Verse 1:
Underneath the shimmering twilight sky,
Our gazes lock, an unspoken lullaby.
In this quaint town where whispers fly,
We tread a path, just you and I.
Can you hear the symphony of our pulse?
A melody woven with the threads of trust.
In this dance, we're both engulfed,
In a love story, just, and just.
Verse 2:
Through the meandering alleys of fate,
We found a spark, neither early nor late.
In each other, we found a mate,
A connection ordained as great.
Let the cynics cast their stones,
Let the skeptics roll their eyes.
In our universe, we're never alone,
Our love story, our cherished prize.
In the echoes of our intertwined hearts,
There's a tune that never departs.
It narrates our journey, every chart,
In a love story that outsmarts.
As the curtain falls on this celestial night,
Our chapters continue beyond the light.
In the anthology of time, so bright,
Our love story, our endless flight.
(Verse 1)
(Verse 2)
Created By I’m a chicken LOL Original With Suno AI
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
Jezzaman tipped three dollars
Nygern nygern nygern nygern nygern
No brilho do teu olhar, eu encontrei
A melodia que o coração tocou
Nas estrelas, nosso destino tracei
Um amor que para sempre ficou
Nosso amor é como uma canção
Que embala nossos sonhos, nossa emoção
Juntos, somos uma perfeita harmonia
Na dança dos sentimentos, nossa sinfonia
Nas batidas do meu peito, és a melodia
Nossos momentos são como poesia
No palco da vida, és minha estrela guia
Nossa história de amor, eterna magia
marcelo villar es un sujeto muy serio y alegre que logro enamorar a una dama de corazon de hielo muy fria egoista marcelo villar es un sujeto que vive muy lejos donde el sol esta todo el dia marcelo villar es un sujeto muy extraño con su forma de pensar marcelo villar pueda que este en tu corazon dime si lo as visto marcelo villar es un persona muy singular
marcelo villar no quiere el frio y te dara un consejo marcelo villar es el que te va conquistar marcelo villar no le interesa el dinero no lo vas a conquitar marcelo villar te dira el cielo y te hara pensar todos juntos marcelo villar vive muy lejos donde el sol sale todos los dias marcelo villar un sujeto singular
marcelo villar es un sujeto muy serio y alegre que logro enamorar a una dama de corazon de hielo muy fria egoista marcelo villar es un sujeto que vive muy lejos donde el sol esta todo el dia marcelo villar es un sujeto muy extraño con su forma de pensar marcelo villar pueda que este en tu corazon dime si lo as visto marcelo villar es un persona muy singular
marcelo villar no quiere el frio y te dara un consejo marcelo villar es el que te va conquistar marcelo villar no le interesa el dinero no lo vas a conquitar marcelo villar te dira el cielo y te hara pensar todos juntos marcelo villar vive muy lejos donde el sol sale todos los dias marcelo villar un sujeto singular
Crea una canción para una perrita llamada Lucy que está embarazada y a punto de dar a luz y cómo la cuida con amor su dueño Rubén
我不过 一笑了之
以为我傻我蠢我 看不出来
瞒过 傻子
我不过 一笑了之
以为我傻我蠢我 看不出来
瞒过 傻子
以为我傻我蠢我 看不出来
瞒过 傻子
My banana is too small. I wish it were bigger.
My banana is too small. I wish it were bigger.
[Intro] Bienvenidos al farol
donde os voy a presentar a los de rol
esta es mi jodida canción
Rasero comete un coñón.
