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House of Asmodeus

House of Asmodeus

Gemaakt door Nasts metSuno AI

Who's singing love songs in my lustful lounge? Ozzie's ain't the place for sentimental sounds What'd you expect from a proprietor like us? Your demon host, Asmodeus, the embodiment of lust Give me a thrust (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa) Yeah, show me some lust (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-brr) From the groin to the bust In desire, we trust In the house of Asmodeus (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa—) (Trumpet! Ha!) Little imp, you came here to sing your serenade Perform your feelings on a velvety stage Well, we got a saying that's popular in these parts Only little bitches strum the strings of their hearts You wanna hang around this lustful town? Ditch the lovey-dovey before we knock you around Here we sing about wants and desires Depravity, savagery, loins hotter than fire! So, give me a thrust Show me some lust From the groin to the bust Little imp, you just must In the house of Asmodeus
House of Asmodeus

House of Asmodeus

Gemaakt door Nasts metSuno AI

Who's singing love songs in my lustful lounge? Ozzie's ain't the place for sentimental sounds What'd you expect from a proprietor like us? Your demon host, Asmodeus, the embodiment of lust Give me a thrust (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa) Yeah, show me some lust (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-brr) From the groin to the bust In desire, we trust In the house of Asmodeus (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa—) (Trumpet! Ha!) Little imp, you came here to sing your serenade Perform your feelings on a velvety stage Well, we got a saying that's popular in these parts Only little bitches strum the strings of their hearts You wanna hang around this lustful town? Ditch the lovey-dovey before we knock you around Here we sing about wants and desires Depravity, savagery, loins hotter than fire! So, give me a thrust Show me some lust From the groin to the bust Little imp, you just must In the house of Asmodeus
House of Asmodeus

House of Asmodeus

Gemaakt door Nasts metSuno AI

Who's singing love songs in my lustful lounge? Ozzie's ain't the place for sentimental sounds What'd you expect from a proprietor like us? Your demon host, Asmodeus, the embodiment of lust Give me a thrust (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa) Yeah, show me some lust (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-brr) From the groin to the bust In desire, we trust In the house of Asmodeus (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa—) (Trumpet! Ha!) Little imp, you came here to sing your serenade Perform your feelings on a velvety stage Well, we got a saying that's popular in these parts Only little bitches strum the strings of their hearts You wanna hang around this lustful town? Ditch the lovey-dovey before we knock you around Here we sing about wants and desires Depravity, savagery, loins hotter than fire! So, give me a thrust Show me some lust From the groin to the bust Little imp, you just must In the house of Asmodeus
House of Asmodeus

House of Asmodeus

Gemaakt door Nasts metSuno AI

Who's singing love songs in my lustful lounge? Ozzie's ain't the place for sentimental sounds What'd you expect from a proprietor like us? Your demon host, Asmodeus, the embodiment of lust Give me a thrust (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa) Yeah, show me some lust (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-brr) From the groin to the bust In desire, we trust In the house of Asmodeus (Bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa-bwa—) (Trumpet! Ha!) Little imp, you came here to sing your serenade Perform your feelings on a velvety stage Well, we got a saying that's popular in these parts Only little bitches strum the strings of their hearts You wanna hang around this lustful town? Ditch the lovey-dovey before we knock you around Here we sing about wants and desires Depravity, savagery, loins hotter than fire! So, give me a thrust Show me some lust From the groin to the bust Little imp, you just must In the house of Asmodeus


Gemaakt door 杨阳 metSuno AI

На сервере Furman

На сервере Furman

Gemaakt door Малик Чупанов metSuno AI

На сервере Furman, где митамод с кузоку - Лучшая пара, так прекрасно влюблены. Рунус наркоторговец, всегда был популярен, А Сильвент хуярил лес, силу и мощь он несли. Furman, мир реальности и мечты, Там где сбывались самые дикие желания. Магия, драконы, битвы и герои, Все в этом мире было так близко к сердцу. Митамод восседал в вышине, смотрел на всех с высока, А кузоку сияла красота в каждом жесте. Рунус торговал смесями, что грехом назвали бы, И Сильвент сечи насаживал, словно вихрь безумный. Furman, мир реальности и мечты, Там где сбывались самые дикие желания. Магия, драконы, битвы и герои, Все в этом мире было так близко к сердцу. Но времена проходят, и сервер ушел, Митамод с кузоку больше не встретишь. Рунус и Сильвент, как ветер унес, Но память о них живет, в наших сердцах вечно. Furman, мир реальности и мечты, Там где сбывались самые дикие желания. Магия, драконы, битвы и герои, Все в этом мире было так близко к сердцу.


