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由 Ji Halah 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse 1] In the middle of the dark forest on the moon day without light to guide Both lost Step forward in fear and can't see the way [Verse 2] The more you walk, the more you walk around. stay in the same place It's too dark to see the solution [Chorus] There are no people. Lonely, lonely Alone in the secret forest have to fight with myself fear bites and is swallowing body goes in slowly [Verse 3] Pray to God please see shine bright Please lead the way home.
the black screen

the black screen

由 dakka 与 Suno AI 创建

The screen fades to black, the silence loud in my ears, A digital world gone quiet, amplifying my fears. The laughter and cheers, now echoes of the past, In the still of the night, these moments never last. It's 2 AM, the game is done, my friends have all gone away, I'm left alone with thoughts that roam, in the quiet they come out to play. The solitude, a stark contrast, to the camaraderie we had, It's just me and the ticking clock, the good, the bad, the sad. I ponder life, the paths I've walked, the ones I've yet to tread, The victories won, the battles lost, the things I've left unsaid. The screen, once bright, now a mirror to my soul, Reflects the questions of my heart, the parts that make me whole.
the black screen

the black screen

由 dakka 与 Suno AI 创建

Another night, another game Friends logging off, it's just the same (ooh-yeah) The room grows quiet, the screen stands still Reality sets in, an empty chill Time ticks away, it's two AM Alone with my thoughts, wondering when The laughter and banter will fill the air But it's just me here, in this virtual square I'm feeling the weight of my own mortality (ooh-yeah) In the silence of this digital sea (ooh-yeah) Loneliness and solitude, my constant friends When the game ends and the night descends (ooh-yeah)


由 Anastasiya Ercert 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse 1] персиковый винстон, школьница хай фешн, стакан ,бутылка, нужен стон плакат молли изрежешь, губы цвета вишни май лав, тушь ватерпруф детка слила пруф, [Brigde] в темном коридоре школы: кис ми шепчет, на полу разлита кола, бро, для тебя этот репчик [Chorus] эти гёрлс-гёрлс на тусовке, лин вода из глаз, эти гёрлс-гёрлс на тусовке, кукла блюет в унитаз [Bridge] написал текст как нехуй делать [Verse 2] выебнулась в сторис челку подстригли я что, блять, эмо? мы сидим на иглах выключи свет, хани, выключи свет сладкий минет, дать совет? смелее ну давай, снимай, руку дай


由 ihN OH 与 Suno AI 创建

(He-he-he) Chorus: Hello, I cook cream soup, the taste is Coco Loco Desire me as your wife, but she is mm, mm, mm I clean your room, it's so twinkle, twinkle Desire me as your wife, but she is mm, mm, mm Verse(Rap): My dear, take a big bite (Ah) Even if you're hungry, you must resist (Uh) I'll give you more, so no need to pout Now that you've grown up, aren't you, your daddy? That's why I've prepared a cake, But that's not all, there are cherries up above, Carefully kiss, and boldly bite it off (Ow!) Show me how you describe the taste (Hey) Chorus: I cook cream soup, the taste is Coco Loco Desire me as your wife, but she is mm, mm, mm I clean your room, it's so twinkle, twinkle Desire me as your wife, but she is mm, mm, mm Verse(Rap): Mm, mm, mm It's a plump, plump, plump tongue's gentle touch You feel brr, brr, brr (Ah), ha-ha I've cleaned every nook and cranny, The delicate touch of lips untouched, From head to toe, it's just chop, chop, chop, If you've prepared well, now come and try, If you do it well, I'll sing a beautiful song, Like a mermaid who's met water, I'll dance beautifully, If you do it well, I'll also have a full belly,And because I'm in a good mood.


