Never judge a book by its cover, cover,
Never judge a girl by her lovers, lover.
I can promise you, I'm not like the others, other,
Play me, and i will make you suffer, suffer.
Baby, I’m not like your other lovers.
Take this as a warning,
You'll regret it come morning.
I’ll sit still, stay pretty,
All made up, your dream girl, baby.
My makeup hides all my crazy,
Never caught when I’m acting shady,
'Cause I'm a lady,
And who's afraid of little old me?
Brand me your own Eve, headlines, how they deceive,
Serpents whisper, web of lies they weave
Tearing me apart, strip my dignity, leave.
No chance to reclaim what was mine my agency
My lifes been told
In photographs, photographs
I guess I failed
Your polygraph, Polygraph
In black and white my
Epitaph epitaph
Im worn thin, news just in
This woman's guilty as sin
Miami beaches
these lessons in love you teach,
This feeling
it's something I’ll never let out of my reach.
They said grass is greener on some other side,
But why chase green when here the ocean tides
Carry the blues of Florida, deep and wide?
The reds of your jersey catch my eye,
And all I see is Florida, where my heart lies
Birdsong's sweeter since she's out of her cage,
Spreading wings they tried to clip, now she's wiser with age.
That little birdie's centre stage, feeling brand new,
Selling out shows, kissing god knows who.
You can’t cage a bird who's mastered the sky,
Can't cage a girl once she's seen stars so high.
Tried to crush my spirit, but baby i'm on a high
Can’t talk now, fresh out the slammer, feeling alive
Bad boy but I think he’s a good man
Good girl who doesn't give a damn
No fairytale ending, this is real life
Real love cuts deeper than a pocket knife
He says he know what love is
Got it tatted on his chest just to prove it
I knew from the start he was no prince charming
But didn’t think our fairytale could be so grimm
Bad boy, good man
Good girl, no plan
Bad man, sunk in sin, drawing me in,
Broken girl, spiralling, walls caving in.
But daddy, I love him.
Can't help that
daddy I love him
Double-decker bus, taller than his shattered pride,
Haven't roamed these streets since the night we said goodbye.
City lights sparkle best under the veil of night,
But honey, I’m the sun, nothing beats my light.
It’s been so long, London,
Since I walked this ground,
I’m here, but not to stay.
So long, London,
Just passing through the crowds,
Here to say hello
then i’ll be on my way
fazliev sardor fazliev sardor and fazliev sardor
The pen in my hand bleeds
Black ink seeps deep in the page
I'm begging him, "Please,
Just stay beyond the talking stage”
But he says he's too fucked up,
And we should just give up,
I tell him, "Darling, join the club."
In my haven, certified, where secrets hide,
The Tortured Poets Department,
I’ll stay and hide,enjoy the ride,
While deep down inside, you know it
You missed your chance with the tortured poets
He never liked my hometown
When he left I broke down
My baby said goodbye
I said good riddance
Guess a small town girls
Too little for his ambition
I’ll be back in a fortnight
Not gonna call or write
I might dance about all night
Maybe I won't see you in a fortnight
And maybe that's alright
In hindsight
Red lipstick
Leave my trace on his collar
Throwing bricks
Broken glass in all colours
Let him think
He's a real big baller
He throws a tantrum
If he can't win
He's no fun to play with
He cheats, I play dumb
I guess you win some, lose some
I don't want to win by his rules
He plays the lover, I play the fool
Convince myself he loves me, I'll lie
Saying my boy
Yeah, my boy
Only breaks his favourite toys
The day has come
My baby girl's all grown
From pigtails to lipstick
She's ready to own
The cap and gown on her
Shining so bright
My heart's bursting
Can't hold back the pride
[Verse 2]
The memories flood
Like movie scenes in my head
First days of school
Tears I softly shed
Now she's standing tall
Reaching for the sky
Ready to spread her wings
Ready to fly
Commencement day
The end of an era
Watching you go feels bittersweet
My dear
But as you walk this stage
Embrace the unknown
Know that you're loved
And you're finally home
In a world of dreams, she reigns supreme
AAvery's her name, with a heart that gleams
She dances through fields, where rainbows meet
With a magical friend, so pure and sweet
AAvery, AAvery, with stars in her eyes
In her world of wonder, where the unicorn flies
AAvery, AAvery, in a rainbow parade
With love in her heart, never afraid
She rides on the back of a mystical beast
Through meadows of gold, where worries cease
With each step they take, they paint the sky
In hues of love and dreams that never die
AAvery, AAvery, with stars in her eyes
In her world of wonder, where the unicorn flies
AAvery, AAvery, in a rainbow parade
With love in her heart, never afraid
Through valleys and hills, they journey on
In a bond so strong, they'll never be gone
For AAvery's love, it knows no end
With her unicorn, forever they'll ascend
AAvery, AAvery, with stars in her eyes
In her world of wonder, where the unicorn flies
AAvery, AAvery, in a rainbow parade
With love in her heart, never afraid
In a world of dreams, she reigns supreme
Avery's her name, with a heart that gleams
She dances through fields, where rainbows meet
With a magical friend, so pure and sweet
Avery, Avery, with stars in her eyes
In her world of wonder, where the unicorn flies
Avery, Avery, in a rainbow parade
With love in her heart, never afraid
She rides on the back of a mystical beast
Through meadows of gold, where worries cease
With each step they take, they paint the sky
In hues of love and dreams that never die
Avery, Avery, with stars in her eyes
In her world of wonder, where the unicorn flies
Avery, Avery, in a rainbow parade
With love in her heart, never afraid
Through valleys and hills, they journey on
In a bond so strong, they'll never be gone
For Avery's love, it knows no end
With her unicorn, forever they'll ascend
Avery, Avery, with stars in her eyes
In her world of wonder, where the unicorn flies
Avery, Avery, in a rainbow parade
With love in her heart, never afraid
Jorge Fernando
O melhor vendedor
Com talento e dedicação
Ele é um vencedor
Abençoado por Deus
Com uma vida de prosperidade
Seu coração cheio de gratidão e amor de verdade
[Verse 2]
Ele trabalha com força
Sempre com determinação
Conquistando seus sonhos
Alcançando a realização
Filho amado
Com uma fé inabalável no coração
Acredita que o impossível pode se tornar uma canção
Jorge Fernando
Celta Prata
Um guerreiro
Com seu sorriso
Ilumina o mundo inteiro
Acredite em si mesmo
Seja sempre abençoado
Viva a vida com paixão
Seja um filho amado
Kusura bakma be dünya çok bozuldun bu ara. Ne olur artık bu lafıma bozulma. İki delikanlı kalmış koca cihanında. Birinin adı Çoban da diğerini hatırla. Bulmuştur bu gençleri gebzelinin hatrına.Hatrınaaaa...
