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Gemaakt door Stello Doussis metSuno AI

[Verse 1] When you were just four years old, I found you, brave and bold. The world had forged our tie, Since then, you've been my sly guy. [Verse 2] Your fur's the shade of orange, Bright as the sunset's own fringe, Crazy, fun, you freely range, Chasing your prey, oh so strange. [Chorus] Garfie, my orange cat, At night Ratty comes, grab your hat! And during the day, you sleep so flat, So friendly and sweet, Till Ratty rings, and it's time to meet. [Verse 3] In your eyes, big and clear, Adventures seem so very near. With every purr, soft and light, You win every heart, such a sight. [Verse 4] Garfie, the little orange cat, After sunset, you don your hat. By day you dream deep, where you sat, So friendly, sugar sweet, Till the night calls, on nimble feet. [Verse 5] We smooch and smoosh, "Please, let us be," Garfie purrs so tenderly, Hearts that belong just to thee. [Chorus] Garfie, in orange, our star so bright, At night with Ratty, you take your flight. By day you rest, both near and far, So gentle and simply sweet, Till Ratty calls, it's time for your street beat.


Gemaakt door storier亖 metSuno AI

老师的女儿被两个学生杀害 在喧闹的教室 把可怕的真相揭开 作恶的凶手 逃过法律的制裁 少年作恶的意图 从未想要掩盖 老师复仇的念头 夹杂着更多无奈 教书育人的智慧, 变为复仇的弹药! 要让年轻的罪犯, 戴上恐惧的镣铐, 背负生命的重量, 永远绝望地哀嚎…


Gemaakt door storier亖 metSuno AI

老师的女儿被两个学生杀害 在喧闹的教室 把可怕的真相揭开 作恶的凶手 逃过法律的制裁 少年作恶的意图 从未想要掩盖 老师复仇的念头 夹杂着更多无奈 教书育人的智慧, 变为复仇的弹药! 要让年轻的罪犯, 戴上恐惧的镣铐, 背负生命的重量, 永远绝望地哀嚎… 我们来拭目以待, 邀请易克来上号!


Gemaakt door storier亖 metSuno AI

老师的女儿被两个学生杀害 在喧闹的教室 把可怕的真相揭开 作恶的凶手 逃过法律的制裁 少年作恶的意图 从未想要掩盖 老师复仇的念头,夹杂着更多无奈 教书育人的智慧, 变为复仇的枪炮, 要让年轻的罪犯, 戴上恐惧的镣铐, 背负生命的重量 永远绝望地哀嚎…


Gemaakt door storier亖 metSuno AI

在喧闹教室里,悲剧被轻描淡写, 老师的孩子,被两个学生夺命。 作恶的少年,法网不能制裁, 一切真相,由老师揭开冰冷的面纱。 少年的恶行,从未想要掩盖, 老师的复仇,夹杂着无奈。 书本之智,化作复仇之剑, 让这罪孽,令罪人尝尽恐惧之味。 在绝望边缘,负罪感的重压, 他们将承担,所有犯下的过错。 老师含泪,复仇而不得已, 正义与复仇,是如此痛苦的抉择。


Gemaakt door Gabor Toth metSuno AI

Csöcsök és segg A kurva élet Csöcsök és segg A kurva élet Csöcsök és segg A kurva élet A kurva élet A kurva élet Csöcsök és segg A kurva élet Csöcsök és segg A kurva élet Csöcsök és segg A kurva élet A kurva élet A kurva élet Nem szól ránk senki Megtehetünk bármit (ay) Megvehetünk bármit Megvehetünk bárkit (ay) Nem szól ránk senki Megtehetünk bármit (ay) Megvehetünk bármit Megvehetünk bárkit (ay) Megvehetünk bárkit Most nézd, most nézd Betemet ez a sok pénz, sok pénz Most nézd, most nézd Ez a sok pina hogy néz, hogy néz Tesó nem akartam ilyen szar zenét csinálni de beleszartam És nagy a név, nagy a fény Zenekar van haver Fent van a gang Kapd be a farkam


