Welcome to WCRB
Tune in feel the synergy
Cross River leads the way
Fintech future here today
[Verse 2]
Celebrating every win
Events that make you grin
Good vibes across the air
Achievements everywhere
WCRB tune in now
Cross River shows you how
Fintech power bank so bright
Join us in this future light
[Verse 3]
Collaboration big and small
Together we achieve it all
From milestones to the grand
We're united hand in hand
WCRB tune in now
Cross River shows you how
Fintech power bank so bright
Join us in this future light
[Verse 4]
Bright ideas taking flight
In the future shining light
Together we can dream and grow
WCRB's the place to know
In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live, I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
Whispers of the flute
Strumming of the guitar
Melodies intertwined
Taking us far
Hearts beating in sync
Love's language unspoken
In this sweet harmony
Our love is awoken
[Verse 2]
Soft breeze in the air
Playing with our hair
Flute touches the soul
Guitar strums with care
In a world so unkind
I wore a disguise
Hidden truths beneath a veil of lies
But I couldn't deny what was buried inside
A fire burning
A flame I couldn't hide
[Verse 2]
I took a step in the dark
And I faced my fears
Pulled back the curtain
Let the true me appear
Through bruised battles and endless pain
I found the strength to redefine my name
I'm a shifting shadow
I'm a force to be reckoned
Finding beauty in the colors that I've been collecting
No more hiding
No more denying who I am
Rising up
Becoming the man I've always been
วันทามารีย์ เปี่ยมด้วยพระหรรษทาน พระเจ้าสถิตกับท่าน
ผู้ได้รับพระพรกว่าสตรีใดๆ และพระเยซูโอรสของท่าน ทรงได้รับพระพรยิ่งนัก
สันตะมารีย์ พระมารดาพระเจ้า
โปรดภาวนาเพื่อลูกทั้งหลายผู้เป็นคนบาป บัดนี้และเมื่อจะตาย อาแมน
هيي وع صدري غافية
برااا الدني كوانين
دقيقة من صيف دافية
حلمي خليهااا سنين
يانوم ما تسرق عيوني اليوم
بحضني قمر ونجوووم
بواااب الحلم سككرت
بدي احمي غفوتا
تحرس عنيي جنتا
دقاات قلبي سكتا
وامحيلا صوت الوقت
يانوم ما تسرق عيوني اليوم
بحضني قمر ونجوووم
بواااب الحلم سككرت
اسرق بحلما اسوارتا
ت متوعيها رنتا
مايضل غيري برفقتا
تيقول الزمان تعب
يانوم ما تسرق عيوني اليوم
بحضني قمر ونجوووم
بواااب الحلم سككرت
In a small town, where the dreams are bound
Where every step you take, echoes all around
The voices whisper, but you can't break free
They say, "This is your home, this is where you should be"
But deep inside, you feel a yearning flame
To spread your wings, to break away from this place
You've been longing for something more, something new
To escape these chains, find a sky that's blue
[Verse 2]
The fields are golden, the rivers crystal clear
But they can't wash away the pain and the fear
Every corner you turn, they're watching your moves
And you're bound by the rules, the ones you never choose
Это песня посвещяется Ахмедбейли Нигяр от её брата. Фарида Ахмедбейли
На свете есть ангел, Нигяр зовут её,
Её сердце – сокровище, нежность в каждом взгляде.
Она как звезда яркая, светит в темный день,
И в сердце моём зажигает свечу тепла.
Нигяр, Нигяр, как я люблю тебя,
Твоя доброта – мой свет, ты мой рай на земле.
С тобою дни легче, словно песня летит,
Нигяр, Нигяр, ты моя звезда.
Твоя улыбка – чудо, согревает всегда,
Твои слова ласковы, как первый луч весны.
С тобой мир становится прекрасней, Нигяр,
Ты – моя радость, моя нежность, мой огонь.
