Ez a zene egy tutoriál ahhoz hogyan legyél egy iszónyatooosan egy béna geci balfasz. Ott van nekünk Gulyáska, ki egy löttyedt csöcsű pina geci, párja Papó aki a mások faszát imádja szopkodni de nem retten el attól ha szájába finganak. Harmadik kiszemelt muskétásunk Nagata aki imádja mások bizalmát kihasználni és játszani a tökéletes ártatlant aki természetesen sose csinált semmi rosszat. Végezetűl a fő bossz Kacsa aki ugyan nem hápog de szereti elfelejteni a jó tettet és áldozatot hozni hatalmáért cserébe. Ez a négy ijfú titán olyanok mint egy izzadt cigány papucs ami már eléggé kikopott főleg bizalmat és tisztességet nézve. Ennek a négy úrnak volt 2 jó barátja akik megadták nekik a bizalmat, tanították őket és időt szenteltek nekik de ők szépen lassan de szép csalódást okoztak mert patkányok. Ez a 2 kis cimbora, olyan volt mint tehénnek a búza, amit gulyásnak a szeme szúrta. Kacsa tétlenségből ezekkel a huligánokkal roskad, de mindenki tudja hogy a 4 huligán egymás seggét fúrja. Végezetül a lezárás előtt egy utolsó tanáccsl szólnánk a kedves néző közönséghez miszerint ha kapsz bizalmat mástól vagy másoktól azt az életed árán is használd ki. Bárhogy is szúr itt a kacsa az úr.
Pierre, un p'tit gars, grand rêveur
Un ballon orange, son seul bonheur
Dès l'enfance, le basket dans la peau
Un talent fou, un destin qui se dessine
මම ගන්නෙමීකරකාරෙ දගකාර සුකුමාලී
වලව්වෙ හමුගෙ මද්දුම දෝනි
නැන්දලා මාමලා යාලුවො එක්කල
බලන්න යනවනෙ හැඩකාරී
කැවුම් කොකිස් අලුවා හදලා එලිවෙනතුරු නින්ද නැතිලු
ඔරලෝසුවෙ කටු කැරකෙන්නෑ
හෙට සුට් බූට් සෙන් පවුඩර් ගාලා නාලා යනවනේ මං
දැන්නම් මගෙ කිසි අඩුවක් නෑ//
පබාවතී ඔයා මගේ මං කුස වගේ කතන්දරේ
උබ මට යසට කැපෙන්නෙ
මං පොඩ්ඩක් කලුයි කියලා උස පොඩ්ඩක් අඩුයි කියලා
ඇයි මේ අහක බලන්නේ
රම්පෙට පොරි හැලෙන්න දෙන්නම් පැනිවරකා
මා හා දීගෙ යන්න එනවද සුදු මැනිකා
සින්හලෙ හාලේ බතට කරවල හොදි හදලා
උනුවෙන් කවන්නම්ද දෙනවද හිත මැනිකා
ඔය රා මුට්ටිය මෙහෙට ගෙනෙන් පොල්කට්ටක් හොයලා ගනින්
එහෙන් මෙහෙන් වඩිවෙයන්කෝ
කලුමාමේ උබ මෙහෙට වරෙන් ඩෝලැක්කිය අතට ගනින් එලිවෙනකන් බජවු දමමුකෝ//
Early one morning while making the rounds
I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down
Went right home and I went to bed
I stuck that loving 44 beneath my head
Got up next morning and I grabbed that gun
Took a shot of cocaine and away I run
Made a good run but run too slow
They overtook me down in Juarez, Mexico
Laid in the hot joints taking the pill
In walked the sheriff from Jericho Hill
He said Willie Lee, your name is not Jack Brown
You're the dirty hop that shot your woman down
I said yes sir, my name is Willie Lee
If you got a warrant, just read it to me
Shot her down because she made me sorе
I thought I was her daddy but she had five morе
When I was arrested I was dressed in black
They put me on train and it took me back
I had no friends for to go my bail
They slapped my dried up carcass in that county jail
, Daddy
Verse 1:
It's your special day, let's celebrate
Another year older, another year great
From the moment you were born, you stole my heart
My love for you, will never depart
Happy birthday Shirnel Swarts
You shine so bright like a million stars
Daddy loves you more than words can say
I'll be by your side in every single way
Verse 2:
You're growing up so fast, it's hard to believe
But I'm so proud of the woman you've come to be
With your strength and grace, you conquer all
You'll achieve anything, big or small
Happy birthday Shirnel Swarts
You shine so bright like a million stars
Daddy loves you more than words can say
I'll be by your side in every single way
I may not always be there to hold your hand
But know that my love for you will forever stand
No matter where life takes you, always remember
You'll always have a home with me, forever and ever
Happy birthday Shirnel Swarts
You shine so bright like a million stars
Daddy loves you more than words can say
I'll be by your side in every single way
Happy birthday Shirnel Swarts,
My beautiful daughter from Daddy, Daddy.
