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A me me piace la nutella trap

A me me piace la nutella trap

由 alessandro bv 與 Suno AI 創建

Tutt e juorn è semb a stessa storj, mammà nun m vò fà mangià Devo dimagrire dieci chili perché sono ingrassato un po' L'insalatina non mi piace, meglio nu piatt e maccarun Le carotine, gli spinaci, ma che n'aggia fà? A me me piac a Nutell, ò gelat ca pann, e merendin in quantità E cornett rind ò latt, maiones e ketchup, nun m l'avit fà mancà Mamma ca fes e tacchin e n'uovo bollito, a pranz m vò fà mangià Ma che ne facc e sti cos, ij voglio doie muzzarell, nu sfilatin ca murtadell Na pizz ca Coca-Cola comm te po' mancà, e zeppl e panzarott, e vuliss ittà? A me me piac a Nutell, ò panin e a porchett, voglio ò prusutt cà pancett Nun ò voglio ò brodin, nu merluzz e a pastin, sti cos fann mal a me A matin e fett biscottat co thè, mammà me fà mangià Po' na mela a scol dint a cartell i disegn, ric ca può purtà Ma for a scol ogni matin, primm che son a campanell Quatt brioche e na ciambell, ò bar vac a mangià A me me piac a Nutell, ò gelat ca pann, e merendin in quantità E cornett rind ò latt, maiones e ketchup, nun m l'avit fà mancà Mamma ca fes e tacchin e n'uovo bollito, a pranz m vò fà mangià Ma che ne facc e sti cos, ij voglio doie muzzarell, nu sfilatin ca murtadell Na pizz ca Coca-C


由 Adrián Orellana Cabello 與 Suno AI 創建

Call me Lil Dope I got a lot of people asking about my drugs I got a lot of coke-rock´s on my socks If a i go to the ghetto niggas want my gold Lucas's mother is an addict because of me, it was me who left her in that shit, now he just wants to get high in the streets He calls me with his monkey asking for coke and speed My brother Román died of an overdose Why one night I gave him a bunch He began to convulse and foam She looked like a whore in a deep throat The children of "La Noche" want my merchandise They say that with it they reach paradise In "Amnesia" or "Paradise" They seem to want to die
Baena Dealer

Baena Dealer

由 Adrián Orellana Cabello 與 Suno AI 創建

Call me Lil Dope I got a lot of people asking about my drugs I got a lot of coke-rock´s on my socks If a i go to the ghetto niggas want my gold Lucas's mother is an addict because of me, it was me who left her in that shit, now he just wants to get high in the streets He calls me with his monkey asking for coke and speed My brother Román died of an overdose Why one night I gave him a bunch He began to convulse and foam She looked like a whore in a deep throat The children of "La Noche" want my merchandise They say that with it they reach paradise In "Amnesia" or "Paradise" They seem to want to die
Lil Dope

Lil Dope

由 Adrián Orellana Cabello 與 Suno AI 創建

Mi primera ralla me la dió el Vainas Ahora estoy enganchado he vendido mis Air Max Vendería a mi madre vendería mi alma Tan solo por una tener fina linea blanca Tiene a todo el bloque controlado A medio barrio enganchado Es el papi de Sa Peña El suministra los gramos A la yonky de un eurito le dió medio pollo Ahora yo no pide cerveza te apuñala por el coco El Lucas de Ses Paises antes estaba bien del coco Pero el Vainas le invitó y se ha quedado medio loco Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope! Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss! Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope! Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss! El perro ha agrandado la lista de proyecto hombre Va a comisión cada mes recibe un sobre Le dan un vale de descuento en el Pensil cada vez que engancha a un pobre En los barrios marginales todos saben su nombre Lil Dope, Lil Dope, LI-LI-LI-LI-LI Lil Dope! Tiene enganchado a todo el bloque es el boss, el boss!


