
Country Tunes

Suno AI brings you bespoke country melodies. Explore the innovative blend of AI and musical artistry.



Được tạo bởi Wolfgang Weidler với Suno AI

Out in the Bayou, under the southern sun, Three cowboys ride, their quest begun, Pixelmaster, Comores, and Stahlwolle too, On a hunt for a demon, they ride through and through. Through marshes and swamps, they trudge along, Their rifles ready, their courage strong, In the depths of the night, they seek their prey, But danger lurks close, with every step they stray. In the heart of the Bayou, where shadows dance, They face the undead in a deadly trance, With grit and determination, they press on, Three cowboys united, until the dawn. Zombies and demons, they're not alone, Other cowboys roam, with bounties of their own, But Pixelmaster's aim, it never fails, Comores' traps, set deadly trails. Stahlwolle rides, his lasso in hand, He's the one they trust, to make their stand, Through gunfire and chaos, they fight as one, Their journey's end, where the devil's undone. They find the demon, in the depths below, But victory's short-lived, as they soon know, Another team ambushes, in the dead of night, Their bounty stolen, their victory out of sight.
country music road

country music road

Được tạo bởi Carcarroll bejita với Suno AI

我妈说本命年的时候 上帝会惩罚那些不穿红色内裤的人 我心想哎呦哎呦 吓唬谁呐 然后 然后开始一直倒霉 我手机摔碎屏幕 打车司机也给我绕路 跟领导坐电梯放了个屁 因为我他妈没忍住 吃海鲜食物中毒 开车出交通事故 交警问我你因为啥 因为我没穿红色袜子内裤 艹 红色袜子内裤 红色袜子内裤 本命年不想倒霉就穿 红色袜子内裤 我赶紧让我妈买了几条 红色袜子内裤 穿上以后我看了看 好像也没有那么土 我对着镜子扭着我 红色的小屁股 扭着扭着我觉得自己像 玛丽莲梦露 现在我出门必穿 红色袜子内裤 晚上睡觉我也要穿 红色袜子内裤 结果没过一个礼拜 红色内裤开始掉色 我赶紧问我妈是哪买的 我妈说是拼多多 我脱掉了内裤 屁股还他妈是红的 澡堂大爷看见说后生 你屁股流血了 艹 我真他妈服了 千年等一回 都他妈不如我倒霉 所以这次我亲自在天猫下单 买了10条红色袜子内裤 而且为了保险起见 我还买了两件红色二股筋背心 红色袜子内裤 红色袜子内裤 我现在只要出门必穿 红色袜子内裤 我穿着红色袜子背心内裤开车闯红灯 就单纯觉得这个颜色特别的喜庆 交警把我拦下 但我一点不害怕 我揪出了我的红背心说你看这是啥 交警撕了我的驾照 问我是不是傻逼 让我重考科目一 我不知问题出在哪里我走在回家的路 走着走着一抬头我看见了优衣库 我突然感到一股能量 吸引着我的脚步 原来橱窗的最深处 摆着一身红色秋衣秋裤


Được tạo bởi vall 90 với Suno AI

j'aime la courgette, elles sont bonnes, chaudes et elle rentre dans mon frigo, lalilalo
The Girls

The Girls

Được tạo bởi Stu T với Suno AI

Hayley Charlotte Annelise netball school
Rumpel und sein BMW

Rumpel und sein BMW

Được tạo bởi Krypto motion với Suno AI

Fatih, du bist so ein großer Rumpel. Du rumpelst und pumpelst in deinem BMW. Der Baba Nino schmeckt dir, das ist deine Leidenschaft, doch bist und bleibst du einfach, der Rumpel aus der Nachbarschaft.
Love never ends

