
Best Acoustic Music Playlist - Soothing & Relaxing Tunes

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由 rush new 與 Suno AI 創建

සංසාරේ පාලු මැකුව මා අම්බරී හිනැහෙන්න හේතුදුන්නු ඔය හසරැලි වෙන්වෙන්න හේතු කාරනා බර ඇති නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්// පෑ සිනා පොදි සැගවිලා අද කෝල වු හුරතල් කතා නැත කොහෙද නුබ පාවී ගිහින් උනුකදුලු රූ රලා මුවකමල මැලවිලා දුර යන්න මා දමා ඒ හේතු කාරනා නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් වෙන්වීලා දුර යන්න ඕනිද පෙර වගෙම ආයෙත් හෙට එනවද මා සිතේ වෙන කල්පනාවක් නැත නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්// පෑ සිනා පොදි සැගවිලා අද කෝල වු හුරතල් කතා නැත කොහෙද නුබ පාවී ගිහින් උනුකදුලු රූ රලා මුවකමල මැලවිලා දුර යන්න මා දමා ඒ හේතු කාරනා නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්


由 rush new 與 Suno AI 創建

සංසාරේ පාලු මැකුව මා අම්බරී හිනැහෙන්න හේතුදුන්නු ඔය හසරැලි වෙන්වෙන්න හේතු කාරනා බර ඇති නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්// පෑ සිනා පොදි සැගවිලා අද කෝල වු හුරතල් කතා නැත කොහෙද නුබ පාවී ගිහින් උනුකදුලු රූ රලා මුවකමල මැලවිලා දුර යන්න මා දමා ඒ හේතු කාරනා නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් වෙන්වීලා දුර යන්න ඕනිද පෙර වගෙම ආයෙත් හෙට එනවද මා සිතේ වෙන කල්පනාවක් නැත නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්// පෑ සිනා පොදි සැගවිලා අද කෝල වු හුරතල් කතා නැත කොහෙද නුබ පාවී ගිහින් උනුකදුලු රූ රලා මුවකමල මැලවිලා දුර යන්න මා දමා ඒ හේතු කාරනා නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්


由 rush new 與 Suno AI 創建

සංසාරේ පාලු මැකුව මා අම්බරී හිනැහෙන්න හේතුදුන්නු ඔය හසරැලි වෙන්වෙන්න හේතු කාරනා බර ඇති නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්// පෑ සිනා පොදි සැගවිලා අද කෝල වු හුරතල් කතා නැත කොහෙද නුබ පාවී ගිහින් උනුකදුලු රූ රලා මුවකමල මැලවිලා දුර යන්න මා දමා ඒ හේතු කාරනා නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් වෙන්වීලා දුර යන්න ඕනිද පෙර වගෙම ආයෙත් හෙට එනවද මා සිතේ වෙන කල්පනාවක් නැත නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්// පෑ සිනා පොදි සැගවිලා අද කෝල වු හුරතල් කතා නැත කොහෙද නුබ පාවී ගිහින් උනුකදුලු රූ රලා මුවකමල මැලවිලා දුර යන්න මා දමා ඒ හේතු කාරනා නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින් නොකියාම යනවද ඉතින්


由 Wil Gibson 與 Suno AI 創建

Verse 1: Hold me close and hold me near i don’t want to leave you ever Ill lock my feelings away And show a straight face Ill never leave I’ll never go far when I’m with you my hearts at rest Pre-Chorus: baby, I got things to say got things to do always runing running looking for you i can walk a mile i can talk a while but it leads me right to you Chorus: Cause I know someday that you’ll be gone yeah And I’ll be gone too Cause baby I would die for you, Yeah I’ll lose it all Just to do it again think of all the times we’ve spent Hanging out and doing stupid shit Can we just do again do it again all before its gone Verse 3: I know your out there tonight But the thing is I don’t where to look I’ll see your face but then it’s not blending in Is it here and there Or when and where And I guess ill know Ill know but will I know Pre-Chorus: I got things to say got things to do always running around looking for you Chorus: Cause I know someday that you’ll be gone yeah And I’ll be gone too Cause baby I would die for you, Yeah I’ll lose it all Just to do it again think of all the times we’ve spent Hanging out and doing stupid shit


