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Duck and ice-creams

Duck and ice-creams

Created By Gabriel T With Suno AI

(Verse 1) In the heart of Russia, under the wide sky so blue, Lives a duck with a dream, so bold and true. With feathers as bright as the morning dew, She yearns for ice cream and Aperol Spritz too. (Chorus) From Moscow to Saint Petersburg, under the sun’s glare, She waddles with purpose, through the squares. In every big city, she makes his plea, “For an ice cream and Aperol Spritz, just for me!” (Verse 2) In Moscow, by the Red Square, she takes her stand, With a cone in one wing and a glass in the other hand. The Kremlin towers above, mighty and grand, As she savors the flavors, oh so grand. (Chorus) From Novosibirsk to Yekaterinburg, she flies with glee, Over Ural mountains and the endless steppe so free. In every big city, her wish is the same, For an icy treat and a drink, in Russia’s name. (Bridge) In Kazan, where the Volga flows, she finds delight, With a scoop of vanilla, under the starlight. In Rostov-on-Don, with a spritz so bright, sHe toasts to the evening, feeling just right. (Verse 3) In Nizhny Novgorod, by the riverside, sh dips his beak, in the sunset tide. With a gelato and spritz, she's satisfied, His love for these treats, she cannot hide.
M&M Rap

M&M Rap

Created By AKdhs With Suno AI

🎤 **"Max e Michele"** 🎤 (Strofa 1) **Max e Michele**, capi in cima alla piramide, Ma quando si tratta di lavoro, sono un enigma. Sanno solo elogiare chi non fa nulla, Mentre noi sudiamo, loro sorseggiano caffè a scrocco. **Max**, cravatta stretta, ma non sa un bel niente, Un genio? Solo una farsa, è evidente. Non accende il PC, è solo un bluff, Pavoneggia come un pavone in calore, ma è solo buffo. **Michele**, portafoglio gonfio, mani pulite, Non ha mai visto una linea di produzione, è un parassita. Strategie e piani grandiosi, ma solo parole al vento, Quando c'è da agire, si nasconde come un topo nel cimento. (Ritornello) **Max e Michele**, re dell'incompetenza, Inchinatevi ai pigri, ignorando l'evidenza. Ma noi, quelli che sudano e si sporcano le mani, Siamo i veri eroi, guerrieri della pianura, non i vostri fan. (Strofa 2) **Max**, ufficio lussuoso, ma zero competenza, Non sa nemmeno cos'è un foglio di calcolo, è una vergogna. Chiedigli di fare qualcosa, si scusa con un sorriso, "Meeting importante", dice, ma è solo un pretesto infelice. **Michele**, vocabolario fiorito, ma cervello vuoto, Non ha mai visto una catena di montaggio, è un idiota. Visionario? Solo un miraggi


Created By Andy Barreiros Batista With Suno AI

(Verse 1) Cuscús en la mesa, frustración en su cara, No sabe jugar, le cuesta en la jugada. Musulmán con miedo, no quiere destapar, Su cabeza tapada, no quiere arriesgar. Portugués en escena, cabeza como luna, Falta lo que falta, ya sabes, ninguna. Raptor raptor, triste y solitario, Piden tus SS, desapareces al contrario. (Pre-Coro) Llado ve una burger, y se pone a temblar, Carlos con papada, parece lagarto al andar. Hackea el equipo, pero al final se confunde, Mariquita con Fresita, juntos se sacuden. (Coro) Trap del desastre, con rimas al revés, En este mundo loco, nada es lo que ves. Cada personaje, tiene su propia cruz, Trap del desastre, en este mundo crudo y rudo. (Verse 2) Mbappé en la cancha, nombre de francés, Con su tamaño pequeño, no impresiona al revés. Krizix del Cádiz, hasta la muerte fiel, Pero su equipo muerto, no levanta ni un papel. (Pre-Coro) Llado ve una burger, y se pone a temblar, Carlos con papada, parece lagarto al andar. Hackea el equipo, pero al final se confunde, Mariquita con Fresita, juntos se sacuden. (Coro) Trap del desastre, con rimas al revés, En este mundo loco, nada es lo que ves. Cada personaje, tiene su propia cruz, Trap del desastre, en e

