
Best Folk Music Playlist - Top Folk Songs Collection

Explore our curated list of the best folk music. Dive into the world of folk songs & artists. Perfect for folk music enthusiasts.

Love is

Love is

Utworzony przez のりちゃん przy użyciu Suno AI



Utworzony przez Adi S przy użyciu Suno AI

Kukirimkan sepotong senja untukmu , bukan kata-kata cinta. Kukirimkan padamu sepotong senja , yang lembut dengan langit kemerah-merahan yang nyata dan betul-betul ada dalam keadaan yang sama seperti ketika aku mengambilnya saat matahari hampir tenggelam ke balik cakrawala.
taylor swift arun

taylor swift arun

Utworzony przez Adi S przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse 1] Di komplek Arun, kami bersua Sembilan enam, bersatu dalam cinta Bersama, dalam mimpi-mimpi kecil Melangkah bersama, takkan terpisah walau jauh berkelana [Chorus] Bersama Arun Sembilan enam, takkan pernah sendiri Meski jarak memisahkan, hati tetap bersatu Kenangan-kenangan, mengikat erat Kembali dalam doa, satu untuk semua Persahabatan abadi, hingga akhir nanti [Verse 2] Di gedung multi, cerita bergema Makan di base camp, memori yang indah Pajak batuphat, belanja bersama Pantai pioneer, jejak kita terukir abadi [Outro] Persahabatan Arun sembilan enam Menyala seperti bintang di malam Tetap bersama, dalam suka dan duka Persahabatan abadi, hingga akhir nanti.


Utworzony przez Иван Ундер przy użyciu Suno AI

Очень тяжёлый фарм лесных крипов от Димы в Лиге Легенд


Utworzony przez Haku Yuki przy użyciu Suno AI

1) К тебе бежала я в ночи, На сааван посмотри! Он цвета неба без луны, И волосы чернЫ, Мои глаза тебя, дитя, Пугают – два огня, Зачем же спать, моё дитя? Ведь как прекрасна тьма! Припев: Не спи, не спи - луна светла, И мы к тебе пришли, Кричи и плачь опять, дитя, До утренней зари, В ночи туманна пелена, Мы принесли укрыть, Тебя, любимое дитя, Услышав ночью крик. 2) Ночницы тёмную любовь, Ты познаёшь, дитя, Сегодня мы с тобой летим, На крыльях воронья, Вновь серебром звенит слеза- Подарок для тебя, Теперь я матушка твоя, Прижмись ко мне, дитя… Припев: Не спи, не спи - луна светла, И мы к тебе пришли, Кричи и плачь опять, дитя, До утренней зари, В ночи туманна пелена, Мы принесли укрыть, Тебя, любимое дитя, Услышав ночью крик. 3. Полынь горька – моя судьба Бездетной умереть, Теперь в ночи мне суждено, Искать детей мне впредь, Ты будешь вечностью моей, Любимое дитя! Не плачь, с тобой летим туда, Где правят сон и тьма! Припев: Поспи теперь и ночь темна! Все мёртвые добры! Усни, усни, теперь дитя! До утренней зари, Тебе хрустальна колыбель, Навеки в ней заснёшь, Не будешь видеть горя ты, И материнских слёз! …Не будешь видеть горя ты, …И материнских слёз!
Des cigany

Des cigany

Utworzony przez Zoltán Varga przy użyciu Suno AI

Oh, Lady M, te vagy a fétisem. Minden éjjel hozzád bújnék, kedvesem, De én a szegénységben nőttem fel, Hiába súgta a szív, hogy őt vedd el már. Üres zsebek és egy bőr tarisznya, Sírva énekel egy bús barista, Elmenekülnék innen messzire már. Teltház kaviár és osztriga, Ott mindenkinek fullos a romnyija, Tudom, bennük is megvan a sok hiba, De nekünk nem jutott csak kotyogós omnia. Itt messze fújt a szél, a bú, a bánat, És senki nem segít már. Az életet vádolják, feladják, és a könnyebb utat választják. Karakol, piano, negro, ugyanúgy kotyogós presszó, Fame ain’t stuffin’ me. Kicsi baba, tudod, meg kell pörgetni a szoknyát, De kiszakad az ingem a forró tánctól, Úgy kopog a cipő, hogy a parkett lángol. De te, hajadon amazon, égkő a nyakadon, Szerelem a szemembe, de nem lehetsz enyém. Mondd el, minek igéztél meg, És a kicsi szívedet kinek ígérték, Amíg odabent egy lattét kikértél, Minden lépésed az angyalok kísérjék. Üres zsebek és egy bőr tarisznya, Sírva énekel egy bús barista, Elmenekülnék innen messzire már. Teltház kaviár és osztriga, Ott mindenkinek fullos a romnyija, Tudom, bennük is megvan a sok hiba, De nekünk nem jutott csak kotyogós omnia. Itt messze fúj a szél, a bú, a bánat


