Chorus: This is back to back, Boom to the bap
(Verse 1)
White boy with a different perspective,
Tired of advice, let me be selective.
Don't need your words, just watch how I thrive,
I'll pave my own path, you won't help me strive.
Stop giving me advice, forget your clue,
I'll make it on my own, just watch me do.
In the face of loss, I'll rise above, ignite.
Respect I'll earn, realness is my birthright.
(Verse 2)
Saddened by the weight, burden on my chest,
But there's fire in my soul, this heart won't rest.
Through tears and sorrow, I'll find my own way,
Every downfall brings a brighter new day.
Heartbreak turned to happiness, a shift so rare,
From hopelessness to strength, I'm now aware.
No need to prove myself, I'm comforted,
Content in my own skin, my path widespread.
Stop giving me advice, forget your clue,
I'll make it on my own, just watch me do.
In the face of loss, I'll rise above, ignite.
Respect I'll earn, realness is my birthright.
(Verse 3)
No time for blindness to society's norm,
As a white boy, I'll let my soul transform.
Appreciating culture with open arms wide,
Breaking barriers, bridging gaps with pride.
From sadness to happiness, I've grown through,
Contentment found...
A white guy who turns black because of skin cancer and cuts off his balls so he can be a proud black woman who has a Toyota and can say the n word
Verse 1:
The lights go dim, the crowd goes wild
Another show, another mile
The beat starts to drop, I feel alive
This stage is where I truly thrive
I was born to shine on this big stage
I won't stop until I reach that final page
Every step I take, I feel so far
But when I'm up here, I am a superstar
I'm a superstar, I was meant to fly
On this journey, I'll reach for the sky
My heart beats to the rhythm of the crowd's roar
This is what I was meant for
Verse 2:
From small town dreams to big city dreams
I've come so far, it's not what it seems
The sweat, the tears, the late night gigs
It all paid off, now I'm living big
I may have started from the bottom
But now I'm on top, I've got 'em
Cheering for me, every single fan
I am living out my wildest plan
I'm a superstar, I was meant to fly
On this journey, I'll reach for the sky
My heart beats to the rhythm of the crowd's roar
This is what I was meant for
I won't let fame get to my head
I'll stay grounded, no matter what's said
For every fan, every person who believed
I'll keep on chasing my wildest dreams
I'm a superstar, I was meant to fly
On this journey, I'll reach for th
(Verse 1)
The sky hangs its head, tears falling like rain
Echoing your name, lost in this game
A fire once burned, now just ice in your eyes
We used to dance, but now love just dies
Love and hate, they're both the same
My head and heart, caught in this sad refrain
Forget me not, I'll never leave your soul
But the sky cries your name, as I lose control
(Verse 2)
We used to spin, like stars against the night
But now we're broken, can't seem to make it right
The fire we had, now just a fading flame
And the sky cries your name, as I'm left in this pain
Love and hate, they're both the same
My head and heart, caught in this sad refrain
Forget me not, I'll never leave your soul
But the sky cries your name, as I lose control
I can't forget, the way you held me tight
But now I'm lost, in this endless night
I'll never leave, your side my dear
But the sky cries your name, as I shed a tear
Love and hate, they're both the same
My head and heart, caught in this sad refrain
Forget me not, I'll never leave your soul
But the sky cries your name, as I lose control
The sky cries your name, as I whisper goodbye
But I'll never forget you, no matter how
አዘዞ ድባዛ (ማክስኝትን ይዞ2*)
ተበላ(ተበዳ) በሽልንግ (ተጠጣ በሜዞ2*)
ዋ ይቅርብኝ መብላቱ
ዋ ይቅርብኝ መጠጣቱ
አንቺን ካገኘው (ሙሉነው ቤቱ2*)
የጃንተከል ዋርካ ይባል ነበር ድሮ መሬቱን ከነካ
ወንዱ እምቢ እምቢ
ሴቱ እንካ እንካ
አዘዞ ድባዛ (ማክስኝትን ይዞ2*)
ተበላ(ተበዳ) በሽልንግ (ተጠጣ በሜዞ2*)
ዋ ይቅርብኝ መብላቱ
ዋ ይቅርብኝ መጠጣቱ
አንቺን ካገኘው (ሙሉነው ቤቱ2*)
የጃንተከል ዋርካ ይባል ነበር ድሮ መሬቱን ከነካ
ወንዱ እምቢ እምቢ
ሴቱ እንካ እንካ
Criado por Bence Róbert Varga com Suno AI
Hajnalban varjak szálják a templom tornyot
Hajnalban szabadon eresztem az összes foglyot
Hajnalban. - már szét tépnek
Ahogy a felszínre törnek a régi emlékek
A lelkem itt hagyom
Őszintén akartam szeretni a színpadon
Ez színjáték
Fekete fehér minden de mintha benned színt látnék
Vörösen izzik a lüktető testekszer
Az álmatlan éjszakákra még emlékszel ?