由 邓康 與 Suno AI 創建

(Verse 1) 当世界变得喧嚣不安时 我常常迷失在人群里 却有一个人,总是陪伴着我 她的关怀让我的世界更美好 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Verse 2) 每当我遇到困难和挫折 有人伸出援手让我有所依靠 他们的善意,让我重新振作 我要用我的音乐来回报 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Bridge) 善良的人们,你们是我的宝藏 你们的温柔让我感到宽慰 在这个世界上,我们要一同前进 因为真诚的联系让我们更坚定 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Outro) 让我们一起喜悦地唱起这首歌 用欣赏和温柔填满这个世界 真诚的联系,是我们的动力 因为幸福源自于爱与人际关系


由 毒小路 與 Suno AI 創建

I'm not above a love to cash in Another lover underneath those flashing lights Another one of those ruthless nights Yeah, yeah, yeah I shoulda guessed that this would happen l should have known it when I looked in your red hot eyes Spewing all your red hot lies Yeah,yeah,yeah What's the worst part of this hell I can only blame myself Cause I know you're poison You're feedin' me poison Addicted to this feelin' I can't help but swallow up Your poison I made my choice and every night I'm living like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me baby That's the way you got me I'll be Yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison I got so good at being untrue I got so good at tellin'you what you wanna hear I disassociate, disappear Yeah-yeah-yeah So far beyond difficult To resist another gulp Yeah I know it's poison You're feedin' me poison I'm choking from the taste And I can't help but swallow up Your poison I made my choice and every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me baby That's the way you got me I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison Poison I'm drowning in


由 毒小路 與 Suno AI 創建

I'm not above a love to cash in Another lover underneath those flashing lights Another one of those ruthless nights Yeah, yeah, yeah I shoulda guessed that this would happen l should have known it when I looked in your red hot eyes Spewing all your red hot lies Yeah,yeah,yeah What's the worst part of this hell I can only blame myself Cause I know you're poison You're feedin' me poison Addicted to this feelin' I can't help but swallow up Your poison I made my choice and every night I'm living like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me baby That's the way you got me I'll be Yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison I got so good at being untrue I got so good at tellin'you what you wanna hear I disassociate, disappear Yeah-yeah-yeah So far beyond difficult To resist another gulp Yeah I know it's poison You're feedin' me poison I'm choking from the taste And I can't help but swallow up Your poison I made my choice and every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me baby That's the way you got me I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison Poison I'm drowning in


由 kexin lin 與 Suno AI 創建

回忆往事泪盈眼 祭奠先辈情更浓 墓碑前青草茵茵 永远怀念心不寂。 清明时节思亲恩 思念先辈心不忘 烛光照亮思念路 温暖心房情更长。 清明时节思故人 思念永恒情不变 心中祈福愿平安 永远怀念心永存
Souvenirs de TM

Souvenirs de TM

由 Start Gamingz 與 Suno AI 創建

(Refrain) Sur Trackmania, je replonge dans mes souvenirs, Chaque virage, chaque saut, fait naître un soupir, La mélancolie m'enveloppe dans son étreinte, Dans cet univers, le passé et le présent se peignent. (Couplet 1) Les circuits défilent, mais mon esprit s'évade, Je me rappelle les heures passées, les émotions qui se ravivent, Chaque obstable, chaque défi, me renvoie à une époque révolue, Trackmania, témoin silencieux de mes joies et de mes déchus. (Refrain) Sur Trackmania, je replonge dans mes souvenirs, Chaque virage, chaque saut, fait naître un soupir, La mélancolie m'enveloppe dans son étreinte, Dans cet univers, le passé et le présent se peignent. (Couplet 2) Les images floues des tournois, des victoires et des défaites, Se mêlent aux notes sombres de cette trap mélancolique, Je me souviens des amis, des rires, des moments de grâce, Trackmania, gardien de ces instants, dans son espace.
Cet Ete

