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由 Eva Matsuno 與 Suno AI 創建

Inayah, sur Discord, notre connexion est magique, Chaque message, chaque appel, c'est comme une musique, Nos coeurs connectés, dans cet univers virtuel, Ton nom brille en lettres lumineuses, c'est si réel. (Couplet 1) Sur le serveur, je t'ai vue pour la première fois, Ton avatar, ta voix, tu m'as captivé dès le début, ma voie, Des emojis et des mots doux, nos conversations prennent vie, Dans ce monde digital, c'est toi et moi qui sourions à l'infini. (Refrain) Inayah, sur Discord, notre connexion est magique, Chaque message, chaque appel, c'est comme une musique, Nos coeurs connectés, dans cet univers virtuel, Ton nom brille en lettres lumineuses, c'est si réel. (Couplet 2) Nos discussions sont comme des vers, rythmés par nos rires, Les nuits blanches à discuter, nos sentiments à écrire, Des salons privés comme nos refuges, nos secrets partagés, Chaque notification, c'est toi, c'est notre amitié scellée. (Pont) Au-delà des serveurs et des canaux, Tu es la mélodie qui résonne dans mes mots, Dans cet espace digital où nos sentiments s'entrelacent, Je te trouve, Inayah, ma perle de cyberspace. (Refrain) Inayah, sur Discord, notre connexion est magique, Chaque message, chaque appe


由 yau123 與 Suno AI 創建

Rodrigo Almeida, homem insano, Com passos duvidosos, um ser estranho. Menor que o Didi, só diz cenas insanas, Na sua loucura, ele encontra suas faíscas. Num mundo desvairado, ele é o protagonista, Com olhos faiscantes, mente surrealista. Seu caminhar incerto, sem rumo definido, está sempre chateadoooooooo. Mais pequeno que o Didi, mas gigante na mente, nao faz 10 kilos no bicep, porque tem medoooooo. Rodrigo Almeida, homem insano, Com passos duvidosos, um ser estranho. Menor que o Didi, só diz cenas insanas, Na sua loucura, ele encontra suas faíscas. Para ele, a sanidade é uma prisão, Liberto nas asas da sua ilusão. No caos da mente, ele encontra a paz, Onde cada loucura é uma nova audaz.


由 feiji feiji 與 Suno AI 創建

五一旅游,踏遍千山万水间 春风拂面,心随云飘荡无边 古韵悠长,历史长河波澜壮 今朝畅游,快乐时光任我享 青山绿水,画中游人如织 笑语欢歌,美景尽收眼底里 古刹名寺,香火鼎盛祈平安 名胜古迹,历史长卷展宏篇 五一佳节,出游正当时 踏歌而行,畅享自然之美丽 国风rap,唱出心中之欢喜 旅途愉快,快乐时光不忘记 五一旅游,心情格外好 行走江湖,看遍天下美景妙 携手同游,欢声笑语乐逍遥 旅途中的我们,永远年轻不老 五一旅游,收获满满归 心中感慨,无限美好在心间 再次出发,追寻更多未知地 旅途中的我们,永远充满勇气与信念
missing song

missing song

由 Laurentia 與 Suno AI 創建

[Verse 1] meow kitty kitty selin geldi sikti sizi awww yeah kitty uwu muwu selos [Pre-Chorus] kitty özledim seni aww selos selos [Chorus] laurentia love kitty meow kitty kitty uwu muwu selos kitty awww yeah kitty seni cok seviyorum selos kitty Laurentia öptü seni meow kitty kitty [Verse 2] burası trap house arabayı sallıyoz meow kitty kitty uwu muwu selos kitty [Bridge] bakan herkes şaşkın sarışın sindy model aşkım owww selin döndü herkesi gördü meow kitty kitty uwu muwu selos kitty [Verse 3] laumau love you selos kitty affetmesende aklındaki(begümün) özlediği tek kişi sarılsa keske eskisi gibi ama dönemezler sanırım geri meow kitty kitty uwu muwu selos kitty