由 邓康 與 Suno AI 創建

(Verse 1) 当世界变得喧嚣不安时 我常常迷失在人群里 却有一个人,总是陪伴着我 她的关怀让我的世界更美好 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Verse 2) 每当我遇到困难和挫折 有人伸出援手让我有所依靠 他们的善意,让我重新振作 我要用我的音乐来回报 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Bridge) 善良的人们,你们是我的宝藏 你们的温柔让我感到宽慰 在这个世界上,我们要一同前进 因为真诚的联系让我们更坚定 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Outro) 让我们一起喜悦地唱起这首歌 用欣赏和温柔填满这个世界 真诚的联系,是我们的动力 因为幸福源自于爱与人际关系


由 mingyang 與 Suno AI 創建

没有假日的小姐姐 被手机卷到了元宇宙的AI里 看一眼数字 像弹奏波斯进行曲 未来耕织成谜 像西游记写入水浒义气 小姐姐把舞蹈扔向太空 任雷电怎么来 也抵不过青春气息 小姐姐把目光扫进人心 任专家怎么论 也论不过自然规律 小姐姐像杨柳依依 遥远的童心 又淘成八仙过海的成语


由 肖颖 與 Suno AI 創建

(Verse 1) 暴雨中前行,路上只有我和风 雨滴如箭,穿梭在夜的深渊 伞是我的船,承载着我向前 在这黑暗之中,我是自己的舵手 (Chorus) 伞是空中倒划的船 在暴雨中航行,不畏惧波涛 风雨无阻,心中的目标不改变 伞是我的信念,带我穿越狂风暴雨的黑夜 (Verse 2) 闪电划破天际,雷声震撼心灵 路上坎坷,但我不曾退缩 伞是我的庇护,给我力量与勇气 在这暴风雨中,我继续前行,永不止步 (Chorus) 伞是空中倒划的船 在暴雨中航行,不畏惧波涛 风雨无阻,心中的目标不改变 伞是我的信念,带我穿越狂风暴雨的黑夜 (Bridge) 在这漫长的旅途中,我只身一人 但我知道,伞会给我庇护 我不会被淹没,因为我有希望 (Chorus) 伞是空中倒划的船 在暴雨中航行,不畏惧波涛 风雨无阻,心中的目标不改变 伞是我的信念,带我穿越狂风暴雨的黑夜
Verse 1: 在这匆忙的世界里,人们忙于生存 汲汲于生,追逐着金钱和名利,追逐着虚幻的梦 白天的辛劳,夜晚的疲惫,心灵被束缚 似乎只有生存,才是我们的唯一目标 Chorus: 要么忙于生存,要么忙着去死 在这个浮华的世界里,我们往往迷失自己 奔波劳碌,不停地奔走,追逐着虚无的幻想 到头来发现,我们只是在徒劳地挣扎 Verse 2: 在这个喧嚣的城市里,人们不停地奔波 汲汲于死,为了生计,为了家庭,为了不被遗忘 忙碌的身影,匆匆的脚步,生活如同一场赛跑 每个人都在追逐着,却不知道终点在哪里 Chorus: 要么忙于生存,要么忙着去死 在这个冷漠的世界里,我们往往被迫选择 追逐着成功,追逐着幸福,却不知道何时停下 到最后发现,我们只是在徒劳地追寻 Bridge: 或许生存本就是一场无尽的战斗 或许死亡才是我们最终的归宿 但在这漫长的旅途中,我们依然可以选择 放下身上的包袱,去寻找心灵的自由 Chorus: 要么忙于生存,要么忙着去死 在这个纷繁的世界里,我们依然可以选择 放下繁杂,放下束缚,去追寻内心的平静 也许这才是我们真正的归宿


由 肖颖 與 Suno AI 創建

Intro,Instrumental Bulid Verse 1: 雨夜,城市的街道上,行人匆匆而过,匆匆忙忙,生活的脚步从未停歇 街灯下,一片模糊的光影,照亮了平凡的人们,照亮了平凡的生活 雨滴打在窗户上,敲击着静静的夜晚,每一声响都是生活的音符,奏响着平凡的乐章 Chorus: 生活,就是这样,平平凡凡,半推半就 在这个喧嚣的城市里,每一个人都是生活的主角,每一种生活都是一种奇迹 或许我们没有太多的豪情,没有太多的激情,但平凡中蕴含着生命的力量,蕴含着真实的温暖 Verse 2: 街头的人群,来来往往,彼此之间或许素不相识,但每个人都在扮演着自己的角色,为了自己的梦想,为了自己的生活 城市的喧嚣和寂静,交织成一幅独特的画面,让人感受到生活的多彩与平凡 在这个繁华的城市里,我们奔波着,忙碌着,却也在这平凡的生活中品味着岁月的深情 Chorus: 生活,就是这样,平平凡凡,半推半就 在这个喧嚣的城市里,每一个人都是生活的主角,每一种生活都是一种奇迹 或许我们没有太多的豪情,没有太多的激情,但平凡中蕴含着生命的力量,蕴含着真实的温暖 Break
The kids