Hatırla... Hatırla hani gençler tanıştılar istanbulda, şimdi birisi burda da diğeri liverpoolda... Buluşmsa vakti geldi onlar için adada. Adada. Adada.
Şimdi tekrar buluşma vakti, eşyaları senin evin odada, odan da bostanlı da. Artık İngilizce konuşma vakti benim için orada.
(rap) <rap>
我給妳的愛寫在西元前 深埋在美索不達米亞平原
幾十個世紀後出土發現 泥板上的字跡依然清晰可見
別管那是非 只要我們感覺對
(Verse)แต่ก่อน ก็ไม่เคยคิด ว่าการเป็น เป็นคนอย่างฉัน
จะทำลาย คนที่ฉันรัก และทำให้เธอเสียใจ
วันนึง วันที่ฉันได้รู้ เมื่อมีคน คนที่เขาพร้อม
และดูแล และพลากตรงที่ฉัน ยังคนมั่นใจ
(Pre Chorus)
มั่นใจว่าเธอยังคงเลือกฉัน มั่นใจว่าเธอคงลืมเขาไป
มั่นใจที่ยังจะคอยทำร้าย และเธอคงกลับมา
และในวันนี้ฉันได้เรียนรู้ ว่าสิ่งที่ฉันได้ทำพลาดไป
คือความมั่นใจ และวันนี้อยากจะขอให้เธอรู้
ปลอดภัยแล้วนะ จะไม่ไประราน ไม่หา ไม่คิดถึงเธอ
ปลอดภัยแล้วนะ ต่อให้ไปที่เดิม ก็สัญญาจะไม่เจอ
ฉันคงเปลี่ยนอะไรไม่ได้ ต่อให้ฉันไม่ทำเหมือนเดิม
และคงเปลี่ยนใจเธอไม่ได้ กว่าจะรู้ก็คงสายเกินปายยยยยยย
ставлю точки всегда.
обожаю их.
и свою тереблю под пижамами.
о высоком общаюсь под чем-то. но.
неудобно говорить когда членом в рот.
кто попало.
лезет в подъезде дома.
бомж с района или подлец с детдома.
электрик вова.
коллектор рома.
так и норовят потрогать лоно.
но я не такая.
я ласку люблю и романтику.
а ебусь только за балтику.
차가운 겨울이 가고 따뜻한 봄이 찾아왔어. 찬바람 견딘 저 꽃들처럼 지혜도 아름답게 피어나!
어둠이 찾아와도 천천히 나아가
언제나 옆에 내가 있을게.
넌 너의 나를 믿어. 내가 나의 너를 믿듯, 언제나 사랑해. 영원한 나의 soulmate, 생일축하해!
Between two outstretched arms,
That can only occasionally touch
With fingertips,
Lies the shortest path to the heart.
The fountain of moments is eternity,
I wish I had loved you
Only for this.
Alejandro Bolívar es un ciclista profecional en lo que hace, montando y viendo montañas y paisajes, hace unos días se propuso un reto que es bajar unos kilos de peso para poder subir el alto de letras y yo se que lo va a lograr, ya faltas unos meses, esta gordito pero poquito a poquito va a alcanzar su meta antes de que se acabe el año
Porque nunca me contestas los mensajes, te crees el más popular y el mejor en tu colegio, subes estados solo para presumirme de tu vida, y a mi no me interesa pero me he dado cuenta de que has tenido cambios de adolescentes, respeta que yo soy 1 año mayor que tu, no te hagas el listo y no te quiero volver a ver
I appreciate you. I appreciate you because of the enigma of your parentage – which makes you delectably mysterious. I appreciate you because of the positivity you exhume – brightening up the room with your chirpiness. I appreciate you because of the thousands of miles of travel experiences that are now imbued in your fabric. I appreciate you for your linguistic prowess – that allows you to mitigate friction across so many different languages. I appreciate you for the athletic talent that you are nurturing through dedication, discipline, and healthy competition. I appreciate you for your loving nature – and the affection you exhibit for your family with no expectation of reciprocity. But most of all, I appreciate you because of the unique person you have become and the confluence of forces that are the recipe for this uniqueness. There is no one with the secret recipe that makes you YOU. No one. There never will be. And with 16 years under your belt, you now have increasing agency over your life’s choices and the ingredients you add to the recipe. Don’t make it too bitter or too spicy. Don’t make it too sweet or too salty. Just make it tasty – so others around you
Café da manhã paras as mamães no dia 04 de maioooooo
Projeto arthur transformando dor em amorrrrr