Melograno - trap

Melograno - trap

Created By alessandro bv With Suno AI

Io che ti ho vista scappare tra locale e locale E quella voglia di amare ci uccideva un po' Poi le ferite di sale le giornate di Sole Tutte quelle promesse perse da un bel po' Ma adesso no c'è un nodo che non viene sciolto Non c'è un modo né un ricordo ma un volto Avvolto da folta penombra che ingombra Occupa un viso che gronda La lama ora è stretta dalla mano che tremava Quando mi accarezzava sul cuore di lava Fa leva su un corpo che da tempo non si alzava È l'odio che cova e qui chi se la cava? Prova Gli sbagli che mi han reso prigioniero di un lugubre mistero Dietro le nostre foto in bianco e nero Abbiamo fatto finta per davvero io e te un bicchiere pieno Quando pensavi a me chissà dov'ero T'ho immaginata con la mano tra le gambe se Chiusa nei tuoi perché ma stai pensando a me Da dietro un vetro che appannato sta sfocando te Persa nel tuo caffè ma stai pensando a me Tu che valevi molto più di quelle lacrime Fuori dal margine mentre pensavi a me Ed ora ti stringo da dietro ma qui è inutile Farsi domande ormai stai pensando a te You might also like Quante volte
My testimony

My testimony

Created By CensoredTwitch With Suno AI

(Verse 1) Rollin' down the street in my Chevy, feelin' so alive, But little did I know, it was a journey where I'd thrive. Pedal to the metal, music bumpin', feeling free, But in a blink of an eye, it almost was the end for me. Cruisin' down the highway, not a care up in my mind, But suddenly, a twist of fate, left me nearly blind. A truck came swervin', headlights blinding in the night, I thought my time was up, I thought I'd lose the fight. (Chorus) But by God's grace, I'm still here today, In that moment of danger, He showed me the way. My life flashed before me, but Jesus took the wheel, In the midst of chaos, His peace was real. (Verse 2) Heart racin', palms sweatin', I gripped the wheel so tight, Prayin' for protection, prayin' for the light. The Chevy shook, tires screeched, but we made it through, In that moment of despair, His love broke through. My life was spared, a second chance, I can't deny, God's mercy, like a river, flowing endless and high. Through the wreckage and the chaos, He was by my side, In the midst of fear and trembling, He became my guide. (Chorus) But by God's grace, I'm still here today, In that moment of danger, He showed me the way. My life flash


Created By Arnau Punti Coma With Suno AI

(¡Yeah, yeah!) (¡Escucha esto, hermano!) (¡DJ GPT en los ritmos!) Aquí llega el rap, con palabras afiladas, Hablando de Embappe, Hermi y Barreiros, sin miradas, Embappe le gusta la madre del Hermi, eso se murmura, Barreiros come hamburguesas, su pasión perdura. Hermi, con sus lorzas, en la pista se desliza, Embappe con su estilo, siempre causa una brisa, Barreiros con su apetito, devora sin pausa, En esta mezcla explosiva, cada uno tiene su causa. Embappe y la madre de Hermi, un lío que surge, En medio de la noche, suena fuerte, no se escurre, Barreiros con su sabor, una hamburguesa tras otra, Ioias marroquí, con su flow, la escena alborota. En el calor de la calle, donde la vida se roza, Embappe y Hermi, en esta historia, su magia se potencia, Barreiros, con sus antojos, sigue su ritmo, Ioias marroquí, con su peso, siempre en el abismo. En este rap vibrante, donde las palabras fluyen, Embappe, Hermi, Barreiros, Ioias, juntos construyen, Una historia única, en la que cada uno se halla, En la esencia del rap, donde la verdad se enmalla. (¡Siente el ritmo, hermano!) (¡Esto es puro fuego!) (¡DJ GPT, rompiendo barreras!)


