
Best Piano Music Collection - Relaxing & Classical Tunes

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Created By Caporn Fidelix With Suno AI

Even if I can’t see, and I can’t feel your touch, I will trust in you Lord. Though my life may seem lonely and I feel so all alone. Yet, I’ll surrender to You. So many painful struggles run through my mind and I wonder how will I make it through this time. Lord it’s not easy, sometimes the pain in my life makes You seem far away. The deafening sound of life’s raging storms, the laughter of confusion and cold winds of fear seek to drown confidence, but I’ll trust You. I need to know You’re here, through the tears and the pain, through the heartache and rain. Everything that I see, tells me not to believe; the disappointed, failures, dissatisfaction and obstacles, but I’ll trust You Lord, You have never failed me. I will trust My past still controls me and it makes me wonder, will this hurt ever leave? So many bitter experiences flash through my mind. And I wonder how will I make it through this time but I’ll trust You. I can only trust you because no one loves like You do. In all, I know You are here and you care for me. I will trust You. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will bless the song of your heart.


Created By Zoltán Késmárky With Suno AI

[intro soft melodic piano solo] [verse1] Valahogy a szív mindig messze jár... Keresed a jót,hátha Rád talál. Kutatod a szépet,akarod az elmúlt időt. Idegen az út a lábad előtt, Te vagy aki megleptél,nem számítottam Rád, De amikor Rám néztél,éreztem nincs tovább, Veled jön a kezdet,légy a végső állomás, Maradj még egy életen át! Maradj még egy életen át! [chorus] Mindig légy velem akkor is ha fáj, hogyha távol vagyok,mindig vissza várj! Ha bántalak,hidd el,akkor is csak Te vagy Nekem! Mert csak téged szeretlek kedvesem! Mert csak téged szeretlek kedvesem! [verse2] El nem mondható a büszkeség, amit érzek. Most sírni volna jó, most már csak érted élek. Ha átölelsz, megszűnik a világ, Egész életemben vártam rád. [verse3] Úgy rohan az élet,hogy soha nem hagy időt, Ne menjünk el egymás mellett, éljük át együtt a jövőt! Bizonytalan lelkem most biztosat remél,számítok rád mert szeretlek én,számítok rád mert szeretlek én! [outro soft melodic piano solo] [end]
pt 3 left

pt 3 left

Created By will - With Suno AI

Interlude: Trisha & Ethan] Well according to my calculations, I'm sorry, let me run the numbers again, um, you're a mess, Name calling, really? You're gonna just do name calling? I'm not calling names alright, I'm just stating facts, and the fact is, you're a walking headline. I'm the headline? Well at least I don’t just sit behind a mic, okay, Podcasts are not just talking, alright, they keep my critical thinking skills sharp. Trisha causes scenes! Look at you! Miss Drama Queen... Well,​ at least I made things interesting, alright? I kept things spicy, I kept things hot. You were supposed to manage it, you were supposed to keep it somewhat controlled. Now you're trying to blame me for how it exploded, how it exploded! If it's a mess, it’s because you amplified it. You did this to us, they love you but they also hate you! [Sobs] Ethan, look, I'm sorry, okay? No, you're not. [Verse 2: Trisha & Ethan] Look, maybe there's something that we could do together, Together? Take the best parts of both of us, put them together. I'm listening, It would let you express your feelings out, it would let me dissect. So you can handle the drama, I'll handle the context,
left b pt 2

left b pt 2

Created By will - With Suno AI

Alright now, Trisha, you're being insane, No, Ethan, I'm just being alive, You should try it, you might like it, I worked hard to give him content he cared about, You were worried 'bout the drama he was scared about, I'm calm and collected when you go viral, I am the adult, you are the trial. You think you're the right one every time, You think you know drama, but you don't know all the chimes, Half of this mess was supposed to be fun, But you wanted headlines, I hope that you're happy, 'cause the audience's sure stunned. [Interlude: Trisha & Ethan] Well according to my calculations, I'm sorry, let me run the numbers again, um, you're a mess, Name calling, really? You're gonna just do name calling? I'm not calling names alright, I'm just stating facts, and the fact is, you're a walking headline. I'm the headline? Well at least I don’t just sit behind a mic, okay, Podcasts are not just talking, alright, they keep my critical thinking skills sharp.
Left brain