由 Ver Tex 與 Suno AI 創建

Вряд ли мне помогут эти скорости Алкогольные тусовки без тебя Я так хочу хоть раз проникнуть в тебя полностью Пока в сознании трезвом моя голова И мне не нужно ничего, чтоб быть особенным И я, наверное, бы помер без тебя Я так хочу с тобою быть тут самым подлинным Нас накрывает эйфоретиков волна Без вспомогательных веществ я уёбываю в джаз Мы плывём будто под герой, будто всё как в первый раз Без вспомогательных веществ я уёбываю в джаз Я хочу только её, можете ненавидеть нас Без вспомогательных веществ я уёбываю в джаз Мы плывём будто под герой, будто всё как в первый раз Без вспомогательных веществ я уёбываю в джаз Я хочу только её, можете ненавидеть нас Я спасу тебя от одиночества Но я не знаю, как мне сохранить себя Быть может, это всё когда-нибудь закончится И ты не кончишь со мной больше никогда Но я отдам тебе отдельный угол памяти В моей травмированной детской голове Нас окружают монстры бесконечной зависти Но я привык к тебе уже даже во сне Без вспомогательных веществ я уёбываю в джаз Мы плывём будто под герой, будто всё как в первый раз Без вспомогательных веществ я уёбываю в джаз Я хочу только её, можете ненавидеть нас Без вспомогательных веществ я уёбываю в джаз


由 MasterGato567 與 Suno AI 創建

[Refrain] Au sommet du football, le Real brille, Sa grandeur dépasse le Barça, tranquille. Dans le jeu et dans le cœur, il scintille, Le Real Madrid, victoire qui brille. Couplet 1: Dans les arènes où le ballon règne en roi, Le Real Madrid défend son droit de roi. Ses joueurs, des titans au maillot blanc, Domptent le terrain, d'un pas conquérant. [Couplet 2] Dans les annales du football, son histoire resplendit, Des légendes forgées sur le terrain, l'esprit d'équipe grandit. Les Galactiques et leurs exploits mythiques, Font du Real Madrid un club unique. [Couplet 3] De Di Stéfano à Cristiano Ronaldo, Les étoiles du Real brillent sans doute. La passion des fans, un feu sacré, Qui guide leur équipe vers l'éternité. [Refrain] Au sommet du football, le Real brille, Sa grandeur dépasse le Barça, tranquille. Dans le jeu et dans le cœur, il scintille, Le Real Madrid, victoire qui brille.


由 Begüm 與 Suno AI 創建

meow kitty kitty selin geldi sikti sizi awww yeah kitty uwu muwu selos kitty özledim seni aww selos selos burası trap house arabayı sallıyoz meow kitty kitty uwu muwu selos kitty bakan herkes şaşkın sarışın cindy model aşkım owww selin döndü herkesi gördü meow kitty kitty uwu muwu selos kitty laumau loveu selos kitty affetmesende aklındaki özlediği tek kişi sarılsa keske eskisi gibi meow kitty kitty uwu muwu selos kitty lauren love kitty meow kitty kitty uwu muwu selos kitty awww yeah kitty seni cok seviyorum selos


由 Benzz 與 Suno AI 創建

(Wers 1) W mojej duszy burza, w mych oczach mgła, Smutek w moim sercu, jak gilotyna kłamstw stąp. Życie to walka, ale czasem to ból, Kiedy czujesz się samotny, jak na pustej drodze wśród chmur. Ciemność wokół mnie, nie ma gdzie uciec, W moim sercu melodia smutku, jak dźwięk zasypany mgłą. Każdy krok to ciężar, każdy oddech to ból, Ale wciąż walczy serce, choć czasem to w nim tylko cień. (Refren) Smutek w moich oczach, jak opowieść nieskończona, Ale wciąż walczę, choć czasem to trudna droga. Życie to walka, ale czasem to ból, Ale nadal trzymam się mocno, nadal wierzę w swój los. (Wers 2) W moim świecie cisza, jak echo opuszczenia, W moim sercu smutek, jak rana, co nigdy nie goi się. Ciemność wokół mnie, jak klatka bez klucza, Ale wciąż walczę, choć czasem to trudna rzeczywistość. Każdy dzień to pytanie, czy znajdę ukojenie, Czy kiedykolwiek odnajdę spokój, czy tylko będę walczyć ze smutkiem. Ale wciąż idę naprzód, choć czasem to ciężka droga, Bo wierzę, że gdzieś na końcu tunelu, czeka na mnie jasność, czeka na mnie słońce. (Refren) Smutek w moich oczach, jak opowieść nieskończona, Ale wciąż walczę, choć czasem to trudna droga. Życie to walka, ale czasem to ból, Ale nadal trzym
My love