Love never ends

Được tạo bởi Jesse Rose với Suno AI

Andrew Thurston

Andrew Thurston

Được tạo bởi Nolan Thurston với Suno AI

(Verse 1) In the heart of every storm, a calm resides, That's Andrew Thurston, with his gentle vibes. With a smile that lights up the darkest night, He's the beacon of hope, shining ever so bright. (Chorus) Andrew Thurston, oh brother of mine, With kindness that transcends space and time. Through every trial, you stand tall and true, In this song of love, we celebrate you. (Verse 2) From childhood dreams to paths unknown, Andrew Thurston, you've always shown, Courage and grace in every stride, With your spirit soaring, you never hide. (Chorus) Andrew Thurston, oh brother of mine, With kindness that transcends space and time. Through every trial, you stand tall and true, In this song of love, we celebrate you. (Bridge) Through laughter and tears, we've grown together, In your presence, storms turn to fairer weather. Your wisdom guides us, your love holds fast, In this journey of life, you're a treasure unsurpassed. (Chorus) Andrew Thurston, oh brother of mine, With kindness that transcends space and time. Through every trial, you stand tall and true, In this song of love, we celebrate you. (Outro) Andrew Thurston, may your light shine on, In our hearts, you'll forever belong.
‘23 Wolves

‘23 Wolves

Được tạo bởi Nolan Thurston với Suno AI

i remember sittin in them stands amongst all the fans thinkin no way them boys couldn’t win between that strong back line, nemo and ty, gonna be hard to keep up with blaike’s throw in’s but as fate would have it, that plain city magic, got put out by those damn falcons (falcains) and i guess destiny ain’t always meant to be kinda like you and me that day we got close but close doesn’t cut it had a good run to end up with nothin’ but a referee… slipped a 10 right before we played our hearts out, but came up short yeah, you win some, you lose some, it ain’t always “Hala’s” and that’s just the way life plays if we were team and love was the game we would’ve been the ‘23 wolves had that whole town believin damn field, i even had that talk with denton, man to man but just like that season girl, you and me didn’t end up with a ring on a hand we got close but close doesn’t cut it had a good run to end up with nothin’ but a referee… slipped a 10 right before we played our hearts out, but came up short yeah, you win some, you lose some, it ain’t always “Hala’s” and that’s just the way life plays if we were team and love was the game we would’ve been the ‘23 wolves ‘23 wolves
Riding on the Dust

Riding on the Dust

Được tạo bởi Wang Tony với Suno AI

[Verse] Boots on the ground Hat pulled low Riding through the desert With a heart that's bold Spurs jingling Guns gleaming Ready to ignite A cowboy in the sunset Ain't afraid to fight High noon's approaching Tension's gettin' higher Got my six-shooter Ready to fire Adrenaline pumping In this wild blood I'm a cowboy on a mission In this neighborhood [Verse 2] Whiskey-soaked saloons Where the outlaws play In a cloud of smoke My gun will have its say Enemies keep knockin' But I won't back down I'll draw my weapon Make 'em hit the ground


Được tạo bởi Wang Tony với Suno AI

[guitar solo] [Piano solo] [Verse 1] In the west so wild, 'neath skies so vast and blue, A cowboy rides, his heart brave and true. Met a girl with eyes, like the stars at night, Promised her his world, in the soft moonlight. [Chorus] Oh, darling, for you I ride, Across the plains, with love as my guide. Under stars and sun, across the land so wide, I'll win your heart, and have you by my side. [Verse 2] Through towns and rivers, facing risks untold, His love shines brighter, fearless and bold. To mountains high and valleys deep he roamed, To win her love, and bring it safely home. [Chorus] Oh, darling, for you I ride, Across the plains, with love as my guide. Under stars and sun, across the land so wide, I'll win your heart, and have you by my side. [Guitar solo] [Piano solo] [End]
A day

A day

Được tạo bởi Jesh Tiwari với Suno AI

A day, what a day I am not going to sway In grief or in play Its always a day a real unique day
Lena in Wien