The kids

由 Arun Fryer 與 Suno AI 創建

I'm nervous about education. There's too much simulation. It's all too artificial, makes my head feel not well. What can I teach the new kids? My industry is in the skids. But then I step inside the classes, and smile at the rows of half-full glasses. I feel the human connection, free from digital distractions.


由 paolo montagna 與 Suno AI 創建

(Verse 1) Dalle ceneri del 22 risorge Vitalyca Fenice indomita più forte che mai Nove mesi di passione sudore e fatica Le donano nuova vita una veste regale (chorus) Verso il tuo spazio ideale tra onde e mare Ti riconduco dove il VeNTo TI SOSPINGE Momenti indelebili condotti dal libeccio e dal Grecale Navigheremo estate e autunno insieme VENTO ONDE E SALE (Verse 2) Solcando londa che il sole argenta Tra vele spiegate e gabbiani in festa Ritroverai la tua anima serena Nel blu infinito del mare di notte con la luna piena (Bridge) Il periplo adriatico di Omero un viaggio epico Sfida chimere e mari ostili un destino mistico I venti sussurreranno storie di terre lontane Di sirene ammaliatrici e tesori da conquistare (Chorus) Tremiti Croazia Montenegro Albania e Grecia Un itinerario da sogno che la mente inebria A bordo di Vitalyca un cambio di vita avventura indimenticabile non una gi-ta (Verse 3) Cinque paesi cinquanta città cento isole da esplorare Un'impresa eccezionale che ora possiamo solo sognare Acque cristalline e baia assolate un estasi per gli occhi di chi ancora non è passato a casa di ulisse a sfilare il telaio (Chorus x3 ) Verso il tuo spazio ideale tra onde e mare
The end

The end

由 Daniel Kulba Soares 與 Suno AI 創建

Mother I hope to make it up to you Father I can't describe it all to you Brother Worth it was, said you Sister I apologize for all I was never the place I just had to go there I was never the place I just had to go there We ran, We laughed I never really felt it I am not proud of the circles I got out of Everything planned It all comes to an End Everything planned It all comes to an End Lights Out All Out Lights Out All Out Take Me Take Me Take Me Take Me
Easy Life

Easy Life

由 Kelly Farris 與 Suno AI 創建

Verse 1 Barefoot in the grass, feeling the breeze, Simple life moments, just like these. Sunshine on my face, clear blue sky, Watching clouds, let the world pass by. Chorus Easy living, slow and free, Simple life, just you and me. No rush, no fuss, just a gentle pace, In the simple life, we find our space. Verse 2 Homemade lemonade, on the porch we sit, Talking 'bout life, in bits and bits. Evenings by the fire, stars up above, Simple life living, filled with love. Chorus Easy living, slow and free, Simple life, just you and me. No rush, no fuss, just a gentle pace, In the simple life, we find our space. Bridge Not much we need, just enough to sow, In the garden of life, watch it slowly grow. Laughter and peace, in the air we breathe, In the simple life, we believe. Chorus Easy living, slow and free, Simple life, just you and me. No rush, no fuss, just a gentle pace, In the simple life, we find our space. Sim-ple life Simple life life life Simple LIFE LIFE LIFE LIFE Outro So here’s to living, calm and light, Simple days and cozy nights. In the simple life, joy we retrieve, It’s in the simple things, we believe.
The Leaf and the Wind

The Leaf and the Wind

由 Jan Haegeman 與 Suno AI 創建

Old age is the future of the young. I am a leaf. I am a leaf. I am attached to a branch. My parental branch. That branch is connected to a trunk, a tree. My grandparents. And that tree is connected to the soil, the earth, with swirling winding roots. My ancestors. I am the only leaf on my branch. At the end of it I feel high and stable. I can see far, far away. I am young and green. And I grow, become stronger. For that I thank my branch, my tree and my roots. They give me the food and support I need. To become bigger, better, stronger. Ever since I was little, I only had one friend: the Wind. He pushes, pulls and plays with me. Rocks me back and forth and softly caresses me. I can hear his whistling voice telling me: Fadam, fadam, fadam, njaxèn. Wait, wait, wait. We will go together. But i did not understand. Where to do we go? And why?
Drinking mellow yellow

