
POP Music

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Gemaakt door jakkrit butsri metSuno AI

在夜的黑暗里 承载着遗憾的沉重 回忆如潮水般涌来 撕心裂肺的痛楚无法掩埋 每一个温柔的微笑 如今都成了遗憾的符号 试图释怀却无法忘记 那些美好如梦的时光 在孤独的夜晚 试图寻找一丝安慰 却发现心已碎成千万片 无法拼凑成完整的自己 时间会慢慢愈合 遗憾会变成成长的力量


Gemaakt door jakkrit butsri metSuno AI

每个凹槽都诉说一个故事 针像笔刻着你的历史 每一次旋转 都勾勒出新的影子 看到它反射你心里的固执 每一次播放 都是新的开始 在这片黑色的海洋 它刺痛 唤起回忆 让你追忆 黑色的圆盘 是我们灵魂的镜子 每一次循环都是一次重击 每一次回响都是一次心碎 回忆像黑胶唱片般 不停重复 每一次的针落都是一次触动 每一次的旋转都是一次故事 让我在这循环的旋律里


Gemaakt door Wil Gibson metSuno AI

Verse 1: Hold me close and hold me near i don’t want to leave you ever Ill lock my feelings away And show a straight face Ill never leave never go far when I’m with you my hearts at rest Pre-Chorus: baby, I got things to say got things to do always runing running looking for you i can walk a mile i can talk a while but it leads me right to you Chorus: Cause I know someday that you’ll be gone yeah And I’ll be gone too Cause baby I would die for you, Yeah I’ll lose it all Just to do it again think of all the times we’ve spent Hanging out and doing stupid shit Can we just do again do it again all before its gone Verse 3: I know your out there somewhere tonight But the thing is I don’t where to look I’ll see your face but then it’s not a chameleon blending in Is it here and there Or when and where And I guess ill know Ill know but will I know Pre-Chorus: I got things to say got things to do always running around looking for you Chorus: Cause I know someday that you’ll be gone yeah And I’ll be gone too Cause baby I would die for you, Yeah I’ll lose it all Just to do it again think of all the times we’ve spent Hanging out and doing s


Gemaakt door sue mick metSuno AI

大唐王朝兴盛时,瑰丽辉煌在心间。 华夏盛世凌云起,万象更新满目春。 琴瑟和鸣颂乐章,清风徐来润心田。 紫气萦绕皇城上,金戈铁马气势雄。 千年传承礼乐乡,风华绝代叹人忧。 帝王昭昭御天下,英明神武执玉函。 瓜果飘香满宫殿,文武百官共辉煌。 丝绸之路通四海,边疆征战报平安。 长安城内舞翩翩,歌声嘹亮颂大唐。 花开花落皆如画,岁月流转承古方。 华灯初上照长夜,琉璃灯火耀金汤。 诗酒书香寄情怀,山河壮丽唤归航。 儿女情长相思远,宫廷恩爱谱佳篇。 百年宏图书千史,壮丽征程唱永恒。 瑶池仙境寻真主,玉京神话留千年。 九州万里传佳话,大唐文明耀古今。 荣耀辉煌绽芳华,大唐王朝载史籍。 江山如画画江山,千秋岁月永流传。 虽逝千年仍如此,大唐辉煌永不忘。 吟咏大唐歌长往,敬仰先人荣光煌。


Gemaakt door cupoma metSuno AI

Dada da dada doo dada moo I’m dancing on the flat moon
jd 5

jd 5

Gemaakt door Piotr Kowalski metSuno AI

[Opening] Hey! Hey! it's me your game JD. Ha! Ha! How are you doing babyyy!? Enough of pleasant talk. This is a serious part. If there is any chance? Can you go back to dance? [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I wish we could be together. (Together!) Ohh! Ohh! I could make you look fit and better. Better! I will start a little slow. This is what warmup is for. [Verse 2] It's your happy, jazzy, funky coach. Do you like my direct approach? I love your crazy, goofy dance! I made for you an auto-dance! I checked your browser history. Oh, Baby! You are missing me! [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I want us to be together. Together! Ohh! Ohh! I could make you look so much better. Better! Wow, I love how you move. you just found your perfect groove. [Verse 3] After work, you look stressed. A little workout would be best. Your touch, just makes me hyping. Is my setting to your liking? Your absence makes me b-r-e-a-k! Pleeease boy! I am delicate. [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! We must be together. Together! forever! Ohh! Ohh! I will make you look better than ever. Ever! Yeah babe, you doing great! hold up it's getting late. [Ending] Are you tired or feeling sore, take a break. bang, bang, bang. Are you sweaty?