Cet Ete

由 Start Gamingz 與 Suno AI 創建

(Refrain) Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément, Sous le soleil tropical, chaque course devient un événement, Je glisse sur les circuits, c'est un sentiment exaltant, Dans cet univers, le plaisir est incessant. (Couplet 1) Dans mon bolide, je m'élance, je suis prêt à tout casser, Les palmiers défilent, l'océan scintille, je suis dans l'ivresse, Les virages s'enchaînent, les défis se dressent, Mais rien ne peut m'arrêter, dans cette frénésie sans cesse. (Refrain) Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément, Sous le soleil tropical, chaque course devient un événement, Je glisse sur les circuits, c'est un sentiment exaltant, Dans cet univers, le plaisir est incessant. (Couplet 2) Les basses résonnent, mon cœur bat au rythme du beat, Je slalome entre les obstacles, je défie la défaite, La compétition est rude, mais je reste maître de mon destin, Car sur Trackmania, la victoire est entre mes mains. (Refrain) Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément, Sous le soleil tropical, chaque course devient un événement, Je glisse sur les circuits, c'est un sentiment exaltant, Dans cet univers, le plaisir est incessant.
Mon Element

Mon Element

由 Start Gamingz 與 Suno AI 創建

(Refrain) Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément, Chaque virage, chaque saut, c'est excitant, La vitesse, l'adrénaline, tout est palpitant, Dans cet univers, je me sens vivant. (Couplet 1) Sur la piste, je suis comme un roi, Ma voiture danse au son du reggaeton qui bat la mesure, Je fonce, je slalome, je déploie toutes mes forces, Dans ce monde virtuel, je trouve ma source. (Refrain) Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément, Chaque virage, chaque saut, c'est excitant, La vitesse, l'adrénaline, tout est palpitant, Dans cet univers, je me sens vivant. (Couplet 2) Les graphismes défilent, la musique me transporte, Je suis accro à cette sensation, cette sorte de porte, Qui m'emmène loin de la réalité, dans un tourbillon, De plaisir et de compétition, dans ce monde en expansion. (Refrain) Sur Trackmania, je suis dans mon élément, Chaque virage, chaque saut, c'est excitant, La vitesse, l'adrénaline, tout est palpitant, Dans cet univers, je me sens vivant.


由 滕瀚鑫 與 Suno AI 創建

时代少年团,热情的火焰, 马嘉祺、丁程鑫、宋亚轩,摇滚的偶像宣扬。 刘耀文、张真源、严浩翔、贺峻霖,音乐中的勇敢传奇, 舞台上挥洒汗水,音符间释放青春的魅力。 音浪激荡震人心,时代少年团,我们的宠儿亲爱。 摇滚节奏引领心跳,合奏共鸣灵魂间的共鸣。 音乐书写青春传奇,时代少年团,骄傲与荣耀传承。 无惧风雨勇往直前,年轻力量势不可挡。 马嘉祺、丁程鑫、宋亚轩,英雄之名闪耀光芒。 刘耀文、张真源、严浩翔、贺峻霖,摇滚传奇永放光彩。 时代少年团,心相随永不远离, 摇滚旋律,是我们信仰的铭记。 音乐激荡梦想,时代少年团,骄傲永恒传承。


由 dafik El 與 Suno AI 創建

There's a boy in town, his name is Bertram He's got a secret, he's been hiding for so long But today he's ready to let it all out He's not your average boy, he's something more, no doubt Oh, Bertram, he's a catboy With ears and a tail, he's filled with joy He's got nine lives, he's got it all But he's been afraid to answer nature's call He's always felt a little different, a little out of place But now he's ready to embrace his feline grace He loves to climb and he loves to play He's just like any other cat, in his own special way Oh, Bertram, he's a catboy With ears and a tail, he's filled with joy He's got nine lives, he's got it all But he's been afraid to answer nature's call He used to hide his ears under a hat But now he's proud of them, imagine that He'll chase a laser pointer, he'll purr when you pet He's a catboy, and he's not done yet Oh, Bertram, he's a catboy With ears and a tail, he's filled with joy He's got nine lives, he's got it all But he's been afraid to answer nature So if you see a boy with a tail and ears Don't be afraid, don't shed any tears He's just being himself, living his truth Bertram


