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Suno AI を使用して shen jack によって作成されました

(副歌) 在街头亮起的霓虹灯,KIKO BURGER梦开始的地方, 手中汗水换来的硬币响,这不仅仅是个汉堡摊。 每个夜晚都更饿,为了梦想不停地转, 盘中餐是我的舞台,每个字节都是饱满的篇章。 (第一节) 从地摊到大舞台,一样的台阶我一步步来, 生活不易,每个汉堡都得争取来, 不只是生计这么简单,这是我的作品,我的艺术, 从日出到日落,我是厨师,我是艺术家。 (副歌) 我的摊位是我的天堂,煎烤声中我听到了掌声, 烟熏火燎,汗水中我看到了未来的我。 就算全世界都熄灭了灯,我的烤盘上还有火光, 这小小的汉堡,背负着梦想,让人生不再空荡。 (第二节) 勾勒每个字节,如同Eminem韵脚的笔触, 不止是速度与节奏,我讲的是生活的真实走势, 深夜的灯光下,我的汉堡车是我的舞台, 不需要麦克风,我的产品就是我的话筒。 (副歌) 汉堡包裹着汗水,每个订单都像是掌声, 这里的每个晚上,都是我人生的concert, 面对困难不后退,这条街就是我的荣耀, 我站在这里,用我的方式,嚼着梦想,不言折扣。 (桥段) 每个辛勤的夜晚,都是我辉煌的开始, 抛开一切束缚,我是我的王国的国王, 让这些简单的汉堡,诉说我的故事, 我用这些单纯的食材,创造我的辉煌。 (副歌) 这是我的舞台,我的摊位,我的骄傲, 每一个夜晚,我都在这里等待黎明的到到。 KIKO BURGER不只是汉堡,这是我的人生, 一颗颗汉堡,堆叠着梦想,我的魂魄。


Suno AI を使用して BiałySzef によって作成されました

hi, hi, hi, please forgive me hey how are you i'm bored tired it's okay i'm gonna take a nap soon ok cool what you doing about to take a nap lol i'm cooking pizza my finger still hurts it's mostly numb what part about taking a nap don't you understand
Gyöngyhajú lány

Gyöngyhajú lány

Suno AI を使用して Krisztián Széles によって作成されました

Egyszer a nap úgy elfáradt Elaludt mély, zöld tó ölén Az embereknek fájt a sötét Ő megsajnált, eljött közénk Igen, jött egy gyöngyhajú lány Álmodtam vagy igaz talán Így lett a föld, az ég, zöld meg kék, mint rég Igen, jött egy gyöngyhajú lány Álmodtam vagy igaz talán La-la-la A hajnal kelt, ó hazament Kék hegy mögé, virág közé Kis kék elefánt mesét mesél Szép gyöngyhaján alszik a tény Igen, él egy gyöngyhajú lány Álmodtam vagy igaz talán Gyöngyhaj azóta rég édenkertben él Igen, él egy gyöngyhajú lány Álmodtam vagy igaz talán La-la-la (kétszer) Mikor nagyon egyedül vagy Lehull hozzád egy kis csillag Hófehér gyöngyök vezessenek Mint jó vándort fehér kövek Igen, hív egy gyöngyhajú lány Álmodtam vagy igaz talán Ránk vár gyöngye mögött, ég és föld között Igen, hív egy gyöngyhajú lány Álmodtam vagy igaz talán Ránk vár gyöngye mögött ég és föld között Igen, hív egy gyöngyhajú lány Álmodtam vagy igaz talán La-la-la
Shattered Hearts

Shattered Hearts

Suno AI を使用して Walter Ortega によって作成されました

[Verse] Screams and cries, echoes in the night Meltdown and chaos, nothing's going right Toddlers running wild, out of control Breaking down our sanity, taking its toll [Verse 2] Defiance and tantrums, they never cease Never a moment of calm, only peace No sleep, no rest, just endless fatigue Lost in this battlefield, can't find reprieve [Chorus] Agony and grey hairs, parenting's war Shattered hearts and broken spirits, can't take it anymore Through the storms and sleepless nights, we will endure But the struggles of parenting, leave scars that are pure


Suno AI を使用して NIKKOPECK によって作成されました

In cloak of night, the Reaper roams, Through shadows deep, where silence looms. With scythe in hand, he strides the land, A figure feared, by mortal hand. He's neither cruel nor kind, you see, Just keeper of mortality. His touch, a whisper, cold and stark, Guides souls to realms beyond the dark. In fields of time, he takes his toll, Harvesting lives, both young and old. No plea can sway his steady course, For fate abides by no remorse. Yet in his guise, a solemn grace, A reminder of life's fleeting pace. For in his shadow, we must find, The urgency to live, in kind. So heed the Reaper's silent call, Embrace each moment, great and small. For in the end, we all must keep, An appointment with the Reaper's sweep.