Gemaakt door ihN OH metSuno AI

Staring at the city rush, moving like a blur Got me feeling so drained, like a worn-out slur But then I hit the road, leave it all behind Find myself on a mountain top, with a different state of mind Feet in the sand, sun on my face Can't feel stressed, in this peaceful place Breathing in the ocean breeze, lose myself in the view There's a whole world out here, waiting for me and you -- Life's a journey, time is ticking -- Gonna see the world, it's so addicting No more stress, no more strife -- Just living in the moment, taking in the sights -- City lights still shine bright, but they don't compare To the stars in the sky, I see when I stare -- At a wide-open field, feeling so free Butterflies in my stomach, pure tranquility -- Different cultures, scents, and tastes -- Every new place, got me feeling great Finding joy in the little things, that's all it takes -- Tired of the fast pace, it's time for a break
jd 4

jd 4

Gemaakt door Piotr Kowalski metSuno AI

[Opening] Hey! Hey! it's me your game JD. Ha! Ha! How are you doing babyyy!? Enough of pleasant talk. This is a serious part. If there is any chance? Can you go back to dance? [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I wish we could be together. (Together!) Ohh! Ohh! I could make you look fit and better. Better! [Instrumental] [Verse 2] It's your happy, jazzy, funky coach. Do you like my direct approach? I love your crazy, goofy dance! I made for you an auto-dance! I checked your browser history. Oh, Baby! You are missing me! [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I want us to be together. Together! Ohh! Ohh! I could make you look so much better. Better! [Instrumental] [Verse 3] After work, you look stressed. A little workout would be best. Your touch, just makes me hyping. Is my setting to your liking? Your absence makes me b-r-e-a-k! Pleeease boy! I am delicate. [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! We must be together. Together! forever! Ohh! Ohh! I will make you look better than ever. Ever! [Instrumental] [Ending] Are you tired or feeling sore, take a break. Are you sweaty?


Gemaakt door ihN OH metSuno AI

小船儿推开波浪 海面倒映着美丽的白塔 四周环绕着绿树红墙 小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中 迎面吹来了凉爽的风 红领巾迎着太阳 阳光洒在海面上 水中鱼儿望着我们 悄悄地听我们愉快歌唱 小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中 迎面吹来了凉爽的风 做完了一天的功课 我们来尽情欢乐 我问你亲爱的伙伴 谁给我们安排下幸福的生活 小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中 迎面吹来了凉爽的风
O bandeya

O bandeya

Gemaakt door Dr Amitabh Shrivastav metSuno AI

ओ बंदेया, ओ बंदेया, तेरी बातें सुनूं, Full of heart and soul, O Bandeya. ਓ ਬੰਦੇਯਾ, ਓ ਬੰਦੇਯਾ, ਤੇਰੀ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਸੁਣੂੰ। Full of heart and soul, O Bandeya. (Verse 4 - Hindi): तेरे हर ख्वाब, मेरे सपनों में बसे, तेरी हर आवाज़, मेरे दिल को छू जाए। ओ बंदेया, तेरी यादों में खोया, तेरे साथ ही मैंने अपना रास्ता पाया। (Verse 5 - English): Your every dream, resides in my dreams, Your every voice, touches my heart. O Bandeya, lost in your memories, With you, I found my path. (Verse 6 - Punjabi): ਤੇਰੇ ਹਰ ਖ਼ਾਬ, ਮੇਰੇ ਸਪਣਿਆਂ 'ਚ ਬਸੇ, ਤੇਰੀ ਹਰ ਆਵਾਜ਼, ਮੇਰੇ ਦਿਲ ਨੂੰ ਛੂ ਜਾਵੇ। ਓ ਬੰਦੇਯਾ, ਤੇਰੀ ਯਾਦਾਂ 'ਚ ਖੋਇਆ, ਤੇਰੇ ਸਾਥ ਹੀ ਮੈਂਨੇ ਆਪਣਾ ਰਸਤਾ ਪਾਇਆ।
O bandeya