由 滕瀚鑫 與 Suno AI 創建

时代少年团,热情的火焰, 马嘉祺、丁程鑫、宋亚轩,摇滚的偶像宣扬。 刘耀文、张真源、严浩翔、贺峻霖,音乐中的勇敢传奇, 舞台上挥洒汗水,音符间释放青春的魅力。 音浪激荡震人心,时代少年团,我们的宠儿亲爱。 摇滚节奏引领心跳,合奏共鸣灵魂间的共鸣。 音乐书写青春传奇,时代少年团,骄傲与荣耀传承。 无惧风雨勇往直前,年轻力量势不可挡。 马嘉祺、丁程鑫、宋亚轩,英雄之名闪耀光芒。 刘耀文、张真源、严浩翔、贺峻霖,摇滚传奇永放光彩。 时代少年团,心相随永不远离, 摇滚旋律,是我们信仰的铭记。 音乐激荡梦想,时代少年团,骄傲永恒传承。
Blau von dem Gas

Blau von dem Gas

由 Max Must 與 Suno AI 創建

[Verse] Meine Lippen sind blau, blau von dem Gas Hab was dabei, immer dabei Bitches sind hinten, hinten im Audi yeah, das ist der Vibe (ooh-yeah) [Verse 2] Party am Start, keine Zeit für die Bitches (keine Zeit) Party und Lachgas, vergess' all den Rest (vergess' den Rest) Wir geben Gas, feiern bis der Morgen erwacht Blau von dem Gas, es ist unsere Nacht (uns're Nacht) [Chorus] Meine Lippen sind blau, blau von dem Gas Wir nehmen's leicht, feiern ohne Pause (ho ho) Bitches hinten, warten nur auf mich Skrr skrr, yeah, das ist die Zeit (ooh-yeah unsere Zeit)
Blau von dem Gas

Blau von dem Gas

由 Max Must 與 Suno AI 創建

[Verse] Meine Lippen sind blau, blau von dem Gas Hab was dabei, immer dabei Bitches sind hinten, nehm sie durch wie Hillery Klinton Skrr skrr, yeah, das ist der Vibe (ooh-yeah) [Verse 2] Party am Start, keine Zeit für die Bitches (keine Zeit) Party und Lachgas, vergess' all den Rest (vergess' den Rest) Wir geben Gas, feiern bis der Morgen erwacht Blau von dem Gas, es ist unsere Nacht (uns're Nacht) [Chorus] Meine Lippen sind blau, blau von dem Gas Wir nehmen's leicht, feiern ohne Pause (ho ho) Bitches hinten, warten nur auf mich Skrr skrr, yeah, das ist die Zeit (ooh-yeah unsere Zeit)
Da Panty Dropper

Da Panty Dropper

由 Waylon Deater 與 Suno AI 創建

(Verse 1) Yo, step into the room, haze like a villain's lair Got that chronic cultivated, kush so rare Diamonds dance on my chain, smoke curls in the air Flow smooth like velvet, lyrics leave you bare Rollin' up a masterpiece, fingers flyin' light Got the magic touch, turnin' night into day, yeah, it's tight Inhale the essence, exhale worries and strife This ain't your average smoke, this is the high life (Chorus) Got the smoke so good, it'll make your panties drop Got the rhymes so hot, they'll make your heart stop One puff, two puff, feel the tension unfurl This ain't just a session, it's a sonic pearl (Verse 2) Beats bumpin', bass thumpin', pulse in perfect sync Words like bullets, piercin' through, ain't no time to blink Got the ladies swoonin', heads noddin' in the back This ain't just a party, this is a verbal attack Smoke swirls like a genie, wish for somethin' sweet Got the Midas touch, turnin' frowns to heat Got the antidote to the stress, the worries, the pain This ain't just a smoke break, it's a mental domain (Chorus) Got the smoke so good, it'll make your panties drop Got the rhymes so hot, they'll make your heart stop One puff, two puff, feel the tension unfurl T
Da Panty Dropper