Lena in Wien

Được tạo bởi DK _ với Suno AI

(Verse 1) In Wien, da flaniert die Lena, sie ist wie ein Wiener Schnitzel, Mit ihrem Charme verzaubert sie die Stadt, oh, das ist einfach fabelhaft. Sie schlendert durch die Gassen, hat den Wiener Schmäh im Blut, Mit ihr die Stadt zu erkunden, ist wie ein Abenteuer, das immer gut tut.(Refrain) Oh, Lena, du bist wie ein Fiaker, elegant und voller Schwung, In deiner Nähe fühlt sich Wien an wie ein Walzer, leicht und voller Leben. Lena, du bist mein Geheimtipp in der Stadt, ich schätze dich so sehr, In Wien, mit dir an meiner Seite, ist das Leben einfach herrlich und heiter.(Verse 2) Lena, du bist wie ein Kaffeehaus, gemütlich und warm, Dein Lachen ist wie Musik für meine Ohren, es macht alles so schön und charmant. Du strahlst wie die Lichter der Ringstraße, wenn die Nacht hereinbricht, Mit dir durch Wien zu ziehen, ist wie ein Fest, das niemals endet, so schlicht.(Refrain) Oh, Lena, du bist wie ein Fiaker, elegant und voller Schwung, In deiner Nähe fühlt sich Wien an wie ein Walzer, leicht und voller Leben. Lena, du bist mein Geheimtipp in der Stadt, ich schätze dich so sehr, In Wien, mit dir an meiner Seite, ist das Leben einfach herrlich und heiter


Được tạo bởi Lahari Madhumanchi với Suno AI

Losing him was blue, like I'd never known Missing him was dark gray, all alone Forgetting him was like trying to know Somebody you never met But loving him was red Oh, red Burning red Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes Tell myself it's time now gotta let go But moving on from him is impossible When I still see it all in my head In burning red Burning, it was red Oh, losing him was blue, like I'd never known Missing him was dark gray, all alone Forgetting him was like trying to know Somebody you never met 'Cause loving him was red Yeah, yeah, red Burning red And that's why he's spinning 'round in my head Comes back to me, burning red Yeah, yeah His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street
Smrad maly

Smrad maly

Được tạo bởi Smrad Maly với Suno AI

Tomaš Panaček naš maly ryšavec Smrdí cez cele okolie Či v triede aj v Jastrrabíí Každí kdo je pri ňom ho cíti ako bublove trenky Panáček Panáček To je ale meno hnusné Ako jeho trenky su hnusné JE to naš vysoký ryšavec Smradľavý jak krava na žite Žije si svoj smradľavý svet Každy ho musí cítiť ako hovno Ja som kokot prečo ho cítim Všetci teraz umreme ako židia v plynovej komore OOOOOOOOOoooo To je ten smradľavý Panáček Citiš ho aj v blave či aj na luniku Jeho ryšave vajcochlpy OOooooOOOO To je same niečo o sebe Smrad strašnyyyy Smrad strašnyyyyyy Fakt ho nechceš citit Matuš vie povedať svoje Moj kokot ked ho citi Stočí sa dole a čaka dole oooOooooo Moj chudačik kokot ooooooo kokotkooooo


Được tạo bởi Wang Tony với Suno AI

the sky so blue and the stars keep shining, did you see, cause I need


Được tạo bởi Itamar Lebowitz với Suno AI

Monkey see, Monkey do Demarcus please Working in the fields Hoping for bananas Don’t be getting them lashes


Được tạo bởi Wang Tony với Suno AI

the sky so blue and the stars keep shining, did you see, cause I need
Flower Fields and Fading Dreams

Flower Fields and Fading Dreams

Được tạo bởi Rebecca Rhodes với Suno AI

[Verse] In the flower fields, where the foxes run, Chasing shadows, 'neath the setting sun, Their hearts are wild, and their spirits free, But little did they know, what lay ahead of thee. Majestic cats, with eyes so sly, They prowled in silence, as they walked on by, The foxes played, in innocence and glee, Unaware of the danger lurking in the trees. [Verse 2] The wind whispered secrets, through the autumn leaves, As the foxes danced, in the golden eve, But as the night fell, with its chilling air, A fate, so tragic, they were bound to share.
Heartaches and Honky Tonks

