
Top Trap Music Hits - Explore the Best Trap Tracks Online

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OTL type shit

OTL type shit

Criado por Kubatovics Ádám com Suno AI

Refrén: Yeah, a város ébred, fények a sötétben, Szívünk mélyén keresünk, valami miatt remeg. Instagramon, életünk virtuális színpadán, De a valóságban hiányzik valami, az érzés árnyékában. Verse Csillagok alatt, ahol az ég találkozik a várossal, Életünk egy szöveg, de néha mintha lenne hiba. Droppoljuk a szavakat, mint egy rap battle, De a szívünk mélyén érezzük, hiányzik a szeretet súlya. 2. Verse: Tinder swipe, mint egy modern tánclépés, Szívünk kódolva, de néha elakad az érzés. A buli zajában elveszünk, mint egy elveszett szó, De mégis érezzük, valami hiányzik, ez a mi sztorink szó. bridge: Éjjel a városban, életünk színpadán, Keresünk valamit, ami mélyebb, mint egy divatmánia. Hidakat építünk, de néha mintha lehagynánk, Az érzést, ami szívünk mélyén rejtőzik, csaknem láthatatlan. Refrén: Yeah, a város ébred, fények a sötétben, Szívünk mélyén keresünk, valami miatt remeg. Instagramon, életünk virtuális színpadán, De a valóságban hiányzik valami, az érzés árnyékában. Záró: A világ forog, de a szívünk még ver, Keresünk valamit, ami értelmet ad az élethez, szeretetet terem. Neonfények közt, a valóságban megtaláljuk, Mert a szívünk mélyén, ott van az, ami a miénk, mint egy szép


Criado por Zoltán Erdélyi com Suno AI

Feri egy beállt nyakú parasztgyerek Olyan komoly mint hogy itt állnak a karakterek Kidagadtak erek, Ha a fasza reped, Akkor is beteszi, mert ilyen és az agya beteg


Criado por Attila Laszló com Suno AI

Judit, te vagy az életem színes pontja, Mint egy jó trap, amit mindenki imád ma. Rád gondolok, és minden dal rólad szól, Mert te vagy az, aki legjobban felráz a szívem mély bolháján. Szemed ragyogása, mint a színpadon a reflektor, Minden mozdulatod úgy szikrázik, mint egy tűzijáték esti cirkuszban. A nevedet suttogom, ahogy ringatózik a ritmus, És minden basszusban csak téged keres a szívem. Judit, te vagy akit mindenki csodál, Mint egy igazi rap sztár, aki a szíveket megdobogtatja. Csak veled érzem az igazi ritmust és flow-t, Te vagy az, aki megbabonáz, és mindig megmosolyogtat, Judith.


Criado por Kadir Bozkurt com Suno AI

(verse 1) duygular oldukça (zayıf) kendimi gördükçe (kayıp) yaşardım öldükçe.. koştum düştükçe.. heralde sevdikçe (varım) birazda bencilce (yarım).. hayatı güçlükle.. yaşarım kendimce... (verse 2) zor tabi her şey bazen tükenir kalbim ruhen, çeker dibe sona getirir yaralı gövdem.. nedenleri görmem zaman alır dönmem, nefesimi veren alır değiştikçe roller.. (Chorus) bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir... zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir.. bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir... zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir..