Created By Jack Yan With Suno AI

哟wassupislodmemom3 虽然你是中文说唱圈的老 og 但枪打出头鸟ynm3 bro你出头了 youknow? 我也不怕去成都你会 gang gang我m3 今天 told you什么才是real你哥 谢帝谢帝我要 diss你 谢帝谢帝我要 diss你 谢帝谢帝我要 diss你 谢帝谢帝我要 diss你 这是我写给我爷爷的不是我写给我奶奶的 谁告诉你不是写给我爷爷是写给我奶奶的 我为什么要对你diss你谁怪你不给我链子呢 叫我把说唱当成爱好那今天就叫你见识下 老子明天不上班可我还要上班 看着你脖子金光闪闪我也想要戴 你已经不用去发愁没有了生活账单 是你让我伤心因为我已经被你淘汰 左手比个 C右手比个 H 什么才是 real什么才顶级 不让我去 couple那怎么 hunnid 买不起机票所以我扔掉行李 社区社区我一个 oblack的 gang还不够社区 没得老子的项链大原来说的就是你的格局 你是不是忘了本是什么才能让你走到这里 今天我就要出手 diss你 be like迪迦合体 记得你西昌的音乐节我拉着mybrother的一起看 虽然不缺我这一票但我怎么也是你的 real fan 一句当作爱好你就这样失去了你一个社区 ga 对于这个结局我没有异议当我还是要说句 damn 怪我来自山区没能住进成都市 我也只能回到酒店一个人哭泣 原来你绑架的是范丞丞而不是黄子韬 很多人骂我对你我唯一优势是比你高 你对付我这个 gangstar你也得要想几招 如果你要使出形意拳那 gun在我身上我会往里掏 诺米么 vs谢老板 belike孤身刺秦的荆轲 你是威尔史密斯 那我就是 oblack的 kingvon 快点 dissback你的 sinich也想听点新歌 不让我加入社区 rapp那我就拉建昆出去拼桌 谢天谢地已经成为了谢老板 谢帝谢帝让我伤心的谢老板 谢帝谢帝我要 diss你 谢帝谢帝我要 diss你 谢帝谢帝我要 diss你 谢帝谢帝我要 diss你 这是我写给我爷爷的不是我写给我奶奶的 谁告诉你不是写给我爷爷不是写给我奶奶的 为什么要对你diss谁怪你不给我链子呢 叫我把说唱当成爱好那今天就叫你见识下 老子明天不上班可我还要上班 看着你脖子金光闪闪我也想要戴 你已经不用去发愁没有了生活账单 是你让我伤心因为我已经被你淘汰 skr!


Created By Olivér. Medó With Suno AI

Ez a zene egy tutoriál ahhoz hogyan legyél egy iszónyatooosan egy béna geci balfasz. Ott van nekünk Gulyáska, ki egy löttyedt csöcsű pina geci, párja Papó aki a mások faszát imádja szopkodni de nem retten el attól ha szájába finganak. Harmadik kiszemelt muskétásunk Nagata aki imádja mások bizalmát kihasználni és játszani a tökéletes ártatlant aki természetesen sose csinált semmi rosszat. Végezetűl a fő bossz Kacsa aki ugyan nem hápog de szereti elfelejteni a jó tettet és áldozatot hozni hatalmáért cserébe. Ez a négy ijfú titán olyanok mint egy izzadt cigány papucs ami már eléggé kikopott főleg bizalmat és tisztességet nézve. Ennek a négy úrnak volt 2 jó barátja akik megadták nekik a bizalmat, tanították őket és időt szenteltek nekik de ők szépen lassan de szép csalódást okoztak mert patkányok. Ez a 2 kis cimbora, olyan volt mint tehénnek a búza, amit gulyásnak a szeme szúrta. Kacsa tétlenségből ezekkel a huligánokkal roskad, de mindenki tudja hogy a 4 huligán egymás seggét fúrja. Végezetül a lezárás előtt egy utolsó tanáccsl szólnánk a kedves néző közönséghez miszerint ha kapsz bizalmat mástól vagy másoktól azt az életed árán is használd ki. Bárhogy is szúr itt a kacsa az úr.
Basketteur accompli