由 Linda Lyu 与 Suno AI 创建

心心相惜,情不自禁, 短暂的恨,长久的爱。 都是李世石赐予的。 我在交手中被他淹没, 很庆幸有他,同一时代。 有这样的对手, 是上天给我的恩赐。 让他看到古力还会下棋, 六十岁,一百盘 这是个邀请, 世石听到了么? 陪着古力,愿意下。 至亲朋友,毕生对手, 他棋是好,人也是好。 只是想去看看他。 古力是个大男人, 是那种很大方、大大咧咧的, 够意思的、特别招人喜欢的那种男人类型。 古力是我人生当中最好的礼物, 我对他抱有一些特殊的情感, 大概是……抱歉吧。


由 Linda Lyu 与 Suno AI 创建

心心相惜,情不自禁, 短暂的恨,长久的爱。 都是李世石赐予的。 我在交手中被他淹没, 很庆幸有他,同一时代。 您教会了我关于围棋的一切, 可是老天多给了一个李世石。 有这样的对手,是上天给我的恩赐。 让他看到古力还会下棋, 其实我就是很希望陪着他一起, 到40、50、60岁。 这是个邀请, 世石听到了么? 陪着古力,愿意下。 至亲朋友,毕生对手, 他棋是好,人也是好。 只是想去看看他。 古力是我人生当中最好的礼物, 古力是个大男人, 是那种很大方、大大咧咧的, 够意思的、特别招人喜欢的那种男人类型。 我很幸运有一位相伴一生的对手, 有了你,我的人生远远不只是黑白, 在无情的江湖中我并不寂寞。 古力九段是个好对手, 我对他没有宿敌的概念, 相反,我对他抱有一些特殊的情感, 类似是……抱歉吧。


由 Linda Lyu 与 Suno AI 创建

心心相惜,情不自禁, 短暂的恨,长久的爱。 我在交手中被他淹没, 很庆幸有他,同一时代。 如果没有古力出现, 我可能不会维持现在的水平。 古力是我特别想相遇的对手, 也是想坐下来喝杯酒的朋友。 李世石是我围棋的领路人, 失去他我又失去了方向。 他一直是我职业生涯的一盏明灯, 有这样的对手,是上天给我的恩赐。 纵使GoGo成“新欢”, 然与小李把酒言欢, 仍是人间最快乐的事情。 您教会了我围棋的一切, 可是老天多给了一个李世石。 我是2月3日、你是3月2日出生, 我是哥哥,你是弟弟。 都是李世石赐予的。 让他看到古力还会下棋, 遭整疯了,很被动。 每一次和他下,每一盘棋, 都印象深刻。 他输给我之后, 还一个人躲在一旁暗自流泪。 这一幕也记忆犹新。 其实我就是很希望陪着他一起, 到40、50、60岁。 我非常期待, 李世石先生能陪我共同战斗到六十岁。 这是个邀请, 世石听到了么? 陪着古力,愿意下。 我很幸运有一位相伴一生的对手, 有了你,我的人生远远不只是黑白, 在无情的江湖中我并不寂寞。 围棋是神送给人类最好的礼物, 而最好的对手, 就是神赐给一位围棋手最好的礼物, (我的礼物)就是古力。 古力是我人生当中最好的礼物, 他棋是好,人也是好。 作为对手,古力是最强的, 作为朋友,他也是最好的。 他身上有一种来自大陆的力量, 他让我格外期待、渴望与之较量, 他让我激动又兴奋、全心期待。 古力是个大男人, 是那种很大方、大大咧咧的, 够意思的、特别招人喜欢的那种男人类型。 现在和古力下棋, 不仅高兴,还感到很幸福。 并没有什么特别的事, 只是想去看看他。 我第一次见到古力的时候, 还以为该叫他哥, 我俩的体格相差太大啦, 不过现在,我们俩看起来就是差不多年纪了,是吧。 我在的时候, 我是古力的台阶, 所以他走的稳, 我不在的时候, 他没有台阶了, 状态下降了, 现在我回来了, 古力也有踩的对象了, 所以他的状态也会好起来吧。 至亲朋友,毕生对手, 请支持我亲爱的朋友古力吧, 正如你们为我做的那样。 古力九段是个好对手, 我对他没有宿敌的概念, 相反,我对他抱有一些特殊的情感, 是什么样的特殊情感呢? 类似是……抱歉吧。 他是我的对手和朋友。 然而相比于对手, 我心里更当他是朋友。 无论古力什么时候发出邀请, 我都会从韩国飞来, 请他喝酒。
Regalo de reyes