Criado por Kadir Bozkurt com Suno AI

(verse 1) duygular oldukça (zayıf) kendimi gördükçe (kayıp) yaşardım öldükçe, koştum düştükçe. Heralde sevdikçe (varım) birazda bencilce (yarım) hayatı güçlükle, yaşarım kendimce. (verse 2) zor tabi her şey bazen tükenir kalbim ruhen, çeker dibe sona getirir, yaralı gövdem. nedenleri görmem zaman alır dönmem, nefesimi veren alır, değiştikçe roller. (Chorus) bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir.. zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir. bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir.. zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir. (verse 3) nolur bul bir yolunu kaybetsende oyunu. taşıyorum umudun bu, kalbimde ki tohumu. seçtim yolun zorunu düşünmedim sonunu, hayat verir notumu, dertler aştı boyumu. (verse 4) kader getirmedi kimse yardıma bugün bana verilenler şansıma gördüklerim aynada ki yanıma kopar bir an içimde ki fırtına geçmişimin izlerinde şarkılar beynim içim mazi dolu sancılar yolu düşer ruhum yine kaygıda içimdeki çocuk öldü kıydılar. (Chorus) bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir.. zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir. bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir.. zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir.


Criado por Zach Johnson com Suno AI

[Verse 1] Mantis people, insectoid beings Interdimensional entities, or so it seems Some say they're Jinn, from the unseen realm Shapeshifting forms, like a chameleon Orange orb lights, in the night they glow Are they here to guide us, or just putting on a show? Dark shadow beings, in your room they creep Paralysis sets in, can't even scream [Chorus] Mantis people, what do you want from us? Are you here to save us or to betray our trust? Mantis people, are you angels or demons? Playing tricks on our minds, or revealing hidden reasons? [Verse 2] Abductions in the night, experiments on our bodies Hybridization program, or spiritual study? Some say they're here to help, others say to deceive Mantis people mythology, what should we believe? Witnesses report, they flee at Jesus' name Higher dimensional beings, or just a paranormal game? Insectoid heads, and eyes that pierce your soul Are they part of God's plan, or a deceptive role? [Chorus] Mantis people, what do you want from us? Are you here to save us or to betray our trust? Mantis people, are you angels or demons? Playing tricks on our minds, or revealing hidden reasons?
Back at mama's

Back at mama's

Criado por heretic delespace com Suno AI

[verse 1] I Travel many roads I Saw so many faces And so much places But the only place it feels good It's when i Saw her eyes It's when i ear his voice [Chorus] Get Back home to mama Hoooooo Hoo hoo hoo Get Back to her arms Get Back home to mama Like the very first Time
La Mari

La Mari

Criado por Paco Rohu com Suno AI

La Mari tiene novio y es el Sergio. Como le gusta a mi Mari un buen novio. Estamos fatal, pero un buen dúo lo alegrará. La Mari tiene novio y es el Sergio. Del Atleti y con la viola un buen baile que te apasiona. El sergio, el sergioooo y la Mariii. Un beso pa ti Mari. TQM.


Criado por Albertina Banze com Suno AI

Ice drippin' on my body, I'm feelin' right All white Gucci suit, shine in the night (ooh-yeah) Truth be told, it's hard to swallow, no lie But this life got me feelin' on cloud nine (yeah-yeah-yeah) Gucci dreams, they're takin' over, can't resist Lose myself in this dark abyss Searching for the light, but I'm getting deeper in this mess Gucci dreams, but I'm just tryna be my best Lose myself in this dark abyss Searching for the light, but I'm getting deeper in this mess


Criado por Kadir Bozkurt com Suno AI

(verse 1) duygular oldukça (zayıf) kendimi gördükçe (kayıp) yaşardım öldükçe.. koştum düştükçe.. heralde sevdikçe (varım) birazda bencilce (yarım).. hayatı güçlükle.. yaşarım kendimce... (verse 2) zor tabi her şey bazen tükenir kalbim ruhen, çeker dibe sona getirir yaralı gövdem.. nedenleri görmem zaman alır dönmem, nefesimi veren alır değiştikçe roller.. (Chorus) bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir... zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir.. bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir... zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir.. (verse 3) NOLUR BUL Bİ YOLUNU kaybetsemde oyunu taşıyorum umudun.. bu kalbimdeki tohumu Seçtim yolun zorunu düşünmedim sonunu hayat verir notumu tüm dertler aştı boyumu (verse 4) kader getirmedi kimse yardıma bugün bana verilenler şansıma gördüklerim aynadaki yansımam kopar bir an içimdeki fırtına geçmişimin izlerinde şarkılar beynim,içim mazi dolu sancılar yolu düşer ruhum yine kaygıda içimdeki çocuk ölü kıydılar.. (Chorus) bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir... zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir.. bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir... zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir..


