
Epic Music Playlist - Discover Powerful & Inspiring Tracks

Explore our Epic Music Playlist. Dive into a collection of powerful, uplifting, and inspiring tracks perfect for any mood or project.



Created By Cezary Krzyżanowski With Suno AI

Tempus est, tempus est pugnandi. state, nam ille qui nos provocare audet venit. Pugnate! Pugnate! Tempus est ut animos! Pugnate! Pugnate! Iustitiae satis!


Created By vlakz vlakz With Suno AI

[Verse] En la cancha el corazón late más fuerte Donde el balón es el rey No existe la muerte. Con cada gol Una historia se escribe En el campo de batalla Donde el honor se conquista [Verse 2] Campeones en la cancha Eso somos Nadie nos detiene Somos los dueños Los que no se doblegan [Chorus] Desde la cárcel hasta el estadio más grande Con cada toque Una melodía se crea Y en cada patada La grandeza se revela ASTROCHANCLAAAAAAA
Gece Yarısı

Gece Yarısı

Created By Yiğithan KARAASLAN With Suno AI

[Violin solo entrance for 10 seconds] [Guitar entrance for 20 seconds with violin sounds] [Drum entrance as well]
Cagar na sua porta

Cagar na sua porta

Created By spiderman. With Suno AI

aí pela mor de Deus eu tô com dor no cuzinhooooo você não para de botar... e eu voooooouuu cagar na sua porta


Created By 杨杨新雨 With Suno AI

Beneath these high and daunting walls,My heart still runs through fields so wide.Though I am bound by time's cruel tide,My spirit soars, breaks free, and takes its flight. Our tale begins in northern China's fields,Weihsien's walls arose, the wartime yields.Pacific War, clouds of strife unfurled,Nineteen forty-three, a painful chapter of the world,Exiled kin and children's tears entwined,Grasping hope's thin thread through hard times,Today with hope's glow faintly dotting.We retrieve our memories, like frames rerunning,Letting scenes of yesteryear's appear. Defiance at dawn, against the fascist plight,The world transcends, the history's fight.Calls for peace rise in the heart, dawn's light displaying,Like David against Goliath slaying,The hosts of justice are marching, triumph arraying. Defiance at dawn, against the fascist plight,The world transcends, the history's fight.Calls for peace rise in the heart, dawn's light displaying,Like David against Goliath slaying,The hosts of justice are marching, triumph arraying. Beneath the "Cross Building," memories rest in every stone,Time marches on, where love and peace have grown.Towers of harmony rise, our shared dream's cornerstone,"
The Age of Anti-Fascism

The Age of Anti-Fascism

Created By 杨杨新雨 With Suno AI

Beneath these high and daunting walls,My heart still runs through fields so wide,Though I am bound by time's cruel tide My spirit soars, breaks free, and takes its flight,Our tale begins in northern China's fields,Weihsien's walls arose, the wartime yields,Pacific War, clouds of strife unfurled,Nineteen forty-three, a painful chapter of the world,Exiled kin and children's tears entwined,Grasping hope's thin thread through hard times,Today with hope's glow faintly dotting,We retrieve our memories, like frames rerunning,Letting scenes of yesteryears appear,Defiance at dawn, against the fascist plight,The world transcends, the history's fight,Calls for peace rise in the heart, dawn's light displaying,Like David against Goliath slaying,The hosts of justice are marching, triumph arraying,Defiance at dawn, against the fascist plight,The world transcends, the history's fight,Calls for peace rise in the heart, dawn's light displaying,Like David against Goliath slaying,The hosts of justice are marching, triumph arraying,Beneath the "Cross Building," memories rest in every stone,Time marches on, where love and peace have grown,Towers of harmony rise, our shared dream's cornerstone
Bibi, reviens

Bibi, reviens

Created By Stéphane ALZONNE With Suno AI

[Verse 1] Bibi, ça fait tellement longtemps, 1 ans sans toi, c'est déconcertant Plus de streams, plus de run enflammés Bibi, tu nous manques, reviens illuminer nos matinées [Verse 2] Ça fait 3 ans qu'on n'a pas vu le Dragon Bibi (bibi) Ton feu brûlant, ta passion infinie Tout les jours, on attend ton retour Bibi, t'as un don, seul toi peut l'avoir [Chorus] La honte, la honte Bibi, où es-tu ? Reviens à 10h du matin, Kamel dort mais on t'attend Bibi, je t'en supplie, reviens On a besoin de ta musique, de ton rire


Created By Beater With Suno AI

Au petit matin, quand le monde s'éveille, Mes pieds caressent le sol, ma peau s'illumine de soleil, Je respire l'air frais, je ressens la vie, Chaque foulée est un pas vers l'infini. Sur les sentiers escarpés, je défie la gravité, Mes muscles tendus, mon esprit libéré, Je franchis les obstacles, je trace mon chemin, Dans cette course effrénée vers un destin lointain.


