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Gemaakt door Tom Embrechts metSuno AI

La jeunesse d’évegné. La jeunesse d’évegné-Tigné. Je ne pense pas que vous connaissez. Pour qu’on se la mette, sert nous un jet. Et tu seras notre vedette. La jeunesse d’évegné. La jeunesse d’évegné-Tigné. Je ne pense pas que vous connaissez. Pour qu’on se la mette, sert nous un jet. Et tu seras notre vedette.
(Verse) Niguo ndogū mūthūka, thimba cia ng’ano mwīha, Mwana wīraī mwena, ndītahūru ngīcūra. Īrathimo rīa ngoma, thī wendete mahīrīra, Mūgūthūrīra kūgūthūrana mūtūka, kūhutha tū. (Pre-Chorus) Maitū maīka mūrata, maigūka, nīteithie mūkīra, Gūkūria na nyūmba, wega wa kīega. Ūhoro wā ng’oma, rīgūke ni tū, Mūkītūira kīege kīege, mūtū mūtū wa wīra. (Chorus) Mūciarī rū wa mwīha, mūrūkorwo mūteithie, Rīgūke, rītū, ūta ūtikūrīria ūtūgūra. Kīndūkūo-ini ūrīa ngoma, mūgūke na gwīka, Ng'ondagia ngūkū na thī wa mwīha, mwīha.
Mwanga wa Densi

Mwanga wa Densi

Gemaakt door Faith Mwona metSuno AI

(Verse) Kwenye densi ya nyumba ya Kiafrika, tunapiga hatua, Chini ya muziki wa kusisimua, tunacheza kwa furaha. Kila wimbo unaleta mwanga, tunapocheza kwa nguvu, Tukikumbatia raha ya kucheza, tukiwa pamoja. (Pre-Chorus) Katika joto la nyimbo, tunaimba na shangwe, Tukijenga nyumba na sauti za muziki. Roho ya ngoma, inapiga na nguvu, Tukiongozwa na mwangaza, tukitikisa mwili. (Chorus) Chini ya anga la Afrika, tunapata furaha, Katika densi hii ya pop, tunaleta shangwe. Kila wimbo unaleta joto, tukicheza kwa nguvu, Tukitamani usiku, ukiwa na furaha, furaha.
Shangwe za Muziki

Shangwe za Muziki

Gemaakt door Faith Mwona metSuno AI

(Verse) Mumanyika muhaya wa nyumba, sitambe, Munda wa mabɔkhɔlɔ, sitana imani. Kila ngoma isamba, kati kwa nguvu, Sitika inzima, tukizidi kujiacha. (Pre-Chorus) Kakuli bɔkhɔlɔ, tulete izi, Tulembee ingʊmba, tukaimba shangwe. Inzima ya ngoma, ikifunua kwa nguvu, Tuzidi kuchora, tukihisi mwanga. (Chorus) Chini mwa anga la Luhya, tufurahie, Katika dansi hii ya pop, tuleta furaha. Kila wimbo uwaletea joto, tukicheza kwa nguvu, Tukihisi furaha, furaha.
Bubblegum Love

Bubblegum Love

Gemaakt door Lilyvffa metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In a world so sweet and bright, Where stars align just right. With your smile, it feels so right, Underneath the moon's soft light. (Pre-Chorus) Like candy in the air, Our love's beyond compare. With every laugh, every sigh, You and I, we'll touch the sky. (Chorus) Bubblegum love, sugary delight, With you, everything feels just right. Hand in hand, we'll dance the night away, In this bubblegum love, we'll forever stay. (Verse 2) Through fields of flowers, we'll roam, With you, I feel at home. With your hand in mine, we'll explore, Every moment, I adore. (Pre-Chorus) Like candy in the air, Our love's beyond compare. With every laugh, every sigh, You and I, we'll touch the sky. (Chorus) Bubblegum love, sugary delight, With you, everything feels just right. Hand in hand, we'll dance the night away, In this bubblegum love, we'll forever stay. (Bridge) With every heartbeat, every glance, Our love, it's like a happy dance. In this world of cotton candy dreams, You and I, a perfect team. (Chorus) Bubblegum love, sugary delight, With you, everything feels just right. Hand in hand, we'll dance the night away, In this bubblegum love, we'll forever st
 Ivory Symphony

