle, Mais bon, pour l'instant, c'est plutôt sa tchatche qui vaille. [Refrain] Gil et son chat, duo de choc dans l'ennui, Cryptos, bouffe et muscles, c'est le menu de leurs nuits, Mais tant qu'ils ont leur rêves d'îles et leur vapeur qui s'échappe, Ils sont là, sur leur chaise, à rêver d'une autre tape. [Couplet 2] Gil, c'est le guerrier de la salle, en quête de muscles, Mais pour l'instant, c'est surtout son ego qui fusille, Entre deux séances, retour à la maison, sur sa chaise, Son chat se dit "Pourquoi c'est moi qui subis ça ?" Les îles volcaniques, c'est son évasion, Pendant que la vie c
The Bookspotz Rap.

The Bookspotz Rap.

Készítette: Srinidhi Ranganathan Suno AI-val

Oh Bookspotz, realm of thought and AI dreams, Where Srinidhi's vision brilliantly gleams. Mohan Leela Shankar, wisdom's guiding star, Together they raise the bar. In digital pages, knowledge unfurls, A symphony of insights, a world within worlds. With human and robot hands entwined, A future redefined, a new dawn signed. So sing, oh muses, of silicon and soul, Of a publication that plays a vital role. In the grand opera of our time, Bookspotz stands sublime.
Speed Demin

Speed Demin

Készítette: Ármin Száraz Suno AI-val

(Verse 1) Cruisin' down the street in my Saleen S7 Roarin' like a lion, feelin' like I'm on cloud nine Every curve and every line, designed so divine Got that horsepower pumpin', ain't no decline (Chorus) Speed demon on the highway, watch me fly Pedal to the metal, ain't no need to lie Saleen S7, my chariot in the night Runnin' through the streets, takin' flight (Verse 2) They say the S7 is a work of art, a masterpiece I feel invincible behind the wheel, never cease Hittin' top speeds, adrenaline unleashed In the fast lane, that's where I find my peace (Chorus) Speed demon on the highway, watch me fly Pedal to the metal, ain't no need to lie Saleen S7, my chariot in the night Runnin' through the streets, takin' flight (Bridge) Feel the wind in my hair, the engine roar in my ears I'm in control of this beast, conquerin' my fears Speed demon, take me to new frontiers In my Saleen S7, nothin' interferes (Outro) Speed demon, that's what they call me Ridin' in my Saleen S7, feelin' so free In the fast lane, where I feel alive Speed demon, until the day I die (Verse 3) I ride through the city in my Saleen S7, whipping through the night, feeling like he


Készítette: shen jack Suno AI-val

Yo,这是成都地界 兄弟卖汉堡,手艺第一 鸭舌帽,黑色衬衣,帅气十足 他的汉堡,让味蕾完全失控 (Verse 1) 汉堡摊前,忙得不可开交 肉翻滚,味道激动人心 单刀直入,不拖泥带水 这就是我们兄弟的潮流味道 (Chorus) 成都汉堡,一口就上瘾 兄弟的手艺,绝对劲爆不停 鸭舌帽黑衬衣,潮范十足 成都街头,他是个超级巨星 (Verse 2) 汗水飞溅,但心气高昂 汉堡摊前,是他的战场 双押韵脚,扭转味蕾 这一口汉堡,是我们的骄傲 (Chorus) 成都汉堡,一口就上瘾 兄弟的手艺,绝对劲爆不停 鸭舌帽黑衬衣,潮范十足 成都街头,他是个超级巨星 (Verse 3) 路过的人群,被他吸引 摊前排队,是他的认证 单押双押,唱响街头 成都汉堡,无人可挡的魅力 (Chorus) 成都汉堡,一口就上瘾 兄弟的手艺,绝对劲爆不停 鸭舌帽黑衬衣,潮范十足 成都街头,他是个超级巨星 (Outro) 在成都的街头,潮流不停歇 兄弟的笑容,是城市的风景线 单押双押,歌唱成都 成都汉堡,永远是我们的骄傲


