
Top Romantic Music Hits - Listen Now

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बचपन की यादें

बचपन की यादें

Được tạo bởi Dr. Mandeep Kumar Hooda với Suno AI

शोर-शराबे, दिन रात की घमंडी रौशनी, मन में बसी है वो गाँव की पवन को याद तू नौकरी की मेहनत, रोज़ की हलचल में, पागलपन ये मजबूरी, कैसे जियें हम? आज फिर लौट आया हूँ, उन खेतों की ओर, पर अनजान लगती हैं, ये चादर की चादरें कितना है अकेला, कितना है बेगाना, गाँव की धूप में, भटकता हूँ फिर भी गुज़र रही हैं सारी, बचपन की यादें, आओ लौटें वहाँ, दिल का सहारा, चाहत का अंत
Your day

Your day

Được tạo bởi Jhony Omar Jiménez Cruz với Suno AI

(Nota: Aquí tienes una letra de canción sobre el matrimonio de Zulma y José, mencionando su casamiento, sus hijos Andy y Dayana, y la felicidad de la familia, así como una referencia a la historia de vida de Arre). (Inicio suave y melódico) En un jardín de amor se unieron Zulma y José, Bajo un cielo de estrellas, promesas de fe. Con flores de alegría, se selló su amor, Y en ese día bendito, comenzó su esplendor. (Coro) Zulma y José, enlazados por la eternidad, Dos almas fundidas en pura felicidad. Andy y Dayana, su luz y su razón, La familia completa, ¡qué bella bendición! (Verso 1) Desde aquel "sí, acepto", su historia comenzó, Con risas y abrazos, el amor floreció. Recuerdos de su casamiento, grabados en el corazón, Caminando juntos, en esta nueva canción. (Coro) Zulma y José, enlazados por la eternidad, Dos almas fundidas en pura felicidad. Andy y Dayana, su luz y su razón, La familia completa, ¡qué bella bendición! (Verso 2) Andy con su risa, Dayana con su dulzura, Dos destellos de amor, llenando de ternura. En el hogar de Zulma y José, la dicha es su canción, Con cada paso juntos, forjando una unión. (Puente) Y en cada mirada, se refleja su historia, El camino recorrido,


Được tạo bởi Jhony Omar Jiménez Cruz với Suno AI

(Inicio suave y melódico) En un jardín de amor se unieron Zulma y José, Bajo un cielo de estrellas, promesas de fe. Con flores de alegría, se selló su amor, Y en ese día bendito, comenzó su esplendor. (Coro) Zulma y José, enlazados por la eternidad, Dos almas fundidas en pura felicidad. Andy y Dayana, su luz y su razón, La familia completa, ¡qué bella bendición! (Verso 1) Desde aquel "sí, acepto", su historia comenzó, Con risas y abrazos, el amor floreció. Recuerdos de su casamiento, grabados en el corazón, Caminando juntos, en esta nueva canción. (Coro) Zulma y José, enlazados por la eternidad, Dos almas fundidas en pura felicidad. Andy y Dayana, su luz y su razón, La familia completa, ¡qué bella bendición! (Verso 2) Andy con su risa, Dayana con su dulzura, Dos destellos de amor, llenando de ternura. En el hogar de Zulma y José, la dicha es su canción, Con cada paso juntos, forjando una unión. (Puente) Y en cada mirada, se refleja su historia, El camino recorrido,
Symphony of beauty

Symphony of beauty

Được tạo bởi Ruben Krabbedal-Mathisen với Suno AI

[Verse] She's like a , shining in the night Her smile is magic, it takes me to new heights (new heights) Her eyes are galaxies, her touch is electric I'm lost in her world, it's so perfect (perfect, perfect) [Verse 2] Her laughter is like music, a sweet melody She's got that something, that je ne sais quoi (je ne sais quoi) Her beauty's like a painting, a work of art Whenever she's around, she steals my heart (oh-oh-oh) [Chorus] She's a stardust, a celestial being Radiating love and beauty, oh so freeing I'm captivated by her, under her spell Every moment with her is like a fairytale [Verse 3] In a crowded room, she shines so bright, Her presence steals away the night. With eyes that dance like the stars above, She's a melody of grace and love. [Verse 4] She's a beautiful woman, a sight to behold, With a heart of gold, she warms the cold. In every step, she carries a glow, A symphony of beauty, for all to know. [Bridge] She's the canvas of dreams, painted in hues, A masterpiece of life, in every view. Her strength is a mountain, her spirit, a dove, A testament to the power of love.
Pour Toujours