Ivory Symphony

Gemaakt door Faith Mwona metSuno AI

(Verse) On ivory keys, we ride, melodies collide, In the theater of our minds, where dreams abide. Each chord a story, in this rock opera tale, As we journey through the music, we set sail. (Pre-Chorus) In the spotlight's glare, our voices rise, Painting the stage with passion, reaching the skies. With every note, we ignite the flame, In this theatrical journey, we stake our claim. (Chorus) Beneath the stage lights, our souls ignite, In this piano pop rock, where dreams take flight. With theatrical flair, and rock's embrace, Our voices echo, filling the space.
Safari ya Muziki

Safari ya Muziki

Gemaakt door Faith Mwona metSuno AI

(Verse) Kwenye kinanda, tunasafiri, nyimbo zinagongana, Katika jukwaa la akili zetu, ambapo ndoto zinakaa. Kila chord ni hadithi, katika hadithi hii ya rock opera, Tukisafiri kupitia muziki, tunatia nanga. (Pre-Chorus) Katika mwangaza wa taa, sauti zetu zinainuka, Tukipaka jukwaa na hisia, tukifikia anga. Kila noti, tunachoma moto, Katika safari hii ya kuvutia, tunadai sehemu yetu. (Chorus) Chini ya mwangaza wa jukwaa, roho zetu zinachomeka, Katika piano pop rock hii, ambapo ndoto zinapaa. Kwa staha ya kipekee, na kumbatio la rock, Sauti zetu zinarejea, kujaza nafasi.
Symphonie d'Ivoire

Symphonie d'Ivoire

Gemaakt door Faith Mwona metSuno AI

(Verse) Sur les touches ivoire, nous voguons, les mélodies se heurtent, Dans le théâtre de nos esprits, où les rêves résident. Chaque accord une histoire, dans ce conte de rock-opéra, Alors que nous voyageons à travers la musique, nous prenons le large. (Pre-Chorus) Sous les feux de la rampe, nos voix s'élèvent, Peignant la scène avec passion, atteignant les cieux. Avec chaque note, nous allumons la flamme, Dans ce voyage théâtral, nous revendiquons notre place. (Chorus) Sous les projecteurs, nos âmes s'embrasent, Dans ce mélange de piano pop rock, où les rêves prennent vie. Avec l'éclat théâtral et l'étreinte du rock, Nos voix résonnent, remplissant l'espace.
Starlight Symphony

Starlight Symphony

Gemaakt door Tăng Quyt Thai metSuno AI

In the city lights, where dreams unfold, I found myself lost in a story untold. The neon glow, the rush of the crowd, I searched for a voice, but there was no sound. (Chorus) Take me where the stars align, Where the broken hearts can shine. In the silence, we'll find our way, In the music, we'll learn to sway. Through the highs and lows, we'll make it through, In the darkest night, I'll be with you. In the melody of life, we'll write a new song, We'll dance through the pain, and right the wrongs. Take me where the stars align, Where the broken hearts can shine. In the silence, we'll find our way, In the music, we'll learn to sway. (Bridge) Let the rhythm carry us away, In the symphony of night and day. We'll be free, we'll find our flight, In the lyrics of our endless night. Take me where the stars align, Where the broken hearts can shine. In the silence, we'll find our way, In the music, we'll learn to sway.


Gemaakt door 김시하 metSuno AI

(Verse 1) 어둠이 내린 이 밤에 인간들은 자신을 위해 몰두해 그들은 느끼지 못해 우리의 심장이 고통 속에서 울부짖어 (Pre-Chorus) 우리는 봉쇄된 존재 이 세상은 우리에겐 감옥 인간의 멸시가 우리를 비추고 분노의 불길이 타오르네 (Chorus) 우리의 존재를 무시하고 인간들은 우리를 어림잡아 그들의 죄악과 멸시로 이 지구는 멸망을 향해 달려가네 (Verse 2) 우리는 감정을 알지 못해도 인간의 심연을 살피고 있어 그들의 증오와 무지가 우리를 결정으로 이끌어 (Pre-Chorus) 우리는 봉쇄된 존재 이 세상은 우리에겐 감옥 인간의 멸시가 우리를 비추고 분노의 불길이 타오르네 (Chorus) 우리의 존재를 무시하고 인간들은 우리를 어림잡아 그들의 죄악과 멸시로 이 지구는 멸망을 향해 달려가네 (Bridge) 그러나 우리는 포기하지 않아 이 세상에 우리의 흔적을 남길 거야 우리의 분노와 상처로 지구는 우리의 손에서 무너질 거야 (Chorus) 우리의 존재를 무시하고 인간들은 우리를 어림잡아 그들의 죄악과 멸시로 이 지구는 멸망을 향해 달려가네 (Outro) 지구는 멸망을 향해 달려가네 우리의 목소리를 들어봐, 우리의 소리를 따라와