give me a break from all this bullshit
give me a break from all this bullshit
give me a~
This town don't feel~ like~ mine~
You know we are running out of time
Bleeding from my nose ring
I can feel you so ghost me
Crashing out from my past now
Coked up might just pass out
Tell them all what I do rat
You know where the fuck i be at
Go ahead and tell them that i do that
You know I don't do that
Crashing out from my past now
Coked up might just pass out
Bleeding from my nose ring
I can feel you so ghost me
This town don't feel~ like~ mine~
You know we are running out of time
give me a break from all this bullshit
give me a break from all this bullshit
give me a~
This town don't feel~ like~ mine~
You know we are running out of time
Keep calling mine
You know i'm on your mind
"Lost in the night, nowhere to go
The stars above are my only show
I'm searching for a way to break free
From the chains that bind and hold me
My heart is heavy, my head is spinning
I don't know where this journey's beginning
But I'll keep walking, I won't give in
I'll find my way, I'll find my strength within
Every step feels like a thousand miles
But I won't stop, I'll keep on for awhile
I'll chase my dreams, I'll reach for the sky
I won't let anyone tell me otherwise
The road may be long, the path may be rough
But I know deep down, I'm strong enough
To face the challenges that come my way
I won't back down, I'll stand tall and stay
So when you see me, don't count me out
I'll rise above all my doubts
I'll spread my wings and take flight
For I am a warrior, ready to fight."
Hold on Hold on
Yeah Yeah Yeah
算法出家的我会点 React、设计模式、MQ,但是... 但是...
哈哈,唯独不会 Flex 1
有个仙女女朋友,她代码写得溜。会 Vue、会前端还会烘焙!
嗷嗷对了,她还会 Flex 1
Go, go, go, go, go, go
Go Shirnell, it's your birthday
We gon' party like it's your birthday
We gon' sip Bacardi like it's your birthday
Zé piriquito foi fazer gol e ele chuta no ângulo, e é gool meu deus senhor farofa
En las calles del barrio, donde el tiempo se detiene,
Soy el trapero, el que todo el mundo tiene presente.
Con mi flow callejero, rompo esquemas sin cesar,
En cada verso que suelto, hago temblar la ciudad.
Con mi estilo underground, sin límites ni fronteras,
Soy el rey del trap, el que nunca se desespera.
En cada beat que cae, mi voz resuena,
Soy el duro del barrio, la voz que encadena.
Trapero de corazón, sin miedo a la batalla,
Con mi música salvaje, rompo la muralla.
Bailando en la oscuridad, con la fuerza de un huracán,
Soy el trapero invencible, el que nunca se va.
Grande festa alla corte di Francia, c'è nel regno una bimba in più
Biondi capelli e rosa di guancia, Oscar ti chiamerai tu
Il buon padre voleva un maschietto ma ahimè sei nata tu
Nella culla ti han messo un fioretto, lady dal fiocco blu
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar tutti fanno festa quando passi tu
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar come un moschettiere batterti sai tu
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar le gran dame a corte ti invidiano perché
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar anche nel duello eleganza c'è
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Le
Notte buia alla corte di Francia, a palazzo si dorme già
Tre briganti con spada e con lancia, agguato a sua maestà
Lady Oscar s'è proprio nascosta nella grande stanza del Re
Con passo felino ed abile mossa colpirà tutti e tre
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar la tua spada fischia non delude mai
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar anche nella mischia vincere tu sai
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar le gran dame a corte t'invidiano perché
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar anche nel duello eleganza c'è
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Le
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Le
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar tutti fanno festa quando passi tu
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar come un moschett
Tutt e juorn è semb a stessa storj, mammà nun m vò fà mangià
Devo dimagrire dieci chili perché sono ingrassato un po'
L'insalatina non mi piace, meglio nu piatt e maccarun
Le carotine, gli spinaci, ma che n'aggia fà?