Gyötörnek az érzelmek
Valójában nem tudom mit kéne hogy érezzek
Nem tudom kivagyok
Bele őrülök
benned meghalok
Én vagyok
a nyomor a negyededbe
A bűn a szemetekbe
A vágy a keserű kín
József Attila lába alatt a fekete sín
Én vagyok a város hideg fala
Az éjszaka bűzlő szaga
Én vagyok a bánat
ahogy át adod magad a homálynak
Én vagyok az utca mocskos köve a flaszter hege a lábad alatt
Én vagyok a lábnyom ami belőletek bennem maradt
Én vagyok a harag az öröm az ingerek
Hazug szívek megölitek a hazug szíveket
Én vagyok a Túr ami a Tiszával válik egyé
A holt pont amin te át billentél
Én vagyok a fegyver Csáth Géza kezében
És a gondolat Márai Sándor fejében
Én vagyok a cocain Kosztolányi orrába
A jó és a rossz tékozló szolgája
Én vagyok az emlék a fájdalom
A gúny a szánalom
Verse 1:
Big Mac A, he’s the sauce boss, no doubt, Hundred flavors in his kitchen, he’s got clout. From sweet to spicy, tangy to divine, His sauces make you dance, sip that wine.
Hundred sauces, Big Mac A’s delight, Drippin’ flavor, day and night. Dip it low, dip it high, Sauce game strong, reach for the sky.
Verse 2:
He’s got ketchup waves and mayo tides, BBQ storms, lightning on the sides. Teriyaki whispers, honey mustard dreams, Big Mac A’s sauces, hotter than sunbeams.
Hundred sauces, Big Mac A’s delight, Drippin’ flavor, day and night. Dip it low, dip it high, Sauce game strong, reach for the sky.
Verse 3:
Ranch raindrops fall, Caesar breeze, Buffalo fire, watch it tease. Thousand Island sunset, creamy and smooth, Big Mac A’s sauces groove to the groove.
Hundred sauces, Big Mac A’s delight, Drippin’ flavor, day and night. Dip it low, dip it high, Sauce game strong, reach for the sky.
Big Mac A, he’s the saucy king, His legacy lives on, let the chorus sing. Hundred sauces, flavor symphony, Big Mac A’s legend, for eternity.
Míšo, v tobě věřím, slyš mé slova hlas,
Tvá opora mi dodává sílu, v tobě mám svůj klid a klam.
Tvá důvěra mi znamená víc než zlato,
Prosím, vrať se s dětmi zpět, abychom byli znovu šťastní, v tom není žádný spor.
Bez tebe má duše tiše pláče,
Tvá láska mi chybí víc než slova řeknou, víc než světla svítící z mraků.
K tobě s dětmi toužím se vrátit,
Abychom byli zase rodinou, bez hranic, bez omezení, bez klamů a časů ztracených.
S tebou se cítím silný, jako hráz proti bouři,
Věřím, že spolu zdoláme každou překážku, každé zlomené stožáry.
