
Top Ballad Music Hits - Listen to Emotional Ballads Online

Explore the best ballad music collection. Enjoy timeless ballad hits and discover new emotional tracks. Perfect for relaxing and reflecting.



Được tạo bởi Zach Johnson với Suno AI

Rob, you're my best friend through thick and thin I can't believe I let your birthday slip my mind again I feel so bad, I don't know where to begin You mean the world to me, I hope you know it's true I'd never want to disappoint a friend like you I'm so sorry, I forgot your special day Got caught up in life and let it slip away Our friendship means everything to me Next year I'll make it up to you, you'll see Because a friend like you is precious and rare I promise to always show you how much I care Remember all the good times and laughs we've had The ups and downs, the best and worst of times Through it all, our bond just multiplies I count my lucky stars to have you in my life I'll never let another birthday pass me by


Được tạo bởi yue zheng với Suno AI

[Intro] [Symphonic riff] [Verse] 晨曦微露,炊烟袅袅升起, 家的温暖,一碗热粥情深似海。 岁月悠长,老棉袄披我肩, 乡音未改,心中有爱,步履不停歇。 [Chorus] 啊,天下百姓,心手相连, 风雨同舟,共度时光的变迁。 啊,天下百姓,梦想一线牵, 无论何时,无论何地,心中有爱就有明天。 [Chorus] 啊,天下百姓,辛勤耕耘每一天, 汗水洒满大地,希望在心间。 啊,天下百姓,守望相助共温暖, 无论山高路远,情深似海,大爱无边。 [Interlude] [Inter/solo] [Symphonic] [Outro] [Ending]


Được tạo bởi yue zheng với Suno AI

[Intro] [Symphonic riff] [Verse] 晨曦微露,炊烟袅袅升起, 家的温暖,一碗热粥情深似海。 岁月悠长,老棉袄披我肩, 乡音未改,心中有爱,步履不停歇。 [Chorus] 啊,天下百姓,心手相连, 风雨同舟,共度时光的变迁。 啊,天下百姓,梦想一线牵, 无论何时,无论何地,心中有爱就有明天。 [Chorus] 啊,天下百姓,辛勤耕耘每一天, 汗水洒满大地,希望在心间。 啊,天下百姓,守望相助共温暖, 无论山高路远,情深似海,大爱无边。 [Interlude] [Inter/solo] [Symphonic] [Outro] [Ending]
sad song 4

sad song 4

Được tạo bởi Lamberto Tedaldi với Suno AI

( intro synthesizer come up ) ( sax ) (outro)
Ballad of Enchanted Hearts

Ballad of Enchanted Hearts

Được tạo bởi Code Fantasy với Suno AI

Verse 1: Underneath the shimmering twilight sky, Our gazes lock, an unspoken lullaby. In this quaint town where whispers fly, We tread a path, just you and I. Chorus: Can you hear the symphony of our pulse? A melody woven with the threads of trust. In this dance, we're both engulfed, In a love story, just, and just. Verse 2: Through the meandering alleys of fate, We found a spark, neither early nor late. In each other, we found a mate, A connection ordained as great. Bridge: Let the cynics cast their stones, Let the skeptics roll their eyes. In our universe, we're never alone, Our love story, our cherished prize. Chorus: In the echoes of our intertwined hearts, There's a tune that never departs. It narrates our journey, every chart, In a love story that outsmarts. Outro: As the curtain falls on this celestial night, Our chapters continue beyond the light. In the anthology of time, so bright, Our love story, our endless flight.


Được tạo bởi Bessie J. Skidmore với Suno AI

记忆中那片海 依然波光粼粼 当年的喜悦已经远去 只剩下回忆 曾经我们在这里漫步 海风吹拂过我的脸颊 如今我孤单地站在这里 却再也感受不到当初的温暖 再听海声, 仿佛又听到你的呼唤 你早已远去 我无法再次拥抱 曾经的幸福一去不返 只剩下遗憾和自责 我应该好好珍惜那份爱 但现在一切都已太迟 再听海声, 仿佛又听到你的呼唤 你早已远去 我无法再次拥抱 使用 再 回不到从前 我也要学会释怀 去面对人生的种种变迁 去拥抱未来的美好 海风依旧在吹拂 而我的心也渐渐平静下来 铭记过去的美好时光 去珍惜现在的生活


Được tạo bởi hannah với Suno AI

이 노래는 내 마음, 너에게 전하고 싶어 응원의 메시지, 영원히 함께 사랑해, 말로는 표현할 수 없는気持ち 소중한 너의 모든 것, 지켜주고 싶어 하늘의 별처럼 영원히 빛나길 내 곁에, 언제까지나


Được tạo bởi Jasper Plieger với Suno AI

Lekker friemelen Een beetje piemelen Dat doet Jasper graag Stoten in Lieke haar maag Die krijgt dan weer buikpijn. Dat is minder fijn. Zij voelt het kloppen in haar buik. Na deze beurt krijgt zij een kruik.