Da Panty Dropper

由 Waylon Deater 與 Suno AI 創建

Yo, check the aroma, ain't no cheap incense Got that OG Kush, smellin' like a king's expense Green clouds rollin', thicker than a London fog One puff, you trippin', like you lost your dog Exhale slow, watch the smoke dance and swirl Got that magic touch, make the whole room unfurl Stress meltin' faster than ice on a hot stove Pass the blunt, let the good vibes overflow (Chorus) Got the smoke so good, it'll make your panties drop Got the rhythm hypnotizing, like a python's pop Got the words flowin' smooth, like honey on a spoon Got the whole damn party bumpin' under the moon (Verse 2) Beats bumpin' heavy, bassline like a heartbeat Got the rhymes tight, leave you weak in the knees Spittin' fire, hotter than a dragon's breath Droppin' truth bombs, wake you up from death Flow switchin' up, chameleon in the game From smooth and soulful to ignitin' the flame Got the versatility, ain't no one-trick pony Ridin' this beat wild, like a stallion on the prairie (Chorus) Got the smoke so good, it'll make your panties drop Got the rhythm hypnotizing, like a python's pop Got the words flowin' smooth, like honey on a spoon Got the whole damn party bumpin' under the moon (Bridge) So puff, sip


由 666 liu 與 Suno AI 創建

主打个坠机爱河不上岸 爱你在24号球衣, 24号球衣站在我的面前, 那时候帅的就像劳大, 外面的直申记深深浅浅, 我说留在飞机吃炸鸡, 然后你的双手搭在我的24号球衣, 开始控制不住飞机, 每天坠机后带你转飞机翼, 我们一起走过的每个24号球衣, 坠机的回忆开始攻击我, 你的坠机又袭来了, 为谁被谁变成了劳大, 发现再也没有什么我所期待的, 我感觉躲不掉像劳大的坠机, 我们被吹的越来越远变得如此陌生, 飞机在阴天里偷偷的经过, 怎么越遥远的看的越模糊, 得了忘不掉记不清的坠机病, 我越难过这 飞机翼越顶, 众人皆醉我独醒, 我看透劳大百毒不侵, 却再也看不清那24号球衣, 我的心大部分时间是冰的, 曾经和飞机有过一夜情, 我是最热烈最纯粹的坠机, 脑子里除了金钱就是性, 我在直升机睡觉13:14准时起, 主打个浪漫坠机在爱河不上岸, 爱你在24号球衣, 碎花洋裙站在我的面前, 那时候帅的就像劳大, 外面的直升机深深浅浅, 我说留在我房间吃碗面, 然后你的双手搭在我的胸口, 开始控制不住牵你手, 每天下班后带你转直升机, 我们一起走过的每个24号球衣, 坠机的回忆开始攻击我, 你的坠机又袭来了, 为谁被谁变成了劳大, 发现再也没有什么我所期待的, 没有任何期待没有意外, 不会再轻易对谁产生依赖, 屋里一片狼藉脑海中的坠机, 漫步在她给我留下的坠机地带,
Chorus: This is back to back, Boom to the bap