Gemaakt door storier亖 metSuno AI

在尘封的教室,悲剧轻描淡写, 她的星光,无声消逝夜色中。 误解如帷幕,覆盖初的眼泪, 母心独揽,寒冷的真理揭开。 隐于人海的影,从未想掩盖, 她不召警笛,法网难困童年的罪。 温柔的手,变为复仇的利刃, 未满岁月,沉沉夜色中铸成罪人。 两颗年轻的心,尝尽恐惧滋味, 在绝望的边缘,正义如何定义? 她在黑暗中种下,血色的花开未央, 在刹那花火,正义与复仇难分上下。


Gemaakt door serpil ciğerci metSuno AI

Anne. Bir şansım daha olsaydı anne: Daha çok bakardım maviye, saatlerimi denize bakarak ya da gökyüze bakarak geçirirdim mutlaka. Nefes alamadığım zamanlarda denizin kokusunu çekerdim içime. Yolun sonuna geldiğimi hissettiğim anlarda gökyüzünün sonsuzluğuna iliştirirdim gözümü. Ve daha çok başındaymışım, yol uzunmuş derdim. Bir şansım daha olsaydı anne: İki kanadıma da gücüm yettiğince sahip çıkardım. Kimsenin onları kırmasına izin vermezdim. Çünkü kanadı kırık yola devam etmek çok zormuş anne. İnsan koşuyor ama uçamıyormuş. Yine de başkalarına iki değil üç kanadım var der, dururmuş ama insan biliyor işte. Kendini kandıramıyor ki günün sonun- da eksik yanlarıyla başbaşa kalıyor. Bir şansım daha olsaydı anne: Daha çok doğru yapardım. Evet, hata yapmadan öğrenilmiyor bu hayat ama en azından hatalarımdan çok daha fazla doğrularım olsun isterdim. Bir şansım daha olsaydı anne: Yalnızca mutlu etmeyi değil de mutlu olmayıda isterdim. Sevmemin yanında sevilmeyi de isterdim. Yaptığım fedakarlıkların yanı sıra birazda bir şeyler benim için feda edilsin isterdim. Anne... sanırım ben biraz... şımarmak isterdim...


Gemaakt door Jacob Perez metSuno AI

(verse) Semir al-yakubinin ailesi çok umutlu, gelecek parlak ve huzurlu. (verse 2) çünkü yusuf cengiz, Sibel romani, Aydın kambur ailesinden kurtulduk. O haram paralarını, o pis altınlarını munÂsib yerlerine koysunlar. Dilerim ki evleri yansın, elleri ayakları yansın üçününde. Dilleri kopsun üçününde, her konuşmak istediklerinde burunları uzasın. Yakubi aileside, bunu duydukça göbek atarız. [chorus] Kambur, kambur, kambur, kambur. SarhoŞ, SarhoŞ, SarhoŞ, SarhoŞ. Cengiz cengiz, Ahmed Cengiz, Cengiz cengiz, Ahmed Cengiz. Cengiz cengiz, Ahmed Cengiz, Cengiz cengiz, Ahmed Cengiz. (verse 3) Dünyaya cebimiz boş geldik ama sevgi ile doldurduk, Allaha havale olsunlaaaaaaar.


Gemaakt door MitPlayz metSuno AI



Gemaakt door 刘能 metSuno AI

二月天杨柳醉春烟 三月三来山青草漫漫 最美是人间四月的天 一江春水绿如蓝 春色闹人不得眠 春雨涨满池塘唤睡莲 春花儿开遍呢喃的燕 春风得意正少年 我上春山约你来见 我攒了一年万千思念 今天原是平常一天 合: 因为遇见你而不平凡 山上儿童放纸鸢 山下游人纷纷追画船 白敬亭、魏大勋: 东风拂人面落花作簪 踏遍春山不思还 我上春山约你来见 我攒了一年万千思念 今天原是平常一天 因为遇见你而不平凡 我上春山约你来见 我攒了一年万千思念 今天原是平常一天 因为遇见你而不平凡 我上春山约你来见 看花人只觉春光太短 与你相约一生春天 灿烂的笑 似今年 灿烂的笑 似今年 似今年