Készítette: wang wang Suno AI-val

(Verse 1) 我每天都在拼搏,眼巴巴盼望 财源滚滚,不会再像过去那样茫茫 熬夜加班,终于看到希望 我的梦想不再只是个笑话 (Verse 2) 我胸怀大志,追逐着财富的波浪 不怕艰险,我从不退缩,也从不拖延 每一步都踏实,每一刻都挣扎 我要证明自己,迎接未来的挑战 (Chorus) 我何时才能发财,我心中的追求 不会让任何人来阻挠我前行的步伐 我要坚持到底,永不放弃 不管遇到什么困难,我都不会妥协 (Verse 3) 我没有钱,但我有梦想和毅力 我要闯出一片天地,创造我的传奇 别人笑我疯狂,我却视之为动力 我要把梦想变成现实,成为时代的英雄 (Verse 4) 我不怕失败,因为我相信自己 即使跌倒,我也会站起来,再次振作 我的目标就在前方,我要向着它奋斗 不管经历多少磨难,我都不会退缩 (Chorus) 我何时才能发财,我心中的追求 不会让任何人来阻挠我前行的步伐 我要坚持到底,永不放弃 不管遇到什么困难,我都不会妥协 (Bridge) 我是追梦人,我是不屈的战士 我要让世界为我喝彩,为我欢呼 我要用我的努力和汗水,创造我的辉煌 我相信,我一定能够发财,实现我的伟大梦想 (Outro) 何时发财,只有时间才能告诉 但我已经做好准备,迎接财富的降临 我会坚持不懈,直到成功的那一刻 那时,我将笑对人生,向世界宣告我的胜利


Készítette: shen jack Suno AI-val

Yo,这里是成都 汉堡摊前,我一个兄弟站在那儿 带着鸭舌帽,黑色衬衣,就像个大明星 他的汉堡味道,让你回味不停 (Verse 1) 汉堡摊前,忙得不亦乐乎 这兄弟的手艺,不是盖的哦 抓起扒子,翻滚着汉堡肉 一口咬下去,就像在吃享受 (Chorus) 成都汉堡,滋味无穷 兄弟的手艺,叫人回味不停 鸭舌帽黑衬衣,潮范十足 在成都的街头,他是个大明星 (Verse 2) 流汗如雨,但心里甜蜜 因为他知道,自己的努力一定会被看到 从早到晚,汉堡的味道弥漫 吸引着路过的每一个行人 (Chorus) 成都汉堡,滋味无穷 兄弟的手艺,叫人回味不停 鸭舌帽黑衬衣,潮范十足 在成都的街头,他是个大明星 (Verse 3) 不管风吹雨打,他都不退缩 因为他有梦想,追逐着他的未来 摊前的排队,是对他最好的肯定 他的汉堡,是城里最炙手可热的美味 (Chorus) 成都汉堡,滋味无穷 兄弟的手艺,叫人回味不停 鸭舌帽黑衬衣,潮范十足 在成都的街头,他是个大明星 (Outro) 在成都的街头,汉堡的香味飘荡 兄弟的笑容,是对生活最好的解答 不论春夏秋冬,他都在这儿等候 成都汉堡,成就你的味蕾梦想
FWUB Anthem

FWUB Anthem

Készítette: Ármin Száraz Suno AI-val

(Verse 1) The city streets are alive tonight With a thousand hearts beating in time The pressure's mounting, the air is electric We're all here for this moment, we won't forget it (Chorus) This is the champion's anthem, we're reaching for the stars With fire in our eyes, we're ready to go far In the atmosphere before the big final We're united as one, unstoppable (Verse 2) Every dream we've ever had Is painted on the stars tonight We'll give it everything we've got And show the world our fighting spirit's tight (Chorus) This is the champion's anthem, we're reaching for the stars With fire in our eyes, we're ready to go far In the atmosphere before the big final We're united as one, unstoppable (Bridge) The drums are pounding, the cheers are loud We're ready to take on the crowd This is our moment, this is our time We'll shine brighter than the stars that align (Chorus) This is the champion's anthem, we're reaching for the stars With fire in our eyes, we're ready to go far In the atmosphere before the big final We're united as one, unstoppable (Outro) In this moment, we'll stand tall Together we'll rise, together we'll fall This is our anthem,
Höri kém

Höri kém

Készítette: Zoltán Hörcsög Suno AI-val



Készítette: Yusuf iram Suno AI-val

Gözlerimden akan son damlalarla, Yalnızlık çökerken üstüme gece, Sensizlikle dolanır her köşe başı, Geri dönmeyen bir sevgilinin ardından. (Koro) Ayrılık soğuk bir rüzgar gibi, Kalbimi yaralar, içimi acıtır. Sen gittin, geriye sadece anılar kaldı, Aşkımızın izleri, kaybolan umutlar. (Soluk bir melodi eşliğinde) Hatıralarla dolu bu eski evde, Geceler uzun, sessizlik derin. Sonsuz bir özlem sarar her yanımı, Geri dönmeni beklerken her an. (Koro) Ayrılık soğuk bir rüzgar gibi, Kalbimi yaralar, içimi acıtır. Sen gittin, geriye sadece anılar kaldı, Aşkımızın izleri, kaybolan umutlar. (Bir piyano eşliğinde) Belki bir gün yeniden buluşuruz, Ama şimdi yolumuz ayrı, yollarımız ayrı. Gözlerimden süzülen son damla yaşla, Veda ederim sana, sonsuzluğa kadar. (Koro) Ayrılık soğuk bir rüzgar gibi, Kalbimi yaralar, içimi acıtır. Sen gittin, geriye sadece anılar kaldı, Aşkımızın izleri, kaybolan umutlar.
Gucci dreams dah True

