yo I'm Duckzzy, i create pixel art for living
Nalet olası dünya canımı sıkıyor bilmiyorum ama nolucak ya sonrasında cannım canımNalet olası dünya canımı sıkıyor bilmiyorum ama nolucak ya sonrasında cannım canımNalet olası dünya canımı sıkıyor bilmiyorum ama nolucak ya sonrasında cannım canım
Journey through the city
The concrete jungle wild
Samurai mindset
Warrior child
Beats bangin' like thunder
Turntables are spinnin'
Blendin' East with the West
New world we're winnin'
[Verse 2]
Kimonos and boomboxes
The vibe is alive
Traditional meets modern
We strive to survive
Katanas and microphones
We slice through the air
Respecting our roots
But we're goin' somewhere
We rise like the sun
Bringing fire and light
Ancient melodies with a hip hop fight
Fusing old and new
The East and the West
In our soulful rhythm
We're truly blessed
მე ვგიჟდები ბეტოს ბიჭზე,
ძაან ხშირად ვფიქრობ მასზე,
კიდევ ბეტოს ბიჭის ნიჭზე,
კარგის ტრაკს რომ გაფარებს თავზე.
ისე მიყვარს ბეტოს ბიჭი მისგამო გავწირავ თავს,
ბეტო წითელ ფერზე იწევს და პატივს ცემს შავს
kuıtalpin memesi sarkıyo
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The House temporarily moves to hybrid working, with some members participating online and others in person, plus online voting as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2014: The House of Lords Reform Act 2014 receives royal assent, allowing for resignation from the House of Lords, and the expulsion of members in certain circumstances.
2011: A draft bill on House of Lords Reform was published in May 2011 by the deputy prime minister. It set out proposals for a House of Lords made up of 300 members (80 per cent elected and 20 per cent appointed). The draft bill was referred to a Joint Committee of both Houses. In September 2012, the government announced it was dropping the bill.
2010: The Coalition Government published an agreement in May, stating that a group would be appointed to bring forward proposals for an elected House of Lords. The group, which consisted of front-bench spokespeople from the three main political parties, was to prepare a draft bill.
2009: The House's judicial function is transferred to the new UK Supreme Court. Law Lords became the first justices of the Supreme Court.
2006: The House holds its first election for a Lord Speaker and Baroness Hayman is electe
Carlão ele doidão ele legal e na moral e isso mesmo ele treina e dá o Butão
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I just wish I knew
What to do with my life
What to do with my heart
I do nothing all day,
(Chorus 1)
I'm learning to say okay
Without arguing back
I'm learning how to walk away
Without hate
I'm learning how to stay calm
Without getting mad
I'm learning that i don't
Need to know why order
To move on
And that's ok
I'll keep going
I'll keep going
And I'll keep going
(Verser 2)
I think my problems is that
I never knew how to talk
About my feelings
I talk to myself in my head
A lot about how I feel
And I explain it so well
But getting it to actually
Come out my mouth
It so hard..
(Chorus 1)
I'm learning to say okay
Without arguing back
I'm learning how to walk away
Without hate
I'm learning how to stay calm
Without getting mad
I'm learning that i don't
Need to know why order
To move on
And that's ok
I'll keep going
I'll keep going
And I'll keep going
(Verse 4)
I'm slowly learning that
Even if i react
It won't change anything
It won't make people suddenly
Love and respect me
It won't magically change their minds
Sometimes it's better to just
Let things be
Let people go
In the town square, surrounded by fear,
Riot cars rush, teargas smothering near.
Bullets fly, doors slam, and dogs are unleashed,
Uniformed slaves behind masks, their faces creased.
Beating brothers, slaying sisters, kicking mothers,
Their cries for freedom, truth, and peace they smother.
Bought souls do evil deeds with blood money in their hand
But the people shout for freedom, a united stand.
Coward leaders in palaces of gold,
Reward their dogs with riches, the truth they withhold.
Blind to their own destruction, they forge webs of lies,
Sending destruction, murder, and cries.
Sisters, mothers, brothers, and fathers unite,
Against the darkness, they shine their light.
Rise against tyranny, sing of a future bright,
Love into existence, chase away the night.
You cannot cage the power of the word,
For truth will prevail, it will always be heard.
Though they may try to deceive and betray,
Their lies will crumble, justice will have its day.
You cannot kill the truth, it will always rise,
Love’s power will prevail, it never dies.
Your lies will consume you, leave you hollow inside,
For the power of truth and love cannot be denied.
They told me that I will
never be a shining star
I should stop wasting time
reaching out to things too far
I tried to redeem
my place in the scheme
But I lost my soul
in secondary role
Thinking if I change my stance
I can get a better chance.