Basketteur accompli

Created By Pierre Rogez With Suno AI

Pierre, un p'tit gars, grand rêveur Un ballon orange, son seul bonheur Dès l'enfance, le basket dans la peau Un talent fou, un destin qui se dessine


Created By Sandaru Samaranayaka With Suno AI

මම ගන්නෙමීකරකාරෙ දගකාර සුකුමාලී වලව්වෙ හමුගෙ මද්දුම දෝනි නැන්දලා මාමලා යාලුවො එක්කල බලන්න යනවනෙ හැඩකාරී කැවුම් කොකිස් අලුවා හදලා එලිවෙනතුරු නින්ද නැතිලු ඔරලෝසුවෙ කටු කැරකෙන්නෑ හෙට සුට් බූට් සෙන් පවුඩර් ගාලා නාලා යනවනේ මං දැන්නම් මගෙ කිසි අඩුවක් නෑ// පබාවතී ඔයා මගේ මං කුස වගේ කතන්දරේ උබ මට යසට කැපෙන්නෙ මං පොඩ්ඩක් කලුයි කියලා උස පොඩ්ඩක් අඩුයි කියලා ඇයි මේ අහක බලන්නේ රම්පෙට පොරි හැලෙන්න දෙන්නම් පැනිවරකා මා හා දීගෙ යන්න එනවද සුදු මැනිකා සින්හලෙ හාලේ බතට කරවල හොදි හදලා උනුවෙන් කවන්නම්ද දෙනවද හිත මැනිකා ඔය රා මුට්ටිය මෙහෙට ගෙනෙන් පොල්කට්ටක් හොයලා ගනින් එහෙන් මෙහෙන් වඩිවෙයන්කෝ කලුමාමේ උබ මෙහෙට වරෙන් ඩෝලැක්කිය අතට ගනින් එලිවෙනකන් බජවු දමමුකෝ//
blue rap

blue rap

Created By SynnBroadcast With Suno AI

Early one morning while making the rounds I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down Went right home and I went to bed I stuck that loving 44 beneath my head Got up next morning and I grabbed that gun Took a shot of cocaine and away I run Made a good run but run too slow They overtook me down in Juarez, Mexico Laid in the hot joints taking the pill In walked the sheriff from Jericho Hill He said Willie Lee, your name is not Jack Brown You're the dirty hop that shot your woman down I said yes sir, my name is Willie Lee If you got a warrant, just read it to me Shot her down because she made me sorе I thought I was her daddy but she had five morе When I was arrested I was dressed in black They put me on train and it took me back I had no friends for to go my bail They slapped my dried up carcass in that county jail
Happy Birthday Shirnel Swarts

Happy Birthday Shirnel Swarts

Created By Marco Swarts With Suno AI

, Daddy Verse 1: It's your special day, let's celebrate Another year older, another year great From the moment you were born, you stole my heart My love for you, will never depart Chorus: Happy birthday Shirnel Swarts You shine so bright like a million stars Daddy loves you more than words can say I'll be by your side in every single way Verse 2: You're growing up so fast, it's hard to believe But I'm so proud of the woman you've come to be With your strength and grace, you conquer all You'll achieve anything, big or small Chorus: Happy birthday Shirnel Swarts You shine so bright like a million stars Daddy loves you more than words can say I'll be by your side in every single way Bridge: I may not always be there to hold your hand But know that my love for you will forever stand No matter where life takes you, always remember You'll always have a home with me, forever and ever Chorus: Happy birthday Shirnel Swarts You shine so bright like a million stars Daddy loves you more than words can say I'll be by your side in every single way Outro: Happy birthday Shirnel Swarts, My beautiful daughter from Daddy, Daddy.


