
Top Blues Music Hits - Explore Classic & Modern Blues

Dive into our curated list of the best Blues music. From legendary classics to contemporary hits, find your soulful sound here.



Suno AI를 사용하여 Adi S에 의해 생성됨

Kalau sampai waktuku 'Ku mau tak seorang 'kan merayu Tidak juga kau Tak perlu sedu sedan itu Aku ini binatang jalang Dari kumpulannya terbuang Biar peluru menembus kulitku Aku tetap meradang menerjang Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari Berlari Hingga hilang pedih peri Dan aku akan lebih tidak peduli Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi!


Suno AI를 사용하여 Brownianmo에 의해 생성됨



Suno AI를 사용하여 觉醒中国人에 의해 생성됨

黑框眼镜小聂可 被大学开除 没有学位证 魔怔工作室露头 幸运降临 进入五三七九 卷毛是大哥 即使被心机 心里苦 脸上笑 迷失的眼镜 手握红米手机 心里不安稳 羡慕工作室 同事手里全部拿IPHONE 开播就为IPHONE手机 惹得黑狗心里烦 八角笼中被黑狗三拳两脚 打的喊爸爸 自卑眼睛直播间里求安慰 弹幕拱火 二番战 自信黑狗八角笼里爆你肝 再次下跪 喊狗爹 到头来 一场空 被心机 被开除 唯一好消息 红米终于换成了二手IPHONE十一 富士康一日游 提桶跑路回成都 再遇抽象创始人 李赣 李老八 火速跪拜投门下 边角料 仍没变 整个公寓的所有人都踩你的头 直播没效果 不交床位费 被赶出蜀汉公寓 像条狗 像条狗 裹起公寓装WIFI 警官发现 身份变成劳改犯 局子两周再教育 出来只想吃豆干 一天三袋全吃完 边角料成罪犯 抽象直播反而成明星 只可惜 能力有限 坐牢出来 一样无法把钱 来变现 遇继女 头冒汗 腿发抖 花了七百 耍砂舞 到头来 只亲嘴 播间炫耀 自以为是 其实是小丑 IPHONE十一用太久 分期二十四个月 零首付买IPHONE 花呗不够 白条零额度 好女孩湘琴 来帮眼镜把钱付 劳改犯 劳改犯 确实行 同龄人中就他自己把人生悟透 吃饭只需群里乞讨 手机分期自由怨种来付 兜里有米 我眼镜绝对不把直播间来开 即使实在过网瘾 电脑面前瓦打起 火鸡面锅里煮起 IPHONE十五PRO耍起


Suno AI를 사용하여 Alhuda Erich에 의해 생성됨

(Verse 1) Di bawah langit biru, di bumi yang dicintai Rakyat Palestina, bertahan dalam cobaan Dengan hati yang tegar, mereka melangkah maju Menghadapi cobaan, tak pernah berhenti berjuang (Chorus) Palestina, negeri penuh cerita Perjuanganmu takkan terlupakan Bersama kita, kita kan bersatu Mengukir masa depan yang lebih baik (Verse 2) Di tengah reruntuhan, di antara harapan Mereka bangkit bersama, meski terluka dan lelah Berkibarlah bendera, harapan yang tak padam Palestina, kau tetap di dalam doa (Chorus) Palestina, negeri penuh cerita Perjuanganmu takkan terlupakan Bersama kita, kita kan bersatu Mengukir masa depan yang lebih baik (Bridge) Walau badai menghadang, mereka tetap berdiri Mimpi akan kebebasan, tak kan pernah pudar Palestina, kita bersama berdiri Satu suara, satu hati, kita melangkah maju (Chorus) Palestina, negeri penuh cerita Perjuanganmu takkan terlupakan Bersama kita, kita kan bersatu Mengukir masa depan yang lebih baik (Outro) Palestina, di dalam hati kita Kita bersama, untuk selamanya


Suno AI를 사용하여 Xristos Giotis에 의해 생성됨

Waking up at the break of dawn, In the fields, where he was born. Working hard from sun to sun, His life's work, never done. In the farmhouse, he finds his peace, Underneath the old oak trees. Planting seeds and watching them grow, In this land, he calls his own.