O bandeya

Gemaakt door Dr Amitabh Shrivastav metSuno AI

ओ बंदेया, तेरी बातें सुनूं, तेरी मीठी यादों में खो जाऊं। तेरी हर बात पे मैं सजदा करूँ, तेरे प्यार में हर दिन भरूँ। (Verse 2 - Punjabi): ਓ ਬੰਦੇਯਾ, ਤੇਰੀ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਸੁਣੂੰ, ਤੇਰੀ ਖ਼ਾਮੋਸ਼ੀ 'ਚ ਖੋ ਜਾਵਾਂ। ਤੇਰੀ ਸਾਂਝ ਪੇ ਮੈਂ ਸਜਦਾ ਕਰਾਂ, ਤੇਰੇ ਇਸ਼ਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਰ ਪਲ ਜੀਆਂ।
jd 3.0

jd 3.0

Gemaakt door Piotr Kowalski metSuno AI

[Opening] Hey! Hey! it's me your game JD. Ha! Ha! How are you doing babyyy!? Enough of pleasant talk. This is a serious part. If there is any chance? Can you go back to dance? [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I wish we could be together. Together! Ohh! Ohh! I could make you look fit and better. Better! Yeeeeaaaaaaaaah! [Verse 2] It's your happy, jazzy, funky coach. Do you like my direct approach? I love your crazy, goofy dance! I made for you an auto-dance! I checked your browser history. Oh, Baby! You are missing me! [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I want us to be together. Together! Ohh! Ohh! I could make you look so much better. Better! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! [Verse 3] After work, you look stressed. A little workout would be best. Your touch, just makes me hyping. Is my setting to your liking? Your absence makes me b-r-e-a-k! Pleeease boy! I am delicate. [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! We must be together. Together! forever! Ohh! Ohh! I will make you look better than ever. Ever! [Ending in normal voice] knock, knock? hey, buddy. Are you tired or feeling sore, take a break. bang, bang, bang. Are you sweatyyyyy?


Gemaakt door 邓康 metSuno AI

(Verse 1) 当世界变得喧嚣不安时 我常常迷失在人群里 却有一个人,总是陪伴着我 她的关怀让我的世界更美好 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Verse 2) 每当我遇到困难和挫折 有人伸出援手让我有所依靠 他们的善意,让我重新振作 我要用我的音乐来回报 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Bridge) 善良的人们,你们是我的宝藏 你们的温柔让我感到宽慰 在这个世界上,我们要一同前进 因为真诚的联系让我们更坚定 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Outro) 让我们一起喜悦地唱起这首歌 用欣赏和温柔填满这个世界 真诚的联系,是我们的动力 因为幸福源自于爱与人际关系
Vande Mataram

Vande Mataram

Gemaakt door Dr Amitabh Shrivastav metSuno AI

Vande mataram Vande Mataram O bandeya Sujalam suphalam malayaja sheetalam Shasyashyamalam maataram, vande Sujalam suphalam malayaja sheetalam Shasyashyaamalam maataram, vande maataram O Bandeya Vande Mataram


Gemaakt door jll jack metSuno AI

(Pre-Chorus) 从明天起 多和亲人交流 分享我的喜悦 让幸福传遍大地 那闪电般的幸福告诉我 我要把它传递给每一个人 (Chorus) 让每一条航线 每一缕海风都充满了自由的味道 海鲜的香气 弥漫在每一个渔村 陌生人 也能感受到我的祝福 愿你前程光明 不畏惧危险 愿你与爱人一起勇往直前 (Verse 2) 从明天起 我要活得更加激情 在渔船的掌舵上 追逐浪花的奔腾 追逐梦想 不再停滞不前 从明天起 不再畏惧失败 我只愿面对大海 迎接挑战的呼唤 (Pre-Chorus) 从明天起 多和亲人交流 分享我的喜悦 让幸福传遍大地 那闪电般的幸福告诉我 我要把它传递给每一个人 (Chorus) 让每一条航线 每一缕海风都充满了自由的味道 海鲜的香气 弥漫在每一个渔村 陌生人 也能感受到我的祝福 愿你前程光明 不畏惧危险 愿你与爱人一起勇往直前 (Bridge) 我要勇敢地追逐 自由的梦想 不畏惧不安 只向前冲锋 这一刻的决定 将改变我的命运 我要活出自己的风采 (Chorus) 让每一条航线 每一缕海风都充满了自由的味道 海鲜的香气 弥漫在每一个渔村 陌生人 也能感受到我的祝福 愿你前程光明 不畏惧危险 愿你与爱人一起勇往直前 (Outro) 我只愿面对大海 迎接挑战的呼唤 从明天起 从现在起 活出我想要的样子 在这片海域 迎接每一次的挑战和胜利
O bandeya