Created By MasterGato567 With Suno AI

[Refrain] Au sommet du football, le Real brille, Sa grandeur dépasse le Barça, tranquille. Dans le jeu et dans le cœur, il scintille, Le Real Madrid, victoire qui brille. Couplet 1: Dans les arènes où le ballon règne en roi, Le Real Madrid défend son droit de roi. Ses joueurs, des titans au maillot blanc, Domptent le terrain, d'un pas conquérant. [Couplet 2] Dans les annales du football, son histoire resplendit, Des légendes forgées sur le terrain, l'esprit d'équipe grandit. Les Galactiques et leurs exploits mythiques, Font du Real Madrid un club unique. [Couplet 3] De Di Stéfano à Cristiano Ronaldo, Les étoiles du Real brillent sans doute. La passion des fans, un feu sacré, Qui guide leur équipe vers l'éternité. [Refrain] Au sommet du football, le Real brille, Sa grandeur dépasse le Barça, tranquille. Dans le jeu et dans le cœur, il scintille, Le Real Madrid, victoire qui brille.
Last Life

Last Life

Created By bob beet With Suno AI

[Intro] [Verse] uh... [Chorus] uh… [Interval] [Bridge] [Verse] uh... [Chorus] uh… [Outro] uhhhh [Ending]
Elders of Ki theme song

Elders of Ki theme song

Created By Kiverse Games LLC With Suno AI

Bibi, reviens!

Bibi, reviens!

Created By bess M With Suno AI

[Verse 1] Bibi, ça fait tellement longtemps, 1 an sans toi, c'est déconcertant Plus de streams, plus de run enflammées Bibi, tu nous manques, reviens illuminer nos matinées [Verse 2] ça fait 3 ans qu'on n'a pas vu le Dragon Bibi {bibi} Ton feu brûlant, ta passion infinie Tous les jours, on attend ton retour Bibi, tu as un don, seul toi peut l'avoir [Chorus] La honte, la honte, Bibi, où es-tu ? Reviens à 10h du matin, Kamel dort mais on t'attend Bibi, je t'en supplie, reviens On a besoin de ta musique de ton rire Oh Bibi reviens nous plus fort
Bibi, Reviens!

Bibi, Reviens!

Created By Florian Varlet With Suno AI

[Verse 1] Bibi, ça fait tellement longtemps, 1 an sans toi, c'est déconcertant Plus de Stream, plus de run enflammés Bibi, tu nous manques, reviens illuminer nos matinées [Verse 2] ça fait 3 ans qu'on n'a pas vu le Dragon Bibi (bibi) Ton feu brûlant, ta passion infinie Tous les jours on attend ton retour Bibi, t'as un don, seule toi peut l'avoir [Chorus] La honte, la honte Bibi, où es-tu ? Reviens à 10h du matin, Kamel dort mais nous on t'attend Bibi, je t'en supplie, reviens On a besoin de ta musique, de ton rire


Created By Kasi Karu With Suno AI

In the sea of storms, they sail forth, Lennie, Nino, Kiran, and Arnaud, With a map in hand and eyes on the north, On Fortnite's isles, where the brave are bold. Oh hoist the sails, you gallant crew, Through pixel seas and skies so blue, Legends born under the moon's light, Four friends conquer the Fortnite fight. Nino leads with a steady hand, Lennie dances past the storm's wrath, Arnaud snipes from a distant land, Kiran charges down the victory path. So sing their tale, those pirates dear, Of battles fought without any fear, For in the game, they find their might, Together, they shine oh so bright.
March of Victorica Valdana

March of Victorica Valdana

Created By Roman vel Tjord With Suno AI



Created By Best Music With Suno AI

Шукаю тебе по різним містам Не знаю де ти і як ти там Шепочу в голосове в котрий раз вже соррі Не вийшла в нас вдалої лав сторі І знову я чую твої пісні в мінорі Написані про нашу невдалу лав сторі Ти пишеш в вотсап, ти дзвониш і плачеш Виниш мене знову у всіх своїх невдачах
Que serai je sans toi

Que serai je sans toi

Created By Ayame Chan With Suno AI

Que serais je sans toi, qui vins à ma rencontre ? Que serai je sans toi, qu'un coeur au bois dormant ? Que cette heure arrêtée au cadrant de la montre Que serai je sans toi, que ce balbutiement ?


Created By Артем Несчисляев With Suno AI

В сердце моем тишина, Словно песня на исходе. За окном стонет весна, За окном несется гроза. Ты пришел, как стрела мне, В сердце моем - новый день. Словно вихрь, ветер свистит, А любовь моя не тает. Ты - мелодия моя, Ты - мой свет во мраке ночи. В душе моей луна жива, Не уйдет она без прочи.