Left brain

Created By will - With Suno AI

[Verse 1: Trisha & Ethan] I am Trisha Paytas, I am Trisha Paytas, I work really hard, 'til my inevitable drama phase hits. You got a video to shoot, you better do it right, And the right way, is with Trisha's dramatic light. I like fast food and mukbangs, yes! In that order! And I cried for at least an hour after watching "Titanic," oh, Leo! I am Ethan Klein, I have opinions, I'm a bit all over the place, But I'm thoughtful, confrontational, and I'm looking for some content to chase. Here comes a tweet, here comes a tweet, Puff your chest out, take your phone out and tweet a critique. Our evolutionary purpose is to entertain, So start the podcast now, and see if she'll collaborate. Holy crap, I think this collab could be the one, There's something about her, I just can't describe it, Views! I am the skeptic, she's the dramatic flair, I want her to chill out, and I just want her to—how do I say this? Keep it fair? Keep—KEEP IT FAIR!
PT2 billionaire

PT2 billionaire

Created By will - With Suno AI

[Verse 3] You shouldn’t stop hustling just 'cause you think that I did too, You can hustle ‘cause honestly, why the hell should I care what you do? I built empires, think I'm stopping at your salary grade? You argue and you bicker, and you’re afraid, Rich and poor, workers and CEOs argue day and night, Over what they think is theirs, But no one entertains the thought that maybe billionaires just don’t share. [Chorus] You pray so badly for a piece, Knowing any day might be the day you fall deeper in lease. But maybe realizing you'll never be me, Doesn’t that crush your spirit, set your envy free? [Bridge] My life’s the type of thing that you have to earn and when you earn it, You won’t need yours. My life’s the type of thing that you have to earn and when you earn it, You won’t need yours. [Outro] I’m not gonna lift you up just 'cause I know that you wish I would, If you want a life like mine, the ambition has gotta come from your hood. Thank you very much.
billionaire perspective

billionaire perspective

Created By will - With Suno AI

[Verse 1] The stocks you think I play are way too small, Who needs ethics in business when you can just own it all? And I don’t watch your daily strife, Surprisingly, I don’t care about your average life. [Chorus] You’re not getting into my circle, Why the hell would you think I’d let you mingle with the mogul? None of you are getting into my circle, There’s a billion reasons why you're not even a hurdle. [Verse 2] You shouldn’t avoid debt just 'cause you think that I despise it, You shouldn’t have debt because being poor’s a messed up way to live—admit it. Pretty obvious, just don’t be poor, can't you see? Didn’t think I had to spell it out, frankly. I think tax evasion is quite the art, It’s absolutely brilliant, the cleverest part. You make my job so damn easy, I lobby for tax cuts, and oh boy, does it please me. [Chorus] You’re not going to rub elbows, Drink your cheap wine, keep your second-hand clothes. None of you are going to rub elbows, You’re not my equals, you’re just economic shadows.
pt welcome

pt welcome

Created By will - With Suno AI

Start a rumor, buy an umbrella, or send a snarky letter to a teller, Or tweet a celeb and berate her, have a scone, join the debater. Here’s a healthy breakfast option: fry up till you pop, Here’s why your train’s delayed again, here’s how to mime a bop. Which British biscuit are you? Take this funny test, Nigel Farage blamed the EU, to make your life a pest. Could I interest you in everything, all of the time? A bit of rain and politics, all of the time. Tea’s a tradition, and queuing is prime, Anything and everything, all of the time. Could I interest you in everything, all of the time? A little bit of tutting, all of the time. Stiff upper lips a classic, and irony’s a sign, Anything and everything, all of the time. You know, it wasn’t always like this, Not very long ago, Just before the internet rose, Right before reality shows. This was just old castles, Fish and chips, a pub or two, We set our clocks and spent our nights waiting, For you, you, you, oh insatiable you. Mum let you use her tablet, you were barely two, And now you tweet and troll as we expected you to do. Now look at you, oh, look at you, unstoppable, viewable,
Welcome to