O bandeya

Gemaakt door Dr Amitabh Shrivastav metSuno AI

Oh Bandeya, wandering soul, In the vast expanse, you roam, Seeking solace, finding home, In the melody of the unknown. (Chorus) Oh Bandeya, hear the call, Through the highs and lows, stand tall, In the echoes of the night, Find your strength, embrace the light. (Verse 2) Through the valleys, you have tread, In the whispers, dreams are fed, Oh Bandeya, don't lose sight, In the darkness, ignite the light. (Chorus) Oh Bandeya, hear the call, Through the highs and lows, stand tall, In the echoes of the night, Find your strength, embrace the light. (Bridge) In the silence, hear the beat, Of your heart, so wild and free, Oh Bandeya, take the leap, In your journey, find your peace. (Chorus) Oh Bandeya, hear the call, Through the highs and lows, stand tall, In the echoes of the night, Find your strength, embrace the light. (Outro) Oh Bandeya, let your spirit soar, In the universe, forevermore, In the rhythm of the day, Oh Bandeya, find your way.
Missed Chances

Missed Chances

Gemaakt door Kaung Khant Chan Nyein metSuno AI

(Verse) In the quiet of my room, I replay it in my head, Every moment I didn't act, every word left unsaid. Now she's gone, and I'm left with this regret, For not making a move, now it's too late, I bet. (Chorus) Regrets weigh heavy, a burden hard to bear, For not taking a chance, for not showing I care. Now she's moved on, and I'm left with a sigh, Trying to reach for her, as she passes by. (Bridge) If time could rewind, I'd seize every chance, To tell her how I feel, in a hopeful romance. But she's moved on, and I'm left with this pain, Of missed opportunities, and tears like rain. (Chorus) Regrets weigh heavy, a burden hard to bear, For not taking a chance, for not showing I care. Now she's moved on, and I'm left with a sigh, Trying to reach for her, as she passes by. (Outro) So here I stand, with regrets in my hand, Wishing I had told her, and made her understand. But she's moved on, and I'm left with a cry, Knowing I missed my chance, as she said goodbye.
jd 2.0

jd 2.0

Gemaakt door Piotr Kowalski metSuno AI

[Opening] Hey! Hey! it's me your game JD. Ha! Ha! How are you doing babyyy!? Enough of pleasant talk. This is a serious part. If there is any chance? Can you go back to dance? [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I wish we could be together. (Together!) Ohh! Ohh! I could make you look fit and better. Better! [Verse 2] It's your happy, jazzy, funky coach. Do you like my direct approach? I love your crazy, goofy dance! I made for you an auto-dance! I checked your browser history. Oh, Baby! You are missing me! [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I want us to be together. Together! Ohh! Ohh! I could make you look so much better. Better! [Verse 3] After work, you look stressed. A little workout would be best. Your touch, just makes me hyping. Is my setting to your liking? Your absence makes me b-r-e-a-k! Pleeease boy! I am delicate. [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! We must be together. Together! forever! Ohh! Ohh! I will make you look better than ever. Ever! [Ending] Are you tired or feeling sore, take a break. bang, bang, bang. Are you sweaty?
O bandeya