Pour Toujours

Được tạo bởi Média Vuplus với Suno AI

[Verse] Gwadys Kolley, c'est toi que je veux Mon amour pour toi est plus grand que le ciel bleu Depuis le premier instant où nos yeux se sont croisés Je savais que c'était toi, ma destinée [Verse 2] Je ne peux pas imaginer ma vie sans toi Chaque jour, tu illumines ma vie, tellement je t'adore Mon amour pour toi est éternel, infini Je serai toujours là pour toi, jusqu'à la fin de ma vie [Chorus] Je t'aime tellement, Gwadys Kolley, pour toujours (pour toujours) Tu es la seule dans mon coeur, mon amour le plus pur (le plus pur) Rien ne peut séparer notre amour, ni le temps, ni l'espace (l'espace) Gwadys Kolley, je serai toujours ton homme, ta place (ta place)
[Bonger와 Bongulroma의 노래: 확장 버전]

[Bonger와 Bongulroma의 노래: 확장 버전]

Được tạo bởi Garret Knight với Suno AI

1절: 오늘 밤은 캐나다 맥주로 건배, 베드 탑의 Bonger, 노트북 빛 속에. 아래층 Bongulroma, 화면 너머로 웃네, 오리 요리의 향기, 방안 가득 메우네. 후렴구: 함께 본 그 일식, 마법 같던 밤, 버몬트에서 보스톤까지, 우리의 긴 여정. 피곤해도 마음은 춤추네, 이 순간에 취해, 2035년 한국에서, 다시 만나자 약속해. 2절: 컴퓨터 사이로, 손가락이 춤추네, 서로 다른 세계, 마음만은 가까워. 언어는 달라도, 웃음은 하나로, Bonger의 노래와 Bongulroma의 멜로디. 브릿지: 너는 나의 별, 나는 너의 달, 서로 다른 빛깔, 함께 하면 아름다워. 미국 남자와 한국 여자, 사랑의 조화로, 다음 일식이 우리를 기다려, 디즈니 랜드의 꿈. 3절: 2045년, 약속의 장소에서, 다시 만날 그날을 꿈꾸며. 오늘 밤은 짧아도, 기억은 길게, 너와 나의 이야기, 별들 사이로 펼쳐져. 후렴구 반복 아웃트로: 캐나다 맥주 건배, 오늘 밤을 기억해, 일식 아래의 약속, 우리의 사랑을 증명해. 서로 다른 우리, 하나 되는 순간, Bonger와 Bongulroma, 영원히 함께해.
New Hindi

New Hindi

Được tạo bởi NANDKUMAR BIRAJDAR với Suno AI

[Verse 1] तेरी होंठों की मुस्कान, तेरी बातें सुनाएं हर दिन तेरे साथ, मेरा जीवन सजाएं [Hook] तू है मेरी धड़कन, मैं हूँ तेरा साथ हम हैं साथी, साथी तेरा साथ [Verse 2] तेरी एक मुस्कान, मेरे जीवन को रोशन करे तेरा प्यार, मुझे हमेशा संभाले [Hook] तू है मेरी धड़कन, मैं हूँ तेरा साथ हम हैं साथी, साथी तेरा साथ [Bridge] तेरी गोदी में सुलाऊं, तुझको प्यार करूं हमेशा हमेशा, तुझसा प्यार करूं [Hook] तू है मेरी धड़कन, मैं हूँ तेरा साथ हम हैं साथी, साथी तेरा साथ


Được tạo bởi Legacy Baba với Suno AI

Jo Humsafar Hum Nahin Hai To Yahin Par Chhod Do Rehnde Do Sare Bahaane Mujhe Aakar Bol Do Hum Khud Hi Judaa Ho Jayenge Keh Do Bas Ithna Tum Keh Do Pyaar Nahi Chale Jayenge Dil Lauta Do Dil Lauta Do Mera Chale Jayenge Chale Jayenge


Được tạo bởi Legacy Baba với Suno AI

हाँ आ, हाँ आ देखो देखो कैसी बातें यहां की है साथ पर है साथ न भी क्या इतनी आसान है देखो देखो जैसे मेरे इरादे वैसे कहां तेरे यहां थे हाँ कितनी नादान मैं मेरे हुस्न के इलावा कभी दिल भी मांग लो ना हाये, पल में मैं पिघल जाऊं हाँ अब ऐसा न करो के दिल जुड़ना पाए वापिस
I wanna be with you