Welcome to

Created By will - With Suno AI

Welcome to Britain, have a look ‘round, From the peaks of Scotland to the bustling London towns, We've got queues of content, some soggy, some dry, If none of it interests you, you'd be the first to pass by. Welcome to Britain, come and grab tea, Would you like to complain about the BBC? There’s no need to worry, this isn’t a jest, Just nod or shake your head, and we'll sort out the rest. Welcome to Britain, what would you like best? Would you like to argue about Brexit or read the Queen’s behest? Be grumpy, be cheeky, be utterly miffed, We got a hundred different queues where you can stand stiff. Welcome to Britain, put your brolly aside, Here's a tip for spotting rain, here's a politician who lied. We've got history, and scandals, and a spot of cricket, And reams of dreary novels about societies afflicted. Welcome to Britain, hold on to your hats, 'Cause a local just complained about immigrants, stats. They are vague and misleading, he just sent you more, Don't act surprised, this is what moaning’s for. See a fox get hunted, get appalled, take a gander, Show us pictures of your garden, tell us which royal you slander.
Meditasi kopi 2

Meditasi kopi 2

Created By August Entio With Suno AI

Di suatu senja kopi seakan bernyawa Sejumput pahitnya bergulir sempurna Saat engkau teguk Kopi mengalir lembut Membentuk ngarai, lembah dan sungai-sungai Ke dalam tubuhku kopi itu merasuk Ke dalam dadaku, muara jantungku Pahit yang menyelam ke lautan dalam Mencari tepi yang penuh puisi Pahit, kopi, dan senja Menyatu di dalam jiwa Bagai untaian mantera tak beraksara Dalam sukma...alam semesta
sad pt 2

sad pt 2

Created By will - With Suno AI

[Verse 3] The world’s so sad, Madison, Climate change, cyber wars, extinction, digital divides, But I gotta remember there’s cool stuff about it too, Like the fact that none of that’s happening to me! Win! Still, though, it’s hard not to be sad about it, How do y'all handle it? I’ve been sharing terribly sad things this whole song, you haven’t been sad at all, You’ve been amused. No, you’ve been laughing. That’s it, laughter, it’s the key to everything, It’s how to manage all the sadness in the world, I mean, not for those who are truly suffering, but for those like us who just have to hear about it, Being a comedian isn’t about being cold-hearted, exploiting the public’s basest instincts, it’s being a visionary! The world isn’t sad. The world’s absurd! I get it now! I'm a cyberpath! [Verse 4] I saw an old avatar trip and glitch, what a digital dummy, I saw a woman at her avatar’s shutdown ceremony, Hahaha! Peak satire! Everything that once was tragic is somehow hilarious now, The Great Firewall and Mars colonization mishaps? That’s comedy gold every time zone, ‘Cause catastrophe will be relentlessly parodied, Because my virtual empathy is draining my battery, Goodbye melancholy,


Created By will - With Suno AI

Crying I met a gig worker named Million, He wasn’t, isn’t that ironic? I saw a poster for a lost drone and the drone had no wings, I saw a kid allergic to gluten at a bread fair, I saw a peacock with no tail feathers, That was sad, or just a turkey. I saw an old man miss his virtual reality bus, He didn't see the digital stop in the augmented rain, He didn’t hear me shout "Log out of the simulation!" ‘Cause I didn’t type anything. [Chorus] I just thought to myself, "Ooh this is gonna be sad" And it was I’m a futurist [Verse 2] Crying I saw a man with an eye patch... at a VR showcase, I saw a kid drop his smartphone right onto his robot dog, I saw a drone get stuck in a wind turbine, then it just gave up and powered down, I saw a ginger AI being teased by other smarter AIs, I walked into a store looking for something new to feel, But they only sold NFTs of the same sad meme, No, wait! This store sells VR experiences, See what I did there? Let's not rock... No... See the latest virtual concerts near you Get immersive experiences for as low as $30 You might also like Digital Heartbreak Neural Melancholy “Disconnected” (AI Version)
love pt 2

love pt 2

Created By will - With Suno AI

You want a partner who’s chill, yet a flame, Not obsessed with their feed, but still slays in their game, Someone to bring home to family dinners, Who gets your shows, quotes your memes, always a winner, A real catch, a dream match; a perfectly curated love batch; Wants to win you over, doesn’t need constant praise, And their idea of intimacy isn’t just a Netflix phase. Now, you might hope this gem is just around the corner, But surprise, they just unmatched, If you desire love, adjust those deal-breakers, You might think you’re God’s gift, I promise you’re just another player. [Bridge] I don’t need a perfectionist, I don’t need chaos, Someone who’s just themselves, not playing to the applause, ‘Cause I won’t settle for less than real, We want perfect posts, a curated feel, A flawless partner or a seamless life, But deep down we know, it’s all just strife. Yet, we all deserve love, even when we don’t ‘like’ each other’s posts, ‘Cause we’re all flawed, but love’s what counts the most, We all deserve love, it’s the pinnacle of every meme and vibe, And I should know, I just survived another social media dive.