A me me piac a Nutell, ò gelat ca pann, e merendin in quantità
E cornett rind ò latt, maiones e ketchup, nun m l'avit fà mancà
Mamma ca fes e tacchin e n'uovo bollito, a pranz m vò fà mangià
Ma che ne facc e sti cos, ij voglio doie muzzarell, nu sfilatin ca murtadell
Na pizz ca Coca-Cola comm te po' mancà, e zeppl e panzarott, e vuliss ittà?
A me me piac a Nutell, ò panin e a porchett, voglio ò prusutt cà pancett
Nun ò voglio ò brodin, nu merluzz e a pastin, sti cos fann mal a me
A matin e fett biscottat co thè, mammà me fà mangià
Po' na mela a scol dint a cartell i disegn, ric ca può purtà
Ma for a scol ogni matin, primm che son a campanell
Quatt brioche e na ciambell, ò bar vac a mangià
A me me piac a Nutell, ò gelat ca pann, e merendin in quantità
E cornett rind ò latt, maiones e ketchup, nun m l'avit fà mancà
Mamma ca fes e tacchin e n'uovo bollito, a pranz m vò fà mangià
Ma che ne facc e sti cos, ij voglio doie muzzarell, nu sfilatin ca murtadell
Na pizz ca Coca-C
Készítette: Adrián Orellana Cabello Suno AI-val
Call me Lil Dope
I got a lot of people asking about my drugs
I got a lot of coke-rock´s on my socks
If a i go to the ghetto niggas want my gold
Lucas's mother is an addict because of me,
it was me who left her in that shit,
now he just wants to get high in the streets
He calls me with his monkey asking for coke and speed
My brother Román died of an overdose
Why one night I gave him a bunch
He began to convulse and foam
She looked like a whore in a deep throat
The children of "La Noche" want my merchandise
They say that with it they reach paradise
In "Amnesia" or "Paradise"
They seem to want to die
Call me Lil Dope
I got a lot of people asking about my drugs
I got a lot of coke-rock´s on my socks
If a i go to the ghetto niggas want my gold
Lucas's mother is an addict because of me,
it was me who left her in that shit,
now he just wants to get high in the streets
He calls me with his monkey asking for coke and speed
My brother Román died of an overdose
Why one night I gave him a bunch
He began to convulse and foam
She looked like a whore in a deep throat
The children of "La Noche" want my merchandise
They say that with it they reach paradise
In "Amnesia" or "Paradise"
They seem to want to die
Mi primera ralla me la dió el Vainas
Ahora estoy enganchado he vendido mis Air Max
Vendería a mi madre vendería mi alma
Tan solo por una tener fina linea blanca
Tiene a todo el bloque controlado
A medio barrio enganchado
Es el papi de Sa Peña
El suministra los gramos
A la yonky de un eurito le dió medio pollo
Ahora yo no pide cerveza te apuñala por el coco
El Lucas de Ses Paises antes estaba bien del coco
Pero el Vainas le invitó y se ha quedado medio loco
Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope!
Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss!
Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope!
Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss!
El perro ha agrandado la lista de proyecto hombre
Va a comisión cada mes recibe un sobre
Le dan un vale de descuento en el Pensil cada vez que engancha a un pobre
En los barrios marginales todos saben su nombre
Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope!
Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss!
