
Top Emo Music Tracks & Bands - Explore Now

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Készítette: Aa Oray Suno AI-val

Ingin ku ungkapkan semua perasaan kepadamu saat ini Agar kau tau betapa ku sangat                     mengagumimu Akan ku coba tuk ungkapkan semua                                            perasaanku kepadamu agar kau tau betapa                                      ku sangat menginginkanmu...                                     Kini aku menyadari kaulah bidadari yang                     slalu ku nanti        Kau bidadari hatiku datanglah oh kepadaku ku slalu menantimu disini... Kau bidadari malamku datanglah di setiap      mimpi indahku Ku slalu menunggumu disini Kau bidadari hatiku datanglah oh kepadaku Ku slalu menantimu disini.. Kau bidadari malam ku datanglah di setiap malamku
Father's Love

Father's Love

Készítette: datapc kantor Suno AI-val

[Verse] Seperti bintang yang bersinar malam ini Kau munculkan senyum di dadaku Tak akan pernah ku biarkan kau merasa sendiri Karna tak pernah ada kata terlambat untukku Allah mendengar doa ku tentangmu Kau adalah matahari dalam hari-hariku Takkan ku biarkan kau jatuh Kecilku Karna ayah kan selalu di sampingmu [Verse 2] Melangkah perlahan dalam dunia yang luas Aku akan mengikuti jejak ayahku Ku ingin berkata bahwa aku kagum padamu Terima kasih Ayah Untuk semua yang kau lakukan
Numa Noite de Fado

Numa Noite de Fado

Készítette: Guilherme Almeida Suno AI-val

[Verse] Noite escura Alma triste O som do martelo ecoa nos becos Saudades de um tempo que já não existe O fado chora Deixa-me perplexo Monhé no canto Rosto sofrido Contando histórias de um passado perdido Mama Carica As palavras do fado A melodia que toca no coração magoado [Verse 2] Nas ruas estreitas Cheiro a kebab no ar O sabor exótico nos meus lábios a perdurar Uma fusão de culturas Memórias em mim O fado abraça a modernidade Sem fim


Készítette: Axelle Pau Suno AI-val

Eyes burning with envy, heart consumed by doubt, Every glance, every word, she can't live without, Insecurity's grip, tightens day by day, As jealousy's poison, leads her heart astray. A toxic love, a jealous fire, Burning brighter, rising higher, In the shadows, she can't escape, Her mind consumed by jealous fate. Every smile he gives, feels like a lie, Every moment apart, makes her want to cry, She's drowning in suspicion, can't see the truth, Lost in the darkness of her own reproof. A toxic love, a jealous fire, Burning brighter, rising higher, In the shadows, she can't escape, Her mind consumed by jealous fate. She sees ghosts where there's nothing but air, Her heart's in turmoil, her mind unaware, She pushes him away, with her jealous rage, But deep down inside, she's trapped in her cage. A toxic love, a jealous fire, Burning brighter, rising higher, In the shadows, she can't escape, Her mind consumed by jealous fate. So she'll watch from afar, consumed by despair, As jealousy's poison, taints the love she once shared, For in the grip of envy, there's no room for grace, Just the echoes of a love, lost in jealous embrace


Készítette: Arcanum Suno AI-val

Слова, что ты никогда не услышишь, Письма, что ты никогда не прочтёшь Я в темноте прошепчу еле слышно, Чтобы унять свою мелкую дрожь. Письма, что ты никогда не напишешь В ответ на невнятные мои письмена, Я, как и свет, никогда не увижу И не прочту их уже никогда. В пожирающей Тьме и без лунного света Утонет пронзительный внутренний крик До боли влюблённого горе-поэта: Его письма – не боле чем простой черновик, В котором Слова, что однажды я выскажу смело, И письма, что твёрдо прочту я тебе. Вручу свою душу, мысли и тело И кровь, что прольётся на холодной земле.