Utworzony przez Huni Czerjak przy użyciu Suno AI

Mély kék égen, napsütésben Alig vonul felhő, Madár is csak néha száll Hangjuk búfelejtő. Oda lent a fák között Nagy sűrű erdőben, Mint szorgos törpök aranya A napsütés úgy kúszik be. Innen magasak, Égbenyúlók, s bölcsek, Zuzmós nagy szakállak, Erős nemes fatörzsek. Poros kis földúton Lassacskán ballagok, Hűs patakkal társalogva Egyre messzebb sétálok Mesél nekem hegyekről, Ott élő emberekről, lényekről, Kik boldogságban élnek, Messze s távol mindentől. Még csöppnyi ér a nagyvilágban, Hosszú még az útja. Ki tudja merre vezet S mily hosszú e túra. Kettéválik utunk, Jobbra fordul, s fejet hajt, Egy apró vízeséssel Hömpölyögve tova tart. Látom amott a bozót mögött Fényesebb a táj, Dombos tisztáson az enyhe szél Vidáman ugrál. Elhagyva a mélyre hatoló gyökereket, Széles lombkoronákat, Mintha smaragd zöld hullámok Szelnék át a tájat. Táncolnak a fűszálak, Táncolnak a bogarak, Mint apró kis tündérek, A tűz körül, körbe szállnak. Tiszta itt a lélegzet, Tiszta a tudat, Ki akarna hát ennél többet S még inkább jobbat?


Utworzony przez DK Lone Hunter przy użyciu Suno AI

Hungarian folk rock

Hungarian folk rock

Utworzony przez Ádám Demeter przy użyciu Suno AI



Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

[verse] not a boar don’t want more than your love in store can’t we just wait i’m irate you’d treat me this way darling i’m a little confused did you realise your hands are blue the cold doesn’t bite if you’re nice but honey you bite harder than whiskey on ice [pre chorus] don’t you dare lie lie lie you know god hates lies lies lies [chorus] revolver handy, dandy little thing gunshot slice through dead of night i said i didnt see a thing [verse] tricycle has three wheels but that ain’t love fingers slipped in her like your glove the maggot has no resurrection and in them i see my reflections [distorted high pitch] maggots don’t feel they’re not real old orange peel you’re not real you’re not [chorus] revolver handy, dandy little thing gunshot slice through dead of night i said i didnt see a thing [bridge] your heart must be rotting, rotten wedding bells forgotten, forgot


Utworzony przez SuperTavo guevara przy użyciu Suno AI

Me puso la salud los cuernos con tu dios y mi sentencia dicto. Sé bien que he de librar una batalla más, que mañana otra habrá.
For Nawee

For Nawee

Utworzony przez Wilfried Dinh przy użyciu Suno AI

(Verse 1)In the quiet of a digital dawn,I met a lady from lands afar.Whispers of the islands in her smile,Hidden tales in her eyes, a secret style. (Verse 2)Across the wires, her laughter flew,In pixelated hues of unseen blue.Everyone sees the surface, serene and sweet,But beneath the calm, a heartbeat’s feat.


Utworzony przez Firebirds Productions przy użyciu Suno AI

Van egy bolygó, van egy kontinens, van egy ország a világon, ahol a béke az úr. Világítanak a fákon a Szent János bogarak, Vilagitanak chernobilban az urán fonalak. A háború nem áll meg, Eszkalálódik a bú, a komorság, De van egy ország, ahol a béke az úr... Magyarország a béke otthona, Magyarország a szívemnek bora, Ahol mindig otthon vár, És nincsen migráns... Mert a kormány megvéd, a béke bölcs pora, A legjobb ország, Szívemnek hona! Narancsban fürdik a katona, Ujjongva mondja ez a béke új kora! Magyarország a béke otthona, Magyarország a szívemnek bora, Ahol mindig otthon vár, És ujjong sok barát.