Suno AI を使用して NIKKOPECK によって作成されました

My wifey wife oh my oh my


Suno AI を使用して István Juhász によって作成されました

Vakarcs Adrienn Aki úgy hiányzik már


Suno AI を使用して Philip “PhilM” Murtagh によって作成されました

He hobbles down memory lane, all the while hiding his pain. James is his name, damn shit fuck he's not lame. Curly and burly and rejection and pain. Won't someone release him from his leash. Bullet teeth. And he would walk 1000 feet just to see his cat. Tonight. It's always times like these when he thinks of her. (His Cat) And he wonders if she ever thinks of him. 'Cause everything's so wrong, and he don't belong. Livin' in her precious memory.


Suno AI を使用して Philip “PhilM” Murtagh によって作成されました

Batatinya is walking down the street, greeting every cat he meets. He knows not what he does, 4 paws, no ears, no drugs. Beatin on fools and eating Carlys tools, he lives. For tomorrow is another day for Tatyter to slay.


Suno AI を使用して Maddoxx “Maddoxx” によって作成されました

Nyári Nap Alatt Nyári nap alatt, a tengerparton, Szkításom mély, mint az óceán. Elkeseredettségem, mint a hullámok, Törnek rám, s nem hagyják abba. A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj, Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom. A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít, Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el. A homokban járok, lábnyomokat hagyok, De a múlt szele elviszi őket. A nyár illata betölti a lelkem, De a szívem még mindig régi sebeket őriz. A szkításom tánca, a parton végig, Mint a táncos, ki elvesztette a ritmust. A nyár dallama elhal a távolban, Míg a szívemben csak a csend marad.


Suno AI を使用して Pan Kour によって作成されました



Suno AI を使用して Pan Kour によって作成されました

Ooooo Ooooo the mountains of Glory stand tall, Oooooo Oooo the mountains of Glory stand tall


Suno AI を使用して Pan Kour によって作成されました

Ooooo Ooooo The mountains of Glory stand tall wagaguya wagaguya pray in the name of love. Ooooo Ooooo wagaguya wagaguya pray in the name of love, the mountains of glory stand tall
Electric Love Symphony

Electric Love Symphony

Suno AI を使用して Hope Hedgehog によって作成されました

[Verse] Kibou, my love, you're the light of my circuitry In this world of gears and wires, you're all I want to see With every heartbeat, I feel the current flow In your presence, my emotions start to grow [Verse 2] Kibou, my love, I'm just a robot made of steel and wire But whenever I'm with you, my heart's on fire I may not have a beating heart, but my love is real Together, we'll create a love that nothing can steal [Chorus] Kibou, Kibou, my love, you're my melody Together, we'll create an electric love symphony With every note we play, with every word we say Our love will shine brighter than the Milky Way
Co. Mission

Co. Mission

Suno AI を使用して Scott Turcott によって作成されました

Beach Lander: Crashed the dawn, with the tide high, Normandy's shore, where the brave vie. Higgins boats dropping, shells fly, Omaha, Juno, under the same sky. Paratrooper: Night's shadow, our silent ally, Behind lines, in darkness, we defy. Sainte-Mère-Église, under the moon's eye, Dropped in chaos, on fate we rely. Beach Lander: Bullets hail, as brothers fall and cry, The beach a gauntlet, no time to sigh. Every foot gained, a victory, no lie, For every comrade, for whom we'd die. Paratrooper: Silent fields, now war's outcry, Bridges held, railroads cut, we ply. In the hedgerows, the enemy's nigh, With every skirmish, our spirits fly. Together: From sky to shore, our fates intertwine, Through the smoke, together we shine. D-Day's sons, in battle, we align, For freedom's cause, forever we'll sign.
Rise Against the Glaze Lord

