
Emotional Music Playlist - Feel the Depth of Emotions

Explore our Emotional Music Playlist. Dive deep into feelings with our carefully selected tracks. Perfect for reflection and relaxation.



Created By serpil ciğerci With Suno AI

Anne. Bir şansım daha olsaydı anne: Daha çok bakardım maviye, saatlerimi denize bakarak ya da gökyüze bakarak geçirirdim mutlaka. Nefes alamadığım zamanlarda denizin kokusunu çekerdim içime. Yolun sonuna geldiğimi hissettiğim anlarda gökyüzünün sonsuzluğuna iliştirirdim gözümü. Ve daha çok başındaymışım, yol uzunmuş derdim. Bir şansım daha olsaydı anne: İki kanadıma da gücüm yettiğince sahip çıkardım. Kimsenin onları kırmasına izin vermezdim. Çünkü kanadı kırık yola devam etmek çok zormuş anne. İnsan koşuyor ama uçamıyormuş. Yine de başkalarına iki değil üç kanadım var der, dururmuş ama insan biliyor işte. Kendini kandıramıyor ki günün sonun- da eksik yanlarıyla başbaşa kalıyor. Bir şansım daha olsaydı anne: Daha çok doğru yapardım. Evet, hata yapmadan öğrenilmiyor bu hayat ama en azından hatalarımdan çok daha fazla doğrularım olsun isterdim. Bir şansım daha olsaydı anne: Yalnızca mutlu etmeyi değil de mutlu olmayıda isterdim. Sevmemin yanında sevilmeyi de isterdim. Yaptığım fedakarlıkların yanı sıra birazda bir şeyler benim için feda edilsin isterdim. Anne... sanırım ben biraz... şımarmak isterdim...


Created By Jacob Perez With Suno AI

(verse) Semir al-yakubinin ailesi çok umutlu, gelecek parlak ve huzurlu. (verse 2) çünkü yusuf cengiz, Sibel romani, Aydın kambur ailesinden kurtulduk. O haram paralarını, o pis altınlarını munÂsib yerlerine koysunlar. Dilerim ki evleri yansın, elleri ayakları yansın üçününde. Dilleri kopsun üçününde, her konuşmak istediklerinde burunları uzasın. Yakubi aileside, bunu duydukça göbek atarız. [chorus] Kambur, kambur, kambur, kambur. SarhoŞ, SarhoŞ, SarhoŞ, SarhoŞ. Cengiz cengiz, Ahmed Cengiz, Cengiz cengiz, Ahmed Cengiz. Cengiz cengiz, Ahmed Cengiz, Cengiz cengiz, Ahmed Cengiz. (verse 3) Dünyaya cebimiz boş geldik ama sevgi ile doldurduk, Allaha havale olsunlaaaaaaar.


Created By Leyla Didar Bekiroğlu With Suno AI

Güzel belde Diyarbakır'ın sıcak topraklarından, Bir yıldız doğmuştu, Zehra Kılıç adında. Sevgiyle yoğrulmuştu, insaniyet kanı akardı damarlarında, Güzellikler fısıldardı, samimiyetle dolu efsunlu yüreği Ruhunda bahar esintisi, Her adımda bir umut, bir sevinç izi. Dostlukla dolu, daima şefkatten yana, Zehra, sevgi dolu insanların çorak gönüllülerinde açan bir çiçek, her daim cana yakın sıcak kalpli bir gül bahçesi


Created By hoshi rin With Suno AI

[Verse] 你看,今夜月色如此明亮 绯红如常,在夜空中微亮 嘘,已经没人还记得它 皎洁的模样,在黑夜中静静闲散 [Chorus] 月色如常,照亮我的夜晚 追逐梦境,穿越时光的旅航 月色如常,沐浴在繁星之间 将心事诉说,寄托无尽的思念 [Verse] 你看,今夜星空如此美好 闪烁如常,在宇宙中流淌 嘘,不要惊醒,不要被他们注意到 让梦在黑暗中自由自在 毕竟总有些事,高于其他


Created By Egecan Bozkurt With Suno AI

Beklemekse tek care zaman aksa terse kafandaki soru ayni neden bense soran bilir bu yuregin derdini x2 Yok anlayan halden ceken bilir derdi yaninda saklayan sona dogru geri sayan anlayan zamanin dilinden neden ben cok istedim bilmeyi sonu yok tarifi yok sabir yok bulamiyom bitmiyo darlaniyom yalaaaanlaaaar x2 biter bir gun doner bakariz arkamiza olmamis yasanmamis gibi olmasa da gelene bahsetmeyiz olmamiscasina goruyorum ruyalarda olsa secenegim uyanmam bekliyorum o gunleri oh be dedigim koydugum 2 kadeh yalniz basima ictigim aglayip bu yuku attigim
Rachel's piano