Suno AI를 사용하여 Amans에 의해 생성됨

Я могу тебя очень ждать, Долго-долго и верно-верно, И ночами могу не спать Год, и два, и всю жизнь, наверно. Пусть листочки календаря Облетят, как листва у сада, Только знать бы, что всё не зря, Что тебе это вправду надо! Я могу за тобой идти По чащобам и перелазам, По пескам, без дорог почти, По горам, по любому пути, Где и чёрт не бывал ни разу! Всё пройду, никого не коря, Одолею любые тревоги, Только знать бы, что всё не зря, Что потом не предашь в дороге. Я могу для тебя отдать Всё, что есть у меня и будет. Я могу за тебя принять Горечь злейших на свете судеб. Буду счастьем считать, даря Целый мир тебе ежечасно. Только знать бы, что всё не зря, Что люблю тебя не напрасно!
Oh Linda

Oh Linda

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jonne Ranta에 의해 생성됨

Oh Linda How could it be We were once lovers Just you and me Oh Linda What can I say Something drifted us apart And washed you away Oh Linda What can I do Nothing feels right Without being with you Oh Linda How can I go on Without you in my life I can’t seem to move on Oh Linda What it takes To get me back to you It’s a shame we went our own ways Oh Linda Take me back to you
Bar amigo

Bar amigo

Suno AI를 사용하여 David Pele에 의해 생성됨

[Instrumental] [Verse] Llevo un ciego que no puedo ni caminar. El ultimo chupita me ha caído fatal. Tendría que haber hecho caso a mi colega. Que esa ultima copa, me iba a matar. [Verse 2] El cupable de todo esto tiene nombre y ha pellidos. Detras de la barra el tio andaba escondido. Es un hostelero, conocido en el mundo entero. El listillo del Toni me ha vuelto a emborrachar. [Chorus] Bar amigo Bar amigo. Si no gateas hasta casa es que no has bebido. Bar amigo Bar amigo. Ten el hígado bastante podrido. [Instrumental] [Verse 3] Cuando dan las cinco de la mañana. Hay algo que me llama la atención. Son los 5 sentidos del cuerpo. Que me avisan que se viene resacon. [Verse 4] Me he liado con la gorda del bar. Vaya barriga que se gasta la ballena. Deberia nadar en vez de caminar. Hasta el fin de mis dias me lo van a recordar. [Chorus] Bar amigo Bar amigo. Si no gateas hasta casa es que no has bebido. Bar amigo Bar amigo. Ten el hígado bastante podrido.
As Much as I Can.

As Much as I Can.

Suno AI를 사용하여 Aurelia Odiva에 의해 생성됨

Sial, bisakah jangan bandingkan aku denganmu? Aku bukan dirimu Yang mampu lakukan hal ini hal itu Kau kira aku sama denganmu? Diriku bukan seorang yang kau lihat Dari matamu Tak selamanya harapan yang kau beri ke aku Selalu benar Lupakan aku pernah berkata aku bisa Yang ku ingat hanya sebanyak yang aku bisa Tapi kau berharap lebih? Ck, berharap apa denganku?


Suno AI를 사용하여 recycled use에 의해 생성됨

Ženja Is sleeping But not really She's reading
Cerkiewicz nigdy nie będzie bluesmanem

Cerkiewicz nigdy nie będzie bluesmanem

Suno AI를 사용하여 Paweł Jarczak에 의해 생성됨

Pro riwerb przyszedł mu z ameryki, W dniu kiedy dolar był po 3 złote. W urzędzie celnym ojciec miał wtyki, I łatwo nabył to co ma mieć gitarzysta, który wie kurwa o co chodzi. A nie jakaś pizda co nie wie co grać... Dawaj marek solo tutaj graj albo wypierdalasz... Kiedyś grał w sali ze swoimi kolegami, a teraz kurwa jebany gra z menelami.


Suno AI를 사용하여 Paulo Ricardo에 의해 생성됨



Suno AI를 사용하여 Марина Петракина에 의해 생성됨

Снег растаял. Кончилась зима И кругом грязь и лужи Трупы прошлогодние Говорят "Привет Мудак" А мне это нахрена? Протертые старые лыжи Я убираю в чулан И убегаю в пустоту... а... Боль,Кровь,Говно... Кишки,Мозги и блевотина Меня тошнит... По пустырям, по кладбищам Под травой под землей Кошмары прошлого Первобытный страх Екарный Бабай... а... Ушли годы в пустоту И никак я не найду следов Что в памяти моей Вновь прожигают грусть Но все же верю я Что вновь пройдут года Когда нить судьбы моей Сплетется в хоть какой то смысл. а...
10000 songs

10000 songs

Suno AI를 사용하여 jeremy garrard에 의해 생성됨

I wrote over 10000 songs, but ain't one of them over 15 seconds long.
Perpetual Dream