Gemaakt door 刘能 metSuno AI



Gemaakt door xing liu metSuno AI

[Verse] 走在城市的街道上 灯光像钻石一样闪闪发光 感受我灵魂的律动 空气中有魔力 你也能感觉到吗? [Verse2] 随着夜晚的节拍起舞 迷失在霓虹灯的世界 我们一起势不可挡 探索未知 我们进展顺利 [Chorus] 今晚我们要活得像没有明天一样(没有明天) 我们要粉刷这个小镇 没有时间借(哦,是的) 午夜冒险 在黑暗中捕捉萤火虫 我们正在创造会留下印记的记忆(留下印记)


Gemaakt door Leyla Didar Bekiroğlu metSuno AI

Güzel belde Diyarbakır'ın sıcak topraklarından, Bir yıldız doğmuştu, Zehra Kılıç adında. Sevgiyle yoğrulmuştu, insaniyet kanı akardı damarlarında, Güzellikler fısıldardı, samimiyetle dolu efsunlu yüreği Ruhunda bahar esintisi, Her adımda bir umut, bir sevinç izi. Dostlukla dolu, daima şefkatten yana, Zehra, sevgi dolu insanların çorak gönüllülerinde açan bir çiçek, her daim cana yakın sıcak kalpli bir gül bahçesi


Gemaakt door hoshi rin metSuno AI

[Verse] 你看,今夜月色如此明亮 绯红如常,在夜空中微亮 嘘,已经没人还记得它 皎洁的模样,在黑夜中静静闲散 [Chorus] 月色如常,照亮我的夜晚 追逐梦境,穿越时光的旅航 月色如常,沐浴在繁星之间 将心事诉说,寄托无尽的思念 [Verse] 你看,今夜星空如此美好 闪烁如常,在宇宙中流淌 嘘,不要惊醒,不要被他们注意到 让梦在黑暗中自由自在 毕竟总有些事,高于其他


Gemaakt door Egecan Bozkurt metSuno AI

Beklemekse tek care zaman aksa terse kafandaki soru ayni neden bense soran bilir bu yuregin derdini x2 Yok anlayan halden ceken bilir derdi yaninda saklayan sona dogru geri sayan anlayan zamanin dilinden neden ben cok istedim bilmeyi sonu yok tarifi yok sabir yok bulamiyom bitmiyo darlaniyom yalaaaanlaaaar x2 biter bir gun doner bakariz arkamiza olmamis yasanmamis gibi olmasa da gelene bahsetmeyiz olmamiscasina goruyorum ruyalarda olsa secenegim uyanmam bekliyorum o gunleri oh be dedigim koydugum 2 kadeh yalniz basima ictigim aglayip bu yuku attigim
Rachel's piano

Rachel's piano

Gemaakt door Lamberto Tedaldi metSuno AI

Ghost in the night v2

Ghost in the night v2

Gemaakt door Joshua Johnson metSuno AI

I saw that look on your face and I knew It was far too late for the truth A guilt that I've never felt Oh, hell So take your chances and run down the hill Darkness like this is a thrill Oh, you've never felt so alive, alright Baby Ghost in the night Baby Ghost in the night Empty, anxious when I go to sleep I've never fallen so deep Tryna get up but I can't Oh, damn Tired, or maybe depressed 'Cause the light at the end of the tunnel isn't there, ooh-oh Baby Ghost in the night Baby Ghost in the night, ooh-ooh


Gemaakt door Jason wong metSuno AI

[Intro] [Chorus] 李豁子清晨起来去拾粪 回家来咋会不见了我的女人 东院找罢西园找 南院找罢北院寻那 [Verse] 七零八家都找遍 找不着女人我不放心那 豁子我急哩一头汗那 迎面来了二差人 [Bridge] 我一不欠粮 二不欠租 恁到俺家为何 因那县政府有人将你告 [Outro] 今天要带你进衙门 衙差带路头前走。 李豁子我拐拐巴巴后面跟 为人不干亏心事 不怕半夜鬼敲门