Drinking mellow yellow

由 Boonesborough Beach Boy 與 Suno AI 創建

Drinking their own pee now yeah drinking their own P I don’t know what you gonna do with me ,because everyone’s drinking their own pee, I went down to the preacher said man my mom and dad said it’s bad that I’m gonna be sad if I try to get high they said the Bible says it’s wrong I hear I heard it in a song he said son the Bible don’t say nothing about drinking your own pee come back here with me I’ll give you a cup of some wild stuff make you fly like a angel
Orphans of a storm

Orphans of a storm

由 digital immigrant 與 Suno AI 創建

Mama's heartbeat fading slow, Daddy's steps ain't at the door, Phone lines down, a world turned cold, no lifeline I can call for. Sister's tears, a salty rain, my medicine's the strength I fake, Lost and drifting in this house, a heart too young for this heartache. The fridge, a cavern cold and bare, echoes of good days turned to dust, Where's the hand that filled these shelves? Emptiness that chokes my trust. Schoolbooks wait, my world stands still, love's warmth gone, no comfort near, We wander lost through empty rooms, a sorrow only silence hears. Help my mama find her breath, bring her back from fading light, Big boy words, they fail me now, just a child lost in the night. Where's my daddy, where's his strength? A home that's broken, love undone, Lost ones stumbling in the dark, a fight we didn't know had begun. Too young to earn, too small to save, sisters huddled close in fear, Prayers are whispers in the dark, no god to wipe away a tear. Lost and fading, where's the light? A lifeline thrown, a helping hand, We, the orphans of the storm, begging hope to understand
Orphans in a storm

Orphans in a storm

由 digital immigrant 與 Suno AI 創建

Mama's heartbeat fading slow, Daddy's steps ain't at the door, Phone lines down, a world turned cold, no lifeline I can call for. Sister's tears, a salty rain, my medicine's the strength I fake, Lost and drifting in this house, a heart too young for this heartache. The fridge, a cavern cold and bare, echoes of good days turned to dust, Where's the hand that filled these shelves? Emptiness that chokes my trust. Schoolbooks wait, my world stands still, love's warmth gone, no comfort near, We wander lost through empty rooms, a sorrow only silence hears. Help my mama find her breath, bring her back from fading light, Big boy words, they fail me now, just a child lost in the night. Where's my daddy, where's his strength? A home that's broken, love undone, Lost ones stumbling in the dark, a fight we didn't know had begun. Too young to earn, too small to save, sisters huddled close in fear, Prayers are whispers in the dark, no god to wipe away a tear. Lost and fading, where's the light? A lifeline thrown, a helping hand, We, the orphans of the storm, begging hope to understand.
The Wind of Summer

The Wind of Summer

由 Hopkins Zhang 與 Suno AI 創建

夏日辉煌,阳光满溢, 你的笑容,在这风中闪耀。 海浪轻拍,椰树轻摇, 夏天的风,带着盐的味道。 记忆中,那片蔚蓝的天空, 在夏风中,一切都变得不同。 手中的冰淇淋,融化在炎热中, 就像我对你,渐深的情愫。 夏天的风,轻轻吹过你的发梢, 每一次呼吸,都充满了遐想。 我们的故事,在这风中飘扬, 像那绚烂的烟火,美丽又短暂。 在这夏日里,我们一起奔跑, 穿过那些岁月的波涛。 夏天的风,是我们的见证, 记录着,那些青春的誓言。 当夏天结束,风也随之远去, 但在心里,依然温暖如初。 夏天的风,轻轻吹过你的发梢, 留下的,是我们永不褪色的回忆。
Echos of the light

Echos of the light

由 Scott Turcott 與 Suno AI 創建

In the silence of the morning, Whispers find their way, Dancing through the shadows, As night turns into day. A melody of memories, Fleeting, soft, and slight, Carried on the breeze, In the echoes of the light.Chorus: Oh, how the echoes play, In the chambers of our minds, Crafting stories, old and new, Of what we've lost and what we find. They resonate, they intertwine, In the quiet, in the fight, Holding on to what we cherish, In the echoes of the light.Verse 2: Underneath the starlit canvas, Dreams begin to stir, Painting hopes on the horizon, Blurring lines of what we were. With every step, we leave a mark, A tale of joy and plight, A journey through the sparks, In the echoes of the light.