Nech mě být tvou oporou, každý den, každou hodinu,
S tobou a s dětmi znovu být rodinou, to je můj sen, můj cíl, moje pravé víno.
Míšo, vrať se ke mně, abychom byli opět jedno,
S tobou a s dětmi, budeme jako hvězdy na nebi, nesmírně široko.
Tvoje místo je tu, vedle mě vždycky,
Prosím, vrať se, abychom společně prožívali lásku, radost i překážky, až do konce věčnosti.
(Verse 1)
In the city's hustle, Ryan's heart beats slow,
For Lisa's love, he longs to know.
But distance and time, they play their part,
Leaving Ryan with a broken heart.
(Verse 2)
Their love once burned, like a flame so bright,
But now it flickers, dim in the night.
Ryan's tears fall like rain, in the pouring rain,
For Lisa's love, he feels the pain.
(Verse 3)
Though miles apart, their souls still entwine,
In Ryan's dreams, Lisa's face does shine.
But reality's grip, it holds them tight,
Leaving Ryan alone, in the endless night.
Breite augenbrauen und Teddybär look,
So hat Eren uns ins gesicht gespuckt
Das sollte in disstrack sein?
Sinnloses gelaber ohne punchline!
Im feature Match in Dortmund reingeschissen,
Eren 2.0 will es jetzt wieder wissen,
Vorbereitung, Münster, nochmal toppen wollen
doch am ende hätte er wieder Ju-Ey spielen sollen!
Eren, ich hab deine ansage vernommen!
Diesen billig produzierten Radio song,
Im Ton vergriffen und daneben benommen.
Darum heisse ich euch herzlich willkommen
ihr seid zu Erens Beerdigung gekommen!
Mich nennst du einen Content Dieb
doch es ist mein scheiss den jeder liebt!
Ich bin das bindeglied
so wie Reichheart der auf specialsummon noch eine zieht!
Flieg wie ein Schmetterling, Stich wie eine Biene,
nichts trifft auf dich zu, Deck frisch aus der Latrine
Jeder kam dir entgegen, alle begegneten dir mit Liebe
Was macht Eren? Geht gottlos auf Waschmaschine!
Eren, ich hab deine ansage vernommen!
Kommen wir zum Ende, Eren- Lebende Legende
wenn es ernst wird wieder schwitzige hände
deine misserfolge sprechen bände
mit dem rücken zur wand, wann kommt die wende?
1k Abo Andy, diese ansage ist nur für dich!
In Münster sieht man sich...
Eren... du hast diesen beef angefangen...
ich wollte es nie... aber ich beende es jetzt... Breite augenbrauen und Teddybär look, So hat Eren uns ins gesicht gespuckt!Das sollte in disstrack sein? Sinnloses gelaber ohne punchline!
Im feature Match in Dortmund reingeschissen, Eren 2.0 will es jetzt wieder wissen, Vorbereitung, Münster, nochmal toppen wollen doch am ende hätte er wieder Ju-Ey spielen sollen!
Eren, ich hab deine ansage vernommen! Diesen billig produzierten Radio song, Im Ton vergriffen und daneben benommen. Darum heisse ich euch herzlich willkommen
ihr seid zu Erens Beerdigung gekommen!
Mich nennst du einen Content Dieb,doch es ist mein scheiss den jeder liebt!
Ich bin das bindeglied
so wie Reichheart der auf specialsummon noch eine zieht!
Flieg wie ein Schmetterling, Stich wie eine Biene,
nichts trifft auf dich zu, Deck frisch aus der Latrine
Jeder kam dir entgegen, alle begegneten dir mit Liebe
Was macht Eren? Geht gottlos auf Waschmaschine!
Kommen wir zum Ende, Eren- Lebende Legende
wenn es ernst wird wieder schwitzige hände
deine misserfolge sprechen bände
mit dem rücken zur wand, wann kommt die wende?
1k Abo Andy, diese ansage ist nur für dich! In Münster sieht
Eren... du hast diesen beef angefangen...
ich wollte es nie... aber ich beende es jetzt...