Criado por J D canal com Suno AI

### Letra de Música Trap: "Vida Clandestina" [Intro] Yeah, yeah, uh Vida luxuosa, armas, favela, gostosas, yeah Dinheiro, superação, essa é a vida, yeah Bora! [Verso 1] Na quebrada eu cresci, lutei pra vencer Com determinação, não tem como me deter Rolezinho de luxo, cash na mão Mulheres gostosas, nessa vida de paixão Armas no bolso, eu sou o rei da favela Um guerreiro na selva, vida bela [Refrão] Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina Dinheiro fácil, problema se avizinha No topo da montanha, admire a vista Superar cada obstáculo, essa é a conquista [Verso 2] Da quebrada pro mundo, eu vim pra dominar Com estilo e classe, ninguém vai me parar Luxo e ostentação, é o meu lema A cada passo dado, mais perto do esquema Dinheiro na conta, e o rolê não para Na busca pela glória, ninguém me cala [Refrão] Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina Dinheiro fácil, problema se avizinha No topo da montanha, admire a vista Superar cada obstáculo, essa é a conquista [Ponte] Na vida de perigo, eu trago a sobrevivência Entre armas e rimas, encontro minha essência Nas curvas da vida, sigo a trajetória Conquistando meu lugar, nessa história [Refrão] Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina


Criado por Milàn Szatmàri com Suno AI

Vida clandestina

Vida clandestina

Criado por J D canal com Suno AI

### Letra de Música Trap: "Vida Clandestina" [Intro] Yeah, yeah, uh Vida luxuosa, armas, favela, gostosas, yeah Dinheiro, superação, essa é a vida, yeah Bora! [Verso 1] Na quebrada eu cresci, lutei pra vencer Com determinação, não tem como me deter Rolezinho de luxo, cash na mão Mulheres gostosas, nessa vida de paixão Armas no bolso, eu sou o rei da favela Um guerreiro na selva, vida bela [Refrão] Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina Dinheiro fácil, problema se avizinha No topo da montanha, admire a vista Superar cada obstáculo, essa é a conquista [Verso 2] Da quebrada pro mundo, eu vim pra dominar Com estilo e classe, ninguém vai me parar Luxo e ostentação, é o meu lema A cada passo dado, mais perto do esquema Dinheiro na conta, e o rolê não para Na busca pela glória, ninguém me cala [Refrão] Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina Dinheiro fácil, problema se avizinha No topo da montanha, admire a vista Superar cada obstáculo, essa é a conquista [Ponte] Na vida de perigo, eu trago a sobrevivência Entre armas e rimas, encontro minha essência Nas curvas da vida, sigo a trajetória Conquistando meu lugar, nessa história [Refrão] Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina


Criado por dEmonott com Suno AI



Criado por Milàn Szatmàri com Suno AI

Tudják mikor járom az éjszakát fehér Merci virít a sarkon áll várom mikor jössz hozzám el tűnünk egy szempillantás boldog vagyok ha veled vagyok


Criado por Tiffany S com Suno AI

Show you how to freeload, how to mooch and boast How to bum around with just a can of beans to roast Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload The rusty pickup out back, I sold it for this jug Redneck trailblazer, rhinestone grill lookin thug If I had an option, I'd pick sittin' in the mud Stunt hard on swing Tho I’m dirty as a spud If you tryna show me work, its time to ghost Keep my Patched overalls and my bed of compost Corn cob in The mouth, better watch your step House like a hoarder, everything unkempt Woodchuck roast and sparrow pâté, Dilapidated dwelling is the redneck way 48 buy the hound, but a Bennie for the rocks, Sell trash as treasure just building up my stocks Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload Need that welfare like its my homestead Trade my SNAP for a needed pack of reds Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload I could show you how to freeload