Utworzony przez Sa sasa przy użyciu Suno AI

(ESTRIBILLO) Clio Cobalto, la hobbit astuta y audaz, Con su sombrero y su mirada sagaz, Va de pueblo en pueblo, en busca de acción, Con Maximo a su lado, ¡son pura emoción! (VERSOS) Desde la legión de sangre, aprendió su lección, Pero en jaula alguna, halla su prisión. Peleas de taberna, cultos y traición, En cada aventura, una nueva lección. (ESTRIBILLO) Clio Cobalto, con su risa encantadora, Te roba el corazón, ¡sin ninguna demora! Bebiendo con el diablo, curando en tormenta, Con Clio a tu lado, ¡la vida es una fiesta! (VERSOS) Disfrazada de abuelo, te engaña sin cesar, Mendigando al frente, por detrás a robar. Con orejas puntiagudas, y un alma sin par, Clio Cobalto, ¡te hace bailar y cantar! (ESTRIBILLO) Clio Cobalto, la hobbit de gran fervor, Con ella en tus filas, ¡siempre hay más color! Si quieres jugar, prepárate para el azar, Con Clio, ¡nunca sabrás qué pasará!


Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

Verse] Haven’t finished a book in a year Finished this bottle alone again The best of me lately is insincere New lies, black rabbit, cat foot strange men [Pre-chorus] Ohhh, their bows and arrows point at me Ohhh, no sight of empathy [Chorus] Taught me to play dead, I perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to die like this ain’t my life [Verse] promise me this is the very last time Car alarms, beating heart choking on your goodbye My scream for help, heard as a wolfs cry whats mine is his but his ain’t mine [Pre Chorus] Ohhh, babys growing tired of me Ohhh, drown me in gasoline, third degree [Chorus] Taught me to play dead, I perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist [bridge] Broken legs no success Little love, just confess Dress me up sunday best [spoken word] We won’t fix this… [Chorus] But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to he only smiles only smiles when he’s method acting


Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] Haven’t finished a book in a year Finished this bottle alone again The best of me lately is insincere New lies, black rabbit, cat foot strange men [Pre-chorus] Ohhh, their bows and arrows point at me Ohhh, no sight of empathy [Chorus] Taught me to play dead, I perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to die like this ain’t my life [Verse] promise me this is the very last time Car alarms, beating heart choking on your goodbye My scream for help, heard as a wolfs cry whats mine is his but his ain’t mine [Pre Chorus] Ohhh, babys growing tired of me Ohhh, drown me in gasoline, third degree [Chorus] Taught me to play dead, I perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist [bridge] Broken legs no success Little love, just confess Dress me up sunday best [spoken word] We won’t fix this… [Chorus] But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to he only smiles only smiles when he’s method acting


Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

Verse] Haven’t finished a book in a year Finished this bottle alone again The best of me lately is insincere New lies, black rabbit, cat foot strange men [Pre-chorus] Ohhh, their bows and arrows point at me Ohhh, no sight of empathy [Chorus] Taught me to play dead, I perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to die like this ain’t my life [Verse] promise me this is the very last time Car alarms, beating heart choking on your goodbye My scream for help, heard as a wolfs cry whats mine is his but his ain’t mine [Pre Chorus] Ohhh, babys growing tired of me Ohhh, drown me in gasoline, third degree [Chorus] Taught me to play dead, I perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist [bridge] Broken legs no success Little love, just confess Dress me up sunday best [spoken word] We won’t fix this… [Chorus] But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to he only smiles only smiles when he’s method acting


Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] Haven’t finished a book in a year Finished this bottle alone again The best of me lately is insincere New lies, black rabbit, cat foot strange men [Pre-chorus] Ohhh, their bows and arrows point at me Ohhh, no sight of empathy [Chorus] Taught me to play dead, I perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to die like this ain’t my life it’s my life [Verse] promise me this is the very last time Car alarms, beating heart choking on your goodbye scream for help, he heard wolfs cry whats mine is his but his ain’t mine [Pre Chorus] Ohhh, my babys getting tired of me Ohhh, drown me in gasoline, third degree [Chorus] Taught me to play dead, I perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to die like this ain’t my life [bridge] Broken legs no success Little love, just confess Dress me up sunday best We won’t fix this… [Chorus] But the blood was real, You bled me dry telling mee how to he only smiles only smiles when he’s method acting


Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] Haven’t finished a book in a year Finished this bottle alone again The best of me lately is insincere New lies, black rabbit, cat foot strange men [Pre-chorus] Ohhh, their bows and arrows point at me Ohhh, no sight of empathy [Chorus] Taught me how to play dead, perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist The blood was real, Bled me dry telling me how to die but this is my life my lifee [Verse] promise me this is the very last time Car alarms, beating heart choking on your goodbye scream for help, he heard wolfs cry whats mine is his but his ain’t mine [Pre Chorus] Ohhh, you eyes are getting tired of me Ohhh, washed up actress absentee [chorus] Taught me how to play dead, perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist The blood was real, Bled me dry telling me how to die but this is my life my lifee [bridge] Broken legs but no success Little love, my love confess Dress me up in sunday best I don’t think I can fix this mess [chorus] Taught me how to play dead, perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist The blood was real, Bled me dry he only smiles only smiles when he’s method acting


Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] Haven’t finished a book in a year Finished this bottle alone again The best of me lately is insincere New lies, black rabbit, cat foot strange men [Pre-chorus] Ohhh, their bows and arrows point at me Ohhh, no sight of empathy [Chorus] Taught me how to play dead, perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist The blood was real, Bled me dry telling me how to die but this is my life my lifee [Verse] promise me this is the very last time Car alarms, beating heart choking on your goodbye scream for help, he heard wolfs cry whats mine is his but his ain’t mine [Pre Chorus] Ohhh, you eyes are getting tired of me Ohhh, washed up actress absentee [chorus] Taught me how to play dead, perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist The blood was real, Bled me dry telling me how to die but this is my life my lifee [bridge] Broken legs but no success Little love, my love confess Dress me up in sunday best I don’t think I can fix this mess [chorus] Taught me how to play dead, perfected it Method acting shades of red, clenched fist The blood was real, Bled me dry he only smiles only smiles when he’s method acting
Nitko nema folk života

Nitko nema folk života

Utworzony przez Doky Dukic 2 przy użyciu Suno AI

Pričaju mi da me vara s nekim drugim iza leđa Ali mene nije briga, mene to ne vrijeđa Pričaju mi da me vara i da će me ostaviti Ali drugih žena ima, to me neće zaboliti Nitko nema dva života, pa nemam ni ja Neću za njom tugovati, nije jedina Nitko nema dva života, pa nemam ni ja Neću za njom tugovati, nije jedina Pričaju mi da me vara s nekim drugim iza leđa Ali mene nije briga, mene to ne vrijeđa Pričaju mi da me vara i da će me ostaviti Ali drugih žena ima, to me neće zaboliti Nitko nema dva života, pa nemam ni ja Neću za njom tugovati, nije jedina Nitko nema dva života, pa nemam ni ja Neću za njom tugovati, nije jedina Nitko nema dva života, pa nemam ni ja Neću za njom tugovati, nije jedina Nitko nema dva života, pa nemam ni ja Neću za njom tugovati, nije jedina Neću za njom tugovati, nije jedina
When the Dice Fell

When the Dice Fell

Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] I was sailing on the river Smooth and steady But then the wind changed I lost my confetti Like a ship without a captain I drifted on my own Lost control of the wheel Now I'm bound to roam [Verse 2] Life's a poker game And I played my hand Took a gamble on love But didn't understand The cards were against me They'll never be mine Now I'm just a broken ace Lost in time [Chorus] Oh When the dice fell I lost control Now I'm walking these streets With an empty soul The stars don't shine The moon don't glow Lost in this darkness I've got nowhere to go


Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

Haven’t finished a book in a year Finished this bottle alone again The best of me lately is insincere New lies, black rabbit, cat foot strange men Ohhh, their bows and arrows point at me Ohhh, please dont go or let me free Taught me how to play dead, i got too good Method acting shades of red, i misunderstood But the blood was real, you bled me dry, dont tell me how to die this is my life Only wanted me on stage in your design Car alarms, beating heart Breathing in your goodbye Exhale quick, fall apart I screamed you heard a wolfs cry Ohhh, its looking like you are getting tired of me Ohhh, another washed up actress absentee Taught me how to play dead, i got too good Method acting shades of red, i misunderstood But the blood was real, you bled me dry, dont tell me how to die this is my life Only wanted me on stage in your design Broke my legs to feel success Watch my act in sunday best Little love, no love confess cant begin to fix this mess Taught me how to play dead, i got too good Method acting shades of red, i misunderstood But the blood was real, you bled me dry, dont tell me how to die this is my life Why do you only love me when you’re making me cry?


Utworzony przez will - przy użyciu Suno AI

Verse 1: Lucid as dreams, yet as real as threats, In the deep blue, the orca sets— Killer, friend, then killer again, We tiptoe on paths where daisies fend. Chorus: Watch the shadows play in the depths of Hades, Where somber flames cleanse the darkest of faeries. From gods to bones, from babes to fiends, The finest whiskey hides the fires unseen. Verse 2: Blooms that aren’t fruits, nor venom, nor vice, No serpents, no sirens, just cold, icy dice. Treading a line where truth and myth merge, Lost in a dance, an existential purge. Bridge: Men will chase sins as dogs chase their tails, Bound by nature, old habits prevail. Doting on shadows, grasping at straws, Finding solace in every flaw. Outro: There’s no fire to see, but the burn feels real, In the quiet of night, it’s all we can feel. Chasing echoes of a ball, of sins old as time, In this melody, find the rhythm and rhyme.