I wanna be with you

Được tạo bởi yuno yuiitsuno với Suno AI

and oeh I wanna be with you. As long as you just look at me like you want me too. I just wanna be around you. I’ll get what you need. And spend all day with you, baby Maybe, I’ll spend another day, Or two, With you babe, Oh, With you babe


Được tạo bởi 冀利悦 với Suno AI

我是那个背包和尚,心里想着桃花放。 回头看看我那经,念来念去全是你。 佛主给的那块儿糖,怎么也甜不过你的样儿。 贫僧已经不走心,悟空他们都不信。 昨夜灌了一肚酒,今早起来头昏昏,撩你的话想了一宿,搞得我心悸悸。 仙丹妙药我都不要,摇身回归痴情汉,今日我就要见到你,不管三七二十一。 当初我满脸慈悲,现在只想陪你去海边。 紧箍咒唱不完的情歌,金箍棒换你的十指环扣。 拜佛不忘你的名,西天路上画个心。 翻山越岭不知倦,累了困了靠你的肩。 女儿国王请留步,贫僧要和你叙叙旧。 诵经变情话,此生需与你共度。 修成正果随它去,与子偕老共嘤嘤。


Được tạo bởi canacuan (Of Everything) với Suno AI

If, I were a write I would write a poem If, I were a painter I would Paint you a home If, you were her I´d do that and more If, you were her I’d love you more If, you had not gone I wouldn´t have lust my shine I´d love in the morning I´d love in the evening If, you were her I´d do that and more If, you were her I’d love you more


Được tạo bởi canacuan (Of Everything) với Suno AI

If, I were a write I would write a poem If, I were a painter I would Paint you a home If, you were her I´d do that and more If, you were her I’d love you more If, you had not gone I wouldn´t have lust my shine I´d love in the morning I´d love in the evening If, you were her I´d do that and more If, you were her I’d love you more
Rainy Embrace

Rainy Embrace

Được tạo bởi Brandz Villa với Suno AI

[Verse] In the pouring rain, I saw her face Her eyes like stars, her smile like grace (ooohh-yeah) She danced like magic, her touch so divine In that moment, I knew she was mine [Verse 2] Under the umbrella, we laughed and played Her laughter like music, in my heart it stayed (ahh-ohh) With every raindrop, our love grew strong But now she's gone, and I sing this song [Chorus] Rainy days, oh how I miss you In the monsoon, my heart beats for you Rainy nights, I'm lost without your embrace In the pouring rain, I'll always remember your face (oh-oh-oh)


Được tạo bởi Brandz Villa với Suno AI

Pehele Barsaat Mei, Peheli Hi Bat Mei Meri Baaton Me Teri Yaad Pehele Barsaat Mei, Peheli Hi Bat Mei Meri Baaton Me Teri Yaad Geet Tu Saangeet Tu, Meri Jeet Meri Preet, Geet Tu Saangeet Tu, Meri Jeet Meri Preet Ke Main Duniya Bhulau, Duniya Bhulau, Duniya Bhulau, Tere Liye Ke Main Duniya Bhulau, Duniya Bhulaaaaauuu Bhule Bhulaye Nahi, Bhule/ Khoya Ye Pyaar Nahi Arso ka Saath Chuta, Chuta Ye Dil Nahi Bhule Bhulaye Nahi, Bhule/ Khoya Ye Pyaar Nahi Arso ka Saath Chuta, Chuta Ye Dil Nahi Mere Panno me , Mere Saas Me , Ehesas Me Teri Yaad Ke Main Duniya Bhulau, Duniya Bhulau, Duniya Bhulau, Tere Liye Ke Main Duniya Bhulau, Duniya Bhulau, Duniya Bhulau, Tere Liye Pehele Barsaat Mei, Peheli Hi Bat Mei Meri Baaton Me Teri Yaad Pehele Barsaat Mei, Peheli Hi Bat Mei Meri Baaton Me Teri Yaad Geet Tu Saangeet Tu, Meri Jeet Meri Preet, Geet Tu Saangeet Tu, Meri Jeet Meri Preet