Được tạo bởi Marcel Dübbelde với Suno AI

Wera mein Schatz. Ich liebe dich über alles! Ich liebe alles an dir, jeden Augenblick, in dem ich deine Stimme höre, jeden Augenblick, in dem ich dich sehe und auch jedes Wort, das du mir schreibst! Ich liebe dich voll und ganz … von oben bis unten … von ganzem Herzen! Ich verliebe mich jeden Tag neu in dich und hoffe, dass wir noch ewig zusammenbleiben. Was ich an dir liebe? Einfach alles! Wera du wundervolle Frau Meine Liebe lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen, denn sie ist allumfassend, riesig groß und wächst mit jedem Tag. Ich wollte dir an diesem tollen Morgen einfach mal sagen, wie gern ich dich hab. Du bist etwas Besonderes für mich und ich will dich nie verlieren. Danke, dass es dich gibt.Wera du bist einfach unglaublich so unbeschreiblich schön . Du und Leon machen mein Leben perfekt. Danke für alles und danke für jeden neuen Tag !


Được tạo bởi Marcel Dübbelde với Suno AI

Wera mein Schatz. Ich liebe dich über alles! Ich liebe alles an dir, jeden Augenblick, in dem ich deine Stimme höre, jeden Augenblick, in dem ich dich sehe und auch jedes Wort, das du mir schreibst! Ich liebe dich voll und ganz … von oben bis unten … von ganzem Herzen! Ich verliebe mich jeden Tag neu in dich und hoffe, dass wir noch ewig zusammenbleiben. Was ich an dir liebe? Einfach alles! Wera du wundervolle Frau Meine Liebe lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen, denn sie ist allumfassend, riesig groß und wächst mit jedem Tag. Ich wollte dir an diesem tollen Morgen einfach mal sagen, wie gern ich dich hab. Du bist etwas Besonderes für mich und ich will dich nie verlieren. Danke, dass es dich gibt. Hab’ einen wundervollen Tag! Du und Leon machen mein Leben perfekt. Danke für alles und danke für jeden neuen Tag !


Được tạo bởi Sa muesbueno con nadie Spiderpro với Suno AI

[Verse 1] Hijodelaremilputaqueteparióporquénotemueresytevasatomarporculo Hijodelaremilputaqueteparióporquénotemueresytevasatomarporculo Hijodelaremilputaqueteparióporquénotemueresytevasatomarporculo [Chorus] achingachinga iaiaia achingachinga iaiaia achingachinga iaiaia achingachinga iaiaia [Verse 2] Se, ter, mi, nó


Được tạo bởi Linda Lyu với Suno AI

心心相惜,情不自禁, 短暂的恨,长久的爱。 都是李世石赐予的。 我在交手中被他淹没, 很庆幸有他,同一时代。 您教会了我关于围棋的一切, 可是老天多给了一个李世石。 有这样的对手,是上天给我的恩赐。 让他看到古力还会下棋, 其实我就是很希望陪着他一起, 到40、50、60岁。 这是个邀请, 世石听到了么? 陪着古力,愿意下。 至亲朋友,毕生对手, 他棋是好,人也是好。 只是想去看看他。 古力是我人生当中最好的礼物, 古力是个大男人, 是那种很大方、大大咧咧的, 够意思的、特别招人喜欢的那种男人类型。 我很幸运有一位相伴一生的对手, 有了你,我的人生远远不只是黑白, 在无情的江湖中我并不寂寞。 古力九段是个好对手, 我对他没有宿敌的概念, 相反,我对他抱有一些特殊的情感, 类似是……抱歉吧。
그대와의 삶