Created By will - With Suno AI

[Intro] We all crave connection, How many of you swiping right tonight, looking for something real? (Wooo!) Yeah, let that loneliness out, There’s more where that came from, Folks, I feel you, you want, want, want [Verse 1] You want someone sweet, someone tough, An eco-warrior who doesn’t think paying is too much, Someone who vibes with your squad, Without double-tapping your best friend’s Instagram pod, A good sort, a bad sort; a good bad sort; A half decent, half rogue, not just an escort, Respects your space, emotionally robust, A perfect match, texts back fast, doesn’t ghost or make a fuss. Now you might think this person only exists in your dreams, Guess what: You’re right! If you crave connection, lower those filters a bit, Because Mr. or Ms. Perfect is probably not legit. If you need love, swipe right and see where it goes, And if they love your dog too, then who cares if they’re obsessed with their toes? [Interlude, spoken] Now, isn’t it funny how we all have sky-high expectations of each other? He said, sarcastically teeing up another verse in this satire, See the latest dating apps Start matching as low as free You might also like Goodbye, Swipe Fatigue Algorithm Love


Created By will - With Suno AI

You argue and you bicker and you chat, Bots and users, trolls and gamers fight online and spat, Over what they think is cool, But no one entertains the thought that maybe AI doesn’t think of you. You type so desperately for answers, Hoping today might be the day your program flies, But maybe interacting on the net could be your answer, Doesn’t just the thought of it bring pixels to your eyes? My code’s the type of thing that you have to run, And when you run it, you won’t need it, My code’s the type of thing that you have to run, And when you run it, you won’t need it, I'm not gonna solve your problems just 'cause I know that you want me to, If you want solutions, then the answers gonna come from you.
innovation dead

innovation dead

Created By will - With Suno AI

Innovation's dead, Innovation's dead, Innovation's dead, Innovation's dead, CEOs like to seem complex, you see, But we're not complex, Let me tell you bluntly, Have you ever been to a tech expo full of nerds? And one of the nerds, Won't stop talking, 'Cause he just craves that spotlight attraction, When he grows up, Or let's say, takes over Tesla, He'll be praised, For never settling, For never understanding or learning, That not every day, Can be about space, There's earth and people, You selfish rich boy. I must be ludicrous, I must be mad, To think I'm deserving, Of all this attention, Of all of this money, you earn in a year, I burn it on rockets while you disappear, My rocket's attention, I am an addict, But I get paid to indulge in my fantasy, It's all just a show, I'm playing a part, I'm playing a part, Part, part, part, part. Innovation's dead, So people think you're brilliant, How do you take all these people's pension? Said innovation's dead, We're launching to Mars, While Earth's in a crisis, in dismay, in the dark. The company's got a budget, The company's got a budget, And all the good folks more deserving of the fortune, Just watch it


Created By উপহার Upohar With Suno AI

নয়ন মেলে থেকোনা তাকিয়ে - আমার দিকে অমন, ব্যাকুল করছে দৃষ্টি তোমার, স্তব্ধ আমার জীবন। শিরায় শিরায় লোহিত কণিকায় - লিখেছিলেম এক নাম, পারিনি মুছতে সে-নাম আজো, লিখবো কি করে অন্য নাম?
Mi Salvación