Criado por Tiffany S com Suno AI

Show you how to freeload, how to mooch and boast How to bum around with just a can of beans to roast Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload The rusty pickup out back, I sold it for this jug Redneck trailblazer, rhinestone grill lookin thug If I had an option, I'd pick sittin' in the mud Stunt hard on swing Tho I’m dirty as a spud If you tryna show me work, its time to ghost Keep my Patched overalls and my bed of compost Corn cob in The mouth, better watch your step House like a hoarder, everything unkempt Woodchuck roast and sparrow pâté, Dilapidated dwelling is the redneck way 48 buy the hound, but a Bennie for the rocks, Sell trash as treasure just building up my stocks Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload Need that welfare like its my homestead Trade my SNAP for a needed pack of reds Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload I could show you how to freeload


Criado por Tiff Taff com Suno AI

Show you how to freeload, how to mooch and boast How to bum around with just a can of beans to roast Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload The rusty pickup out back, I sold it for this jug Redneck trailblazer, rhinestone grill lookin thug If I had an option pick sittin' in the mud, then Stunt hard on my swing looking dirty as a spud, If you tryna show me work, its time you need to ghost Keep my Patched overalls and my bed of compost Corn cob in The mouth, better watch your step my House like a hoarder, everything unkept Woodchuck roast and sparrow pâté, Dilapidated dwelling is the redneck way 48 buy the hound, but need a Bennie for the rocks, Selling trash as treasure just building up my stocks Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload Need that welfare like its my homestead ball hard wit a SNAP card but ill trade it for a pack of reds Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload I could show you how to freeload


Criado por Dániel Besenyei com Suno AI

Artúr és Mátyás a két cuki cica A Bundijuk mindig oly tiszta A fejek nagyon viccisek, nem sicciznek Kaját bárhol, bárhogy csak legyen tele tál előttük


Criado por carlos baena com Suno AI

Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (Lil Dope) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (LIL DOOOPE!) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (Lo tiene todo) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (LIL DOOOOPE!) En la trap house con el Baena una nena quiere drugs Rubias y morenas se desmelenan quieren más Quiere quieren más (MORE MORE) Quieren todo lo que el Baena tiene no es legal No no no no es legal el llegar con dos bolsas despegar es pegar una calada y despegar se pegan por el producto de mi pae Esto es cierto es verdad esos yonkys quieren más Putas chupan por el hash putas chupan por el hash! Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (Lil Dope) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (LIL DOOOPE!) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (Lo tiene todo) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (LIL DOOOOPE!) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (Lil Dope) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (LIL DOOOPE!) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (Lo tiene todo) Coca, Keta, Setas, Hash (LIL DOOOOPE!) Lucas iba para abogado ahora necesita uno por que está enganchado mañana tiene un juicio en el juzgado por pegarle a una anciana en el supermecado robarle el bolso y dilatarle el ano


Criado por 程子玉 com Suno AI

[hook] A股,A股我要diss你 A股,A股我要diss你 A股,A股我要diss你 这是我炒给自己的不是炒给你奶奶的 谁告诉你不是炒给我自己是炒进你口袋的 我为什么要对你diss你谁怪你不给我涨呢 叫我把炒股当成爱好那今天就让你见识下 [verse] A股每次都割我可我还要炒 看着你放量老鼠仓出逃 我每天坚持炒股绝对不当懒猪 是你让我亏晕因为我已经被你掏空 左手比个A右手比个P 缅A交易所?一直在割我? 不让我赚money 那我怎么吹你? 分币不让赚还想我主打陪伴 全体散户大军ganggang让你割的彻底 你是不是忘了本是什么才能让你走到这里 今天我就要出手diss你缅A交易所倒闭 [hook] A股,A股我要diss你 A股,A股我要diss你 A股,A股我要diss你 这是我炒给自己的不是炒给你奶奶的 谁告诉你不是炒给我自己是炒进你口袋的 我为什么要对你diss你谁怪你不给我涨呢 叫我把炒股当成爱好那今天就让你见识下 [verse] A股每次都割我可我还要炒 看着你放量老鼠仓出逃 我每天坚持炒股绝对不当懒猪 是你让我亏晕因为我已经被你掏空 左手比个A右手比个P 缅A交易所?一直在割我? 不让我赚money 那我怎么吹你? 分币不让赚还想我主打陪伴 全体散户大军ganggang让你割的彻底 你是不是忘了本是什么才能让你走到这里 今天我就要出手diss你缅A交易所倒闭