Rachel's piano

Created By Lamberto Tedaldi With Suno AI



Created By Jason wong With Suno AI

[Intro] [Chorus] 李豁子清晨起来去拾粪 回家来咋会不见了我的女人 东院找罢西园找 南院找罢北院寻那 [Verse] 七零八家都找遍 找不着女人我不放心那 豁子我急哩一头汗那 迎面来了二差人 [Bridge] 我一不欠粮 二不欠租 恁到俺家为何 因那县政府有人将你告 [Outro] 今天要带你进衙门 衙差带路头前走。 李豁子我拐拐巴巴后面跟 为人不干亏心事 不怕半夜鬼敲门
wtf is going on

wtf is going on

Created By Zach Johnson With Suno AI

[Verse 1] From the depths of space and time unknown Ancient beings with a story untold Annunaki, the gods of old Genetic engineering, secrets to unfold Greys with their almond eyes, abductions in the night Experiments on humans, a terrifying sight Mantis people, insectoid race Interdimensional beings, shapeshifting face [Chorus] Extraterrestrial entities, what do you want? Coverups and secrets, a truth to confront Are you here to save us or to conquer and deceive? Hidden agendas, the lies that we believe Governments in shadows, a cosmic charade Disclosure denied, the choices we have made Will we ever know the truth behind the veil? Or will we remain trapped in this Earthly jail? [Verse 2] Roswell crash, Area 51 Conspiracies abound, what have they done? Alien technology, reverse-engineered Secret space programs, the truth disappeared Hybridization, a new breed to arise Abductees' memories, the trauma and the lies Ancient astronauts, the gods in the sky Sumerian tablets, the secrets they imply [Chorus] Extraterrestrial entities, what do you want? Coverups and secrets, a truth to confront Are you here to save us or to conquer and deceive? Hidden agendas, the lies that we believe


Created By Zach Johnson With Suno AI

[Verse 1] From the depths of space and time unknown Ancient beings with a story untold Annunaki, the gods of old Genetic engineering, secrets to unfold Greys with their almond eyes, abductions in the night Experiments on humans, a terrifying sight Mantis people, insectoid race Interdimensional beings, shapeshifting face [Chorus] Extraterrestrial entities, what do you want? Coverups and secrets, a truth to confront Are you here to save us or to conquer and deceive? Hidden agendas, the lies that we believe Governments in shadows, a cosmic charade Disclosure denied, the choices we have made Will we ever know the truth behind the veil? Or will we remain trapped in this Earthly jail? [Verse 2] Roswell crash, Area 51 Conspiracies abound, what have they done? Alien technology, reverse-engineered Secret space programs, the truth disappeared Hybridization, a new breed to arise Abductees' memories, the trauma and the lies Ancient astronauts, the gods in the sky Sumerian tablets, the secrets they imply [Chorus] Extraterrestrial entities, what do you want? Coverups and secrets, a truth to confront Are you here to save us or to conquer and deceive? Hidden agendas, the lies that we believe


Created By DerKobolT With Suno AI

Ich bin luca ich bin alleine und traurig, durch den jungle wandere ich ich bin einsam und ich gewinne auch nicht. nicht mal martin will mir zuschauen weil ich zu schlecht bin aber ich kenne dafür jeden league champion. die patchnotes machen mich verrückt, riot ist eine indie firma und hatte beim champion würfeln kein glück. ja ich bin luca alleine und traurig, meine pizza ist im ofen und scherben unter meinem bett, und die katze ist sehr fett (meow) riot soll sich deinstallieren denn sie zerstören eins der besten spiele. traurig traurig ich bin alleine und traurig. soll ich weiter league spielen?


Created By Kadir Bozkurt With Suno AI

(verse 1) duygular oldukça (zayıf) kendimi gördükçe (kayıp) yaşardım öldükçe.. koştum düştükçe.. heralde sevdikçe (varım) birazda bencilce (yarım).. hayatı güçlükle.. yaşarım kendimce... (verse 2) zor tabi her şey bazen tükenir kalbim ruhen, çeker dibe sona getirir yaralı gövdem.. nedenleri görmem zaman alır dönmem, nefesimi veren alır değiştikçe roller.. (Chorus) bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir... zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir.. bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir... zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir..