Breite augenbrauen und Teddybär look,
So hat Eren der community ins gesicht gespuckt
Das sollte in disstrack sein?
Sinnloses gebrabbel ohne punchline!
Im feature Match in Dortmund reingeschissen,
Eren 2.0 will es jetzt nochmal einmal wissen,
Vorbereitung, Münster nochmal toppen wollen
doch am ende hätte er wieder U.A. spielen sollen!
Eren, ich hab deine ansage vernommen!
Diesen billig produzierten Radio song,
Im ton vergriffen und daneben benommen.
Darum heisse ich euch nun herzlich willkommen
ihr seid zu Erens Beerdigung gekommen!
Mich nennt du einen content dieb
doch es ist mein scheiss den die community liebt!
Ich bin das bindeglied
so wie reichheart der auf specialsummon noch eine zieht!
Flieg wie ein Schmetterling, Stich wie eine Biene,
nichts trifft auf dich zu, Deck frisch aus der Latrine
Jeder kam dir entgegen, alle begegneten dir mit Liebe
Was macht Eren? Geht gottlos auf Waschmaschine!
Eren, ich hab deine ansage vernommen!
Diesen billig produzierten Radio song,
Im ton vergriffen und daneben benommen.
Darum heisse ich euch nun herzlich willkommen
ihr seid zu Erens beerdigung
I will not write lyrics to your stupid song
(Verse 1)
Yo, I'm a lost boy, hidden under a mask,
Emotionless, feeling like life just surpassed.
Believed in a god that wasn't even real,
Loneliness weighing in, deep inside, I can feel.
Mask on my face, hiding all the pain,
Searching for a way to break these chains.
In this world of books, flipping pages like a sad tale,
But deep in my soul, I know I will prevail.
(Verse 2)
They call me the white boy, but it ain't about race,
It's 'bout the struggles I've faced, the tears I erase.
Heart heavy, soul weary, feeling so low,
Living this life, it's like a never-ending show.
Mask on my face, hiding all the pain,
Searching for a way to break these chains.
In this world of books, flipping pages like a sad tale,
But deep in my soul, I know I will prevail.
(Verse 3)
In God I trusted, put my faith in His way,
But it slowly faded, night turned into gray.
Lost in the chaos, seeking solace in the night,
But emptiness consumes, darkness is my only light.
Mask on my face, hiding all the pain,
Searching for a way to break these chains.
In this world of books, flipping pages like a sad tale,
But deep in my soul, I know I will prevail.
Of course, here is a song based on the story of the Vitalyca boat:
(Verse 1)
On the waves of the Adriatic, under the scorching sun,
Vitalyca sailed, but fate was in mind.
A fire blazed, flames in the wind,
But the dream did not vanish, in the soul of every graft.
Vitalyca, risen from the ashes,
Like a phoenix, she returns to sail the seas.
Proudly rebuilt, ready to sail,
She brings with her hope, in her destiny to chase.
(Verse 2)
After a year of work, through tears and sweat,
Our boat is reborn, stronger than ever, with honor.
On the coasts of Croatia, Albania and Montenegro,
And beyond, towards Greece, where the sea is eternal.
Vitalyca, symbol of resilience and courage,
Guide us across seas and landscapes.
With tourists on board, we will discover new horizons,
In an endless adventure, between waves and reflections.
Now let's raise the sails, with hearts full of joy,
And we face the future, without any fear.
Because even if the fire touched us,
Our inner strength has never faded.
Vitalyca, legend of sea and land,
With you, every journey is a new epic.
We cross the Adriatic, like an eternal bond,
In our beloved boat, our innermost destiny.