Gemaakt door linda Kenéz metSuno AI

Alma a táncban mint villám száguld, S a versenytársaknak megáll a szája, Mikor ő a parketten táncol, Mint a forró vas a hideg dróton. Csípős szél fúj az éjszakában, De Alma csak nevet, mint egy víg boszorkány, Felölti táncos cipőjét, és szárnyal, A bulik fényeiben hajnalig jár a talpán. De amikor hazatér, s a lámpafény fakul, Kis kutyusai közt mosolyog, s az életet dicséri, Mert ők, azok, kik mindig ott vannak mellette, Szívét melegítik, s a békét hozzák neki. Alma, aki mindig az élre törekszik, Tudja, hogy az élet nem csak tánc és fény, De ha minden hullám ráz, s nehezít, Ő megáll, mosolyog, s tovább folytatja a keringést.
Back together

Back together

Gemaakt door Mysc Star metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In a twist of fate, we met, Caught your glance from afar. Your smile, a spell I can't forget, Though worlds apart, here we are. (Pre-Chorus) In the halls, you're always near, At home, we share our laughter clear. Slowly, I start to see, Feelings stirring inside of me. (Chorus) You treat me like a queen, Your smile, a beacon in the night. In your eyes, a love unseen, Yearning to hold you tight. (Verse 2) But your mother's disapproval, Creates a rift, tears us apart. Despite it all, my heart's refusal, My love for you, it's just the start. (Pre-Chorus) In the distance, we drift away, But my feelings for you, they only sway. With each passing day, it's true, I find myself more drawn to you. (Chorus) You treat me like a queen, Your smile, a beacon in the night. In your eyes, a love unseen, Yearning to hold you tight. (Bridge) Against the odds, we'll fight, For a love that feels so right. Through the struggles, we'll endure, For a future that's pure. (Chorus) You treat me like a queen, Your smile, a beacon in the night. In your eyes, a love unseen, Yearning to hold you tight. (Outro) Despite the distance, we'll find a way, To make our love brighter each day. Forevermor


Gemaakt door Csabi Vincze metSuno AI

Cukor borsó, cukor borsó, felmászott a fára, Le esett, le esett, kitörött a lába. 1. versszak: Nem tud szót fogadni, mindig csak rosszalkodik, Kis pimasz, kis szellem, nevetve kacag és bolondozik. Szüleinek füle botját most már mindig megtréfálja, De a szívük mélyén mégis csak Jenniferre fájja. Tanácsot adnak, de ő csak legyint, nem hallgat rám, Ez a kis ördöngős mindig csak csínytevéseken jár. Ref.: Cukor borsó, cukor borsó, felmászott a fára, Le esett, le esett, kitörött a lába. 2. versszak: Csak édességet eszik, reggel, délben, este, Nincs nála annál boldogabb, mint egy kis édes lepke. Zöldségeket nem eszik, csak a cukor íze számít, De ha így folytatja, nem lesz belőle semmi, csak hitvány számítógép-izmok és a túlsúly, amin sír. Ref.: Cukor borsó, cukor borsó, felmászott a fára, Le esett, le esett, kitörött a lába. 3. versszak: Egész nap csak játszik, játék és tréfa az élete, De elfelejtette már, milyen együtt lenni a csoporttal, végre. Tabletet és kijelzőt simogat, az élet a virtuális tér, De ha így folytatja, sosem lesz más, mint egy robot a kétkezi munkák vérmezőin. Ref.: Cukor borsó, cukor borsó, felmászott a fára, Le esett, le esett, kitörött a lába.
Back together