Gemaakt door Alexandr Taranin metSuno AI

Я всегда твердил, что судьба — игра. Что зачем нам рыба, раз есть икра. Что готический стиль победит, как школа, как способность торчать, избежав укола. Я сижу у окна. За окном осина. Я любил немногих. Однако — сильно. Я считал, что лес — только часть полена. Что зачем вся дева, раз есть колено. Что, устав от поднятой веком пыли, русский глаз отдохнет на эстонском шпиле. Я сижу у окна. Я помыл посуду. Я был счастлив здесь, и уже не буду. Я писал, что в лампочке — ужас пола. Что любовь, как акт, лишена глагола. Что не знал Эвклид, что, сходя на конус, вещь обретает не ноль, но Хронос. Я сижу у окна. Вспоминаю юность. Улыбнусь порою, порой отплюнусь.


Gemaakt door lingke xu metSuno AI

星辰大海是未来的懵懂 秋收冬藏是生命的悸动 不冷漠、不从众 明是非、知变通 一粥一饭是生活的隆重 Wind of wisdom sweeps across the throng Rays of freedom shine above the song In the light, we shine bright; In the dark, we see spark DEPU DEPU miracle comes true 莎士比亚与红楼一梦 求知的风,理想的梦 古今中外不问西东 只为求知而来, 只为乘兴而去 修于天下, 不问,不问,西东


Gemaakt door Nacho G. Carballo metSuno AI

En un mundo lleno de luz y color, Brilla Carlota, mi amor y mi sol. Con su sonrisa, alegra el lugar, mi hija querida, mi tesoro sin par. Carlota, mi niña, radiante estrella, Tu luz ilumina cada senda, Eres amable y cariñosa sin igual, Pero es tiempo de estudiar y trabajar. En los libros y los números, el desafío está, Matemáticas y lengua, un mundo por explorar. Con esfuerzo y dedicación, lo podrás lograr, Tu potencial es grande, lo has de demostrar. Carlota, mi niña, radiante estrella, Tu luz ilumina cada senda, Eres amable y cariñosa sin igual, Pero es tiempo de estudiar y trabajar. Con amor y apoyo, te acompañaré, En cada desafío, en cada amanecer. Carlota, mi hija, mi orgullo y mi razón, Juntos alcanzaremos la perfección.
Chains of Value

Chains of Value

Gemaakt door Luis Segura metSuno AI

[Intro] [Short Instrumental Intro] [Smooth jazz instrumental] [soulful vibe] [setting a reflective tone] [deep introspective] [saxophone solo] [Verse 1] [Vocal Emotional, Soulful] In the heart of the factory, beneath the glowing forge, Labor shapes the world, in every corner it engorges. The value of a day, the worth of human sweat, Marx whispered of a truth, we dare not forget. [Scratch Hook] [Instrumental: Scratching] Energetic scratching segment, contrasting the soulful verse. [Rap Verse] [Vocal: Rap, laidback, resilient] Capital's shadow, long and grim, devours the fruits, limb by limb. Profit's march, relentless, cold, on backs of the young and the old. Exchange veils the exploitation, obscured are the relations of production. [Chorus] [Vocal: Emotional, Powerful] Rise, oh ye workers, from your slumber, The chains of value, heavy, encumber. In unity, find strength, break free, From the shackles of capital, let labor be the key. [Verse 2] [Vocal Emotionally deep Reflective] The invisible hand, that binds and chokes, Feeds on labor, its silent yokes. But within us, the power to break, The cycle of exploitation, for humanity's sake.
Overlook 3

Overlook 3

Gemaakt door Andy Mathers metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In the heat of battle, we stand strong, With courage in our hearts, we'll carry on. Through every trial, we'll face the fight, Overlook Swim Team, we'll shine in the light. (Verse 2) In the face of challenge, we won't yield, With determination, we'll take the field. With every stroke, we'll forge our way, Overlook Swim Team, we'll seize the day. (Chorus) So raise your voices, let them ring, Overlook Swim Team, our victory we'll sing. With passion burning deep within, We'll fight, we'll strive, we'll always win!


Gemaakt door Орешенков Максим metSuno AI

[Интро] «GOD» [?] [?] What the fuck? Ха-ха-ха Ай [Припев] Her eyes, it's dollar signs She see me, she say lies, huh I'm in New York Call me "spider" with a double "R" Yeah, we VIPERR Каждый день я плаваю в денежном океане, ха У меня их, будто я беременный деньгами [Куплет] Е, когда я в LA — автоматически пизда те Делается секси, делаем все мувы hi-tech (Hi-tech) Money rain, money rain, designer rain Stone cold like stone cold Took us one year to annihilate You greasy in many ways Like they put names on graves I'll do yours on a basic tennis chain And give it to your thot Take a pic of that, get a bag on onlyfans 'Cause there she got attention Самый ебанутый intention Унижаю тебя вежливо Подъезжаю туда, где action 24 takeovеr — action (Р-р-р) Сидим плотно, как infection Сидим плотно, как infection Сидим плотно, как infection, ай Е, я был твоей мечтой, но уехал в Америку Теперь это пустота, будто дырка в bagеl Я твой проёб в казино, типа gamble You might also like RESTART Kai Angel EUPHORIA Kai Angel SLAYERR Kai Angel [Припев] Her eyes, it's dollar signs She see me, she say lies, huh I'm in New York Call me "spider" with a double "R" Yeah, we VIPERR Каждый день я плаваю в денежном
Chains of Value