Created By Kadir Bozkurt With Suno AI

(verse 1) duygular oldukça (zayıf) kendimi gördükçe (kayıp) yaşardım öldükçe, koştum düştükçe. Heralde sevdikçe (varım) birazda bencilce (yarım) hayatı güçlükle, yaşarım kendimce. (verse 2) zor tabi her şey bazen tükenir kalbim ruhen, çeker dibe sona getirir, yaralı gövdem. nedenleri görmem zaman alır dönmem, nefesimi veren alır, değiştikçe roller. (Chorus) bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir.. zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir. bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir.. zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir. (verse 3) nolur bul bir yolunu kaybetsende oyunu. taşıyorum umudun bu, kalbimde ki tohumu. seçtim yolun zorunu düşünmedim sonunu, hayat verir notumu, dertler aştı boyumu. (verse 4) kader getirmedi kimse yardıma bugün bana verilenler şansıma gördüklerim aynada ki yanıma kopar bir an içimde ki fırtına geçmişimin izlerinde şarkılar beynim içim mazi dolu sancılar yolu düşer ruhum yine kaygıda içimdeki çocuk öldü kıydılar. (Chorus) bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir.. zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir. bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir.. zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir.


Created By Linda Lyu With Suno AI

心心相惜,情不自禁, 短暂的恨,长久的爱。 都是李世石赐予的。 我在交手中被他淹没, 很庆幸有他,同一时代。 您教会了我关于围棋的一切, 可是老天多给了一个李世石。 有这样的对手,是上天给我的恩赐。 让他看到古力还会下棋, 其实我就是很希望陪着他一起, 到40、50、60岁。 这是个邀请, 世石听到了么? 陪着古力,愿意下。 至亲朋友,毕生对手, 他棋是好,人也是好。 只是想去看看他。 古力是我人生当中最好的礼物, 古力是个大男人, 是那种很大方、大大咧咧的, 够意思的、特别招人喜欢的那种男人类型。 我很幸运有一位相伴一生的对手, 有了你,我的人生远远不只是黑白, 在无情的江湖中我并不寂寞。 古力九段是个好对手, 我对他没有宿敌的概念, 相反,我对他抱有一些特殊的情感, 类似是……抱歉吧。


Created By Linda Lyu With Suno AI

心心相惜,情不自禁, 短暂的恨,长久的爱。 都是李世石赐予的。 我在交手中被他淹没, 很庆幸有他,同一时代。 您教会了我关于围棋的一切, 可是老天多给了一个李世石。 有这样的对手,是上天给我的恩赐。 让他看到古力还会下棋, 其实我就是很希望陪着他一起, 到40、50、60岁。 这是个邀请, 世石听到了么? 陪着古力,愿意下。 至亲朋友,毕生对手, 他棋是好,人也是好。 只是想去看看他。 古力是我人生当中最好的礼物, 古力是个大男人, 是那种很大方、大大咧咧的, 够意思的、特别招人喜欢的那种男人类型。 我很幸运有一位相伴一生的对手, 有了你,我的人生远远不只是黑白, 在无情的江湖中我并不寂寞。 古力九段是个好对手, 我对他没有宿敌的概念, 相反,我对他抱有一些特殊的情感, 类似是……抱歉吧。
Break Free

Break Free

Created By Manacyst With Suno AI

[Verse 1] Trapped inside this glass box, oh Encased in doubt and fear, yeah Can I find the strength to break away? Give them no reason to control, oh So I'll shatter these walls today, oh [Pre-Chorus] I just wanna break free (free) From the chains that hold me down, oh, yeah I just wanna break free (free) And embrace the light I've found, oh, yeah [Chorus] In this confinement, I lose sight Will I ever find my way? While I struggle, struggle, struggling to breathe Breaking free from the doubts that weigh [Verse 2] Every crack, a glimpse of hope A path to find my way Through the darkness, I will grope To emerge into the day [Pre-Chorus] I just wanna break free (free) From the shadows that surround, oh, yeah I just wanna break free (free) And let my true self be unbound, oh, yeah [Chorus] In this confinement, I lose sight Will I ever find my way? While I struggle, struggle, struggling to breathe Breaking free from the doubts that weigh [Verse 3] With each fracture, a story told Of resilience and might Through the cracks, I'll break the mold And step into the light
Shadows of My Mind

Shadows of My Mind

Created By Austin Cameron With Suno AI

[Verse] In the shadows of my mind, I'm lost and I'm confused Trying to find my way out, but I'm feelin' so abused Life keeps knockin' me down, it's like a constant fight But I won't give up, I'll keep pushin' through the darkest night [Verse 2] I got demons in my head, they're whispering in my ear Tellin' me I'll never make it, fillin' me with fear But I won't let them win, I'll rise above the pain I'll keep on movin' forward, breakin' free of these chains [Chorus] I'm struggling with life, but I won't let it break me down I'll find the strength within, turn my life around I'll rise above the shadows, reach for the sky I won't let the darkness consume me, I'll keep on flyin' high
Searching for Love

Searching for Love

Created By Peter With Suno AI

[Verse] In a world that can be so complex I'm searching for a love that's true and genuine Though my mind works in a different way My heart beats just the same [Verse 2] I see happy couples walking hand in hand And I long to find someone who'll understand That my quirks and differences don't define me They're just a part of who I am, can't you see? [Chorus] I'm just a man with a heart that's longing To find a love that's real, a love that's strong Will you be the one to take my hand? And together, we'll make a love that'll never end