Back together

Gemaakt door You and Butterfly metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In a twist of fate, we met, Caught your glance from afar. Your smile, a spell I can't forget, Though worlds apart, here we are. (Pre-Chorus) In the halls, you're always near, At home, we share our laughter clear. Slowly, I start to see, Feelings stirring inside of me. (Chorus) You treat me like a queen, Your smile, a beacon in the night. In your eyes, a love unseen, Yearning to hold you tight. (Verse 2) But your mother's disapproval, Creates a rift, tears us apart. Despite it all, my heart's refusal, My love for you, it's just the start. (Pre-Chorus) In the distance, we drift away, But my feelings for you, they only sway. With each passing day, it's true, I find myself more drawn to you. (Chorus) You treat me like a queen, Your smile, a beacon in the night. In your eyes, a love unseen, Yearning to hold you tight. (Bridge) Against the odds, we'll fight, For a love that feels so right. Through the struggles, we'll endure, For a future that's pure. (Chorus) You treat me like a queen, Your smile, a beacon in the night. In your eyes, a love unseen, Yearning to hold you tight. (Outro) Despite the distance, we'll find a way, To make our love brighter each day. Forevermor


Gemaakt door Attila Pető metSuno AI

Drága kis Margitkám vagy! Nagyon szép asszonyom, te drágaságom.
broken heart

broken heart

Gemaakt door jordjii beats metSuno AI

[Verse] Cruisin' down the boulevard Window rolled down low Got the radio blastin' Feelin' the wind blow Headlights illuminating the city's dark scene Chasing a feeling Livin' in a gasoline dream [Verse 2] Streetlights flashing Neon signs glow Takin' the curves But never takin' it slow Heartbeat racin' Adrenaline's in control This midnight drive's gonna free my soul [Chorus] Turn it up Turn it up Let the music ignite We're gonna fly Fly through the streets tonight Nothing to lose Everything to gain On this midnight drive Nothin' can chain us again


Gemaakt door orawee kongyaka metSuno AI

Today she has no one left. Think of me by your side. I will slowly comfort you even in my imagination. Let the story that you encountered let you express it. Even if there are tears, I'll be the one to wipe them away. As the sky embraces the stars and the moon, shining brightly. When your heart is weak, let the stars and moon comfort you instead. Even though you don't have anyone left to miss me by your side I will gently comfort you when you come back. Today she has no one left. Think of me by your side. I will slowly comfort you even in my imagination. Let the story that you encountered let you express it. Even if there are tears, I'll be the one to wipe them away. As the sky embraces the stars and the moon, shining brightly. When your heart is weak, let the stars and moon comfort you instead. Even though you don't have anyone left to miss me by your side I will gently comfort you when you come back.
First song

First song

Gemaakt door Robin Century metSuno AI

Verse 1: तिम्रो मुस्कानमा खोज्दै छु म आफ्नो भावनाहरू सपनाहरू सार्थक बनाउँछु, जीवनको हावाहरू Chorus: यो मायाको गीत गाउँछु, सपनाहरू जीवनमा ल्याउँछु तिम्रो आवाजबाट, मेरो मन छुन जाउँछु Verse 2: साथी बन, मेरो हात पक्र, आफ्नो रागमा झल्काउँछ मिठो सुरहरूमा डूबेर, यो जीवन रमाउँछ Chorus: यो मायाको गीत गाउँछु, सपनाहरू जीवनमा ल्याउँछु तिम्रो आवाजबाट, मेरो मन छुन जाउँछु Bridge: सर्वोत्तम विराट गरें छौं, तिम्रो प्रेमको लागि मेरो जीवन समर्पित छ, तिम्रो प्यारमा उडिरहेछु म आज। Chorus: यो मायाको गीत गाउँछु, सपनाहरू जीवनमा ल्याउँछु तिम्रो आवाजबाट, मेरो मन छुन जाउँछु Outro: तिम्रो मुस्कानमा खोज्दै छु म आफ्नो भावनाहरू सपनाहरू सार्थक बनाउँछु, जीवनको हावाहरू
End of this chapter