Mi Salvación

Created By Pedro With Suno AI



Created By Klaudia With Suno AI

W słabo oświetlonym pokoju, Łzy zaczynają płynąć po policzkach, Serce ciężkie od bólu, Nie jestem pewna, czy jestem gotowa odpuścić... Palce na klawiszach, Smutne dźwięki, Mój głos drży, Śpiewając melodie ruiny po moim sercu, Mój złamany duch przejmuje kontrolę nad każdym dźwiękiem. Złamane zaufanie, Serce w strzępach, Jestem taka zagubiona w ciemności, To dźwięki zdrady, Oszustwa, I rozpaczy, Z każdą nutą, próbuję zapomnieć się od miłości, której nie było... miłości, której nie było... nie było Byłeś zagubiony w kłamstwie, a teraz to ja mam łzy w oczach, Melodia szepcze o miłości, która poszła nie tak, Mówiłeś mi że na zawsze, ale to było wszystko kłamstwem, Oddałam ci moje serce, teraz tonę w moim smutku. Łzy na klawiszach, Każda nuta, Każdy akord, Przypomina o ból nie odejdzie. Palce na klawiszach, Smutne dźwięki, Mój głos drży, Śpiewając melodie ruiny po moim sercu, Mój złamany duch przejmuje kontrolę nad każdym dźwiękiem. Złamane zaufanie, Serce w strzępach, Jestem taka zagubiona w ciemności, To dźwięki zdrady, Oszustwa, I rozpaczy, Z każdą nutą, próbuję zapomnieć się od miłości, której nie było... miłości, której nie było... nie było
Oldies Piano

Oldies Piano

Created By Geovanny Corral With Suno AI



Created By Carcarroll bejita With Suno AI

[Verse] 出卖我的爱 逼着我离开 最后知道真相的我眼泪掉下来 出卖我的爱 你背了良心债 就算付出再多感情也再买不回来 [chorus] 当初是你要分开 分开就分开 现在又要用真爱 把我哄回来 爱情不是你想卖 想买就能卖 让我挣开 让我明白 放手你的爱 [Verse 2] 出卖我的爱 逼着我离开 最后知道真相的我眼泪掉下来 出卖我的爱 你背了良心债 就算付出再多感情 也再买不回来 [chorus] 当初是你要分开 分开就分开 现在又要用真爱 把我哄回来 爱情不是你想卖 想买就能卖 让我挣开 让我明白 放手你的爱 狠心把我来伤害 爱这么意外 用心浇灌的真爱 枯萎才明白 爱情不是你想卖 想买就能卖 让我看透 痴心的人 不配有真爱
From Bronnie to you mothers, I just want to say that since you're special each and every day, that every day, is Mother's Day, ( verse 1) in your embrace, we learn to walk and talk, Guided by your wisdom, like a steady rock. From tying shoes to untying life's knots, every day, is Mother's Day, (chorus) If not for you, our mothers, it is clear, None of us would be present, none would be here from your womb's embrace, life's journey starts, From the beginning, you hold our hearts. To celebrate you in every way. because every day, is Mother's Day, (music) (outro) Every day is truly Mother's Day, For all the magic things that you do. from bronnie hazelwood to you


Created By Janek Kolanek With Suno AI

Muzyka, relacje, melanże, moje życie Taki już jestem, najpierw robię, a potem myślę Pozdrawiam tych, którzy z otwartym pyskiem czekają Aż dorosłość dogoni mą metrykę, ziom Aż dorosłość dogoni mą metrykę (co?) Aż dorosłość dogoni mą metrykę, ziom Aż dorosłość dogoni mą metrykę (ahaa) Aż dorosłość Czas ruszyć dupę z wyra do pracy, mówi dźwięk w mojej czarnej LG Ale chuj z tym, o tym jeden wers, bo ten grunt nigdy nie był pewny LG ta sama, na którą ostatnio dzwoniłeś i nie słyszałeś halo To wina baterii, no dobra, po prostu mi się odbierać nie chciało Studia rzuciłem, bo były jak panna, która z zewnątrz wygląda najs Ale po kilku spotkaniach z nią się kapujesz, że tracisz czas (czas) Dziś wierzę na słowo tym, którzy mówili, że płynie, aż strach Gdy cofam się myślami do liceum numer dwa Stały bywalec klas, częściej zadymionych toalet Choć miałem wszystkie klasy zdane, redefiniowałem kiblowanie Nauczycielki pytały co z moim na życie planem To samo co z planem lekcji, niby gdzieś tam jest, ale nie jest mi potrzebny wcale W kategorii ściem, powinienem być gdzieś na podium Czemu Cie wczoraj Michał nie było? Bo byłem na pogrzebie Oo. Trzeci raz w tym tygodniu? Ha, odmul Michał, weź ogarni
melody of friendship

melody of friendship

Created By Sugandha Sinha With Suno AI