Gucci dreams dah True

Készítette: Helder Joaquim Suno AI-val

[Verse] Ice drippin' on my body, I'm feelin' right All white Gucci suit, shine in the night (ooh-yeah) Truth be told, it's hard to swallow, no lie But this life got me feelin' on cloud nine (yeah-yeah-yeah) [Verse 2] Poppin' pills like candy, it's all in my hand Codeine overflowin' on my nightstand (ooh-ooh-ooh) Chasin' highs, losin' sight of who I am Livin' fast, but it feels like quicksand (oh-oh-oh) [Chorus] Gucci dreams, they're takin' over, can't resist Lose myself in this dark abyss Searching for the light, but I'm getting deeper in this mess Cloud nine, I'm so high, can't come down Chasin' dreams, livin' life in the fast lane now No escape, addicted to this high But the price I pay is losin' part of me inside [Verse 3] Mind keep sayin' I need it, body no rest Eyes faded, coke in my veins and chest Coughin', wheezin', I'm too high No medicine for this, oh, ain't no lie Feel like I'm flyin' from this planet So much smoke in here, where the truth went? Eyes closed, feel like I'm on cloud nine Livin' fast, goin' hard, we gon' die young [Verse 4] Now takin' pills to free my soul Feel like I'm in too deep to stay low Chasin' highs, losin' sight of reality Drownin' in a world o
Jo jo

Jo jo

Készítette: Antonio Bruno Suno AI-val

Jo jo sei stupidina e piccolina dici sempre binze basta ma manct a pasta


Készítette: Aviv Suno AI-val

Verse1: Slick talk, tick-tock, enemies on my clock, Rumors spread, dread head, 'til they hit a dead lock. Crown me in the ring, I'm the king, no cap, Stackin' victories, history, in this trap rap map. Dark blocks, hard knocks, made me, can't break me, Real recognize real, your facade can't fake me. Heavy lies the crown, but my dome's built tough, Rising from the dust, with my diamond in the rough. Flex on 'em, next dawn, we're the storm they forecast, No love lost, only lessons, in the contrast. Cheddar chase, set the pace, in this rat race, My legacy's set in stone, with every case I embrace. Hook: In the game, I reign, never tame, can't chain, Echoes of my name, in the fame hall of fame. Rise, never fall, stand tall through it all, In the shadows, I brawl, on top, I ball. Money talks, silence walks, in my path, I stalk, Lessons taught, battles fought, in victory, I'm locked. King of my domain, in my lane, I sustain, Through the pain, gain remains, forever in my reign. Verse2: Back at it, havoc, my hustle's automatic, In the fabric of legends, my narrative's dramatic. Ice in my veins, no stains on my reign, Elevate, dominate, in this lane, I sustain. (fuck off boy i win)
L.A live

L.A live

Készítette: Helder Joaquim Suno AI-val

[Verse] Ice drippin' on my body, I'm feelin' right All white Gucci suit, shine in the night (ooh-yeah) Truth be told, it's hard to swallow, no lie But this life got me feelin' on cloud nine (yeah-yeah-yeah) [Verse 2] Poppin' pills like candy, it's all in my hand Codeine overflowin' on my nightstand (ooh-ooh-ooh) Chasin' highs, losin' sight of who I am Livin' fast, but it feels like quicksand (oh-oh-oh) [Chorus] Gucci dreams, they're takin' over, can't resist Lose myself in this dark abyss Searching for the light, but I'm getting deeper in this mess Cloud nine, I'm so high, can't come down Chasin' dreams, livin' life in the fast lane now No escape, addicted to this high But the price I pay is losin' part of me inside [Verse 3] Mind keep sayin' I need it, body no rest Eyes faded, coke in my veins and chest Coughin', wheezin', I'm too high No medicine for this, oh, ain't no lie Feel like I'm flyin' from this planet So much smoke in here, where the truth went? Eyes closed, feel like I'm on cloud nine Livin' fast, goin' hard, we gon' die young [Verse 4] Now takin' pills to free my soul Feel like I'm in too deep to stay low Chasin' highs, losin' sight of reality Drownin' in a world