Criado por 程子玉 com Suno AI

[hook] A股,A股我要diss你 A股,A股我要diss你 A股,A股我要diss你 这是我炒给自己的不是炒给你奶奶的 谁告诉你不是炒给我自己是炒进你口袋的 我为什么要对你diss你谁怪你不给我涨呢 叫我把炒股当成爱好那今天就让你见识下 [verse] A股每次都割我可我还要炒 看着你放量老鼠仓出逃 我每天坚持炒股绝对不当懒猪 是你让我亏晕因为我已经被你掏空 左手比个A右手比个P 缅A交易所?一直在割我? 不让我赚money 那我怎么吹你 分币不让赚还想我主打陪伴 全体散户大军ganggang让你割的彻底
Beautiful South Sudan

Beautiful South Sudan

Criado por John Akech com Suno AI

[Intro] Aroma official, shining in Juba's embrace, Guiding to star in South Sudan's vibrant space. [Verse] In South Sudan's gleaming light, Guiding star fuels our might. From Juba's streets, where dreams ignite, Our heritage shines day and night. [Chorus] From dawn to dusk, in Juba, we thrive, Unity is our strength; hustle keeps us alive. Guiding star leads, our beacon bright, In bustling Juba, we'll reach new heights. [Verse] At dawn's break and dusk's embrace, Our resolve stands in Juba's grace. Through trials faced and victories spun, In unity, Juba's journey has just begun. [Chorus] From streets to alleys, our anthem sings, Faith unbroken as our city rings. Guiding the star's light through hustle's fray, In dynamic Juba, we'll find our way. [Bridge] From rivers flowing to the city's glow, In Juba's pulse, our unity grows. Dreamers, builders, forging our fate, In bustling Juba, we celebrate. [Chorus] From markets bustling to homes serene, Resilience is our armor in Juba's scene. Guiding to star's ray, shining bright, In vibrant Juba, our future's light. [Outro] Let the world hear our anthem's call, In bustling Juba, we stand. From dawn to dusk, in the hustle, we sway...
Beautiful South Sudan

Beautiful South Sudan

Criado por John Akech com Suno AI

[Intro] Aroma official, Xen ce ben. Beautifu South Sudan. [Verse] In South Sudan's gleaming light, Guiding star fuels our might. From Juba's streets, where dreams ignite, Our heritage shines, day and night. [Chorus] From dawn to dusk, in Juba we thrive, Unity our strength, hustle keeps us alive. Guiding star leads, our beacon bright, In bustling Juba, we'll reach new height. [Verse] At dawn's break and dusk's embrace, Our resolve stands, in Juba's grace. Through trials faced, and victories spun, In unity, Juba's journey's just begun. [Chorus] From streets to alleys, our anthem sings, Faith unbroken, as our city rings. Guiding star's light, through hustle's fray, In dynamic Juba, we'll find our way. [Bridge] From rivers flowing to city's glow, In Juba's pulse, our unity grows. Dreamers, builders, forging our fate, In bustling Juba, we celebrate. [Chorus] From markets bustling to homes serene, Resilience our armor, in Juba's scene. Guiding star's ray, shining bright, In vibrant Juba, our future's light. [Outro] Let the world hear our anthem's call, In bustling Juba, we stand tall. From dawn to dusk, in hustle we sway