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Good Old Computer

Good Old Computer

由 Citizen Minus 与 Suno AI 创建

Neon Shadows

Neon Shadows

由 Елизавета Симушкина 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] Driving through the city lights Neon glow It's a sleepless night Lost in the echoes of the past Synthwave beats They're moving fast [Verse 2] Memories of a different time Caught in a loop Can't press rewind In this retro world I'm all alone Searching for the meaning I've never known [Chorus] Neon shadows dancing in the dark Heartache and longing Leave a mark In this synthwave paradise I'll find my way Through the melodies that never fade
Starrail Story

Starrail Story

由 Hong Zhaiyi 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] Lost in the city Neon lights so bright Running through the streets Chasing dreams all night In this honkai world Where starrails collide I'm weaving through the chaos Searching for my ride Riding on the starrails High above the ground I'm racing with the stars Can't keep my feet on the ground The rhythm of the city Pumping through my veins I'm breaking all the rules I won't be contained [Verse 2] In this honkai universe I'm a shooting star Sparking up the night Like a fireworks show bizarre I'm the savior of the starrail The hero of the track I'm bringing hope to the darkness Ain't no turning back


由 윤준혁 与 Suno AI 创建

연애의 제왕 버기. 오늘도 여사친으로 고시크루 제압하네. 역시 여자 꼬시기는 벡황. 어 형은 을응티비로 증명해. 연예의 제왕 현식. 오늘도 유밑녀로 고시크루 제압하네. 역시 존예 여사친은 식황. 어 형은 술좆목으로 증명해. 어 결국 정윤크루야. 또 불리론이지. 그저 자살크루의 생존률은 어쩌고 저쩌고. 고시크루의 끝 크루크루야
Ты уйдёшь

Ты уйдёшь

由 Майкл Гайдар 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] Легкий ветер встреч познакомил нас весной. Нежный поцелуй, я попал в твои сети. Ты мне сказала: "Может быть", не могу тебя забыть, Я за ночь с тобой отдам все на свете. [Chorus] Ты уйдешь, но приходит злая ночь, Ты её, признайся, дочь, что ты делаешь со мной? Ты уйдешь, и мне станет не до сна, Я опять сойду с ума, я прошу тебя, постой. [Verse] Сладкий запах губ и бездонные глаза, В синеве тону, сколько в них обещаний. Я забываю все слова, закружилась голова, Ну зачем тебе нужна ложь прощаний? [Chorus] Ты уйдешь, но приходит злая ночь, Ты её, признайся, дочь, что ты делаешь со мной? Ты уйдешь, и мне станет не до сна, Я опять сойду с ума, я прошу тебя, постой. [Chorus] Ты уйдешь, но приходит злая ночь, Ты её, признайся, дочь, что ты делаешь со мной? Ты уйдешь, и мне станет не до сна, Я опять сойду с ума, я кричу тебе, постой.
Midnight Reflections

Midnight Reflections

由 jixiang li 与 Suno AI 创建

[Intro] [Soft synths with a slow, echoing beat] [Verse 1] Midnight moon casting shadows on my thoughts, Quiet streets whisper secrets as I walk. Reflections on the water, like memories in time, Fleeting, yet profound, these thoughts that intertwine. [Chorus] Can we ever escape who we are inside? Chasing dreams in the night, in the stars we confide. Each reflection a story, a fragment of the soul, In this vast city's heart, we play our roles. [Verse 2] Streetlights flicker, like distant fading stars, Each a beacon for dreamers, bearing their scars. The cool breeze carries tales of what's to come, As I merge with the shadows, feeling numb. [Bridge] Silence speaks louder than the busiest days, In the calm of the night, I find my ways. Thoughts unfiltered, flowing free and clear, In the solitude of darkness, I face my fears. [Chorus] Can we ever escape who we are inside? Chasing dreams in the night, in the stars we confide. Each reflection a story, a fragment of the soul, In this vast city's heart, we play our roles. [Outro] As dawn approaches, the night's embrace wanes, But the reflections remain, etched in my veins. With each step forward, in the night's gentle hold, I carry th
Deli Sido

Deli Sido

由 jonas davidson 与 Suno AI 创建

Ah Sido Deli Sido Kafa açan bro Ah Sido Deli Sido Herkesle aynı anda kavga eden bro Ah Sido Deli Sido Her şeyi bilen Sido Bilmediği tek şey bilmiyorum demek olan bro Ah Sido Deli Sido İğneyi götüne batırmayıp çuvaldızı hep başkasına batıran bro Ah Sido Deli Sido Okan’ın da krizi yönetemediği anlar oldu be bro
Hell Yeah

Hell Yeah

由 Screenuuu 与 Suno AI 创建

Lala la la aa a a aaa aa aa some more yeah lala la la aa aa aaa aa a, go go some more aaa aaa a lala lala la la aaa aa aaa a