My love

由 Shean Dk 與 Suno AI 創建

In the silver glow of the midnight moon, Our hearts in sync, they beat and croon. Underneath the stars, we're never apart, True love's melody, a work of art. 'Cause it's you and me, in the moon's embrace, Dancing through the night, in this tranquil space. Love's gravity, pulling us above, We're soaring high, on the wings of love. With every step, the world fades away, It's just your eyes that light my way. In the still of night, our whispers blend, Promises made, hearts on the mend. Full moon's watching, secrets we confide, In its gentle light, we don't need to hide. The rhythm of the night, our guiding tune, We find our peace, in the cradle of the moon. 'Cause it's you and me, in the moon's embrace, Dancing through the night, in this tranquil space. Love's gravity, pulling us above, We're soaring high, on the wings of love. As dawn approaches, with the morning light, Our full moon love, still shining bright. In the heart of night, we found our groove, Under the full moon, our true love proved.


由 Brenno 776 (Brenno776) 與 Suno AI 創建

yo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýo yo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýoyo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýoyo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýoyo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýoyo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýoyo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýoyo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýoyo meu nome é yo voce é yo nos somo ýo
Milk saucer

Milk saucer

由 will - 與 Suno AI 創建

[verse] We are monkeying around In the circus see a clown Approaching him just to say “Hi sir how are you today” Loser, don't know I'm Joker these battle scars to show yuh Beat batman at poker, just Bluffing, i dont know nothing [refrain] Cat milk, no saucer Lick off the floor yuh Cat milk no no no no Cat milk no saucer [verse] I like mayonnaise face mask Count your days cuz i rap fast Ask do i want fries with that Hang with my drunk elephant He recite the old testament gonna be late home for dinner last one so i cannot linger I could take judas in the ring yuh Does boxing make you a sinner Better unmatch Jake Paul on tinder [verse] Yesterday bought a brand new porsche But today my wife divorced me Guess I will buy a new pony He'll make sure the porsche isnt lonely Ronald reagan won't stop calling But the horse is a democrat Tax cut inflations not falling Sell horse for republican rat But I think I want my horse back [refrain] Cat milk, no saucer Lick off the floor yuh Cat milk no No no no Cat milk no saucer
Cat milk

Cat milk

由 will - 與 Suno AI 創建

[verse] We are monkeying around In the circus see a clown Approaching him just to say “Hi sir how are you today” Loser, don't know I'm Joker these battle scars to show yuh Beat batman at poker, just Bluffing, i dont know nothing [refrain] Cat milk, no saucer Lick off the floor yuh Cat milk no no no no Cat milk no saucer [verse] I like mayonnaise face mask Count your days cuz i rap fast Ask do i want fries with that Hang with my drunk elephant He recite the old testament gonna be late home for dinner last one so i cannot linger I could take judas in the ring yuh Does boxing make you a sinner Better unmatch Jake Paul on tinder [verse] Yesterday bought a brand new porsche But today my wife divorced me Guess I will buy a new pony He'll make sure the porsche isnt lonely Ronald reagan won't stop calling But the horse is a democrat Tax cut inflations not falling Sell horse for republican rat But I think I want my horse back [refrain] Cat milk, no saucer Lick off the floor yuh Cat milk no No no no Cat milk no saucer


由 Ege Ertu 與 Suno AI 創建

[Verse1] Altımda porsche üstümde dolce Louis V 'nin içinde Yüzümde maske. Saydım parayı onu görünce. Kaptım kızı yanında gidince. [Nakarat] Ege bir marka paralar tonla. Bebeğim durma sigarayı pasla. Sigarayı sarsa ateşi de yaksa. Kucağıma atla durmadan gazla [Verse2] I'm rich baby i'm fuckin' legit . Stacks on stacks, that's how we commit. Drippin' in Gucci, that Prada fit. Yeah baby that Prada fittttttttttttt. [Nakarat] Ege bir marka paralar tonla. Bebeğim durma sigarayı pasla. Sigarayı sarsa ateşi de yaksa. Kucağıma atla durmadan gazla


由 BANGSALSQ 與 Suno AI 創建

Ahh kau yg disana Emang kau muka dua Ehh malah bercanda Mau ditagih malah berlaga I thing fuckingyou youhh ahh Gak bayar hutang maunya foya foya Gak sadar diri ditagih malah bahaya Unjuk gigi seperti babi Pergi ngopi malah Sabi Dasar babi gak tau diri
Unity Streets