Được tạo bởi Kidstainment International Classes với Suno AI

**Ghar se nikla tha mein, ghoomne ko aise hi,** Saath thi meri jaan, hum the saath mein pyaare ji. Chahe mushkil ho ya aasan, hum uthhenge milkar, Zindagi ke har kadam pe, lekarge haath mein haath lekar. Mere yaar, mere hamsafar, tu hai mera rahbar, Teri aahat mein khil jata hai, dil mera beqarar. Tere saath hoon main mazboot, tere sang hoon main azaad, Mere yaar, tu hai meri dhadkan, tu hai meri sansaar. Raahein ho girilti raat ki, tu hai mera sitara, Le jayega mujhe paar, har andhere se tu utara. Teri hasi se uda jaati hain fikrein sari, Teri baahon mein milta hai mujhe sukoon bhari. Mere yaar, mere hamsafar, tu hai mera rahbar, Teri aahat mein khil jata hai, dil mera beqarar. Tere saath hoon main mazboot, tere sang hoon main azaad, Mere yaar, tu hai meri dhadkan, tu hai meri sansaar. Har taufan mein hum khade rahenge sath, Mere yaar ke sahare, main kabhi na ghabraunga, haath. Saath mein pure karenge khwab aasmaan chhu ke, Mere yaar ke saath, main aasmaan ko chho lunga. Mere yaar, mere hamsafar, tu hai mera rahbar, Teri aahat mein khil jata hai, dil mera beqarar. Tere saath hoon main mazboot, tere sang hoon main azaad, Mere yaar, tu hai meri dhadkan, tu hai meri sansaar. Mere yaa


Được tạo bởi Kidstainment International Classes với Suno AI

Walking down the street, feeling fine, With my sweetheart by my side, we'll shine. Through the highs and lows, we'll soar, Together we'll conquer, forevermore. Sweetheart, oh sweetheart, you're my guiding light, In your presence, everything feels right. With you, I'm stronger, I'm free, Sweetheart, you're the melody in me. In the darkest night, you're my star, Guiding me through, near and far. With your laughter, my worries fade away, In your embrace, I want to stay. Sweetheart, oh sweetheart, you're my guiding light, In your presence, everything feels right. With you, I'm stronger, I'm free, Sweetheart, you're the melody in me. Through every storm, we'll stand tall, With my sweetheart beside me, I'll never fall. Together we'll chase our dreams so high, With my sweetheart by my side, I'll touch the sky. Sweetheart, oh sweetheart, you're my guiding light, In your presence, everything feels right. With you, I'm stronger, I'm free, Sweetheart, you're the melody in me. Sweetheart, oh sweetheart, forevermore, In your love, I'll always soar. With you, life's a beautiful song, Sweetheart, together, we'll always belong.
Happy birthday

Happy birthday

Được tạo bởi Pete với Suno AI

(Verse 1) Ten candles glowing bright, For Lena, our dear delight. Another year, another chance, For joy and laughter, let's dance! (Chorus) Happy birthday, Lena, now you're ten, May your days ahead be filled with zen. With every step, with every bend, May happiness to you always lend. (Verse 2) Lena, you've grown, it's plain to see, A remarkable girl you've come to be. With a heart so pure, and eyes that gleam, You're the star of every dream. (Chorus) Happy birthday, Lena, now you're ten, May your days ahead be filled with zen. With every step, with every bend, May happiness to you always lend.
Laura y Paulo

Laura y Paulo

Được tạo bởi Paulo Acosta với Suno AI

El amor los ha unido y la Fe los fortalece! Laura y Paulo desde siempre se buscaron sin importar el tiempo y el espacio! Unidos hasta la eternidad! Unidos por que solo el amor atraviesa la razon y transforma la vida! Ninguna tormenta los separara! Nada ni nadie por que en el nombre de Dios ellos se han unido.
Priyanka Zindagi

Priyanka Zindagi

Được tạo bởi Prasad Satpute với Suno AI

(Verse 1) Tere saath har pal, dil mein basa hai pyaar, Teri muskurahat se roshan hai ye sansaar. Tujhse juda ho ke, kuch bhi nahi saha jata, Tere bina jeena, dil ko samjha nahi jata. (Chorus) Priyanka, tu meri zindagi ka saath ho, Tere bina kuch bhi adhoora lagta nahi, Tujhse pyaar karne se hi dil ko sukoon mila, Priyanka, tu meri har khushi ka raaz ho. (Verse 2) Tere baaton mein khoya, har lamha guzara hai, Tere saath chalne ka sapna har pal sajaya hai. Tu hi meri manzil, tu hi mera rasta hai, Tujhse juda hoke, ab to bas tanha sa jata hai. (Chorus) Priyanka, tu meri zindagi ka saath ho, Tere bina kuch bhi adhoora lagta nahi, Tujhse pyaar karne se hi dil ko sukoon mila, Priyanka, tu meri har khushi ka raaz ho. (Bridge) Dil ki har dhadkan, sirf tujhpe hi chalti hai, Tere bina jeena, dil ko sukoon nahi milta hai. Har pal, har lamha, bas tujhmein khoya rehta hu, Tere bina, meri duniya adhoori si lagti hai. (Chorus) Priyanka, tu meri zindagi ka saath ho, Tere bina kuch bhi adhoora lagta nahi, Tujhse pyaar karne se hi dil ko sukoon mila, Priyanka, tu meri har khushi ka raaz ho. Tu meri roshni, tu meri khushiyan, Tere bina, zindagi adhoori si lagti hai. Priyanka, tu meri zindagi