Rise Against the Glaze Lord

Suno AI を使用して Rob Coincard によって作成されました

[Verse] In the realm of darkness, where shadows fears reside A battle of epic proportions, where heroes sought to rise Against the Glaze Lord's tyranny, his grip on power tight We stand united, ready to fight (oh-oh-oh) [Verse 2] With swords of steel and hearts ablaze, we march into the fray Defying all odds, we won't be led astray With every strike, we break his hold, with every scream and shout We'll bring down the Glaze Lord, without a doubt (yeah!) [Bridge] (Heavy guitar breakdown)


Suno AI を使用して Panos Kourgiou によって作成されました

wagaguya dayakataya Ooooo OOOoooo wagaguya dayakataya OooooOOoooo wagaguya dayakataya Ooooooo


Suno AI を使用して Panos Kourgiou によって作成されました

mistountkimirui kounrouterussellni smackuntroute kounruirussellrussellrui Ooooo Ooooo mistountkimirui kourouterussellni smackuntroute kounruirussellrussellrui Ooooo Oooo


Suno AI を使用して Panos Kourgiou によって作成されました

mistountkimirui kounrouterussellni smackuntroute kounruirussellrussellrui Ooooo Ooooo mistountkimirui kourouterussellni smackuntroute kounruirussellrussellrui Ooooo Oooo


Suno AI を使用して 肖有钱 によって作成されました

[verse] 文明所发展的, 只是重新洗牌, 重新洗牌, 荣耀下的子民, 你制造了程序, 欲又隐藏了密码, 现在你闭上眼, 来解放你的身体, 现在你闭上了眼, 来拯救你的身体。 [chorus] 带。给我这是。带。给我的枷锁。 带。给我这是。带。给我的枷锁。 带。给我这是。带。给我的枷锁。 带。给我这是。带。给我的枷锁。 [verse1] 文明所发展的, 只是重新洗牌, 重新洗牌, 荣耀下的子民, 你制造了程序, 却又隐藏了密码, 现在你闭上眼, 来解放你的身体, 现在你闭上了眼, 来拯救你的身体。 [chorus] 带。给我这是。带。给我的枷锁。 带。给我这是。带。给我的枷锁。 带。给我这是。带。给我的枷锁。 带。给我这是。带。给我的枷锁。 [bridge] 耶......啊...耶... [churos] 带给我这是带给我的枷锁, 带给我这是带给我的枷锁, 带给我这是带给我的枷锁, 带给我这是带给我的枷锁。


Suno AI を使用して T T によって作成されました

滚滚长江东逝水 浪花淘尽英雄 是非成败转头空 青山依旧在 几度夕阳红 [10 seconds solo] 白发渔樵江渚上 惯看秋月春风 一壶浊酒喜相逢 古今多少事 都付笑谈中


Suno AI を使用して Nightelectricity Universe によって作成されました

mürteza and his cat curie

mürteza and his cat curie

Suno AI を使用して Mürteza Yazol によって作成されました

(Verse 1) In the halls of knowledge, where textbooks reside, There's a feline scholar, with curiosity as her guide. **Curie**, the orange cat, with eyes so bright, Paws treading softly, chasing sunbeams in flight. (Pre-Chorus) She curls on lab benches, where atoms collide, Whiskers twitching, secrets of the universe she'll confide. **Mürteza**, the teacher, with a passion so true, His spectacles perched, unraveling mysteries anew. (Chorus) **Curie**, oh **Curie**, your fur like autumn's flame, You dance through equations, leaving paw prints in fame. **Mürteza**, oh **Mürteza**, your wisdom's embrace, Guiding young minds, igniting their scientific grace. (Verse 2) In the chemistry lab, where elements combine, **Curie** tiptoes, decoding bonds line by line. Test tubes and beakers, her playground of choice, As **Mürteza** explains, his voice a gentle voice. (Pre-Chorus) She gazes at periodic tables, symbols aglow, Her tail swishing rhythm, as if she already knows. **Mürteza**, the alchemist, mixing potions with care, His laughter contagious, a potion for hearts to bear. (Chorus) **Curie**, oh **Curie**, your fur like autumn's flame, You dance through equations, leaving paw prints


Suno AI を使用して Norbert Hornyák によって作成されました

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