High in the sky
Where the fearless eagles fly
Where the gracious winds are blowing
And we see our powers growing
We see the vision -
the World of peace
Abundant seas
Getting drunk, Filling void in a shabby alley bar
Hot lady singing blues, an angel playing guitar
tore down prison wall
I felt the shackles fall
”There’s a crack in everything,
that’s where the light gets in.”
Seeing how to change my stance
And get a better chance
High in the sky
Where the fearless eagles fly
Where the gracious winds are blowing
And we see our powers growing
We see the vision -
the World of peace
Abundant seas
Heyyyy Ladies!!! Kekoter is in tha house!!!
Heyyy Ladies!!! Kekoter is in that house!!!
De San Pedro al mundo!!!
Kekoter nunca sale de tranquileo,
Siempre te querra dar un meneo.
El busca ponerse en bonus,
Para poderte dar detrás de un Focus.
Kekoter kekoter is in tha house!!!
Kekoter kekoter is in tha house!!!
Si la salchicha peleona se descuida,
Le caga el pecho a mariquilla,
Es peligroso con el hiato,
Caga como un javato.
Kekoter kekoter is in tha house!!!
Kekoter kekoter is in tha house!!!
Keko se mueve por San Pedro,
Si te descuidas te mete cuello.
Kekoter kekoter es el amo,
Te quiere comer hasta el ano.
El practica padel champagne
Pero se le da mal la marcha atrás.
Verse 1 - English): I remember the late nights, just you and I Walking hand in hand, under the moonlit sky Your smile, your touch, they're still so clear In my heart, your memories are so dear
(Chorus - Swahili): Kumbukumbu zako hazifutiki kamwe Mapenzi yetu yalikuwa kama ndoto Moyo wangu unaimba jina lako Katika kila pumzi, wewe ni yote
(Verse 2 - English): Our laughter echoing in the summer breeze The way you looked at me, put my mind at ease Though we parted ways, I'll always hold tight To the moments we shared, in the day and night
(Chorus - Swahili): Kumbukumbu zako hazifutiki kamwe Mapenzi yetu yalikuwa kama ndoto Moyo wangu unaimba jina lako Katika kila pumzi, wewe ni yote
(Bridge - English/Swahili): In every beat of my heart, you're still there Kila nikiwaza, nakumbuka siku zetu Nakosa macho yako, penzi lako, tamu kama asali Nakosa mapenzi yetu, yaliyokuwa ya kweli
(Chorus - Swahili): Kumbukumbu zako hazifutiki kamwe Mapenzi yetu yalikuwa kama ndoto Moyo wangu unaimba jina lako Katika kila pumzi, wewe ni yote
(Outro - English): So here I am, reminiscing the past Our love may be gone, but forever it'll last In the depths of my soul, you'll always reside Memories of us,
(Verse 1)
In the zone with my crew so tight (So tight)
Choppin' it up with Shyste, movin' right (What's good?)
Saw him spin, then vanish from sight (Saw him drop!)
Nine millis ready on my block, ignite
Monte's strapped, he's taken some down
Trigger's wild, always wearin' a frown
Tones, he's a Glock pro, holds the crown
Cross my path, catch a shot, hit the ground
Grinding through checks till I'm out (I'm out)
Shorty keeps me up till I'm out (I'm out)
All I do, hustle, no doubt (All I do)
Not about it? Leave my trap route!
(Verse 2)
In the heat, vibe turned high (Turned high)
Chat with Shyste, no time to comply (What's up?)
Saw him spin, then it's goodbye (Saw him drop!)
Nine's locked, on my turf, they fly
Monte's strapped, he's made 'em cry
Trigger's lit, always reaching for the sky
Tones with the Glock, ready to defy
Cross my path, catch a shot, say bye
Grinding through checks till I'm out (I'm out)
Shorty keeps me up till I'm out (I'm out)
All I do, hustle, no doubt (All I do)
Not about it? Leave my trap route!
Living large, counting stacks, no doubt (No doubt
With my shorty, we hustle out (We're out)
All day, all night, no drought (No drought)
(Verse 1)
Di sudut kota, Agus termenung,
Mencari pasangan, hatinya berbunga.
Kumisnya menebal, harapannya menggema,
Menanti jodoh, di setiap sudut jalan.
Oh Agus, pemuda pemberani,
Jangan letih menanti, cinta sejati.
Meski kumis tebal, hatimu bercahaya,
Jodoh pasti datang, di waktu yang tepat.