Được tạo bởi defne với Suno AI

iki sessizliğimin ortasındaydı sözlerin bana hiç bakmadı o gözlerin aşkımla fethederdim seni kalbinin sesini dinleseydin seçerdin beni sensiz her yer kara sensizlik en büyük yara ne gerek var onca zarara şimdi her yerde beni ara
"Fiel ao Amor"

"Fiel ao Amor"


Título: "Fiel ao Amor" [Intro] (Com uma melodia suave e cativante) [Primeira Estrofe] Em meio às tempestades e ao vendaval Nosso amor resistiu, não conhece igual Firme como uma rocha, nossa união Fidelidade e perseverança, nossa canção [Refrão] Fiel ao amor, como as estrelas no céu Permanecemos juntos, lado a lado, fiel Nas adversidades, na alegria e na dor Nosso amor é a luz que nos guia, é o nosso valor [Segunda Estrofe] Caminhamos de mãos dadas, sem hesitar Superamos obstáculos, sem olhar para trás Nosso compromisso é eterno, é verdadeiro Fiel ao amor, estamos lado a lado, o tempo inteiro [Refrão] Fiel ao amor, como as estrelas no céu Permanecemos juntos, lado a lado, fiel Nas adversidades, na alegria e na dor Nosso amor é a luz que nos guia, é o nosso valor [Ponte] Mesmo quando a estrada parece longa demais Nosso amor nos sustenta, nunca desfaz Com fé no coração e esperança no olhar Seguimos adiante, sem jamais vacilar [Refrão] Fiel ao amor, como as estrelas no céu Permanecemos juntos, lado a lado, fiel Nas adversidades, na alegria e na dor Nosso amor é a luz que nos guia, é o nosso valor [Outro] Fidelidade e perseverança, nossa promessa Um para o outro, na tristeza e n
Marine love 2.0

Marine love 2.0

Được tạo bởi meow and style style với Suno AI

Marine, mon amour étoilé Depuis Tinder, tu m'as ensorcelé Un an passé, notre amour a fleuri Dans tes yeux, je trouve l'infini Sur les nuages de nos rêves, Nos cœurs dansent, ensemble ils s'élèvent Chaque moment avec toi, un conte de fées Dans ton sourire, je trouve ma clarté Marine, mon amour étoilé Depuis Tinder, tu m'as ensorcelé Un an passé, notre amour a fleuri Dans tes yeux, je trouve l'infini Nos promenades sous la lune, Nos secrets murmurés, nos rires opportuns Dans tes bras, je trouve mon refuge À tes côtés, le monde devient subtil refuge Et si le temps s'arrêtait là, Dans cet instant où tout est parfait Je te prendrais dans mes bras, Pour t'aimer jusqu'à l'éternité Marine, mon amour étoilé Depuis Tinder, tu m'as ensorcelé Un an passé, notre amour a fleuri Dans tes yeux, je trouve l'infini
Marine love

Marine love

Được tạo bởi meow and style style với Suno AI

Marine, mon amour étoilé Depuis Tinder, tu m'as ensorcelé Un an passé, notre amour a fleuri Dans tes yeux, je trouve l'infini Sur les nuages de nos rêves, Nos cœurs dansent, ensemble ils s'élèvent Chaque moment avec toi, un conte de fées Dans ton sourire, je trouve ma clarté Marine, mon amour étoilé Depuis Tinder, tu m'as ensorcelé Un an passé, notre amour a fleuri Dans tes yeux, je trouve l'infini Nos promenades sous la lune, Nos secrets murmurés, nos rires opportuns Dans tes bras, je trouve mon refuge À tes côtés, le monde devient subtil refuge Et si le temps s'arrêtait là, Dans cet instant où tout est parfait Je te prendrais dans mes bras, Pour t'aimer jusqu'à l'éternité Marine, mon amour étoilé Depuis Tinder, tu m'as ensorcelé Un an passé, notre amour a fleuri Dans tes yeux, je trouve l'infini