由 Carcarroll bejita 与 Suno AI 创建

他剃掉引以为傲的长发 扔掉了手里最后一根烟 他拿起小时候获奖的照片 狠狠地摔在墙上 他坐在大雨中 不知道何去何从 命运如期而至 却从不提前通知 心中的梦魇趁虚而入 驱使着他走向解脱之路 有了坚定地意志 就像双脚长了翅膀 每一次痛苦的挣扎 都是生命再为飞翔积攒力量 苦难无法禁锢不屈的灵魂 枷锁束缚不了全力的步伐 当一个人踮起脚尖靠近太阳 全世界都挡不住他散发光芒


由 Alejandra Ramirez 与 Suno AI 创建

En tiempos lejanos del diecinueve, Christopher Sholes buscaba en su mente. Una manera de agilizar la escritura, En máquinas que en la historia perduran. Las teclas alfabéticas eran su opción, Pero un problema causaba confusión. Atascos frecuentes al escribir veloz, Una solución requería, algo audaz. (Coro) QWERTY, QWERTY, así nació, En el teclado su orden se grabó. Dispersó las letras con gran ingenio, Evitando los atascos, fue su desafío. La Remington No. 1, la primera en lucir, Este diseño que hizo el escribir, Más rápido y fluido en cada pulsar, QWERTY, tu legado ha de perdurar. (Interludio instrumental) A través del tiempo, tu fama creció, En teclados modernos, aún te vemos hoy. Con tu disposición, facilitas la tarea, QWERTY, en el mundo, una leyenda quedará. (Coro) QWERTY, QWERTY, así nació, En el teclado su orden se grabó. Dispersó las letras con gran ingenio, Evitando los atascos, fue su desafío. (QWERTY, QWERTY...)
Anime Showdown

Anime Showdown

由 Kasi Karu 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] In the battle arena We're ready to fight With our powers awakened We're taking the spotlight With swords clashing And fists flying high We'll face all the challenges Reaching for the sky In this world of anime Where heroes arise We'll never back down We'll never compromise With determination burning in our hearts We'll give it our all Tearing all barriers apart [Verse 2] The villains are lurking Darkness takes its toll But we'll stand together Illuminating every soul With the strength of friendship We'll conquer the despair Unleashing our powers We're an unstoppable pair


由 max sebastiani 与 Suno AI 创建

March of Victorica Valdana

March of Victorica Valdana

由 Roman vel Tjord 与 Suno AI 创建

Around the world

Around the world

由 Mixail Bebra 与 Suno AI 创建

Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world
Monday Afternoon Lessons

Monday Afternoon Lessons

由 Steve Dösselmann 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] Monday afternoon The week has just begun Sittin' in English class I'm havin' so much fun Teacher's talkin' grammar But all I hear is "blah" I'm daydreamin' 'bout a trip to bonny Scotland Ooh-yeah! Doug from Scotland He's got that charm With his Scottish accent I can't keep calm I'm learnin' 'bout the Highlands The bagpipes too Just wanna be in Scotland Feelin' so brand new [Chorus] Monday afternoon lessons Oh so rough But in my daydreams I'm dancin' through the stuff Imagining those Scottish hills I wanna go there soon Breakin' free from English class and dancin' to the tune
Always On Call

Always On Call

由 Gligorije Čupković 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] 24/7 That's my life Emergency support through day and night I'm the one they call when things go wrong Fixing Ericsson databases I stay strong Dance pop folk is my claim to fame Rhythmic beats They fuel my flame In the telecom world I hold the key To keep the connection flowing seamlessly [Verse 2] Database crashes Problems arise But I'm here to make it all stabilize I'm the troubleshooter The go-to guy No matter the hour I'll amplify


由 Vedran Meter 与 Suno AI 创建

[Bridge] Y'all wastin' energy, y'all look just like enemies Only goal is stoppin' mine, y'all gon' need some better dreams I've been on the grind, looks like y'all been on your knees Talkin' wild while you're online, hatin' who you'll never be Y'all are thirty-five, actin' like you're seventeen Workin' late at nine-to-fives, jealous I just rap and sleep You're angry at your life, got a job, forgot to leave Now you're growin' older in the only town you'll ever see [Chorus] They been hatin', I think it's stupid funny Haters, fake friends, makin' me stupid money They been hatin', makin' me famous Keep hatin', you're wastin' all of your energy on me They been hatin', I think it's stupid funny Haters, fake friends, makin' me stupid money They been hatin', makin' me famous Keep hatin', you're wastin' all of your energy on me