Készítette: Ramazan Doruk Suno AI-val

Seni ilk görüşte sevdim gördüğüm an delirdim rüzgâr gibi esiyordun gözlerime bakıyordun ben yaralı sevdalıyım sana bağlıyım kimse ayıramaz bizi hayatımdan bir dizi şiir her şeyin başı doğruluktur inan ben de yalan yoktur sana olan duygularımı anlatayım her anımı


Készítette: Ciolpan Suno AI-val

Unde ești karma De ce la mine e rana Nu mi se pare greșit C-am făcut ce-am simțit Suflet bun i-am oferit M-am născut când m-a sărutat Am murit când m-a înșelat De trăit am trăit Doar cât noi ne-am iubit, doar cât noi ne-am iubit Tarararara tata Tururututu uu uuu U uuuu Aaa Aaa Karmaaa aa uu aaa
gaucha geet

gaucha geet

Készítette: Facts96 Suno AI-val

गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली जय, जय, जय नेपाल, सुन्दर, शान्त, बिशाल सुन्दर, शान्त, बिशाल गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली जय, जय, जय नेपाल, सुन्दर, शान्त, बिशाल सुन्दर, शान्त, बिशाल गण्डकी, कोसी, कर्णाली, मेची, र महाकाली लेक र बेसी बिउझाउँछन्, लहर लाखौँ उचाली हिमालचुली बोलाउँछ पहिलो झुल्का निकाली सगरमाथा शिखरमा पुग्दछ पहिले नेपाली सीताले सारा भिजाइन दक्षिण लंका-भारत भृकुटी तारा उदाइन उत्तर चीन-तिब्बत बुद्धले यहीँ पाएथे ज्ञानको पहिलो मुहान शिवले यहीँ ल्याएथे सृस्टीको पहिलो बिहान गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली जय, जय, जय नेपाल, सुन्दर, शान्त, बिशाल सुन्दर, शान्त, बिशाल पश्चिम किल्ला काँगडा, पूर्वमा टिस्टा पुगेथ्यौँ कुन शक्तिको सामुमा कहिले हामी झुकेथ्यौँ? हामीले हिमाल उठायौँ एसियाको माझमा सभ्यता बास बसेथ्यो आएर यहीँ साँझमा यही नेपाली माटोमा दिलको फूल रोपेर यही पहाडी शिलामा प्रीतको गीत खोपेर बाँचौला हामी नेपालमा चन्द्र र सुर्य ध्वोजा लिई नाँचौला हामी हिमालमा ज्योतिको पंख उचाली गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली जय, जय, जय नेपाल, सुन्दर, शान्त, बिशाल


Készítette: Facts96 Suno AI-val

गुरुआमा हाम्रा प्यारा ज्ञान दिन्छन् हरेक दिन सारा किताब खोल्छन्, अक्षर सिकाउँछन् बुद्धि लगाउन सधैं रमाउँछन् (Chorus) गाउँछौं हामी, ताली बजाउँछौं गुरुआमालाई धन्यवाद भन्छौं पढ्न लेख्न सिकाउनुभएकोमा सधैं कृतज्ञ रहनेछौं
foi será

foi será

Készítette: Adriel Bodevan Suno AI-val

[Verse] Perdão Eu nunca quis te sufocar Mas o que eu deveria fazer? Fingir não me importar? Se estava pensando nisso Por que não me perguntou antes? Essa decisão foi injusta Por favor repense Yup [Verse 2] Pois é, eu tenho medo de perder Isso não é só com você Me ajude a melhorar Em vez de se afastar Agora é o melhor momento Já que não vai estar mais naquele lugar [Chorus] Eu sei Que não é tão fria assim (eu sei) Que não iria Apenas me descartar e continuar Como se não fosse nada Eu queria tanto saber O que aconteceu pra você (pra você) Acabar com algo Que falta tanto pra começar [Verse 3] A espera pode ser longa e o tempo é precioso Mas o valor da sua presença tornará cada segundo valioso [Pre-Chorus] Se eu perder, nós dois perdemos Eu, por você ser quem eu mais amava E você, porque eu era o que te amava mais [Chorus] Eu sei Que não é tão fria assim (eu sei) Que não iria Apenas me descartar e continuar Como se não fosse nada Eu queria tanto saber O que aconteceu pra você Pra você acabar com algo Que falta tanto pra começar [end]
doraemon Russian