由 666 liu 與 Suno AI 創建

主打个坠机爱河不上岸 爱你在24号球衣, 24号球衣站在我的面前, 那时候帅的就像劳大, 外面的直申记深深浅浅, 我说留在飞机吃炸鸡, 然后你的双手搭在我的24号球衣, 开始控制不住飞机, 每天坠机后带你转飞机翼, 我们一起走过的每个24号球衣, 坠机的回忆开始攻击我, 你的坠机又袭来了, 为谁被谁变成了劳大, 发现再也没有什么我所期待的, 我感觉躲不掉像劳大的坠机, 我们被吹的越来越远变得如此陌生, 飞机在阴天里偷偷的经过, 怎么越遥远的看的越模糊, 得了忘不掉记不清的坠机病, 我越难过这 飞机翼越顶, 众人皆醉我独醒, 我看透劳大百毒不侵, 却再也看不清那24号球衣, 我的心大部分时间是冰的, 曾经和飞机有过一夜情, 我是最热烈最纯粹的坠机, 脑子里除了金钱就是性, 我在直升机睡觉13:14准时起, 主打个浪漫坠机在爱河不上岸, 爱你在24号球衣, 碎花洋裙站在我的面前, 那时候帅的就像劳大, 外面的直升机深深浅浅, 我说留在我房间吃碗面, 然后你的双手搭在我的胸口, 开始控制不住牵你手, 每天下班后带你转直升机, 我们一起走过的每个24号球衣, 坠机的回忆开始攻击我, 你的坠机又袭来了, 为谁被谁变成了劳大, 发现再也没有什么我所期待的, 没有任何期待没有意外, 不会再轻易对谁产生依赖, 屋里一片狼藉脑海中的坠机, 漫步在她给我留下的坠机地带,


由 666 liu 與 Suno AI 創建

主打个坠机爱河不上岸 爱你穿24号球衣, 24号球衣站在我嘅面前, 那时候帅得就像劳动模范, 外面直升机记深深浅浅, 我说留喺飞机度食炸鸡, 然后你双手搭喺我嘅24号球衣, 开始控制唔住飞机, 每天坠机后带你转飞机翼, 咱哋一齐走过嘅每个24号球衣, 坠机嘅回忆开始攻击我, 你嘅坠机又袭来啦, 为谁被谁变成嘞劳动模范, 发现再都冇啥我所期待嘅, 我感觉躲唔掉似劳动模范嘅坠机, 咱哋被吹得越来越远变得咁陌生, 飞机喺阴天度偷偷经过, 怎么越遥远嘅睇得越模糊, 得咗忘唔掉记唔清嘅坠机病, 我越难过咯,飞机翼越顶, 众人都醉咯,我独自清醒, 我看穿劳动模范百毒不侵, 但再都睇唔清咋24号球衣, 我嘅心大部分时间都凉嘞, 曾经同飞机有过一晚情, 我系最热烈最纯粹嘅坠机, 脑子里除咗钱就系性, 我喺直升机度13:14准时起, 主打个浪漫坠机喺爱河唔上岸, 爱你穿24号球衣, 碎花洋裙站喺我面前, 那时候帅得就像劳动模范, 外面嘅直升机深深浅浅, 我说留喺我房间食碗面, 然后你双手搭喺我胸口, 开始控制唔住牵你手, 每天下班后带你转直升机, 咱哋一齐走过嘅每个24号球衣, 坠机嘅回忆开始攻击我, 你嘅坠机又袭来啦, 为谁被谁变成嘞劳动模范, 发现再都冇啥我所期待嘅, 冇任何期待冇意外, 唔会再轻易对谁产生依赖, 屋里一片狼藉,脑海中嘅坠机, 漫步喺佢留喺我嘅坠机地带。


由 DJA Refuhz 與 Suno AI 創建

Llegó tu hombre, el que les calienta la mente Con mis letras enciendo la pista nuevamente En la calle me respetan, soy un perseverante Tuve que partir pa'lante, nunca fui un perdedor Dame tiempo que me enfoque, tu playboy se desdobla Hago lo que otros no pueden, yo no juego con las brokas Puños de acero y mi mente está forjada Anuel llegó para llevarse toda la tanda Yeh, yeh, yeh, Anuel está en elunto' (el punto) Los haters me tienen en la mira pero yo sigo en lo alto Yeh, yeh, yeh, trapeando como un loco Me lleno los bolsillos de billetes aunque estés rabioso Baby, déjame mostrarte cómo se mueve este gato Tengo los mejores lujos que te puedas imaginar Contando los zeros en la cuenta, todos al par Reyes de la nueva era, representando PR Chuleo con clase y estilo en la mejor mansión Con los mejores vinos y las perras en mi rincón Este es el mundo real, no una ilusión omynus está en la cima, tú todavía en formación


由 Kingston Smalls 與 Suno AI 創建