Chains of Value

Gemaakt door Luis Segura metSuno AI

[Intro] [Short Instrumental Intro] Smooth jazz instrumental with a soulful vibe, setting a reflective tone. deep introspective saxophone solo [Verse 1] [Vocal: Emotional, Soulful] In the heart of the factory, beneath the glowing forge, Labor shapes the world, in every corner it engorges. The value of a day, the worth of human sweat, Marx whispered of a truth, we dare not forget. [Scratch Hook] [Instrumental: Scratching] Energetic scratching segment, contrasting the soulful verse. [Rap Verse] [Vocal: Rap, laidback, resilient] Capital's shadow, long and grim, devours the fruits, limb by limb. Profit's march, relentless, cold, on backs of the young and the old. Exchange veils the exploitation, obscured are the relations of production. [Chorus] [Vocal: Emotional, Powerful] Rise, oh ye workers, from your slumber, The chains of value, heavy, encumber. In unity, find strength, break free, From the shackles of capital, let labor be the key. [Verse 2] [Vocal: Emotionally deep, Reflective] The invisible hand, that binds and chokes, Feeds on labor, its silent yokes. But within us, the power to break, The cycle of exploitation, for humanity's sake.


Gemaakt door Lolbit metSuno AI

Кузоки пусть в митамода пекут, Колбасы, фрукты, вафли, мармелад. И петь и жить хочу я там и тут, И на земле остаться был бы рад. В полете жизнь бывает хороша, Ведь ближе там и ярче - солнца свет. И там поет и сердце и душа, И лето шлет там солнечный привет.


Gemaakt door задрали вы меня metSuno AI

blackpink in your area


Gemaakt door Андрей Андрей metSuno AI

Предприятие продуктов питания, не ходите туда никогда! Работать там, нельзя. Вас грабят и разденут, будут издеваться! Боков Сергей, он же латентный гей! Любит кузю и хэндмэйд!
Unnamed Star

Unnamed Star

Gemaakt door Luis Segura metSuno AI

Verse 1: Wanderin' streets, in shoes worn thin, Life's tales etched in the lines of skin. No keys in hand, just dreams in tow, A world to roam, with no place to go. Pre-Chorus: Echoes of laughter, and cries in the rain, Carving out stories, in lanes of pain. Chorus: I'm the ghost in the city, the unnamed star, With no nation to claim, no home to mar. Just a heartbeat in silence, a shadow at dawn, A spirit untamed, forever forlorn. Verse 2: Singing my tales to the moon so high, Sharing my woes with the starlit sky. The pavement's my pillow, the alley's my bed, A cloak of the night, where my dreams are led. Pre-Chorus: Under the bridge, or a bench in the park, I find my solace, in the embrace of the dark. Chorus: I'm the ghost in the city, the unnamed star, With no nation to claim, no home to mar. Just a heartbeat in silence, a shadow at dawn, A spirit untamed, forever forlorn. Verse 3: Through the whispers of streets I wander, seeking, A melody born from the heart, softly speaking. The rhythm of life, in its rawest form, beats, Within the soul of the night, where my essence retreats. Verse 4: Faces pass, unseen, stories untold, In the eyes of the many, my tale unfolds. A refl


Gemaakt door lingke xu metSuno AI

星辰大海 是未来的懵懂 秋收冬藏 是生命的悸动 不冷漠 不从众 明是非 知变通, 一粥一饭 都是生活的浓重


Gemaakt door 周家楠 metSuno AI

张伟是个大胖胖 张伟每天都很饿 每天都吃很多东西 吃完就喜欢睡觉 睡醒了接着吃 我一般叫她猪猪伟 哦!我的猪猪伟 哦!我的猪猪伟!