In the ancient woods where the shadows hide
Lived a hungry blackbird
His feathers all pride
With a beady black eye and a heart deep within
He sang songs of longing
For food he did sin
His wings strong and weary
His voice soft and low
He searched high and low
Wherever he'd go
From wild berries in bloom to the farmer's sweet field
The hungry blackbird
A hunger he'd never yield
Hungry blackbird
Sing your song of hunger
Your melody carries
Like a spell I am under
Through the wild woods
Your dreams will unfold
Hungry blackbird
Your hunger
Never sold
Whispered secrets in the quiet night
A love story hidden from the light
Two hearts colliding
Feeling so right
Unspoken words
A love taking flight
[Verse 2]
Underneath the moon's gentle embrace
In a world of serenity and grace
Two souls entangled
Time and space
Creating a love that nothing can erase
Whispered secrets
A tale untold
Love so pure
It will never grow old
In the calm of the night
Their story unfolds
A love like this
A treasure to hold
In einem Garten blüht die Liebe
Zart und süß
Zwischen Rosenranken
Ein geheimes Versprechen
Die Sonne küsst die Blüten
Ihr Glanz so hell
Und die Bienen summen Lieder
Die niemand kennt
[Verse 2]
Das Gefühl in der Luft
So warm und rein
Wir tanzen gemeinsam
Wie wir nie zuvor taten
Die Vögel fliegen hoch
Im Himmel so weit
Unsere Liebe blüht
Wie ein Rosenmeer
Der Garten der Liebe
So wunderschön
Ein Ort
Wo Herzen gemeinsam singen können
Lass uns unsere Träume in den Himmel werfen
Im Garten der Liebe werden wir ewig bleiben
один я на дороге...
Шагаю тихо, не спеша.
Пальто моё уже не в моде,
Но за ним так робко прячется душа!
Тень моя за мною скачет,
Ветер в уши дышит и свистит.
Мой путь, мой странный путь уже назначен.
Луна тихонько мрамором блестит...
От чего так больно и так трудно?
Тяжелее каждый новый шаг,
И Гамлет монолог свой повторяет нудно,
И Сальери вновь в бокале сеет мрак...
Со временем со мной шагают и другие.
Чуть полегче: мы вместе думаем, поём.
Слегка позднее придут иные.
Нас станет больше, по дороге вместе мы пойдём.
Всё вертится,
Вновь один я на дороге.
Шагаю громко, чуть спеша.
Пальто моё наконец-то в моде,
Ведь за ним так робко прячется душа...
[Gentle Guitar Strumming]
[Verse 1]
Underneath the starry sky, I hum a tune so shy,
Whispering to the night, my silent hopes take flight.
Words once lost, now finding form,
In melodies that feel so warm.
Finding my voice in the echo of your heart,
Each beat a lyric, a perfect work of art.
Singing my love, where all my dreams start,
In the harmony that binds, we’ll never part.
[Verse 2]
Every chord strums a feeling, every note a deeper meaning,
With you, my fears start receding,
In your eyes, I find the leading.
Finding my voice in the echo of your heart,
Each beat a lyric, a perfect work of art.
Singing my love, where all my dreams start,
In the harmony that binds, we’ll never part.
[Guitar Solo]
Softly as the guitar plays, I find my fears allay,
In the resonance of us, my doubts just fade away.
Finding my voice in the echo of your heart,
Each beat a lyric, a perfect work of art.
Singing my love, where all my dreams start,
In the harmony that binds, we’ll never part.
[Gentle Guitar Fade]
As the last note lingers in the air,
I find my voice, 'cause you are there.
The Nose is my shepherd
I follow its scent
Through fields of wildflowers
My soul is content
It leads me to valleys
Where the sun shines bright
Its fragrance surrounds me
Like a warm summer night
Even when darkness creeps in
I have no fear
For the Nose guides me
And makes everything clear
In its aroma
I find peace and serenity
The Nose is my shepherd
Guiding me faithfully
[Verse 2]
The scent of fresh air
As the wind blows through
The Nose fills my lungs
With joy that is true
Like a symphony of smells
Harmonizing in my soul
The Nose knows the way
It's in full control
Hello baby, hello darling, hello sweety
Мошпит в находке
mehmet, tunç , süleyman , mustafa
Lagu bercerita tentang,seseorang yang mencari jati diri nya, berusaha menjadi yang terbaik tanpa bantuan dari orang lain, baik teman, kekasih dan keluarga, acoustic guitar, lirik jepang
Well, let me tell you 'bout a man named Pork Chop
He's known in town for his appetite, never does it stop
He eats so much, it's hard to believe
But now he walks sideways and can't achieve
[Verse 2]
Pork Chop loves his food, no doubt about that
But when it comes to women, he's a little off-track
He's got a taste for something different, you see
He loves the fellas more than sweet ladies like me
Oh, Pork Chop, you're a legend by now
A man with a belly and a secret somehow
You waddle through town, your heart on your sleeve
Pork Chop, oh Pork Chop, you're the talk of this eve
Whisper in my ear
Your secrets unspoken
You and I together
We'll never be broken
Like a summer breeze
You make my soul dance
With every strum of your guitar
We take a chance
[Verse 2]
Underneath the stars
We sway in the moonlight
In your loving arms
Everything feels so right
Your gentle touch
It sends shivers down my spine
In this acoustic love
Our hearts intertwine
Strumming hearts
We sing our melodies
In this acoustic love
We find our harmonies
Together we'll create a symphony divine
Strumming hearts
Forever yours and mine
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