그대와의 삶

Được tạo bởi jian zou với Suno AI

그대와의 삶 주가 A1 새벽의 창공 아래 그대의 숨결을 느낌 그대의 눈빛 속에 숨죽인 온기 꿈속에서도 그대를 찾아 헤매 우리의 삶은 삼총화 빛나는 새 시작 주가 A2 밤새의 별빛 아래 얘기섞이 살새 그대의 손잡고 살면 세상이 다 아름다워 우리의 삶은 긴장이 담긴 책 그대와의 삶은 영원토록 새기 새기 부가 B 그대와의 삶은 노래 닿잖이 울렁 우리의 사랑은 큰 바다 흔들리 그대와의 삶은 꿈 깊이 묻힌 순정 그대와의 삶은 영원토록 살아가 간주 (악기 케소로 흐르며) 주가 A2 (반복) 밤새의 별빛 아래 얘기섞이 살새 그대의 손잡고 살면 세상이 다 아름다워 우리의 삶은 긴장이 담긴 책 그대와의 삶은 영원토록 새기 새기 부가 B (반복) 그대와의 삶은 노래 닿잖이 울렁 우리의 사랑은 큰 바다 흔들리 그대와의 삶은 꿈 깊이 묻힌 순정 그대와의 삶은 영원토록 살아가 부가 B (재반복) 그대와의 삶은 노래 닿잖이 울렁 우리의 사랑은 큰 바다 흔들리 그대와의 삶은 꿈 깊이 묻힌 순정 그대와의 삶은 영원토록 살아가 코다 (악기 케소로 길어지며, 점점 잊혀져)


Được tạo bởi Linda Lyu với Suno AI

心心相惜,情不自禁, 短暂的恨,长久的爱。 我在交手中被他淹没, 很庆幸有他,同一时代。 如果没有古力出现, 我可能不会维持现在的水平。 古力是我特别想相遇的对手, 也是想坐下来喝杯酒的朋友。 李世石是我围棋的领路人, 失去他我又失去了方向。 他一直是我职业生涯的一盏明灯, 有这样的对手,是上天给我的恩赐。 纵使GoGo成“新欢”, 然与小李把酒言欢, 仍是人间最快乐的事情。 您教会了我围棋的一切, 可是老天多给了一个李世石。 我是2月3日、你是3月2日出生, 我是哥哥,你是弟弟。 都是李世石赐予的。 让他看到古力还会下棋, 遭整疯了,很被动。 每一次和他下,每一盘棋, 都印象深刻。 他输给我之后, 还一个人躲在一旁暗自流泪。 这一幕也记忆犹新。 其实我就是很希望陪着他一起, 到40、50、60岁。 我非常期待, 李世石先生能陪我共同战斗到六十岁。 这是个邀请, 世石听到了么? 陪着古力,愿意下。 我很幸运有一位相伴一生的对手, 有了你,我的人生远远不只是黑白, 在无情的江湖中我并不寂寞。 围棋是神送给人类最好的礼物, 而最好的对手, 就是神赐给一位围棋手最好的礼物, (我的礼物)就是古力。 古力是我人生当中最好的礼物, 他棋是好,人也是好。 作为对手,古力是最强的, 作为朋友,他也是最好的。 他身上有一种来自大陆的力量, 他让我格外期待、渴望与之较量, 他让我激动又兴奋、全心期待。 古力是个大男人, 是那种很大方、大大咧咧的, 够意思的、特别招人喜欢的那种男人类型。 现在和古力下棋, 不仅高兴,还感到很幸福。 并没有什么特别的事, 只是想去看看他。 我第一次见到古力的时候, 还以为该叫他哥, 我俩的体格相差太大啦, 不过现在,我们俩看起来就是差不多年纪了,是吧。 我在的时候, 我是古力的台阶, 所以他走的稳, 我不在的时候, 他没有台阶了, 状态下降了, 现在我回来了, 古力也有踩的对象了, 所以他的状态也会好起来吧。 至亲朋友,毕生对手, 请支持我亲爱的朋友古力吧, 正如你们为我做的那样。 古力九段是个好对手, 我对他没有宿敌的概念, 相反,我对他抱有一些特殊的情感, 是什么样的特殊情感呢? 类似是……抱歉吧。 他是我的对手和朋友。 然而相比于对手, 我心里更当他是朋友。 无论古力什么时候发出邀请, 我都会从韩国飞来, 请他喝酒。
beomgyu ah

beomgyu ah

Được tạo bởi hannah với Suno AI

Beomgyu, your smile like a ray of sunshine Warmth on a cold day, chasing away the shine Remember the day we first met, the crowd and all the noise? ( My heart thumped a rhythm, a love story with no voice (Chorus) Across the distance, my love will always be A silent promise, forever faithfully Your star shines so brightly, illuminating the night And I'll follow your light, with all my might (Verse 2) Through tough times, your voice a guiding refrain Lifting my spirits, washing away the rain You shine on the stage, a beacon of hope And for that I'm grateful, a strength you always scope (Chorus) Across the distance, my love will always be A silent promise, forever faithfully Your star shines so brightly, illuminating the night And I'll follow your light, with all my might (Bridge) I love you, Beomgyu, more than words can say Your music's my sunshine, lighting up my way May your journey be filled with endless delight (Chorus) Across the distance, my love will always be A silent promise, forever faithfully Your star shines so brightly, illuminating the night And I'll follow your light, with all my might (Outro) Forever by your side, in spirit we'll always be