doraemon Russian

Készítette: Оксана Серебренникова Suno AI-val

Что-то вроде этого, вроде того Жаль, что я не могу этого сделать Такой сон, такой сон... У меня их так много, но Все они, все они, все они Он дарует им все Он воплощает все это в жизнь с помощью своего таинственного кармана Я хочу свободно летать по небу (Вот! Бамбуковый вертолет!) Ах, ах, ах, я очень сильно люблю тебя, Дораэмон Домашние задания, школьные обязанности, экзамены и прочие поручения И тому подобные вещи Они трудны, но Все они, все они, все они Он помогает мне Он помогает мне с помощью полезного инструмента Смотри! игрушечный солдатик (Сюда! Атакуй!) Ах, ах, ах, я очень сильно люблю тебя, Дораэмон [спасибо, что навестил нас] Это прекрасное место Я бы хотел поехать туда Эта страна, этот остров, их много, но Все они, все они, все они Он дает мне возможность пойти к ним Он использует устройство будущего, чтобы исполнить мое желание Я хочу отправиться в кругосветное путешествие (эхехехе... Куда угодно!) Ах, ах, ах, я очень сильно люблю тебя, Дораэмон Ах, ах, ах, я очень сильно люблю тебя, Дораэмон
father day

father day

Készítette: Facts96 Suno AI-val

बाबा मेरो बलियो हात उचालेर हिँडाउँछन् मलाई साथ खेलमा साथ दिन्छन् हाँसी हाँसी म बलियो हुन्छु भन्छन् रमाएर (Chorus) काम गर्छन् दिनभर मिहिनेतले घरको लागि कमाउँछन् मायाले पढ्न सिकाउँछन् नया कुरा संसार देखाउँछन् रमाएर


Készítette: Facts96 Suno AI-val

बाबा मेरो बलियो हात उचालेर हिँडाउँछन् मलाई साथ खेलमा साथ दिन्छन् हाँसी हाँसी म बलियो हुन्छु भन्छन् रमाएर (Chorus) काम गर्छन् दिनभर मिहिनेतले घरको लागि कमाउँछन् मायाले पढ्न सिकाउँछन् नया कुरा संसार देखाउँछन् रमाएर


Készítette: Ciolpan Suno AI-val

Iubirea mea, ca un răsărit de soare, În sufletul meu, trăiește mereu să zboare. Cu fiecare bătaie, te simt mai aproape, Tu ești melodia mea, mereu și în toate. Tarara ta ta ta ta Parara pa pa pa pa Uuuuu uuu u Tu tu tuu


Készítette: Wenn Fredrick Suno AI-val

(Verse 1) In every corner of my mind, Your laughter still resides. But now the echoes fade away, In the silence, you can't stay. (Chorus) You were my anchor, my guide, In this ocean of life, you were my tide. Now I'm drifting all alone, In the waves, I've lost my home. (Verse 2) We painted the world with our dreams, In the kaleidoscope of our schemes. But now the colors start to fade, In this void, our memories cascade. (Chorus) You were my anchor, my guide, In this ocean of life, you were my tide. Now I'm drifting all alone, In the waves, I've lost my home. (Bridge) I'll keep your laughter in my heart, As a beacon in the dark. Though you're gone, I'll find my way, In the memories, you'll always stay. (Chorus) You were my anchor, my guide, In this ocean of life, you were my tide. Now I'm drifting all alone, In the waves, I've lost my home. (Outro) You were my anchor in the storm, And I'll keep you safe and warm. Though you're not here, I'll find my way, In the memories, you'll always stay.