由 Сергей «STELS174RUS» Варфейсер 与 Suno AI 创建

Юля, ты тот человек который очень нравится мне, своей красотой, прекрасной улыбкой и доброй душой как у нангела с верху. [Verse] Ты как солнце светишь Юля Так красива и прелестна Сладкая ты Твоя улыбка — это чудо О да! [Verse 2] Душа у тебя добрая Юля Как у самого нежного ангела Когда я рядом Я счастлив с тобой Обожаю тебя Как никого другого! [Chorus] Юля Ты моя прекрасная звезда Твоя красота пьянит меня С тобой хочу просыпаться каждый день Ты моя Муза Моя Юля Мой ангелок..
Addiction aux Sims

Addiction aux Sims

由 repository ais 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] Une fille nommée Louptatou Accro aux Sims Elle est dans le rouge Vingt heures par jour Elle est perdue Mais le jeu est trop dur Elle enrage [Verse 2] Elle construit des maisons par milliers Des familles virtuelles à la pelle Mais elle avance pas Elle en a marre Les obstacles la mettent en pétard [Chorus] Louptatou Perdue dans les Sims Elle joue sans fin C'est son destin Mais elle s'en sortira Elle est déterminée À devenir la pro dans ce jeu bien aimé
L'Addiction de Gogecraft

L'Addiction de Gogecraft

由 benjamin redsup 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] Dans un monde virtuel pas si normal Un homme nommé Gogecraft Se plonge dans le jeu Il en est accro Le crafting C'est son échappatoire [Verse 2] Il passe des heures Des jours entiers À construire À explorer À perfectionner Mais il sait bien Au fond de son être Il devrait peut-être arrêter de s'enfoncer [Chorus] Gogecraft Il se goge le craft Une addiction dont il aimerait se défaire Mais les pixels Les commandes L'immensité Lui offrent un monde difficile à quitter


由 Faith Mwona 与 Suno AI 创建

(Verse 1) Bibens ex hoc poculo, me sentio in alto, Cum tecum, puella, tangens caelum. Oculi tui velut gemmae, fulgentes noctu, Tecum iuncto, omnia bene sunt. (Pre-Chorus) Tu es lux mea in pluvia, lux mea in tenebris, Cum me amplecteris, ignem incendis. In hoc mundo insano, tu es pax mea, serenitas mea, Tecum, puella, luciditatem invenio. (Chorus) Puella, tu es angelus meus, regina mea, omnia mea, In hoc mundo insano, cor meum cantat facis. Omne momentum tecum est velut somnium, In tuis brachiis, serenitatem invenio. (Verse 2) Tactus tuus velut magia, tremores percurrunt spinam meam, Tecum, puella, omnia divina sentio. Perditus in tuo complexu, perditus in tempore, Tecum iuncto, scio nos esse salvos. (Pre-Chorus) Tu es lux mea in pluvia, lux mea in tenebris, Cum me amplecteris, ignem incendis. In hoc mundo insano, tu es pax mea, serenitas mea, Tecum, puella, luciditatem invenio. (Chorus) Puella, tu es angelus meus, regina mea, omnia mea, In hoc mundo insano, cor meum cantat facis. Omne momentum tecum est velut somnium, In tuis brachiis, serenitatem invenio.
not ur man

not ur man

由 will - 与 Suno AI 创建

[verse] i never miss my girlfriend cut her off like split ends not lovers till the end end end i’m really not your godsend not tryna be your martyr don’t wanna meet your father just wanna hit it harder er er [chorus] pop a xan drop her hand phuck her friend not your man no i’m not your man [verse] love her like a curse calling me the worst drive her in a hearse erse erse steal a bill from her purse loving her perverse love her so it hurts hurts hurts [chorus] pop a xan drop her hand phuck her friend not your man no i’m not your man [bridge] and oooooooo i know it’s not what lovers doooooo but i wanna make you black and blueeeee then go look for someone newwwww it’s just what i’m used to yeah it’s just what i’m used to [chorus] pop a xan drop her hand phuck her friend not your man no im not a good man
Digital Despair

Digital Despair

由 Rob Themes 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] In the tangled web of wires, Autechre weaves their sound, Melodies twisted, distorted, with glitches all around, Like an algorithm gone rogue, their beats start to creep, Cumbia meets mumblecore, a symphony of sleep. [Verse 2] Emo rap in the mix, words whispered in despair, Layers of emotion, heavy in the air, The mumblecore flows, like a river in the night, A sonic landscape painted in shades of black and white. [Chorus] Digital despair, a symphony of broken dreams, Autechre's creation, a world that's torn at the seams, Cumbia rhythms collide with mumblecore's broken heart, Emo rap's melancholic tale, tearing us apart.
La Vie Sans Limite

La Vie Sans Limite

由 Petit Minou 与 Suno AI 创建

tube de l'été résumant la vie d'anne hidalgo