Gemaakt door Mai 1818 metSuno AI

contigo me sentía en el cielo, con esa deslumbrante luz, que me transmitía tu alma y tu cuerpo Y ahora que no estas, quiero salir corriendo, perderme entre la niebla y el viento como lo hacía cuando veía tus ojitos bellos, que tormento ya no poder abrazarte y decirte te quiero todo hace que recuerde esos momentos, de love que ahora se convirtieron en sufrimiento yo aún te extraño pa' que lo niego así no vuelvas, yo acá te espero si yo te dije que mi amor por ti era eterno'


Gemaakt door Kailedy The most high metSuno AI

Page is an evil demonic force An entity kicked out of heaven brought forth Sent to the devil and branded before less She was returned from hell due to a lethal awkwardness Oh oh oh oh she's a demon ho Evil demonic soul consuming ho She's a demon ho satanic b****. Staring at the broken heart she keeps in her fridge She's a demon home demon ho demon ho demon ho she satanic erratic can't even do it backflip probably related to somebody named Radcliffe I mean what kind of name is Radcliffe that's the name of a demon who would be related to someone who's name is whatever Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon hoe Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon hoe Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon hoe Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon hoe Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon hoe Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon hoe
Closer to me

Closer to me

Gemaakt door Austin Hilley metSuno AI

[Verse] I'm breaking free, leaving it all behind Gonna find my own path and shine (shine) No more chains to hold me down I'm stepping out, gonna paint the town (ooh-yeah) [Chorus] I will be what I am meant to be (meant to be) I'll spread my wings and I'll fly so free (so free) Gonna light up the world, just wait and see With every step I take, I'm closer to me [Verse 2] Through stormy weather and endless nights I'll keep pushing on, reaching for the heights No time for doubt, no room for fear I'll chase my dreams, the prize is near [Chorus] I will be what I am meant to be (meant to be) I'll spread my wings and I'll fly so free (so free) Gonna light up the world, just wait and see With every step I take, I'm closer to me [Bridge] I'll tear down these walls, Break through the silence, Embrace the darkness, And find my defiance. [Breakdown] [Pre-Chorus] I'm screaming out but no one hears, Trapped within my own fears. Echoes of the abyss, pulling me down, In this silent void, I'm destined to drown. [Chorus] I will be what I am meant to be (meant to be) I'll spread my wings and I'll fly so free (so free) [Outro] In the echoes of the abyss, I'll find my voice


Gemaakt door Austin Hilley metSuno AI

[Verse] I'm breaking free, leaving it all behind Gonna find my own path and shine (shine) No more chains to hold me down I'm stepping out, gonna paint the town (ooh-yeah) [Chorus] I will be what I am meant to be (meant to be) I'll spread my wings and I'll fly so free (so free) Gonna light up the world, just wait and see With every step I take, I'm closer to me [Verse 2] Through stormy weather and endless nights I'll keep pushing on, reaching for the heights No time for doubt, no room for fear I'll chase my dreams, the prize is near [Chorus] I will be what I am meant to be (meant to be) I'll spread my wings and I'll fly so free (so free) Gonna light up the world, just wait and see With every step I take, I'm closer to me [Bridge] I'll tear down these walls, Break through the silence, Embrace the darkness, And find my defiance. [Breakdown] [Pre-Chorus] I'm screaming out but no one hears, Trapped within my own fears. Echoes of the abyss, pulling me down, In this silent void, I'm destined to drown. [Chorus] I will be what I am meant to be (meant to be) I'll spread my wings and I'll fly so free (so free) [Outro] In the echoes of the abyss, I'll find my voice


Gemaakt door Kailedy The most high metSuno AI

Page is an evil demonic force An entity kicked out of heaven brought forth Sent to the devil and branded before less She was returned from hell due to a lethal awkwardness Oh oh oh oh she's a demon ho Evil demonic soul consuming ho She's a demon ho satanic bish Staring at the broken heart she keeps in her fridge She's a demon ho demon ho demon ho demon ho she satanic erratic can't even do it backflip probably related to somebody named Radcliffe I mean what kind of name is Radcliffe that's the name of a demon who would be related to someone who's name is whatever Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon ho Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon ho Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon ho Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon ho Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon ho Page is evil page is evil page is evil she a demon ho