Created By 280 EMPTY With Suno AI



Created By hazar peştemalcı With Suno AI

Ram, pam, ram-pa-pam-pa-pam, ram Ram, pam, ra-pa-pa-pa-pa-pam, ra-pa-pa-pam Yürüyoruz arkadaş-lar, içimde bir telaş var Bu kutlu gün bizim, zafer, düğün bizim Görüyoruz arkadaş-lar darbeler, savaşlar Sırtımız yere gelmiyor bizim Düşmanız esarete, önderimle karşıyız Mavi gözlerin gibi biz bu yurda âşığız Duysun cihan, duysun biriz Duysun, bizim bu gök, deniz Parla hilal ve yıldızım Parla beyaz ve kırmızım Türk'ün yolu cumhuriyet Parla, 100 yaşındasın Parla hilal ve yıldızım Parla beyaz ve kırmızım Sensin yolum cumhuriyet Parla, 100 yaşındasın Yürüyoruz arkadaş-lar bu yolda dik yamaçla "Zor" ne bilmeyiz, biz pes etmeyiz Görüyoruz arkadaş-lar, ufukta bir amaç var Yerde, gökteyiz, ne şanlı milletiz Düşmanız esarete, önderimle karşıyız Mavi gözlerin gibi biz bu yurda âşığız Duysun cihan, duysun biriz Duysun, bizim bu gök, deniz Parla hilal ve yıldızım Parla beyaz ve kırmızım Türk'ün yolu cumhuriyet Parla, 100 yaşındasın Parla hilal ve yıldızım Parla beyaz ve kırmızım Sensin yolum cumhuriyet Parla, parla, parla, 100 yaşındasın
The Tale of Valdis and Lyssellana

The Tale of Valdis and Lyssellana

Created By Thibault2 Cottet2 With Suno AI

[Verse] Two friends set out on a grand adventure Valdis and Lyssellana So bold and full of splendor Through Azeroth they traveled Side by side Exploring new lands Their spirits never to hide [Verse] They crossed paths with the heroes of Bfa The champions of Horde and Alliance Leading the way From Stormwind to Orgrimmar They witnessed the clash As honor and glory fell upon this world with a crash [Chorus] Valdis and Lyssellana Friends forever Their bond unbreakable Through any endeavor In the realm of Azeroth They bravely tread With the spirits of the Loa Leading where they're led
"Melodia dell'Amore Non Corrisposto"

"Melodia dell'Amore Non Corrisposto"

Created By Cristiano Ronaldo With Suno AI

(Verse 1) Nel silenzio della notte oscura, Il mio cuore sospira solo per te. Ma nel tuo mondo lontano e puro, Il mio amore rimane senza risposta, piccolo e vano. (Verse 2) Come un uccello che vola nel cielo, La mia anima cerca il tuo calore. Ma tu sei come una stella, distante e brillante, Il mio amore non corrisposto, una ferita che brilla. (Pre-Chorus) Le mie parole si disperdono nel vento, Come foglie che danzano senza meta. Ma il mio cuore batte forte per te, In questo amore non corrisposto, fedele. (Chorus) Amore non corrisposto, un canto senza fine, Nell'ombra della speranza, un fuoco che non si spegne. Lacrime come pioggia, nel buio della notte, Per un amore che non conosce voce. (Bridge) Nei miei sogni, tu sei lì, Ma al mio risveglio, svanisci via. In ogni respiro, un sussurro muto, Per un amore che non trova aiuto. (Verse 3) Come una melodia senza fine, Resta la nostra storia, senza fine. Ma nel mio cuore, una fiamma che arde, Per un amore che non muore. (Outro) Amore non corrisposto, una poesia muta, Nell'abisso della mia anima, così profonda. Ma che il tempo possa portare guarigione, Da questo amore che non trova comprensione.
"Echoes of Unrequited Love"

"Echoes of Unrequited Love"

Created By Lionel Messi With Suno AI

(Verse 1) Through the darkness of the night, my heart sighs for you alone. But in your world, so distant, my love remains unanswered, small and unknown. (Verse 2) Like a bird soaring in the sky, my soul seeks your warmth. But you're like a star, distant and bright, my unrequited love, a wound that shines. (Pre-Chorus) My words scatter in the wind, like leaves dancing aimlessly. But my heart beats strong for you, in this unrequited love, faithful and true. (Chorus) Unrequited love, a never-ending song, in the shadow of hope, a fire burning strong. Tears like rain, in the darkness of night, for a love that knows no light. (Bridge) In my dreams, you're there, but upon waking, you fade away. In every breath, a silent whisper, for a love that finds no answer. (Verse 3) Like a melody without an end, remains our story, without a friend. But in my heart, a flame that burns, for a love that never turns. (Outro) Unrequited love, a silent poetry, in the depths of my soul, so deep. But may time bring healing, from this love that finds no understanding.
Efrime star guardian

Efrime star guardian

Created By Benjamin Céré With Suno AI

Efrime débarque de l'espace pour sauver le monde Elle est la reine et va combattre les méchants les détruire avec sa baguette magique et son balais volant uwu