Regalo de reyes

由 Mimi Martinez 与 Suno AI 创建

Que me llegaste de improvisto Cuando menos lo esperaba Y es que fuiste mi regalo Una navidad descontrolada Pero pienso en lo vivido En los líos que me has hecho Y en cómo he caído ciegamente Aunque me empeñe en no admitirlo Pero el destino te puso en mi camino A base de golpes en el alma Y es que los reyes este año Se han pasado la jugada. Porque te has colado en mi mente En mis huesos y en mi entrañas Es que eres el mejor regalo de reyes Ese que desde niña yo soñaba


由 Euri Gb 与 Suno AI 创建

[verse 1] 100 a 1 la conspiración del universo. 101 motivos por los que no debería estar haciendo esto. ¿Por qué si hay gravedad siento que no peso? Dame un cigarro,hoy en vez de sumar me resto. [verse 2] Si no pago directamente no intereso, si no me río con tu chiste esto es un retroceso. Ponen buena cara y critican el progreso, curioso que lo diga el que tiene sobrepeso. [instrumental guitar] [verse 3] Buscan mierda como si fueran sabuesos, el que más se ensucia siempre acaba ileso, ¿cuántas veces te he recomendado un ingreso? Tranquilo cariño, a mí no me la das con queso [bridge] Ahora llegan comentarios de qué bien me expreso, ¡qué payaso eres!


由 邓康 与 Suno AI 创建

(Verse 1) 当世界变得喧嚣不安时 我常常迷失在人群里 却有一个人,总是陪伴着我 她的关怀让我的世界更美好 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Verse 2) 每当我遇到困难和挫折 有人伸出援手让我有所依靠 他们的善意,让我重新振作 我要用我的音乐来回报 (Pre-Chorus) 每一个简单时刻都充满幸福 爱与人际关系温暖了心房 我欣赏这样的善良品质 真诚的联系让我感到亲密 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Bridge) 善良的人们,你们是我的宝藏 你们的温柔让我感到宽慰 在这个世界上,我们要一同前进 因为真诚的联系让我们更坚定 (Chorus) 爱,是世界上最美丽的语言 人际关系,化解痛苦的魔咒 仁慈与关怀,是我们的庇护 简单时刻的幸福,让我知足 (Outro) 让我们一起喜悦地唱起这首歌 用欣赏和温柔填满这个世界 真诚的联系,是我们的动力 因为幸福源自于爱与人际关系
Каждый четверг 2

Каждый четверг 2

由 Rem Ryzhov 与 Suno AI 创建

[Chorus] Ах, Маша, Маша! [Verse] Ты любишь смотреть на звезды Средь глади стеклянных озер И ласково сдерживать слезы Смотря на небесный узор [Verse] На поле молчащих фиалок Лежать и смотреть в небеса И звезд нелепых касаясь Смотреть за границею сна [Verse] А звезды ласкают устало Твой тихий спокойный сон И серые лунные камни Немой одиночества стон... [Chorus] Каждый четверг! [Verse] Я ищу в отраженьях стекла Твои руки тепло доброту За безликим холодом сна Потерявшись в чужом углу [Verse] Я искал даже в каплях дождя Между улиц и светом огней Даже в свете холодного дня Среди рек домов площадей [Verse] И оставшись в холодном песке Ярко-серых песочных дней Не могу я забыть твой взгляд Полный снов мечты и морей (Ах, Маша, Маша!)