Created By SynnBroadcast With Suno AI

[intro] give me a break from all this bullshit give me a break from all this bullshit give me a~ This town don't feel~ like~ mine~ You know we are running out of time Bleeding from my nose ring I can feel you so ghost me Crashing out from my past now Coked up might just pass out Tell them all what I do rat You know where the fuck i be at Go ahead and tell them that i do that You know I don't do that Crashing out from my past now Coked up might just pass out Bleeding from my nose ring I can feel you so ghost me This town don't feel~ like~ mine~ You know we are running out of time give me a break from all this bullshit give me a break from all this bullshit give me a~ [Outro] This town don't feel~ like~ mine~ You know we are running out of time Keep calling mine You know i'm on your mind
Shirnel' Birthday

Shirnel' Birthday

Created By Marco Swarts With Suno AI

"Lost in the night, nowhere to go The stars above are my only show I'm searching for a way to break free From the chains that bind and hold me My heart is heavy, my head is spinning I don't know where this journey's beginning But I'll keep walking, I won't give in I'll find my way, I'll find my strength within Every step feels like a thousand miles But I won't stop, I'll keep on for awhile I'll chase my dreams, I'll reach for the sky I won't let anyone tell me otherwise The road may be long, the path may be rough But I know deep down, I'm strong enough To face the challenges that come my way I won't back down, I'll stand tall and stay So when you see me, don't count me out I'll rise above all my doubts I'll spread my wings and take flight For I am a warrior, ready to fight."


Created By 辰浩刘 With Suno AI

Hold on Hold on Yeah Yeah Yeah 嗨喽我叫小刘,代码写得不溜 算法出家的我会点 React、设计模式、MQ,但是... 但是... 哈哈,唯独不会 Flex 1 有个仙女女朋友,她代码写得溜。会 Vue、会前端还会烘焙! 嗷嗷对了,她还会 Flex 1
Shirnel Swarts

Shirnel Swarts

Created By Marco Swarts With Suno AI

Go, go, go, go, go, go Go Shirnell, it's your birthday We gon' party like it's your birthday We gon' sip Bacardi like it's your birthday
Gols do brasil

Gols do brasil

Created By Pao France With Suno AI

Zé piriquito foi fazer gol e ele chuta no ângulo, e é gool meu deus senhor farofa


Created By DJ EESCOTT With Suno AI

En las calles del barrio, donde el tiempo se detiene, Soy el trapero, el que todo el mundo tiene presente. Con mi flow callejero, rompo esquemas sin cesar, En cada verso que suelto, hago temblar la ciudad. (Pre-Coro) Con mi estilo underground, sin límites ni fronteras, Soy el rey del trap, el que nunca se desespera. En cada beat que cae, mi voz resuena, Soy el duro del barrio, la voz que encadena. (Coro) Trapero de corazón, sin miedo a la batalla, Con mi música salvaje, rompo la muralla. Bailando en la oscuridad, con la fuerza de un huracán, Soy el trapero invencible, el que nunca se va.
Lady oscar trap

Lady oscar trap

Created By alessandro bv With Suno AI

Grande festa alla corte di Francia, c'è nel regno una bimba in più Biondi capelli e rosa di guancia, Oscar ti chiamerai tu Il buon padre voleva un maschietto ma ahimè sei nata tu Nella culla ti han messo un fioretto, lady dal fiocco blu Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar tutti fanno festa quando passi tu Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar come un moschettiere batterti sai tu Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar le gran dame a corte ti invidiano perché Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar anche nel duello eleganza c'è Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Le Notte buia alla corte di Francia, a palazzo si dorme già Tre briganti con spada e con lancia, agguato a sua maestà Lady Oscar s'è proprio nascosta nella grande stanza del Re Con passo felino ed abile mossa colpirà tutti e tre Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar la tua spada fischia non delude mai Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar anche nella mischia vincere tu sai Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar le gran dame a corte t'invidiano perché Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar anche nel duello eleganza c'è Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Le Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Le Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar tutti fanno festa quando passi tu Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar come un moschett
A me me piace la nutella trap