Được tạo bởi hannah với Suno AI

(Verse 1) 안개 속 길을 찾아 헤매던 날 별빛 같은 너의 눈빛이 나를 이끌었어 처음 を見た 순간, 가슴이 울렸지 최범규, 운명 같은 네 이름 (Chorus) 사랑해, 말로는 표현할 수 없는気持ち 소중한 너의 모든 것, 지켜주고 싶어 하늘의 별처럼 영원히 빛나길 내 곁에, 언제까지나 (Verse 2) 힘든 순간에도 네 노래가 나를 위로해 무대 위에서 빛나는 너의 모습 내가 걸어야 할 길을 보여줘 줘 힘이 되어줘, 최범규 (Chorus) 사랑해, 말로는 표현할 수 없는気持ち 소중한 너의 모든 것, 지켜주고 싶어 하늘의 별처럼 영원히 빛나길 내 곁에, 언제까지나 (Bridge) 이 노래는 내 마음, 너에게 전하고 싶어 응원의 메시지, 영원히 함께 (Chorus) 사랑해, 말로는 표현할 수 없는気持ち 소중한 너의 모든 것, 지켜주고 싶어 하늘의 별처럼 영원히 빛나길 내 곁에, 언제까지나
Pray 4 U

Pray 4 U

Được tạo bởi Kaung Khant Chan Nyein với Suno AI

(Verse) Beneath the streetlight's glow, her silhouette I see, Hand in hand with another, she's moving away from me. Frozen in regret, as the night turns cold, Love slips through my fingers, a story untold. (Chorus) Blind to her goodbye, I stand here all alone, Watching love's laughter fade, tears blur my eyes to stone. As she walks away, with him by her side, I watch the love of my life, with another, silently abide. (Bridge) In this silent despair, her laughter echoes loud, Memories burning bright, beneath this lonely shroud. But now they fade, into the night's dark embrace, Leaving me with a heart, shattered and displaced. (Chorus) Blind to her goodbye, I stand here all alone, Watching love's laughter fade, tears blur my eyes to stone. As she walks away, with him by her side, I watch the love of my life, with another, silently abide. (Outro) So I'll linger in the shadows, where heartaches lie, With shattered dreams, beneath the starlit sky. For in this silent sorrow, I'll let out one last sigh, As I watch the love of my life, with another, say goodbye.
See you

See you

Được tạo bởi Kaung Khant Chan Nyein với Suno AI

(Verse 1) On the corner of the street, I saw her hand in his, My heart sank low, my hope shattered to bits. In the pale streetlight, they walked away, Leaving me standing there, lost in dismay. (Chorus) How could I not see, she was ready to fly? Now she's gone with him, and all I can do is cry. Her smile fades away, as tears fill my eyes, Watching the love of my life with another guy. (Verse 2) Every laugh we shared, every touch so sweet, Now lost to me, in this lonely defeat. I reach out, but she's already moved on, Leaving me stranded, all hope is gone. (Chorus) How could I not see, she was ready to fly? Now she's gone with him, and all I can do is cry. Her smile fades away, as tears fill my eyes, Watching the love of my life with another guy. (Bridge) In this quiet night, my heart breaks in two, Every memory of us, now tainted and blue. But I'll hold onto them, even as they die, As I watch the love of my life with another guy. (Chorus) How could I not see, she was ready to fly? Now she's gone with him, and all I can do is cry. Her smile fades away, as tears fill my eyes, Watching the love of my life with another guy. (Outro) So I'll stand here alone, under the moonlit sky
Without you

Without you

Được tạo bởi Kaung Khant Chan Nyein với Suno AI

(Verse 1) Walking down the street, lost in thoughts so deep, I saw her from afar, with someone new, her heart to keep. My world turned gray as I watched them walk away, Every step they took was like a dagger to my dismay. (Chorus) Oh, the pain inside, as I watch my love by his side, Her laughter, her smile, now belong to another guy. In the shadows, I stand, drowning in silent cries, As I witness the love of my life with another guy. (Verse 2) Memories flood my mind, of moments left behind, Her gentle touch, her whispered words, now so unkind. I thought our love was strong, but I guess I was wrong, Now I'm left alone, with shattered dreams to prolong. (Chorus) Oh, the pain inside, as I watch my love by his side, Her laughter, her smile, now belong to another guy. In the shadows, I stand, drowning in silent cries, As I witness the love of my life with another guy. (Bridge) What did I do wrong, to deserve this bitter song? I gave her all I had, but still, it all went wrong. Now I'm just a ghost, haunted by what could've been, Forever lost in the darkness, of a love that met its end. (Chorus) Oh, the pain inside, as I watch my love by his side, Her laughter, her smile, now belong