Készítette: Fajar Sweerja Suno AI-val

Kehidupan sekelompok pertemanan yang terjalin lama untuk menggapai satu tujuan tapi sekarang terpisah oleh keadaan
C.D. Patinaje Gurutzeta

C.D. Patinaje Gurutzeta

Készítette: Gorka Gamarro Suno AI-val

Gurutzeta es un club de barrio, el cual empezó en un colegio y ahora lo conocen todo el norte, buscan ganar la copa siguiendo las instrucciones de Aimar, buscando el gol de Seoane, ya sea de tiro o de remate, apoyándose en la veteranía de la capitanía de Eneko y a su lado saliendo desde 9 Endika haciendo controles orientados, o Conde pudiendo hacer unos ganchos para encarar al portero como tocar todas las bolas que le lluevan. No podemos olvidarnos de la retaguardia en la cual esperan Julen y Javi para pararlo todo, junto a Gorka que con sus flexiones no pasa nadie


Készítette: sergej zhmaev Suno AI-val

Соня проснись, я по тебе скучаю. Мы так и не начали смотреть третий сезон. Приедь, я заварю тебе чаю Это точно круче чем сон. Не суй мне пальцы в нос, И я не буду кусаться. И даже если пройдет целый год, Мы все еще будем смеяться над фразой дрочильный хоровод.


Készítette: Сергей Suno AI-val

Соня проснись, я по тебе скучаю. Мы так и не начали смотреть третий сезон. Приедь, я заварю тебе чаю Это точно круче чем сон. Не суй мне пальцы в нос, И я не буду кусаться. И даже если пройдет целый год, Мы все еще будем смеяться над фразой дрочильный хоровод.
21 guns

21 guns

Készítette: Guanghui Wang Suno AI-val

Do you know what's worth fighting for' When it's not worth dying for Does it take your breath away And you feel yourself suffocating Does the pain weigh out the pride And you look for a place to hide Did someone break your heart inside You're in ruins One' 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight One' 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky' You and I When you're at the end of the road And you lost all sense of control And you're throughts have taken their toll When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul Your faith walks on broken glass And the hangover doesn't pass Nothing's ever built to last You're in ruins One' 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight One' 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky' You and I Did you try to live on your own When you burned down the house and home Did you stand too close to the fire Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone When it's time to live and let die And you can't get another try Something inside this heart has died You're in ruins One' 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight One' 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky' One' 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight One' 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky'
Rebellion's Symphony

Rebellion's Symphony

Készítette: Guanghui Wang Suno AI-val

[Verse] In this symphony of rebellion We ride the ebb and flow A diverse rock sound The beat of freedom's soul Mid-tempo pace We'll make this world our own Dynamic shifts We won't be confined We've grown Electronic and orchestral elements infuse in the air Echoing the cries of those who dare to care Emotionally resonant Our lyrics strike hard and deep Through the music A battle cries that we shall reap [Verse 2] On this stage of revolution We speak the truth unbound Our voices a weapon A melody that astounds In this diverse rock sound We find our voice Raging against the darkness Rejecting the noise


Készítette: Daisy Suno AI-val

We drink Mars We got drunk on Jupiter We stumbled upon the stars We kissed on Venus We dance within our own eclipse. sun and moon, I am yours, only yours. [pre-chorus] If the stars whispered our secrets, they would tell the meteors about our love, and they would envy my lips when they touch yours. [chorus] I screamed I cried Nothing will bring you back And I cry every night.... What have we become? [second verse] Hugging each other watching the sunset, I realize that there is nothing more beautiful than your honey-colored eyes. My heart won't start anymore (Stop 'cause you're losin' me) My heart won't start anymore (Stop 'cause you're losin' me) [Bridge] How long could we be a sad song 'Til we were too far gone to bring back to life? I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier Fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me I'm the best thing at this party (You're losin' me) And I wouldn't marry me either A pathological people pleaser Who only wanted you to see her