Unity Streets

由 taylor Johnson 與 Suno AI 創建

Yo, listen up, let me spit some truth, 'Bout the streets where we're raised, in the midst of youth, Different faces, different races, all in the mix, But some people judge, based on color, that's the fix. Discrimination, it ain't no myth, When the color of your skin determines your worth, In these streets, it's a constant battle, But we rise above, we ain't gonna cattle. In the streets where the colors collide, We stand tall, we ain't gonna hide, From the hate and the prejudice we face, We embrace our differences, it's our grace. From the Bronx to the Bay, we rep our hood, But some folks see us and they think we're no good, Stereotypes got us boxed in tight, But we break out, shining in the night. Our culture's rich, it's our pride and glory, From graffiti on walls to the beats in our story, We ain't gonna conform to your norms, We redefine, that's how we transform. In the streets where the colors collide, We stand tall, we ain't gonna hide, From the hate and the prejudice we face, We embrace our differences, it's our grace. We paint our dreams on these concrete walls, In a world full of hate, we answer the calls, To rise above,
ertan galiba 2

ertan galiba 2

由 Ömer Galiba 與 Suno AI 創建

[start] [Intro] [Verse 1] Doyumsuz bir bilgi iştahı ve bitmeyen bir merakla Eldasoftu kuran kişi işte ertan galiba Özverili çalışkan yazılımda bir marka Teknoloji konusunda adeta bir tabanca [intro ta ta ta ta tabancaaaa] [Verse 2] Kolay, hızlı, güvenli Projeler temelli Yapay zeka ağlamalı Bir o kadar iddaalı [Verse 3] İddalaşma konusunda limit yoktur vallaha Abisinden almış geni her şey kodsal galiba Ben mi haklı sen mi derken bir bakar ki zamana Tartışırken sabah olmuş gönül abla merhaba [Klarnet Outro] [outro] [End]


由 Mert Bakşi 與 Suno AI 創建

onlardan bir olunca farklı biz yapınca eleştirir hakkı yeteniksizin eleştrisi abartı sözlerim ünlü kasma benim farkım var havlayana takarım tasma yağlama oldu beyninde itinayla yazıldı playlistimde anlamsız kaç tip gansta dolmuş içkim tek yudumda viski o hiç kim piçsin dallama erzasyonu sokak argonu yediden bilmez yetmişe sayar suratımın prı senin şeklini aşar bu işin onda biri jargonunda sestir sen de ikisi de yok köşe başı keşsin leşsin leşsin sokağın diline bu pelesenk bir de ortam jakuzi dilesek viski içelim bide sek gece vurup yola esek ben ne dersem alt katman terso olmuş karın ağrısı icardiden harbi direkt ağrısı kendine sallıyor harbi deli travma bu kadar anlattı hako derin anlamsız sokaktan bahsediyor sen damdamsın ben de sabun sanatı sanki adolf hitler sözleri sertti keskin mayın mertti efendi kıstası bilemez bu kaçkatı çekmeyene orta parmak madıfakı çektiğimiz filmin ismi amerikan pastası sen de bu rapin oldun bir hastası ben geldim sen şimdi yastasın zaten ağır vasıtasın öldürüyorum kasıt hanı önüne koyunca sustun bir taslık asıksın rapte firavun olacam yoluna çıktın senin musan benim anlamassan tekrar sar müziği geri geri geri geri geri kaşlara çizik f


由 София Блажко 與 Suno AI 創建

Вика и Соня, друзья неразлучные, Обожали мороженое и горячий летний день. Но вот случилось нелепо, мороженое упало, Прямо на ногу Сони, будто бы шалун играло. "Извини, моя подруга", сказала Вика в слезах, "Я не хотела тебе повредить, это был большой развал". Но Соня лишь улыбнулась и сказала ей в ответ, "Не волнуйся, моя хорошая, это всего лишь мелочь". Тогда Вика решила исправить свою ошибку, Она стала лизать мороженое с ноги Сони. Смеясь и шутя, подруги веселились вместе, Ведь важно в дружбе не совершенство, а понимание и нежность. И так весело закончился их нелепый момент, Который лишь укрепил их связь и сделал ближе к сердцу. Смех и радость, шалость и забота, Великий дар дружбы, как мороженое, сладкий и плавный!