Perpetual Dream

Suno AI를 사용하여 Joe Gaspar에 의해 생성됨

He bewitched her with his smile. Impressed her with his style. Knew all the right things to say. Made her feel special in every way. The changes were subtle at first. The occasional lie and a curse. The sparkle in his eyes grew cold. She had no idea what was to unfold. Lost in a perpetual dream, Nothing is as it seems, Walking through a haze, Praying this is just a phase. The deception soon became clear. It was a mask that she began to fear. His words carefully chosen to inflict pain. His actions for his own personal gain. The lies he spewed became his truth. The rage he exhibited part of his youth. She eventually lost all sense of herself. Her shattered spirit a ghost of itself. Lost in a perpetual dream, Nothing is as it seems, Walking through a haze, Hoping to escape the maze. Lost in a perpetual dream, Nothing is as it seems, Walking through a haze, Realising the error of her ways.
jedi adi masterwindu

jedi adi masterwindu

Suno AI를 사용하여 Dina Nadaini에 의해 생성됨

(Verse 1) In the galaxy's haze, where darkness lingers Stands Adi Macewindu, with his light saber fingers Through the bluesy night, he walks so tall In the heart of the struggle, he hears the call (Chorus) Praise the Master, Adi Macewindu, so true In the bluesy rhythm, he finds his groove With his saber shining, cutting through the night He's the hope we cling to, in the endless fight (Verse 2) With each weary step, he sings the blues But his spirit's fire, it never refuses In the face of despair, he stands so strong In the depths of the darkness, he belongs (Chorus) Praise the Master, Adi Macewindu, so true In the bluesy rhythm, he finds his groove With his saber shining, cutting through the night He's the hope we cling to, in the endless fight (Bridge) In the chords of sorrow, he finds his light In the bluesy notes, he takes his flight For in the heart of the blues, he knows the way To lead us all, to a brighter day (Chorus) Praise the Master, Adi Macewindu, so true In the bluesy rhythm, he finds his groove With his saber shining, cutting through the night He's the hope we cling to, in the endless fight (Outro) So let the blues play, let them sing their song For Adi Macewin
Old times

Old times

Suno AI를 사용하여 Àlex Garcia Garcia에 의해 생성됨



Suno AI를 사용하여 원오상에 의해 생성됨

delta sorrow

delta sorrow

Suno AI를 사용하여 Claus-Dieter Prohaska에 의해 생성됨

she took my heart I go insane since we 're apart there's so much pain I can't resist of thinking back good are the days we have but I know it's a fact please gimme me one last laugh
Road to happiness

Road to happiness

Suno AI를 사용하여 Вера Грошева에 의해 생성됨

Living today may be Challenging Especially when they’re kidding us But on the road with you and singing Our favourite songs so that I feel happy I feel broken I feel messy Wasn’t been spoken And kissin you
Midnight Blues

Midnight Blues

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jiko Miller에 의해 생성됨

[Verse] Moonlit night Dark as coal I'm walking down this lonesome road Heartache's got a hold on me I'm drowning in this midnight sea Guitar strings strumming with despair Whiskey on my breath Like a prayer Feel the rhythm Feel the pain In this blues song I'll remain [Verse 2] City lights They flicker and fade As I move through this restless parade Lost souls searching for a sign In this midnight hour We intertwine
Siberia rosarina

Siberia rosarina

Suno AI를 사용하여 Eduardo Safera에 의해 생성됨

[Intro] [Verse #1] Somos los seudo futbolistas de la Siberia rosarina. Cada sábado nos dedicamos a bajar palomas de manera vertiginosa. [Verse #2] Nos creemos unos cracks y técnicos experimentados. Pero somos lo peor que se ha visto en todos lados. [Chorus] Rompemos las pelotas y vociferamos duramente. Somos los peores burros del fútbol rosarino.


Suno AI를 사용하여 Baturay Çelik에 의해 생성됨

Mert Sert Kert Elektrikçi geliyor Kaç kaç kaç Onur şefim Aklı selim Ben kelim Yarın toplantı Can kardeşim Biricik Berkay'ım Bokunu yerim


Suno AI를 사용하여 Baturay Çelik에 의해 생성됨

Almanyalı deist Sadıkcan reis Aldın mı feyiz Yedin mi leyis Sever miydin Baturay'ı Sevmez miydin Baturay'ı Sadıkcan reis Alaman reis Gördün mü beis O ne ulan deyyus