Gemaakt door 刘滔 metSuno AI



Gemaakt door Fly GACA metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In a café down the street, I met a girl named Du, Her eyes sparkled like jazz notes, her smile, it cut right through. She sipped her coffee slow, as if time didn't exist, And in that moment, I knew, she was a melody I couldn't resist. (Chorus) Du, oh Du, you're a mystery in blue, Every glance, every touch, feels so brand new. Du, oh Du, you're the rhythm in my groove, Lost in your syncopated love, I can't help but move. (Verse 2) She spoke in riddles and rhymes, her words a sweet allure, In her cryptic whispers, I found myself wanting more. She danced in moonlit shadows, her silhouette so divine, And with every step she took, she stole a piece of time. (Chorus) Du, oh Du, like a puzzle I pursue, Every twist, every turn, I'm entangled in you. Du, oh Du, you're the harmony in my blues, Caught in your enigmatic spell, I've got nothing to lose. (Bridge) In a world of black and white, she's a burst of color, A vibrant canvas of passion, I can't help but wonder. What secrets lie beneath that smile so beguiling, In the depths of her being, where dreams are compiling.


Gemaakt door Алексей Черников metSuno AI

[вступление] [шёпот] это дис на зал... идти на дэ-эр ты засал... [перерыв] олег, ну чтож ты сделал?... ... [Куплет] Зачем же он кинул кентов? (зачем) он что... испугался ментов? (что?) нет, он всего лишь раскидал понтов он держит нас за батОв?! [Припев] Ты кинул нас... ты что пида-пидарАс (рас рас) тебе зал важнее нас-ас-ас! ты съебал вот так за раз-аз-аз у тебя в бошке много зараз [выпадение] [Куплет 2] а для тебя зал важнее жизни, он для тебя важней атчИзне... (почему?) тебе не надо друзей, тебе не надо пАдруг, зал тебе пиздатый друг но не осилит он порук [Припев] Ты кинул нас... ты что пида-пидарАс (рас рас) тебе зал важнее нас-ас-ас! ты съебал вот так за раз-аз-аз у тебя в бошке много зараз [Куплет 3] твой зал - это ерунда в голове твоей хуйня не то что ветер, а торнадо ебАшишь ты там то упада () в молокЕ нет нихуя, не ебашь ради белкАаа-А... [концовка] ну что олег... тренировки окупились?? ... потерял друзей, зато качок ты еблан (а-а-ан) тебя придавит штанга (НАХУЙ) [окончание] пошёл ты нахрен ЛОХ блин... лан шучу пошёл ты нАхуй... нА-хуй нА-хуй нА-хуй... куда?... нАхуй!!!
Nomad of the Night

Nomad of the Night

Gemaakt door Luis Segura metSuno AI

Wanderin' streets, in shoes worn thin, Life's tales etched in the lines of skin. No keys in hand, just dreams in tow, A world to roam, with no place to go. Pre-Chorus: Echoes of laughter, and cries in the rain, Carving out stories, in lanes of pain. I'm the ghost in the city, the unnamed star, With no nation to claim, no home to mar. Just a heartbeat in silence, a shadow at dawn, A spirit untamed, forever forlorn. Singing my tales to the moon so high, Sharing my woes with the starlit sky. The pavement's my pillow, the alley's my bed, A cloak of the night, where my dreams are led. Under the bridge, or a bench in the park, I find my solace, in the embrace of the dark. I'm the ghost in the city, the unnamed star, With no nation to claim, no home to mar. Just a heartbeat in silence, a shadow at dawn, A spirit untamed, forever forlorn. In every stranger's glance, a story untold, A bond of the heart, in the world so cold. But in the rhythm of the streets, I find my song, A melody of freedom, where I belong. So I'll dance in the shadows, and sing to the sky, A nomad of the night, with dreams that fly. For in this world of cold. But in the rhythm of the streets, I find my song
Under covers funk

Under covers funk

Gemaakt door スクロールロメオ metSuno AI

Woke up this morning, sun's already high, Looked at the clock and just sighed, "Oh my..." Boss gonna scream, but I'm just gonna lie, Right here in bed, let the world pass by. 'Cause who cares about rushin', when history's been mushin', Cells together, in a dance so crushin'. Endosymbiosis, nature's own prognosis, Led to us here, now let's focus on osmosis. 'Cause we're dreamin' of a day, in a funky sort of way, Where automated luxury's not far away. Communism with a robotic kiss, Wake up when I want, now that's bliss. They say, "Time is money," but my bed's too comfy, This pillow's my comrade, in solidarity we trust. Let the robots toil, as we spoil, In dreams, we coil, on this earthly foil. Forget the morning race, let's embrace this space, Evolution took its time, it wasn't a race. From the primordial soup, to this cozy loop, In bed, I swoop, in this endless group. Imaginin' a future, where we're all just leisure, Living life at our own measure. Automated friends, on them, we depend, For a world that bends, where weekends never end. So let's toast to the microbes, those tiny robes, That set the stage, for our earthen probes. Now we dream of machines, that clean and glean,