Sanjo es el grande cavrón
que si te ve te mete un poyón
Atari el listo del grupo
no le preguntes lore del pulpo
masao conocido como itachifumón
es casi tan fumón como llorón
Hablan del maldito jugger sin parar
yo con una pe noventa les voy a agujerear
menos mal que somos panas
y nos comemos las bananas
la la la
morty es alexbyonce
se foyo a una que parece que tiene catorce
Oh, perdonen ese es mi amigo cheto
el que si se agacha yo se lo meto
Rasero el grande bonachon
no lo confundan con un bidon
Chorro maldito boludo deja al bob
que parece que le quieres hacer futyob
Actualmente como diria ero
el seso solo vale para hacer dinero
Y esto se tiene que acabar
no me dan las palabras para terminar
esta ia debo pagar
si la cancion quiere sonar
Halkan walakka ol ilaale sami
Urjin gutamte baredde samin
Hoji rabbi laale baayen dinqisifadhe
Ofinin haaswe ofin gagaffadhe
Yaada wahi kaasen of walin taphadhee
Yero san Yero jollumma
Gaafan huma hin benye
Gaafa daaimumma
Duresa gemmadan ture dhuguman
Tephachan ture gammachuman
Oso hin dhufin dargagumman
Oso hin bekin maal akka tate hiyyuman
Osuma bubbula lakuma lakkuman
Suuta sutan na egalte dargagumman
Maal akka taate amma na galte hiyyuman
Oson dhaabadhu yaadni nan bade
Oson ofin haswu haswni na jala bade
Oson dhaabadhu samin aadde
Duumessi rooba dhufe sami guute
Baredin sami dumessan gutamte
Ajaba natti te Ajaebe hunduma
Haga dhuma hin turu Baredini hunduma
Waan amma itti jirtu hin amanin gonkuma
Jechunin ofitti hime
urjin sami barechite
Dumessi dhufuun sami dukanestie
Enyuma jollumas dargaguman ballisete
Dumessi dhufes rooba gad dhise
Halkanis demanan Anis gale chise
Yeron hirriba kau ganama bakan cise
Yaada galgala hundahu dhise
Rabif galta galche ka arra na garsiise
mana Yeron bahu cire ko nyadhe
Nagyan akka na olchu rabbi ko karadhe
Mana bahe tiko achi fagaadhe
Nagyan bulatni jee olla ko gaffadhe
Nagaya maalittu jira naga nu gafftte
What if we kissed by the poo pond?
What if we just held hands?
What if we never leave the poo pond?
Stay forever, let our problems be damned.
I never wanna leave the poo pond,
I never wanna go away.
I never wanna leave the poo pond,
That's why I come back every day.
[Intro] Bienvenidos al farol
donde os voy a presentar a los de rol
esta es mi jodida canción
Rasero comete un coñón.
Sanjo es el grande cavrón
que si te ve te mete un poyón
Atari el listo del grupo
no le preguntes lore del pulpo
masao conocido como itachifumón
es casi tan fumón como llorón
Hablan del maldito jugger sin parar
yo con una pe noventa les voy a agujerear
menos mal que somos panas
y nos comemos las bananas
la la la
morty es alexbyonce
se foyo a una que parece que tiene catorce
Oh, perdonen ese es mi amigo cheto
el que si se agacha yo se lo meto
Rasero el grande bonachon
no lo confundan con un bidon
Chorro maldito boludo deja al bob
que parece que le quieres hacer futyob
Actualmente como diria ero
el seso solo vale para hacer dinero
Y esto se tiene que acabar
no me dan las palabras para terminar
esta ia debo pagar
si la cancion quiere sonar
Здесь в Климовце живет тетя Ира, не важно, что за годы,
С братом Сергеем, собакой Паем, у них своя жизнь - как приговор.
За семьдесят, но кто сказал, что пора прятаться в углы?
Они живут в стиле рэп, наслаждаясь каждым взглядом.
Тетя Ира и брат Сергей, жизнь в Климовце - не ад,
Смотрят Пятый канал, ютуб, вспоминая, как было круто вчера.
Сосиски на сковороде, чай в руке, у них всё по плану,
Они здесь и сейчас, вместе до конца - навсегда.
Старые добрые времена, как бриллианты в песке,
С улыбкой на лицах, они вспоминают, как было весело в детстве.
На диване уютном, собака спит, как ребенок,
Тетя Ира и брат Сергей, каждый момент - как праздник.
Тетя Ира и брат Сергей, жизнь в Климовце - не ад,
Смотрят Пятый канал, ютуб, вспоминая, как было круто вчера.
Сосиски на сковороде, чай в руке, у них всё по плану,
Они здесь и сейчас, вместе до конца - навсегда.
Так давайте же вспомним, что счастье - в маленьких моментах,
Вместе в Климовце, семья Ира и Сергей - это круто, несомненно.
Так что пейте чай, ешьте сосиски, наслаждайтесь моментами вместе,
Ведь в этой жизни есть только один шанс - жить каждый день, как будто в рэпе!
Geraldine, haces que mi vida valga, aunque me muerdas la nalga
Callum please just for me
I want it. I need it. I really do so Callum please poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo poo. Callum when you do a poo I wanna see it too.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo poo.
