
Love Music

Love Music and Songs MP3 Downlaod

love song

love song

Created By wentian qin With Suno AI

路口的末班车 教室里落灰的电风扇 影子也习惯是落单着 你的脸早已只能在梦中看 课桌偷藏的半瓶酒是男孩爱过的证明 你和我一直在不停走只不过是相反的距离 你送我的水瓶我会带 在球场上篮又被盖 希望你没有看到 你挂着坏笑的说着我最菜 曾觉得毕业真的很远它却向我狂奔着到来 两者都需要勇气无论是告别亦或是告白 分开似乎总是被定在这6月 天气晴朗得好像能让我忘记疼痛 放不下笔也握不住纠结 避开的话题太沉重 青春赠送我长大的票 胸口阵痛是想她的药 遗憾最后的合照都没有带着笑 Hook: 是否某个时空也有个我们 鼓起了勇气向彼此狂奔 两个灵魂终于在爱里相认 修复遗憾的青春 一定有个我们完成了缘分 以恋人身份看时光纷纷 她望着他是满脸天真 而我和你啊早各奔前程
love song

love song

Created By wentian qin With Suno AI

阳光洒在旧时光,校园的角落轻轻唱, 那一页页笔记里,藏着我们最初的梦想。 走廊上你的笑容,是我青春最美的光, 那些日子,像风一样,轻轻吹过我们的肩膀。 记得那场雨后,操场上的水洼, 我们的倒影,交织在无尽的幻想。 黑板上老师的笔迹,模糊在窗外的绿意, 而你的眼睛,是我永远解不开的谜题。 Oh, 怀念啊,那青涩的岁月, 初恋的甜蜜,像夏日的晚风轻拂。 Oh, 怀念啊,那些梦开始的地方, 遗憾是青春最美的伤。 图书馆的午后,窗外的麻雀在欢唱, 你借给我的那本书,藏着我们的秘密和希望。 操场边的长椅,见证了我们的欢笑和泪光, 那些誓言,像云一样,飘散在记忆的长廊。 记得那一次放学,我们偷偷牵手的模样, 心跳的声音,比任何音乐都要响亮。 时光匆匆,我们的故事,慢慢变得模糊, 但你的影子,永远刻在我心上。 Oh, 怀念啊,那懵懂的爱恋, 初恋的心动,像夜空中最亮的星点。 Oh, 怀念啊,那些梦开始的地方, 遗憾是青春最美的伤。 时光不能倒流,我们各自远方, 但那份纯真的感情,永远在心上。 虽然有遗憾,但也感激那段时光, 因为它教会了我们,爱的模样。 Oh, 怀念啊,青春的学校恋爱, 初恋的甜蜜和遗憾,永远铭记在心间。 Oh, 怀念啊,那些梦开始的地方, 珍惜现在,让爱继续飞扬
love song

love song

Created By wentian qin With Suno AI

Holy Surf

Holy Surf

Created By James Kim With Suno AI

Verse 1: Riding on the waves of faith, under Your sky so vast, My heart is full of songs, my fears are in the past. With every rise and fall, on waters deep and wide, I feel Your presence, Lord, with You I will abide. Chorus: Holy Surf, on Your waves I fly, Above the storms, under Your watchful eye. In Your love, I find the strength to stand, Holy Surf, guided by Your hand. Verse 2: In the ocean of Your grace, I find my soul’s delight, Your promises are true, they lead me through the night. With every breath I take, Your Spirit fills my sails, In the vast sea of life, Your goodness never fails. Chorus: Holy Surf, on Your waves I fly, Above the storms, under Your watchful eye. In Your love, I find the strength to stand, Holy Surf, guided by Your hand. Bridge: Even when the tides are turning, And my ship is tossed and turning, In the waves, I see Your face, In the storm, I feel Your embrace. Chorus: Holy Surf, on Your waves I fly, Above the storms, under Your watchful eye. In Your love, I find the strength to stand, Holy Surf, guided by Your hand. Outro: On the Holy Surf, with You, I’ll journey on, Until the day I reach that golden dawn. With faith as my board, and Your Word as my guide, In the Holy Surf, forever I’ll abide.