Created By Maya Mazin With Suno AI

my eyes are dry drier than ever i used to cry every night knowing that i couldn't be who you'd wanted me to be you were an ilusion a big one in my mind i feel the enternity clicking in time all these conversations i used to imagine all disappear when you are near let me get away away and it's capable of that and more and i just really want to know if you ever looked at me the way you did at her and you'll nod swiflty lying to my face while i know you still text her but you're just 'friends' i wish i could shout, scream at your face so you'll know the anger thats inside me and maybe you'll realize you're killing me but oh, you're too cool too shy and too modest to say something good and truly honest but fuck it all, you're just an innocent kid who doesn't want anyone to be a bad vibe cause then the demon starts to ride inside you and it kills you just like you killed me
Rise Above

Rise Above

Created By Rob Coincard With Suno AI

[Verse] In the darkness, I find my light Through the tears of the long, lonely night Gotta fight through the pain and strife Gonna rise above, gonna take back my life [Verse 2] Melancholic melodies try to drag me down Emotional battles, I won't let them drown Soulful rhythm, I feel it in my bones Electric energy, I'm gonna make it my own [Chorus] Oh, can't you see I'm breaking free? Melancholic, emotional, but still I rise Soul on fire, electric desire I'm gonna make it through, gonna touch the skies
The only one.

The only one.

Created By Someone With Suno AI

When I see you being hard with yourself, I just wanna make you know, that you’re the only girl I see, the perfect girl that have ever exist…A girl who knows how make me smile, and when she cries my heart melts all inside, feeling that pain like if was mine, because your pain it’s what’s the most Im scared about. I know that you have issues, with loneliness and with yourself, but I wanna you to know that we always see the same stars above, and I don’t care where I went, because I love you without measure our distance because our hearts will be always together, holding forever, because I feel like we’re more than connected, when you heart beats that quickly mine just die, with your lovely vibes, that makes me smile, so baby girl just smile like that and see how you’re the only for me
Hollow Eyes

Hollow Eyes

Created By Petrichor With Suno AI

[Chorus] I am the Puppet, the bringer of fate With sorrow and a purpose, I reanimate Through this twisted world, I roam and deceive But in my hollow eyes, the lost souls find reprieve [Verse] In the shadows, I bide my time A vessel possessed, a spirit inside With a white face and hollow eyes A marionette's mask, a haunting guise [Verse 2] Once inanimate, now alive inside The spirit of a girl who tragically died A puppet of vengeance, cold and exact Seeking justice for those who cannot fight back [Chorus] I am the Puppet, the bringer of fate With sorrow and a purpose, I navigate Through this twisted world, I roam and deceive But in my hollow eyes, the lost souls find reprieve [post-chorus] It’s Me (It’s Me) [instrumental breakdown] [Bridge] I’ll give life to you and bring you home You don’t have to be alone The purple mist that tortures us will fade You never have to be afraid! (Afraid) [Chorus] I am the Puppet, the bringer of fate With sorrow and a purpose, I navigate Through this twisted world, I roam and deceive But in my hollow eyes, the lost souls find reprieve [post-chorus] It’s Me (It’s Me)
The only one.

The only one.

Created By Someone With Suno AI

When I see you being hard with yourself, I just wanna make you know, that you’re the only girl I see, the perfect girl that have ever exist…A girl who knows how make me smile, and when she cries my heart melts all inside, feeling that pain like if was mine, because your pain it’s what’s the most Im scared about. I know that you have issues, with loneliness and with yourself, but I wanna you to know that we always see the same stars above, and I don’t care where I went, because I love you without measure our distance because our hearts will be always together, holding forever, because I feel like we’re more than connected, when you heart beats that quickly mine just die, with your lovely vibes, that makes me smile, so baby girl just smile like that and see how you’re the only for me


Created By Sym Laq With Suno AI

夫天地者万物之逆旅也;光阴者百代之过客也。 而浮生若梦,为欢几何? 古人秉烛夜游,良有以也。 况阳春召我以烟景,大块假我以文章。 会桃花之芳园,序天伦之乐事。 群季俊秀,皆为惠连;吾人咏歌,独惭康乐。 幽赏未已,高谈转清。 开琼筵以坐花,飞羽觞而醉月。 不有佳咏,何伸雅怀? 如诗不成,罚依金谷酒数。 群季俊秀,皆为惠连;吾人咏歌,独惭康乐。 幽赏未已,高谈转清。 开琼筵以坐花,飞羽觞而醉月。 不有佳咏,何伸雅怀? 如诗不成,罚依金谷酒数。 如诗不成,罚依金谷酒数。
sad song 4

sad song 4

Created By Lamberto Tedaldi With Suno AI

( intro synthesizer come up ) ( sax ) (outro)