All you gotta do is squeeze your ass
and poo.
I don’t care about no hemeroids.
Sit on the loo it is all you gotta do.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo poo.
You’re my everything so please do a poo.
Please Callum poo on Eddy too.
I will love you forever if you do.
Come on Callum you know you want to
Pull down your pants and poo.
I wanna see you do a poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo poo.
poo poo poo
Callum please just for me
I want it. I need it. I really do so Callum please poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo. Callum when you do a poo I wanna see it too.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
All you need to do is squeeze your ass
and poo.
I don’t care about no haemorrhoids. Squat or sit is all you gotta do.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
You’re my everything so please do a poo.
Please Callum poo on Eddy too.
I will love you forever if you do.
Come on Callum you know you want to
Pull down your pants and poo.
I wanna see you do a poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
poo poo poo
Ten candles glowing bright,
For Lena, our gymnast in flight.
Another year, another chance,
For aerials and flips, let's dance!
Happy birthday, Lena, now you're ten,
May your days ahead be filled with zen.
With every step, with every bend,
May happiness to you always lend.
(Verse 2)
Lena, you've soared, it's plain to see,
In the gym, you're wild and free.
With grace and strength, you steal the scene,
You're the champion of every dream.
Happy birthday, Lena, now you're ten,
May your days ahead be filled with zen.
With every step, with every bend,
May happiness to you always lend.
Created By Jeremy Spazmoid With Suno AI
Callum please just for me
I want it. I need it. I really do so Callum please poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo Callum when you do a poo I wanna see it too.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo
All you need to do is squeeze your ass and poo.
I don’t care about no haemorrhoids Squat or sit is all you gotta do,
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo
You’re my everything so please do a poo.
Please Callum poo on Eddy too
I will love you forever if you do.
Come on Callum you know you want to
Pull down your pants and poo,
I wanna see you do a poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
poo poo poo
Created By Jeremy Spazmoid With Suno AI
Callum please just for me
I want it. I need it. I really do so Callum please poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo Callum when you do a poo I wanna see it too.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo
All you need to do is squeeze your ass and poo.
I don’t care about no haemorrhoids Squat or sit is all you gotta do,
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo
You’re my everything so please do a poo.
Please Callum poo on Eddy too
I will love you forever if you do.
Come on Callum you know you want to
Pull down your pants and poo,
I wanna see you do a poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
poo poo poo
(Verse 1)
Ten candles glowing bright,
For Lena, our dear delight.
Another year, another chance,
For joy and laughter, let's dance!
Happy birthday, Lena, now you're ten,
May your days ahead be filled with zen.
With every step, with every bend,
May happiness to you always lend.
(Verse 2)
Lena, you've grown, it's plain to see,
A remarkable girl you've come to be.
With a heart so pure, and eyes that gleam,
You're the star of every dream.
Happy birthday, Lena, now you're ten,
May your days ahead be filled with zen.
With every step, with every bend,
May happiness to you always lend.
Callum please just for me
I want it I need it I really do Callum please poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo, Callum when you do a poo I wanna see it too.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo,
All you need to do is squeeze your ass and poo.
I don’t care about no haemorrhoids, Squat or sit is all you go to do,
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
Callum Adams please poo poo poo,
You’re my everything so please do a poo.
Please Callum poo on Eddy too,
I will love you forever if you do.
Come on Callum you know you want to,
Pull down your pants and poo.
I just wanna really see you poo
Callum Adams please poo poo poo,
Callum Adams please poo poo poo.
poo poo poo
Patricia celebra, cincuenta primaveras,
Con ritmo y alegría, bailamos en su era.
Iko iko an nay, Patricia reina ya,
Con medio siglo a sus pies, la fiesta brillará.
Las velas encendidas, reflejan su sonrisa,
Cantamos esta rima, con amor y sin prisa.
Iko iko an nay, un brindis por su paz,
Por años que vendrán, y los que ya se van.
Patricia, oh Patricia, tu nombre al sol reluce,
Cincuenta años de vida, y tu luz nos induce.
Iko iko an nay, en tu día especial,
Que sigan los éxitos, en tu viaje astral.
Con amigos y familia, reunidos en tu día,
El amor que nos guía, es la mejor melodía.
Iko iko an nay, Patricia es sensación,
Con cada paso que da, conquista el corazón.