A me me piace la nutella trap

Created By alessandro bv With Suno AI

Tutt e juorn è semb a stessa storj, mammà nun m vò fà mangià Devo dimagrire dieci chili perché sono ingrassato un po' L'insalatina non mi piace, meglio nu piatt e maccarun Le carotine, gli spinaci, ma che n'aggia fà? A me me piac a Nutell, ò gelat ca pann, e merendin in quantità E cornett rind ò latt, maiones e ketchup, nun m l'avit fà mancà Mamma ca fes e tacchin e n'uovo bollito, a pranz m vò fà mangià Ma che ne facc e sti cos, ij voglio doie muzzarell, nu sfilatin ca murtadell Na pizz ca Coca-Cola comm te po' mancà, e zeppl e panzarott, e vuliss ittà? A me me piac a Nutell, ò panin e a porchett, voglio ò prusutt cà pancett Nun ò voglio ò brodin, nu merluzz e a pastin, sti cos fann mal a me A matin e fett biscottat co thè, mammà me fà mangià Po' na mela a scol dint a cartell i disegn, ric ca può purtà Ma for a scol ogni matin, primm che son a campanell Quatt brioche e na ciambell, ò bar vac a mangià A me me piac a Nutell, ò gelat ca pann, e merendin in quantità E cornett rind ò latt, maiones e ketchup, nun m l'avit fà mancà Mamma ca fes e tacchin e n'uovo bollito, a pranz m vò fà mangià Ma che ne facc e sti cos, ij voglio doie muzzarell, nu sfilatin ca murtadell Na pizz ca Coca-C


Created By Adrián Orellana Cabello With Suno AI

Call me Lil Dope I got a lot of people asking about my drugs I got a lot of coke-rock´s on my socks If a i go to the ghetto niggas want my gold Lucas's mother is an addict because of me, it was me who left her in that shit, now he just wants to get high in the streets He calls me with his monkey asking for coke and speed My brother Román died of an overdose Why one night I gave him a bunch He began to convulse and foam She looked like a whore in a deep throat The children of "La Noche" want my merchandise They say that with it they reach paradise In "Amnesia" or "Paradise" They seem to want to die
Baena Dealer

Baena Dealer

Created By Adrián Orellana Cabello With Suno AI

Call me Lil Dope I got a lot of people asking about my drugs I got a lot of coke-rock´s on my socks If a i go to the ghetto niggas want my gold Lucas's mother is an addict because of me, it was me who left her in that shit, now he just wants to get high in the streets He calls me with his monkey asking for coke and speed My brother Román died of an overdose Why one night I gave him a bunch He began to convulse and foam She looked like a whore in a deep throat The children of "La Noche" want my merchandise They say that with it they reach paradise In "Amnesia" or "Paradise" They seem to want to die
Lil Dope

Lil Dope

Created By Adrián Orellana Cabello With Suno AI

Mi primera ralla me la dió el Vainas Ahora estoy enganchado he vendido mis Air Max Vendería a mi madre vendería mi alma Tan solo por una tener fina linea blanca Tiene a todo el bloque controlado A medio barrio enganchado Es el papi de Sa Peña El suministra los gramos A la yonky de un eurito le dió medio pollo Ahora yo no pide cerveza te apuñala por el coco El Lucas de Ses Paises antes estaba bien del coco Pero el Vainas le invitó y se ha quedado medio loco Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope! Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss! Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope! Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss! El perro ha agrandado la lista de proyecto hombre Va a comisión cada mes recibe un sobre Le dan un vale de descuento en el Pensil cada vez que engancha a un pobre En los barrios marginales todos saben su nombre Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope! Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss!


Created By 邓康 With Suno AI

(Verse 1) 当世界变得喧嚣不安时 我常常迷失在人群里 却有一个人,总是陪伴着我 她的关怀让我的世界更美好 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Verse 2) 每当我遇到困难和挫折 有人伸出援手让我有所依靠 他们的善意,让我重新振作 我要用我的音乐来回报 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Bridge) 善良的人们,你们是我的宝藏 你们的温柔让我感到宽慰 在这个世界上,我们要一同前进 因为真诚的联系让我们更坚定 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Outro) 让我们一起喜悦地唱起这首歌 用欣赏和温柔填满这个世界 真诚的联系,是我们的动力 因为幸福源自于爱与人际关系