由 阿方 与 Suno AI 创建

纵有红颜,百生千劫, 难消君心,万古情愁, 青峰之巅,山外之山, 晚霞寂照,星夜无眠, 如幻大千,惊鸿一瞥, 一曲终了,悲欣交集, 夕阳之间,天外之天, 梅花清幽,独立春寒, 红尘中,你的无上清凉, 寂静光明,默默照耀世界, 行如风,如君一骑绝尘, 空谷绝响至今,谁在倾听, 一念净心,花开遍世界, 每临绝境,峰回路又转, 但凭净信,自在出乾坤, 恰似如梦初醒,归途在眼前, 行尽天涯,静默山水间, 倾听晚风,拂柳笛声残, 踏破芒鞋,烟雨任平生, 慧行坚勇,究畅恒无极。
Trio Gea

Trio Gea

由 Victoria Izquierdo 与 Suno AI 创建

- Gonzalo, Antonio y Estela - El Tormes nos unió - Somos Valladolid, Hueva y Salamanca, nos unimos en Valencia - Amistad bonita y única - Juntos vimos momentos y aventuras increible
Trio Gea

Trio Gea

由 Victoria Izquierdo 与 Suno AI 创建

Crear una canción alegre que la letra contenga lo siguiente: - Gonzalo, Antonio y Estela - El Tormes nos unió - Somos Valladolid, Hueva y Salamanca, nos unimos en Valencia - Amistad bonita y única - Juntos vimos momentos y aventuras increibles
You Deserve Better

You Deserve Better

由 Michael Anticoli 与 Suno AI 创建

You Deserve Better We will say yes Say yes Lord Today I woke up and looked in the mirror Said gotta get that bag baby Don’t need another hero I had some time to think on it wasted so much spilling drinks on it out the game, benched for everybody else woke up from a fever dream just feeling my self sorry stress, She’s booked! Floating like a feather finally off that hook sorry stress, she’s booked Can’t text you back She’s gotta sing this hook baby, you deserve better no i don’t want your textin’ i want your love letters babygirl’s keeping her shit together if you want it like that baby you gotta do better tonight when I go to bed I’m gonna dream clearer Gonna get 8 hours in Don’t need another hero I had some time to think on it wasted so much spilling drinks on it out the game, benched for everybody else woke up from a fever dream just feeling my self sorry stress, She’s booked! Floating like a feather finally off that hook sorry stress, she’s booked Can’t text you back She’s gotta sing this hook baby, you deserve better no i don’t want your textin’ i want your love letters babygirl’s keeping her shit together Turn this thing around and around Turn this thing around
The end

The end

由 Daniel Kulba Soares 与 Suno AI 创建

Mother I hope to make it up to you Father I can't describe it all to you Brother Worth it was, said you Sister I apologize for all I was never the place I just had to go there I was never the place I just had to go there We ran, We laughed I never really felt it I am not proud of the circles I got out of Everything planned It all comes to an End Everything planned It all comes to an End Lights Out All Out Lights Out All Out Take Me Take Me Take Me Take Me
La triste vida de Antón

La triste vida de Antón

由 Dj Gible 与 Suno AI 创建

(Inicio musical) (Verse 1) En Ferrol vive Anton, con un peso en el corazón, Insatisfecho y en desazón, en busca de redención. No ligar le frustra, las clases evita, La gasolinera perdió, encefalitis lo maldijo. (Coro) Anton de Ferrol, en su mundo gris, Dos cajas de chocolate, su refugio infeliz. Nunomanía marcada en piel, tatuajes sin matiz, Traumas y desdén, en su triste raíz. (Verse 2) Gordo se siente, pero el dulce lo atormenta, Sus quejas son constantes, pero él se alimenta. Adolfo y su madre, en su mente obsesión, Insulta sin reparo, olvida su traición. (Coro) Anton de Ferrol, en su mundo gris, Dos cajas de chocolate, su refugio infeliz. Nunomanía marcada en piel, tatuajes sin matiz, Traumas y desdén, en su triste raíz. (Bridge) Videojuegos fallidos, sueños de carpintero, Su vida es un suspiro, en un triste sendero. Perdió la virginidad con una noche pasajera, Pero al menos es majo, aunque su alma esté entera. (Coro) Anton de Ferrol, en su mundo gris, Dos cajas de chocolate, su refugio infeliz. Nunomanía marcada en piel, tatuajes sin matiz, Traumas y desdén, en su triste raíz. (Final musical)
Green eye