Heartaches and Honky Tonks

Được tạo bởi Boonesborough Beach Boy với Suno AI

Take me where heartaches and honky Tonks is all the sing about I want a crowd who understands falling in love and falling out Take me to a place, it’s okay to get a little loud Take me where heartaches and honky tonks is all they sing about
Rowerzysta Toczek

Rowerzysta Toczek

Được tạo bởi Damian Zelwach với Suno AI

Tomasz Toczek jeździ na rowerze szosowym w Hiszpanii
the KKks revenge

the KKks revenge

Được tạo bởi Isaiah Clayton với Suno AI

the KKK finding elijah and taking him away to make him pay for his devious acts of racsism
Fucking Great Insurance

Fucking Great Insurance

Được tạo bởi Jason Phillips với Suno AI

Weston Bradbury Insurance Services, Fucking Great Insurance
Dzika Litwo

Dzika Litwo

Được tạo bởi Kabulu Mamulu với Suno AI

Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteś jak zdrowie. Ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie, Kto cię stracił. Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie Widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie. Panno Święta, co Jasnej bronisz Częstochowy I w Ostrej świecisz Bramie! Ty, co gród zamkowy Nowogródzki ochraniasz z jego wiernym ludem! Jak mnie dziecko do zdrowia powróciłaś cudem (Gdy od płaczącej matki pod Twoję opiekę Ofiarowany, martwą podniosłem powiekę I zaraz mogłem pieszo do Twych świątyń progu Iść za wrócone życie podziękować Bogu), Tak nas powrócisz cudem na Ojczyzny łono. Tymczasem przenoś moję duszę utęsknioną Do tych pagórków leśnych, do tych łąk zielonych, Szeroko nad błękitnym Niemnem rozciągnionych; Do tych pól malowanych zbożem rozmaitem, Wyzłacanych pszenicą, posrebrzanych żytem; Gdzie bursztynowy świerzop, gryka jak śnieg biała, Gdzie panieńskim rumieńcem dzięcielina pała, A wszystko przepasane, jakby wstęgą, miedzą Zieloną, na niej z rzadka ciche grusze siedzą.
Mrmot a sorka

Mrmot a sorka

Được tạo bởi _tobias_ bubla_ với Suno AI

Na ceste dlhej a nekonečnej, Mrmot jazdí na sorke, s ťažkým srdcom sklesnutým a utrápeným. Presne tak ako keď dežerický autobusár vezie Tobiasa a Matúša, ťažký život autobusárov začína sa. Z každodenného zhonu po Machnáči a po Úspechu, Mrmot v hustej premávke pláva a cíti sa sklamaný. Autobusári nemajú ľahký život, plnia svoju náročnú úlohu, vždy včas, vždy na ceste, to je ich každodenný rituál. Keď sa zatiahne ručná, Mrmot zastavuje s bolesťou v srdci a smútkom v duši. Občas sa zdá, že život autobusára, je ako bludný poklad, Nikdy nevieš, aký autobus ťa čaká, aká bude tvoja osudová nálada. Tobias a Matúš na palube, sprevádzajú Mrmota na ceste, Autobus dvere zavrie a nasleduje jazda plná nástrah a zvratov. Ale do srdca autobusára vojde pocit hrdosti a oddanosti, Veď predsa voziť pasažierov je jeho povolaním, jeho životnou úlohou. Tak nech táto pesnička rozoznie výkriky po celej Krásnej Vsi, o Mrmotovi, sorke a ťažkom živote autobusára. Spievajme o ceste, ktorá je ako život, ako autobusy, ktoré nesú náš osud a každý deň nový príbeh píšu.