(Verse 2)
Bertahun-tahun berlalu, Agus tak kenal lelah,
Dari pagi hingga malam, dia terus mencari.
Di setiap senyuman, di setiap tatapan,
Dia mencari tanda, siapa gerangan jodohnya.
Kisah Agus, si pemuda tangguh,
Tak pernah surut, asa di dada.
Cinta tak selalu datang dengan cepat,
Tapi Agus yakin, dia tak sendiri.
Oh Agus, pemuda pemberani,
Jangan letih menanti, cinta sejati.
Meski kumis tebal, hatimu bercahaya,
Jodoh pasti datang, di waktu yang tepat.
Dan suatu hari nanti, di bawah langit biru,
Agus akan tersenyum, jodohnya tiba.
Kumisnya yang tebal, akan menjadi saksi,
Cinta yang tulus, akhirnya berlabuh.
Сені сүйем,
Маған ешкім ұнамайды
Сені сүйем,
Жанымда ешкім тұра алмайды
Жүрек тұра алатындар көп деп алдайды
Сені сүйем
Түсті бүгін тағы да
Сағынтып жүр мені үйің
Жүрегімнің шектері ойнап
Осы күйі,
Қандай түйін екенін шешу қиын.
Сені сүйем,
Маған ешкім ұнамайды
Сені сүйем,
Жаныңда ешкім тұра алмайды
Жүрек тұра алатындар көп деп алдайды
Сені сүйем
Түйіні осы екен
Әрбір әндеріме сені қосып өтем
Неліктен барлығы осылай болды десем
Бұның барлығының шешімі осы екен
[Verse] Ich rauche jeden Tag Diamanten Kush, während du unbekannten die Finger lutscht. Die Ärzte haben bei deiner Geburt gepfutscht, denn bei dir ist irgendetwas Kaputt.
[Refrain] Du Schutz du Schmutz du Schmutz
[Verse]Du ziehst dir morgens Müllbeutel an und heuerst am Kudamm an. Stets deine Steine und Pfeife in der Hand
[Refrain] Du schmutz du schmutz du schmutz
Cheguei na cena com a mente afiada,
Mais uma cheia de raiva
Palavras cortantes, minha voz é uma faca
Escute o meu som mas cuidado, ele ataca
e nem vem falar que isso atrai coisa ruim
vaza para lá com seu ipad e system gratilux
Pra hoje queria memo era cantar papo de superação,
Mostrar que na vida, tem sempre opção.
Mas enquanto eu aqui, você aí no seu agro,
com seu carro importado, seu gado bem cuidado,
com seu luxo blindado
blindada tô eu: família, cuidado, afetos e afagos
minha voz, nossa história, meu caminho, nossa luta
Cada esquina é um palco, cada esgoto um palanque,
E na rima, no verso, é que nossa voz ecoa.
Kau tak pernah Tau
Apa yang aku rasa
Kau tak pernah mengerti
Apa yang terjadi
Aku Masih disini
Kan selalu menunggumu
Tuk tepati janji
Selalu ada di dekat mu
Masih ku simpan rasa
Ku sedari dulu
Walau ku tau
Kau tak inginkan aku
Masih terbayang jelas
masih ada nama mu
Aku selalu rindu
Bayang bayang wajahmu
Masih adakah harap
Ku untuk kembali
Kesalahan ku,
Atas semua yang terjadi
Ku tak percaya diri
Tuk jalani semua ini
Aku selalu bermimpi
Engkau selalu disisi
Masih ingatkah yang dulu
Selalu kau ucapkan
Janji manis mu itu
Yang selalu kau impikan
Aku tetap bertahan
meski banyaknya cobaan
Kini kau telah pergi
Dalam sebuah harapan
Na JKGráficaRápida é assim que a gente faz
Tirando xerox, boletos, currículos e muito mais
Se precisa de cartão de visita, panfletos, vem cá
Impressão personalizada, qualidade que satisfaz
Na JKGráficaRápida, é só chamar
Qualidade e rapidez, vamos te entregar
Seus projetos, nossos compromissos, é o que a gente faz
Lembrancinhas e mimos, pra seus clientes conquistar
Na JKGráficaRápida, sua ideia ganha vida
Com criatividade e agilidade, é só pedir e a gente cria
Na JKGráficaRápida, é só chamar
Qualidade e rapidez, vamos te entregar
o epicurismo é viver bem e sem exagerar com os bens ,principalmente, os não naturais ,nosso criador é epicuro que nasceu em Atenas,e fundou uma escola, não devemos depender e um mundo de coisas para viver, mas sim saber nos controlar com o epicurismo, é com o epicurismo é, o epicurismo saber nos controlar