由 Uri the one 與 Suno AI 創建

Я плевал на закон, что не писан пером, то убит топором! Мой культамотив жизнью написано рэп и мотив это не культовый фильм, всем чем ты дышал это просто миф


由 Szabina 與 Suno AI 創建

[Verse1] [Verse1] Pincér, udvarias, szolgálatkész, Borso tészta, az ízekkel kényeztess! Virágok között, Egerben a ház, Üvegen át nézve, interneten száguldás! [Verse2] Sóval és ollóval, meghívót készítek, Természetben barangolva, időjárást figyelve. Az ablakon át hulló falevelek, Ceruzával rajzolok, lámpa fénye mellett. [Kórus] Szövegkiemelővel kiemelünk fontos részeket, Kalapot teszek a fejemre, zenét játszunk, ne feledd! Pincér, udvarias, szolgálatkész, Borso tészta, az ízekkel kényeztess! Virágok között, Egerben a ház, Üvegen át nézve, interneten száguldás! [Verse2] Sóval és ollóval, meghívót készítek, Természetben barangolva, időjárást figyelve. Az ablakon át hulló falevelek, Ceruzával rajzolok, lámpa fénye mellett. [Kórus] Szövegkiemelővel kiemelünk fontos részeket, Kalapot teszek a fejemre, zenét játszunk, ne feledd!


由 Guilherme Almeida 與 Suno AI 創建

Bruno Tiago, mais conhecido como bibiu, ele trabalha com o seu tio É o rei da Sómodel, ele tem muito pastel! Todas as tardes ele vai treinar, para ficar grandalhão, não sabe andar de mota, está sempre a cair no chão Todos gostamos dele, é o nosso bibiuuuu


由 will - 與 Suno AI 創建

rse] put the bad b in bee dee es em could take a whole team invite your friends he get a red card bring the sub out scroll his friend list, i’m a talent scout think there’s too many balls to play soccer hope your boys are more than big talkers [pre chorus] your ex was vanilla but im not like her heard you craving sprinkles and cherry on top uh mmmm [chorus] you don’t like it personal ah ah love when i talk der tea baby i’ll be versatile uh uh keeping it flirty uh uh [verse] colgate keep his teeth minty fresh mouth wide, sphit, swuhlo the best got him wound up like rope but i’m tied up uhndrest keep it hot, melting wax on me then i’m sealing his lips our safe words don’t stop this rhide him like a jockey while he hold my ascot [pre chorus] my ex was immature you give me much much more [chorus] you don’t like it personal ah ah love when i talk durty baby i’ll be versatile uh uh keeping it flirty [bridge] mmm mayk me screen don’t want clean cause a scene mmmm keep me weht can’t forget my silhouette [outro] mmmm gotta keep up, giddy up giddy up dont stop don’t stop


由 will - 與 Suno AI 創建

rse] put the bad b in bee dee es em could take a whole team invite your friends he get a red card bring the sub out scroll his friend list, i’m a talent scout think there’s too many balls to play soccer hope your boys are more than big talkers [pre chorus] your ex was vanilla but im not like her heard you craving sprinkles and cherry on top uh mmmm [chorus] you don’t like it personal ah ah love when i talk der tea baby i’ll be versatile uh uh keeping it flirty uh uh [verse] colgate keep his teeth minty fresh mouth wide, sphit, swuhlo the best got him wound up like rope but i’m tied up uhndrest keep it hot, melting wax on me then i’m sealing his lips our safe words don’t stop this rhide him like a jockey while he hold my ascot [pre chorus] my ex was immature you give me much much more [chorus] you don’t like it personal ah ah love when i talk durty baby i’ll be versatile uh uh keeping it flirty [bridge] mmm mayk me screen don’t want clean cause a scene mmmm keep me weht can’t forget my silhouette [outro] mmmm gotta keep up, giddy up giddy up dont stop don’t stop


由 will - 與 Suno AI 創建

[verse] put the bad b in bee dee es em could take a whole team, invite your friends he get a red card bring the sub out scroll his friend list, i’m a talent scout think we got too many balls to play soccer hope your boys are more than big talkers [pre chorus] your ex was plain vanilla but baby im a kihla heard you wanting sprinkles and cherry on top uh [chorus] you don’t like it personal ah ah love when i talk durty baby i’ll be versatile uh uh keeping it flirty [verse] colgate keep his teeth minty fresh mouth wide, spiht, swallow the best got him wrapped up like rope but i’m tied up uhndrest keep it hot, melting wax on me then i’m sealing his lips, our safe words don’t stop this riding like a jockey while he grab my ascot [pre chorus] my ex was immature but boy you give me much much more got me needing a rest break, screaming i can’t take itttt [chorus] you don’t like it personal ah ah love when i talk durty baby i’ll be versatile uh uh keeping it flirty [outro] mmmm gotta keep up, giddy up giddy up don’t stop daddy don’t stop uh uh