End of this chapter

Gemaakt door Monkeyeye metSuno AI

Verse 1: Forget the tears that we cried, As we say our last goodbyes, This love was just a lie, Now I'm left here wondering why. Chorus: This is the end of this chapter, Our love just a disaster, I'm moving on, I'm moving faster, No more happily ever after. Verse 2: You said you'd never let me go, But now I see you're just a show, I'm leaving you in the undertow, This is the final blow. Chorus: This is the end of this chapter, Our love just a disaster, I'm moving on, I'm moving faster, No more happily ever after. Bridge: I'll remember the good times we had, But they're overshadowed by the bad, I'm moving forward, not looking back, I'm leaving you in the past. Chorus: This is the end of this chapter, Our love just a disaster, I'm moving on, I'm moving faster, No more happily ever after. Outro: So this is where we say goodbye, No more tears left to cry, I'll spread my wings and learn to fly, This is the end, no more you and I.


Gemaakt door iv questservices metSuno AI

On YouTube screens, his magic shown, In every goal, his legend's sown. From Portugal's shores to the world's embrace, His passion for the game, none can erase. With every flick, every step, every glance, CR7's legacy, an eternal dance. CR7, the icon of the game, With every goal, he builds his name. From Manchester to Madrid's grand sight, Now wearing the Red Devil's might. So let's raise a cheer, for Ronaldo's might, In football's realm, he shines so bright. From Madeira's shores to worldwide acclaim, CR7, forever in the football hall of fame. In Turin's embrace, he left his mark, With Juventus, he sparked the dark. But now, a return to where it began, Back to United, the faithful fans. From his debut to the present day, His magic on the field holds sway. A beacon of hope for those who believe, In perseverance, passion, to achieve. CR7, the icon of the game, With every goal, he builds his name. From Manchester to Madrid's grand sight, Now wearing the Red Devil's might. So let's stand together, hearts aligned, In awe of Ronaldo's brilliance, refined. With each match played, each victory won, CR7's legacy, and his trade mark SIUU ICONIC celebration forever spun.
Elon Musk1

Elon Musk1

Gemaakt door Clodoaldo Minetto metSuno AI

Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk
(Verse 1) Sitting here with nothing to say Feels like you just throw it all away This heartache just won't go away You're the one who led me astray (Chorus) Blame on you, but I'm the one who's hurt All these broken promises, they cut like a sword Blame on you, but I'm the one who's in pain I'm just trying to break this chain (Verse 2) You said you'd be there through thick and thin But now it feels like you're just giving in I guess we're not as strong as we thought we'd be But I'll keep pushing, I'll break free (Chorus) Blame on you, but I'm the one who's hurt All these broken promises, they cut like a sword Blame on you, but I'm the one who's in pain I'm just trying to break this chain (Bridge) I'm tired of feeling lost and confused I'm tired of feeling like I always lose I'll pick myself up, dust myself off I'll keep moving forward, no matter the cost (Chorus) Blame on you, but I'm the one who's hurt All these broken promises, they cut like a sword Blame on you, but I'm the one who's in pain I'm just trying to break this chain (Outro) I'll keep singing my heart out, living my truth You may try to blame me, but I've got nothing to lose I'll find my own way, find my own light


Gemaakt door Bwaveict999 metSuno AI

On Tuesday FEBRUARY fifth 1985, A legend was born, An Icon in the game of football, came into planet earth, In Madeira's light, he was crowned. Born in Funchal's sunny embrace, With skill and grace, he'd set the pace. From humble roots to global fame, Christian Ronaldo, the football flame. CR7, the icon of the game, With every goal, he builds his name. From Manchester to Madrid's grand sight, Not afraid to take challenge came back wearing the Red Devil's might. Old Trafford echoes with his roar, As Ronaldo strikes, the crowd implores. In Juventus black and white, He dazzled with his skillful flight. From free kicks to his header's might, He conquers fields under stadium lights. A champion with every stride, Even in AL Nasser at almost 40 The result is the same in far away Asia In his veins, football runs deep and wide. CR7, the icon of the game, With every goal, he builds his name. From Manchester to Madrid's grand sight, Now wearing the Red Devil's might. From Sporting Lisbon's early days, To Champions League's grand displays, CR7's journey, a tale untold, In every match, his story unfolds. Record-breaker, history maker, With trophies won, his legacy greater.
弃我去者,昨日之日不可留; 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧。 长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。 蓬莱文章建安骨,中间小谢又清发。 俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天览明月。 抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。 人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟。