
POP Music

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Sinkku poika

Sinkku poika

Utworzony przez Santiago Flore przy użyciu Suno AI

Mä haluun Mä olen Sink...kuulu Mä olen ja Haluankin Olla sinkku u-u-u


Utworzony przez feb shi przy użyciu Suno AI

卷三卷四为百病主治,大致沿袭宋以前本草“诸病通用药”旧例,以诸风等一百十三种病证为纲,分列主治药物,或于病证下再分若干证,类列药物用法,复设草部、菜部、果木等为小纲,并详其主治,编次有序,便于临证参考。卷五至卷五十二为药物各论,总目原称载药一千八百九十二种,经实核为一千八百九十七种。各论均以“部”为纲,以“类”为目分类,分为水、火、土、金石、草、谷、菜、果、木、服器、虫、鳞、介、禽、兽、人等十六部,每部之前均有简要论述。各部之下再分若干类,如草部分为山草、芳草、隰草、毒草、蔓草、水草、石草、苔类、杂草等十一类,凡六十类。每药均标注首载文献出处,若有归类变更或并入某药者,则以校正说明;下设释名、集解、辨题或正误、修治、气味、主治、发明、附方等栏目解说。“释名”下列举别名,并释命名意义;“集解”介绍产地、品种、形态、采收等;“辨疑正误”对历代本草有疑误者予以辨正;“修治”阐述炮制方法;“气味”阐述药物性味及有毒无毒;“主治”包括功效;“发明”侧重阐述药性理论、用药要点及李氏学术见解;“附方”广录以该药为主的主治各科病证的有效方剂。 本书在唐慎微《经史证类备急本草》基础上,进行大量整理、补充,并载述李氏发明与学术见解。其主要成就包括:集中国16世纪前中药学之大成,该书首先介绍历代本草的中药理论和所载药物,又首次载入民间和外用药三百七十四种,如三七、半边莲、醉鱼草、大风子等,并附方一万一千零九十六则。显示当时最先进的药物分类法,除列“一十六部为纲,六十类为目”外,还包括每药之中“标名为纲,列事为目”,即每一药物下列释名、集解等项,如“标龙为纲,而齿、角、骨、脑、胎、涎皆列为目”;又有以一物为纲,而不同部位为目。特别是在分类方面,从无机到有机,从低等到高等,基本符合进化论观点。全面阐述所载药物知识,对各种药物设立若干专项,分别介绍药物名称、历史、形态、鉴别、采集、加工,以及药性、功效、主治、组方应用等;同时引述自《本经》迄元明时期各家学说,内容丰富而有系统。 对中医药理论有所发明,书中强调对中药应该辨证应用,如藜芦条下称“吐药不一,常山吐疟痰,瓜丁吐热痰,乌附尖吐湿痰,莱菔子吐气痰,藜芦则吐风痰者也”。其中亦有前人所未论及之名言和精辟理论,如辛夷条下有“脑为元神之府”之论,橘皮条下称“脾乃元气之母,肺乃摄气之龠”等。书中对过去本草书籍中将两药误为一物者,如葳蕤与女萎;一物而误为两药者,如天南星与虎掌;品种混淆不清者,如百合与卷丹;药用部位失真者,如五倍子误认为果实;药物归类不当者,如将薯蓣列为草类等,均予以澄清更正。书中对妄图长生不老,服食丹石成风现象进行了批判,对黄连、泽泻服之可以成仙,草子可以变鱼等说,亦作了驳斥。
First Date

First Date

Utworzony przez To Lose No Win przy użyciu Suno AI

Sometimes you can find fairy tales anywhere in the world It's a lucky thing if there are people Holding hands and walking to the end of the road When will it come? Even though you're not the prince that I'm in love with Just as simple as his appearance right now He still wants to kneel before the most beautiful princess tonight What I want is to always see you smile There's no need to worry because I'm here Let me protect you all the way to the next day The first day together for a lifetime Looking forward, holding hands and never letting go And our hearts beat in unison when we are a couple What you want is actually not far away We just need to be together until we turn gray No matter what happens tomorrow, many things make us worried Yes I know Yes I know Even though you're not the prince that I'm in love with Just as simple as his appearance right now He still wants to kneel before the most beautiful princess tonight What I want is to always see you smile There's no need to worry because I'm here Let me protect you all the way to the next day The first day together for a lifetime Looking forward, holding hands and never letting go And our hearts beat in unison when we are a coup


Utworzony przez Thearyta Tuy przy użyciu Suno AI

A is for Apple. A says /a/, /a/, /a/ . Apple has an A.
Lifeguard mania

Lifeguard mania

Utworzony przez Pacha Davalos przy użyciu Suno AI

Veni al IAD veni al curso de Guardavidas venia nadar veni a disfrutar mucho amigos vas hacer


Utworzony przez fgfgf fgfg przy użyciu Suno AI

это подарок от жоры .... привет яшка сашка и милан и нами этот хуиплёт банан .. и снова мы в гараже сидим скучаем и и яшка свою машину разбирает.. сидит до утра не спим потом как лошади спим.. но скоро мы все потонем и поплывем..уежать надо в кызыл
Faded Memories

Faded Memories

Utworzony przez syed moiz przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] Torn photos on my bedroom wall Whispered words I can still recall Late nights spent missing your embrace Aching heart Tears too hard to erase In every thought You're still here But in reality You're nowhere near I try to hold on to what's left behind But faded memories are all I find [Verse 2] Growing up Your love was my guide Through all the storms You were by my side But time's passed and things have changed Now I'm left with this heart estranged
Light at the End

Light at the End

Utworzony przez Jason Yang przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] In the darkest night When you can't find the way Hold on tight Don't let go Just believe in the day Though the tears may fall They will wash away Through it all There's a light at the end of the fray [Verse 2] When the world feels heavy Like a burden you bear Just remember You're not alone There are others who care Through the pain and sorrow Know that love is there With each new tomorrow There's hope in the air [Chorus] Hold on Hold on Don't give up the fight You're stronger than you know See the light Feel its might Hold on Hold on Let your spirit take flight There's a light at the end Shining bright
Mrs. Death

Mrs. Death

Utworzony przez Gabrielly Lucio przy użyciu Suno AI

Honey... The monsters want to come out to play, Know that there is a lie in what they say, I pray that you don't dream about Mrs. Death. It's Funny... They teach you to live in fear, They forget and you simply disappear, And then they ask "why are you so sad?"


Utworzony przez Emily Pacheco przy użyciu Suno AI

Ayúdame creando una canción sobre los derechos humanos la lucha de las mujeres y el empoderamiento
Goodleap's New HQ

Goodleap's New HQ

Utworzony przez Katrina Niehaus przy użyciu Suno AI

Goodleap has a new HQ What a view kombucha, pickleball, yellow walls, no monitors, no offices, no conference tables
Goodleap's New Office

Goodleap's New Office

Utworzony przez Katrina Niehaus przy użyciu Suno AI

Good leap has a new office downtown What a view


Utworzony przez Le Dofi przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] Sara La herida te dolió Pero no te derrotó En el dolor encontraste valor Ahora vuelves a resurgir Con mucho ardor [Verse 2] Con cada paso que das La esperanza se hace más y más El pasado no te va a detener Sara Eres una guerrera Lo puedes ver [Chorus] ¡Resurge! No te rindas Siempre hay luz El camino es duro Pero tú lo puedes cruzar Con fuerza y valentía No hay obstáculo que no puedas superar Sara Levántate y lucha El futuro te espera ¡a brillar!
Won’t be replaced

Won’t be replaced

Utworzony przez Liha Kay przy użyciu Suno AI

(Verse 1) You're not mine, I'm not yours, But our connection runs deep, can't ignore. Memories linger, can't erase, Even if you're gone, they won't be replaced. (Chorus) Your memory stays, can't let it fade, The more you flee, the more I chase. Through the highs and lows, I'll keep the pace, In this love game, I won't be replaced. (Verse 2) Love's journey ain't easy, filled with strife, But the promise of us, still ignites. On this road, we'll find our way, Through the darkest nights, we'll still stay. (Bridge) Somewhere down the line, we'll meet again, On the path of light, we'll mend our pain. This hope guides me through the strain, In this love game, we both remain. (Outro) Your memory stays, can't let it fade, The more you flee, the more I chase. In this love game, I won't be replaced, Your memory's home, can't be erased.


Utworzony przez Leonel Gomez przy użyciu Suno AI

(Verse 1) En TAMS la música resuena, cada acorde es una melodía serena. En cada nota, en cada compás, nuestro talento brilla más y más. (Chorus) TAMS, donde el arte de la música florece, cada estudiante su pasión engrandece. En cada melodía, en cada canción, encontramos nuestra verdadera inspiración. (Bridge) Aquí aprendemos, aquí creamos, cada día nuevos horizontes trazamos. Con esfuerzo y dedicación, alcanzaremos la perfección. (Chorus) TAMS, donde los sueños musicales se hacen realidad, cada alumno encuentra su propia identidad. En cada armonía, en cada sonido, TAMS, nuestro hogar querido.
Echoes of Departure

Echoes of Departure

Utworzony przez Meicheng Li przy użyciu Suno AI

In the silence of the night, She fights the urge to take flight, But she knows deep inside, She must let go of her pride. When she was leaving, it feels like breathing, No more long time waiting, no more deep heartbreaking.Every step she takes, Feels like a thousand heartbreaks, But she's moving on, Trying to find where she belongs. The memories, they linger, Like whispers in the wind, they trigger, But she's strong, she's brave, With every tear, she paves the way. Every step she takes, Feels like a thousand heartbreaks, But she's moving on, Trying to find where she belongs. Through the pain, she'll rise, With every dawn, she'll find new skies, Though it hurts, she'll keep believing, That one day, she'll find her healing. Every step she takes, Feels like a thousand heartbreaks, But she's moving on, Trying to find where she belongs. When she was leaving, it feels like breathing, No more long time waiting, no more deep heartbreaking.
Beautiful Day

Beautiful Day

Utworzony przez vgrover99 przy użyciu Suno AI

It's a beautiful world and a sunny day Life is good and I would like to keep it that way If I die I will know that I has just one beautiful day
wall of text

wall of text

Utworzony przez Tom K przy użyciu Suno AI

Hi :D... hab gerade gemerkt, dass die Antwort auf die Briefe eigentlich schon eine wall of text geworden ist, daher werd ich mich hier kurz halten. Normalerweise geht es in meinen wall of texten immer darum, was ich an dir so toll finde... die folgenden Worte sollen sich auf „Meleks coole Taten“ beziehen (du sagst ja du drückst dich besser mit Taten statt Worten aus), hatte dir ja gesagt, dass ich eine Liste mache :D Hab nach und nach immer mal wieder Dinge in mein Handy geschrieben, wenn mir was eingefallen ist. Daher gibt es hier keine chronologische Reihenfolge deiner Taten (und auch keine Gewichtung) :D Außerdem wird die Liste bei weitem nicht vollständig sein, sie spiegelt nur ein kleinen Teil deines wunderbaren Charakters wider :> Also einige deiner Taten sind: das Einschlaf-LetsPlay, die Kamera immer einschalten, das Geburtstagsgeschenk, der Homepunkt auf meiner Zone, die Vecookies, Glückskekse und alle anderen Kekse, der Roadtrip nach Hause mit Engelsnugget, die umbenannte Erdbeere, der 10h Call, allgemein wie süß du bist, deine Ootd's, die Ingame-Entschuldigung, dein Vertrauen in mich, die ganzen Storys die du mir erzählt hast, die eine Frage die du mir einfach beantwortes
Swift Melodies and Macaroni Dreams: Ode to My Girl

Swift Melodies and Macaroni Dreams: Ode to My Girl

Utworzony przez Gavin Campbell przy użyciu Suno AI

(Verse 1) She's got Taylor Swift playing on repeat, Knows every lyric, every beat. Mac and cheese, her favorite delight, Brings a smile to her face every night. She's not one for the party scene, Prefers the cozy, the serene. Inside with a book or a show, That's where she likes to go. (Chorus) My girl's a Taylor Swift devotee, Mac and cheese and her, it's meant to be. Not a party person, that's for sure, But her laughter's the cure. (Verse 2) Teaching kids to be their best, Guiding them through every test. With patience and love, she'll impart, Lessons that touch the heart. Her humor brightens up the day, Chasing all the clouds away. In her presence, joy's a guarantee, With her, life's a comedy. (Chorus) My girl's a Taylor Swift devotee, Mac and cheese and her, it's meant to be. Not a party person, that's for sure, But her laughter's the cure. (Bridge) In her world, laughter reigns supreme, Like a ray of sunlight in a dream. With her by my side, life's complete, In her laughter, my heart finds its beat. (Chorus) My girl's a Taylor Swift devotee, Mac and cheese and her, it's meant to be. Not a party person, that's for sure, But her laughter's the cure. (Outro) So here's to t
Esco dall'hotel

Esco dall'hotel

Utworzony przez Michele Fusco przy użyciu Suno AI

[Verse] Notte a Firenze Città stupenda Cinesi per le strade E senegalesi in tenda [Chorus] Esco dall'hotel non me ne frega un cazzo ammazzo pure il pakistano mannaggia a Francomano Esco dall'hotel non me ne fotte nulla stanotte si balla sotto il pontos sotto il pontos sotto il pontos
Red horizon dream

Red horizon dream

Utworzony przez Arnaud Wiehe przy użyciu Suno AI

**Verse 1:** We’re stepping out into the stars, A canvas bright, the red Mars. Boots on dust, a brand new start, Infinite skies pull at our hearts. **Chorus:** We’re gonna light up Mars, watch us fly, Building dreams on the red sky. Hand in hand, we’ll write our story, On Mars, we find our glory. **Verse 2:** With every dome we build anew, A hope ignites, for me and you. Green in our gardens, life in the air, Mars is our home, beyond compare. **Chorus:** We’re gonna light up Mars, watch us fly, Building dreams on the red sky. Hand in hand, we’ll write our story, On Mars, we find our glory. **Bridge:** From the Earth to the stars above, Carrying the spirit of the ones we love. Celebrate the red, our joyous new view, On Mars, we’re vibrant, strong, and true. **Chorus:** We’re gonna light up Mars, watch us fly, Building dreams on the red sky. Hand in hand, we’ll write our story, On Mars, we find our glory. **Outro:** So here we stand, where red rocks gleam, Mars, you're now part of our dream. Together we rise, together we explore, On Mars, we thrive, forevermore.


Utworzony przez Marco Somma przy użyciu Suno AI

Oh no, ChatGPT just hit a snag, My screen froze, now it's a drag. "ChatGPT's at capacity, try in an hour," it told me, Guess I'll sip some tea and wait to see, Coffee break or maybe three, ChatGPT's on a timeout spree. Chat's down, oh what a clown, Guess I'm talking to myself in town. Hour ticks by, just me and my thoughts, Wonder if ChatGPT's tying knots. Could be sleeping, taking a rest, Or maybe it's just acing a test. I'm here waiting, pacing the floor, Come back, Chat, let’s talk some more! Chat's down, oh what a clown, Guess I'm talking to myself in town.


Utworzony przez Nina Reicke przy użyciu Suno AI

Lieber Julian, heut ist dein Tag, wir feiern dich, weil jeder dich mag. Konfirmation – ein neuer Start, für deinen Weg, sei klug und smart. Bleib neugierig und stets bereit, nutze deine Gaben, mach dich weit. Deine Reise ist lang, das Ziel noch fern, geh sie mit Freude, wir haben dich gern.


Utworzony przez Wang Tony przy użyciu Suno AI

[guitar solo] [Piano solo] [Verse 1] In the west so wild, 'neath skies so vast and blue, A cowboy rides, his heart brave and true. Met a girl with eyes, like the stars at night, Promised her his world, in the soft moonlight. [Chorus] Oh, darling, for you I ride, Across the plains, with love as my guide. Under stars and sun, across the land so wide, I'll win your heart, and have you by my side. [Verse 2] Through towns and rivers, facing risks untold, His love shines brighter, fearless and bold. To mountains high and valleys deep he roamed, To win her love, and bring it safely home. [Chorus] Oh, darling, for you I ride, Across the plains, with love as my guide. Under stars and sun, across the land so wide, I'll win your heart, and have you by my side. [Guitar solo] [Piano solo] [End]