O bandeya

Gemaakt door Dr Amitabh Shrivastav metSuno AI

O Bandeya O bandeya teri baatein sunu full of heart and soul


Gemaakt door 邓康 metSuno AI

(Verse 1) 繋がりゆく糸は 複雑に絡まって 言葉足りぬ情熱 心で感じる 願い抱いて 手を伸ばすも 温かさに包まれて 溶けてゆく (Chorus) 関係 微妙な距離を感じている コミュニケーション うまくいかない 思い出す 過去の時間 希望を胸に 歩んでゆく (Verse 2) 懐かしい夢が 心を揺さぶる 見つめ合う瞳に 答えを求めて ふたりの絆に 時間を重ね いつか辿り着く 明日への道 (Chorus) 関係 微妙な距離を感じている コミュニケーション うまくいかない 思い出す 過去の時間 希望を胸に 歩んでゆく (Bridge) 揺れる想い 迷いながら 遠くを見つめる 遠い記憶 繋いだ手を離さずに 進んでゆく この未来へ (Chorus) 関係 微妙な距離を感じている コミュニケーション うまくいかない 思い出す 過去の時間 希望を胸に 歩んでゆく (Outro) 温かさと思い出 糸で結んで 未来を描く 繋がる糸
Pray 4 U

Pray 4 U

Gemaakt door Kaung Khant Chan Nyein metSuno AI

(Verse) Beneath the streetlight's glow, her silhouette I see, Hand in hand with another, she's moving away from me. Frozen in regret, as the night turns cold, Love slips through my fingers, a story untold. (Chorus) Blind to her goodbye, I stand here all alone, Watching love's laughter fade, tears blur my eyes to stone. As she walks away, with him by her side, I watch the love of my life, with another, silently abide. (Bridge) In this silent despair, her laughter echoes loud, Memories burning bright, beneath this lonely shroud. But now they fade, into the night's dark embrace, Leaving me with a heart, shattered and displaced. (Chorus) Blind to her goodbye, I stand here all alone, Watching love's laughter fade, tears blur my eyes to stone. As she walks away, with him by her side, I watch the love of my life, with another, silently abide. (Outro) So I'll linger in the shadows, where heartaches lie, With shattered dreams, beneath the starlit sky. For in this silent sorrow, I'll let out one last sigh, As I watch the love of my life, with another, say goodbye.
just Dance knows his fans

just Dance knows his fans

Gemaakt door Piotr Kowalski metSuno AI

[Opening] Hey! Hey! it's me your game JD. Ha! Ha! How are you doing babyyy!? Enough of pleasant talk. This is a serious part. If there is any chance? Can you go back to dance? [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I wish we could be together. (Together!) Ohh! Ohh! I could make look fit and better. Better! [Verse 2] It's your happy, jazzy, funky coach. Do you like my direct approach? I love your crazy, goofy dance! I made for you an auto-dance! I checked your browser history. Oh, Baby! You are missing me! [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! I want us to be together. Together! Ohh! Ohh! I could make look so much better. Better! [Verse 3] After work, you look stressed. A little workout would be best. Your touch, just makes me hyping. Is my setting to your liking? Your absence makes me b-r-e-a-k! Pleeease boy! I am delicate. [Chorus] Ahh! Ahh! We must be together. Together! forever! Ohh! Ohh! I will make look better than ever. Ever! [Ending] Are you tired or feeling sore, take a break. Are you sweaty?


Gemaakt door 无面 metSuno AI

在这冷漠的都市里 你成为了我的原因 我的追随因你 我守卫的是你 即便道阻险长 我也会 跟随到底 即便你已变了模样 就算我已遍体鳞伤 我也将拼尽全力 成为你的希望 牵我手 让我成为你的证明 让我成为你的原因 即便你化身为兽也无妨 勿颓丧 虽然自你人生离去 虽然为你悲痛原因 请你与我冲破迷障 即使黑暗笼罩 就算绝望烦扰 让我成为你的希望 让我打破你的绝望 牵我手 让我们再次迎接破晓 让我们再次并肩远航 即便我逐渐消亡 我也终将,带你向光
Ich krieg ständig auf die Fresse

Ich krieg ständig auf die Fresse

Gemaakt door Pedi Fischer metSuno AI

ch bin nicht grad ein Glückskind das steht nun einmal fest Bei mir geht sehr viel daneben und das gibt mir oft den Rest und wenn ich was versuche dann geht es meistens schief auch wenn ich hoch hinaus will falle ich meist tief Ich kriege ständig auf die Fresse da kann ich machen was ich will das macht mich völlig fertig doch ich halte meistens still Und ich kann das auch nicht ändern das soll dann wohl so sein Es ist oftmals extrem, das Pech es holt mich immer wieder ein