Green eye

由 Paket Hub 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] Ти зійшла з небес до світу мого Зеленими очима, мене просто штовхаєш Коли я навколо, то все веселе Але ідеального часу, надто мало [Verse 2] Твої натяки наповнені секретами Я не можу розкрити цей пазл Чи там є щасливість, чи там є страждання Ти доїдаєш мою душу повністю [Chorus] Зелені очі, ти моє кохання Але я не знаю, як йому розповісти Зелені очі, твоя загадка в мені Залишає мене відчайдушним, але щасливим
So Dope

So Dope

由 Michael Anticoli 与 Suno AI 创建

Hey, are you home I don't wanna kick this shit alone hey are you there? Is the alarm clock Quick to hit the snare? It's so hard being so dope and alone It's so hard being so dope and alone Hey you, got the blues I"mma make some tea before you give me the news these lips are not loose you can tell me anything - just put on your shoes OH baby slow your roll! Dial hope up on the phone! It's so hard out here - Being so dope and alone OH baby slow your roll! Dial hope up on the phone! It's so hard out here - Being so dope and alone No matter how low and lonely My love life gets I remind myself of my Fabulous friends NO matter how low and lonely My love life gets You bet I'm gonna Remind myself I'll be dope til I"m dead (So dope) So dope It's not my fault that I'm so dope Can't believe I've been left alone Guess what? You're not Guess what? You're not! Hey baby slow your roll! Dial hope up on the phone It's so hard out here Being so dope and alone OH baby slow your roll (your friends are plenty dope) IT's so hard out here Being so dope and alone SO dope So dope, most dope, most dope So dope So Dope!
A Hart

A Hart

由 tata compu 与 Suno AI 创建

And when I'm in the confines of crawling walls You hold me in place The ripples on the ceiling, the avenues Unsugared taste We'll waste away the evening The afternoon, the afternoon's hat Together we'll find something To direct some laughter at


由 tata compu 与 Suno AI 创建

And when I'm in the confines of crawling walls You hold me in place The ripples on the ceiling, the avenues Unsugared taste We'll waste away the evening The afternoon, the afternoon's hat Together we'll find something To direct some laughter at
Echos of the light

Echos of the light

由 Scott Turcott 与 Suno AI 创建

In the silence of the morning, Whispers find their way, Dancing through the shadows, As night turns into day. A melody of memories, Fleeting, soft, and slight, Carried on the breeze, In the echoes of the light.Chorus: Oh, how the echoes play, In the chambers of our minds, Crafting stories, old and new, Of what we've lost and what we find. They resonate, they intertwine, In the quiet, in the fight, Holding on to what we cherish, In the echoes of the light.Verse 2: Underneath the starlit canvas, Dreams begin to stir, Painting hopes on the horizon, Blurring lines of what we were. With every step, we leave a mark, A tale of joy and plight, A journey through the sparks, In the echoes of the light.
another love

another love

由 PREYMIX 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse 1] I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care But it's so cold and I don't know where I brought you daffodils in a pretty string But they won't flower like they did last spring And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright I'm just so tired to share my nights [Pre-Chorus] I wanna cry and I wanna love But all my tears have been used up Muni Long 'Made For Me' Official Lyrics & Meaning | Genius Verified [Chorus] On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up Up [Post-Chorus] Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh [Verse 2] And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight But my hand's been broken one too many times So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude Words, they always win, but I know I'll lose And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours But I sang 'em all to another heart [Pre-Chorus] And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love But all my tears have been used up [Chorus] On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears hav