(Verse 1)
(Verse 2)
I'm not above a love to cash in
Another lover underneath those flashing lights
Another one of those ruthless nights
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I shoulda guessed that this would happen
l should have known it when I
looked in your red hot eyes
Spewing all your red hot lies
What's the worst part of this hell
I can only blame myself
Cause I know you're poison
You're feedin' me poison
Addicted to this feelin'
I can't help but swallow up
Your poison
I made my choice and
every night I'm living like there's no tomorrow
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Any way you want me baby
That's the way you got me
I'll be Yours
My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
I got so good at being untrue
I got so good at tellin'you what you wanna hear
I disassociate, disappear
So far beyond difficult
To resist another gulp
Yeah I know it's poison
You're feedin' me poison
I'm choking from the taste
And I can't help but swallow up
Your poison
I made my choice and
every night I'm wasted
like there's no tomorrow
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Any way you want me baby
That's the way you got me
I'll be yours
My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
I'm drowning in
I'm not above a love to cash in
Another lover underneath those flashing lights
Another one of those ruthless nights
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I shoulda guessed that this would happen
l should have known it when I
looked in your red hot eyes
Spewing all your red hot lies
What's the worst part of this hell
I can only blame myself
Cause I know you're poison
You're feedin' me poison
Addicted to this feelin'
I can't help but swallow up
Your poison
I made my choice and
every night I'm living like there's no tomorrow
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Any way you want me baby
That's the way you got me
I'll be Yours
My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
I got so good at being untrue
I got so good at tellin'you what you wanna hear
I disassociate, disappear
So far beyond difficult
To resist another gulp
Yeah I know it's poison
You're feedin' me poison
I'm choking from the taste
And I can't help but swallow up
Your poison
I made my choice and
every night I'm wasted
like there's no tomorrow
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Any way you want me baby
That's the way you got me
I'll be yours
My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
I'm drowning in
Sur Trackmania, je replonge dans mes souvenirs,
Chaque virage, chaque saut, fait naître un soupir,
La mélancolie m'enveloppe dans son étreinte,
Dans cet univers, le passé et le présent se peignent.
(Couplet 1)
Les circuits défilent, mais mon esprit s'évade,
Je me rappelle les heures passées, les émotions qui se ravivent,
Chaque obstable, chaque défi, me renvoie à une époque révolue,
Trackmania, témoin silencieux de mes joies et de mes déchus.
Sur Trackmania, je replonge dans mes souvenirs,
Chaque virage, chaque saut, fait naître un soupir,
La mélancolie m'enveloppe dans son étreinte,
Dans cet univers, le passé et le présent se peignent.
(Couplet 2)
Les images floues des tournois, des victoires et des défaites,
Se mêlent aux notes sombres de cette trap mélancolique,
Je me souviens des amis, des rires, des moments de grâce,
Trackmania, gardien de ces instants, dans son espace.
Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément,
Sous le soleil tropical, chaque course devient un événement,
Je glisse sur les circuits, c'est un sentiment exaltant,
Dans cet univers, le plaisir est incessant.
(Couplet 1)
Dans mon bolide, je m'élance, je suis prêt à tout casser,
Les palmiers défilent, l'océan scintille, je suis dans l'ivresse,
Les virages s'enchaînent, les défis se dressent,
Mais rien ne peut m'arrêter, dans cette frénésie sans cesse.
Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément,
Sous le soleil tropical, chaque course devient un événement,
Je glisse sur les circuits, c'est un sentiment exaltant,
Dans cet univers, le plaisir est incessant.
(Couplet 2)
Les basses résonnent, mon cœur bat au rythme du beat,
Je slalome entre les obstacles, je défie la défaite,
La compétition est rude, mais je reste maître de mon destin,
Car sur Trackmania, la victoire est entre mes mains.
Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément,
Sous le soleil tropical, chaque course devient un événement,
Je glisse sur les circuits, c'est un sentiment exaltant,
Dans cet univers, le plaisir est incessant.
Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément,
Chaque virage, chaque saut, c'est excitant,
La vitesse, l'adrénaline, tout est palpitant,
Dans cet univers, je me sens vivant.
(Couplet 1)
Sur la piste, je suis comme un roi,
Ma voiture danse au son du reggaeton qui bat la mesure,
Je fonce, je slalome, je déploie toutes mes forces,
Dans ce monde virtuel, je trouve ma source.
Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément,
Chaque virage, chaque saut, c'est excitant,
La vitesse, l'adrénaline, tout est palpitant,
Dans cet univers, je me sens vivant.
(Couplet 2)
Les graphismes défilent, la musique me transporte,
Je suis accro à cette sensation, cette sorte de porte,
Qui m'emmène loin de la réalité, dans un tourbillon,
De plaisir et de compétition, dans ce monde en expansion.
Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément,
Chaque virage, chaque saut, c'est excitant,
La vitesse, l'adrénaline, tout est palpitant,
Dans cet univers, je me sens vivant.