Được tạo bởi Ko Jez với Suno AI

[Verse] 你的肛门比较松弛 但是呢你的痔疮呢又弥补了这一部分 如果做痔疮手术把 痔疮切除的话 [Verse 2] 可能就会显得你的肛门就比较大 可能就会有一些漏液漏气的情况 一起经历过的痛苦 却也使我们的爱更坚毅 [Chorus] 在每一个伤痛的时刻 我都感受到你的包容与理解 你的肛门虽有磨损 但爱的火焰却在我们心中蔓延 [Verse 3] 时光流逝,岁月变迁 但我们的情感却永恒不变 就像那痔疮被治愈 却留下了回忆的痕迹 [Verse 4] 无论面对生活的风雨 我们的爱依然坚不可摧 即使肛门再松弛 我们的心却更加紧密相连 [Chorus] 在每一个伤痛的时刻 我都感受到你的包容与理解 你的肛门虽有磨损 但爱的火焰却在我们心中蔓延 [Outro] 所以让我们携手共度 无论前方有何艰难险阻 因为我们的爱如此坚韧 即使肛门再松弛,也无法撼动我们的信念 [Verse 5] 就让我们紧握彼此的手 共同面对生活的挑战和风波 每一次挫折都成为我们的经历 让我们更加坚强,更加成熟 [Verse 6] 或许外界会议论我们的不同 但我们知道彼此的珍贵 痔疮的痕迹是我们的见证 见证着我们相爱的坚贞 [Chorus] 在每一个伤痛的时刻 我都感受到你的包容与理解 你的肛门虽有磨损 但爱的火焰却在我们心中蔓延 [Outro] 所以让我们携手前行 不论前路多么艰难崎岖 因为我们彼此相依相伴 即使肛门再松弛,爱依旧坚毅闪耀
Lost Without You

Lost Without You

Được tạo bởi Athman Nzomo với Suno AI

[Verse 1] In the silence of the night, I'm haunted by your ghost Memories of your laughter, the love we cherished most But now you're gone, and I'm left here all alone Lost in the shadows of a heart that turned to stone [Pre-Chorus] Everywhere I turn, I see traces of your smile Echoes of your voice, they linger for a while But you're not here, and I'm drowning in the pain Of a love that's lost, never to be the same [Chorus] Oh, how I miss you, my heartaches for your touch In the depths of my despair, I miss you oh so much But I'll hold on to the memories, they keep me alive In the darkness of the night, you're still by my side [Hook] I'm lost without you, my love, can't find my way In this world so cold, you were my light, my guiding ray But I'll keep holding on, to the love we knew Forever in my heart, I'll always love you
Lost Without You

Lost Without You

Được tạo bởi Athman Nzomo với Suno AI

[Verse 1] In the silence of the night, I'm haunted by your ghost Memories of your laughter, the love we cherished most But now you're gone, and I'm left here all alone Lost in the shadows of a heart that turned to stone [Pre-Chorus] Everywhere I turn, I see traces of your smile Echoes of your voice, they linger for a while But you're not here, and I'm drowning in the pain Of a love that's lost, never to be the same [Chorus] Oh, how I miss you, my heartaches for your touch In the depths of my despair, I miss you oh so much But I'll hold on to the memories, they keep me alive In the darkness of the night, you're still by my side [Hook] I'm lost without you, my love, can't find my way In this world so cold, you were my light, my guiding ray But I'll keep holding on, to the love we knew Forever in my heart, I'll always love you
Muscular Crepuscular

Muscular Crepuscular

Được tạo bởi Dave Asmo với Suno AI

You are so crepuscular I wish I were more muscular This melange is perplexing My biceps do be flexing


Được tạo bởi 李家驹 với Suno AI

那一晚 你说了冲 我意外 你发什么疯 看小说看入了迷的令狐冲 黑批仙尊 是你的名号 笑傲江湖 实则笑料 记得你曾为了她大打出手 你却摆摆手不谈 现在却在相亲的十字路口 大言不惭~~~ 黑批仙尊 你慢慢走 不要忘了我们这帮旧朋友 曾一起笑过,哭过,共度风雨比星辰还长久 黑批仙尊 你快快走 一定要忘了我们往前走 别回头,未来的路还很长 朝着你的方向,勇敢地 追逐梦想 等你功成名就 再坐下来叙叙旧 期待你的 永垂不朽