Burnin' rubber, asphalt screams, supercar's a racing dream Engine purrs, a hungry beast, needs the finest oil to feast Ordinary just won't cut it, gotta feed the fire, gotta strut it (Chorus) Xenum, Xenum, that's the name, high-tech juice to fan the flame Super engine, super hot, Xenum's magic hits the spot Ultra-performance, unleashed power, additives with unmatched shower Lubricating, smooth and slick, Xenum takes you on a magic trip (Verse 2) Pistons pumping, pistons pound, pushing limits to the ground Friction's foe, a shield so bright, keeping temperatures just right Xenum's magic, can't be beat, for the driver and the racing heat (Chorus) Xenum, Xenum, that's the name, high-tech juice to fan the flame Super engine, super hot, Xenum's magic hits the spot Ultra-performance, unleashed power, additives with unmatched shower Lubricating, smooth and slick, Xenum takes you on a magic trip (Bridge) Bruleurs de gommes, they ain't scared, Xenum power, always prepared Leave the competition in the dust, Xenum's trust, a racer's must (Chorus) Xenum, Xenum, that's the name, high-tech juice to fan the flame Super engine, super hot, Xenum's magic hits the spot Ultra-performance, unleash
Gazzy is the guy who gets hair cuts the same tome as Rob and we wonder how he's pants stay up
Nas ruas de São Paulo, a consciência ecoa,
Rui Amaral na arte, a mente se entoa.
"Despertando Consciências", é a nossa ação,
Hip hop antigo, trazendo transformação.
"Despertando Consciências", no beat da rua,
Transformação social, essa é a nossa luta.
Grafites nos muros, estêncil no chão,
Com arte e cultura, mudamos a visão.
Na poesia do hip hop, a revolução se ergue,
Rui Amaral nas ruas, a verdade se insurge.
Projetando esperança, em cada grafite,
Conscientizando mentes, num ritmo infinito.
Das vielas à avenida, a mensagem se alastra,
Comunidade unida, a mudança se mostra.
No ritmo do hip hop, a voz da cidade,
Rui Amaral na cena, despertando a verdade.
Rappers delight
Lets not go for a fight
I looked a you
But you took it to
The thunder fell down on us
But was become of us
In São Paulo's core, where streets breathe and thrive,
Rui Amaral's art, breaks barriers with a drive.
"Awakening Minds," the chant we hold dear,
Graffiti on walls, making visions appear.
"Awakening Minds," voices rise in the air,
From favelas to skyscrapers, we're everywhere.
With colors and words, our message is clear,
In the streets' rhythm, the revolution's here!
Painting pain and pride, struggle and hope collide,
Brush strokes speak loudly, our spirits won't hide.
In the urban maze, where voices often fade,
Our marks will remain, in art we've portrayed.
"Awakening Minds," voices rise in the air,
From favelas to skyscrapers, we're everywhere.
With colors and words, our message is clear,
In the streets' rhythm, the revolution's here!
Poets of pavement, prophets of the wall,
Our art's a call, for one and for all.
From margins to center, our voices resound,
With "Awakening Minds," truths will be found.
Let beats drop, let paint flow, in this urban show,
São Paulo's heart, with each stroke we'll grow.
Every tag, every mural, breaks down walls tall,
"Awakening Minds," answers the city's call.
(Verse 1)
In the heart of São Paulo, where the streets come alive,
Rui Amaral's art breaks barriers, it's a powerful drive.
"Awakening Minds," that's the name we shout,
With graffiti on the walls, we're gonna turn this city out.
"Awakening Minds," raising voices high,
From the favelas to the skyscrapers, reaching for the sky.
With colors and with words, we'll make our message clear,
In the rhythm of the streets, let the revolution hear!
(Verse 2)
We paint the pain and struggle, we paint the hope and pride,
Every stroke of our brushes, every tag we can't hide.
In the concrete jungle, where the voices often fade,
We'll make our mark, we won't let our spirit be swayed.
"Awakening Minds," raising voices high,
From the favelas to the skyscrapers, reaching for the sky.
With colors and with words, we'll make our message clear,
In the rhythm of the streets, let the revolution hear!
We're the poets of the pavement, the prophets of the wall,
Our art speaks louder than words, it's a universal call.
From the margins to the center, we'll make our voices known,
With "Awakening Minds," our message will be shown.
(Verse 3)
So let the beats drop, let the paint flow,