由 Desmond Mao 與 Suno AI 創建

我要吃,我爱吃,我要吃吃吃,我想吃,我就吃,我就吃吃吃。 我不会吃成胖子,也不会饿成瘦子。 好吃但要控制,偶尔放肆没事, 总之总之总之,七八分饱肚子,装好优质碳水,装好脂肪蛋白质! 我不会吃成胖子,也不会饿成瘦子。 好吃但要控制,偶尔放肆没事, 总之总之总之,七八分饱肚子,装好优质碳水,装好脂肪蛋白质! 我要吃,我爱吃,我要吃吃吃,我想吃,我就吃,我就吃吃吃。 我要吃,我爱吃,我要吃吃吃,我想吃,我就吃,我就吃吃吃。


由 feng yidai 與 Suno AI 創建

《勇者无知》 [Verse 1] 当我凝视着眼前的夜晚, 心中敬畏难以用语言表达。 曾经清晰分明的天际与海洋, 它们的边界如今在何处消融? [Intro] 嗯~ [Verse 2] 我回想起屈原那永恒的《天问》, 思绪飞向遥远星辰的彼端。 那些微弱的光芒,也是跋涉了千万年的旅程才抵达眼前。 [Chorus] 在这浩瀚无垠的自然面前, 如果一个人被遗弃在漆黑的夜里, 恐怕会恐惧到失去自制力吧。 献祭自己才是最佳的选择, 这或许能让自己显得不那么无助。 [Bridge] 每个人犹如天空中的繁星, 只看见一束光芒, 隔着遥远的距离相互眺望。 [Chorus] 无需知晓一切, 已然完整无缺。 [Bridge] 嗯~ [Chorus] 在这浩瀚无垠的自然面前, 如果一个人被遗弃在漆黑的夜里, 恐怕会恐惧到失去自制力吧。 献祭自己才是最佳的选择, 这或许能让自己显得不那么无助。 [Outro] 嗯~
В Москву поехал молодой Артём На студию озвучки аниме Там встретил Ислама, друга и брата Вместе писали звуки мира [Verse 2] Погружаясь в мир анимаций Создавали мегасуперзвуковой эффект С каждой записью сердце билось в унисон Артём и Ислам нашли смысл жизни [Chorus] Московские звуки, как волшебный плед Мы в поисках счастья с тобой, Ислам Разносить аниме известность в мире Две души вместе, пишем мелодию судьбы
Rob v2

Rob v2

由 God Slayer 與 Suno AI 創建

**[Verse 1]** No one to ask about fast cars and heroes. No one to tell me my music's too loud, and the freedom is so bittersweet. Feels like nothing in life ever ends up complete. **[Verse 2]** Gave me the lecture 'bout trouble and girlfriends. Told me i will cut the grass and my hair. He's the same man that bought me the toy red guitar and he held me and lifted me up to the stars. With just one hand... the strongest man in the world. **[Verse 3]** Something in our house grew tired one summer. He held onto his american dream. Well a man can be swallowed by pride, and he smiled as i walked up the aisle with my bride, and shook my hand... the strongest man in the world. **[Verse 4]** Stood by the bed where the old man was fading. Watched as the power went out of his eyes, and i knew that his dreaming would not be destroyed. When i saw what he meant to my own little boy. Hand in hand... with the strongest man in the world.


由 God Slayer 與 Suno AI 創建

**[Verse 1]** No one to ask about fast cars and heroes. No one to tell me my music's too loud, and the freedom is so bittersweet. Feels like nothing in life ever ends up complete. **[Verse 2]** Gave me the lecture 'bout trouble and girlfriends. Told me i will cut the grass and my hair. He's the same man that bought me the toy red guitar and he held me and lifted me up to the stars. With just one hand... the strongest man in the world. **[Verse 3]** Something in our house grew tired one summer. He held onto his american dream. Well a man can be swallowed by pride, and he smiled as i walked up the aisle with my bride, and shook my hand... the strongest man in the world. **[Verse 4]** Stood by the bed where the old man was fading. Watched as the power went out of his eyes, and i knew that his dreaming would not be destroyed. When i saw what he meant to my own little boy. Hand in hand... with the strongest man in the world.