
Best Folk Music Playlist - Top Folk Songs Collection

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由 Wyona Haddad 与 Suno AI 创建

In my exploratory essay, I dove headfirst,Into the impact of language, it quenched my thirst.I laughed at the theories, so outlandish and grand,How words shape our thoughts in this mysterious land.Oh, language and thought, a whimsical delight,The way we communicate is quite a sight. In my essay I explored, with humor in tow,The power of words on the mind's great show.There once was a word, a word so bold, Spoke in Italian, it turned the waiter cold. “Spaghetti, por favor?” was my funny plea,Language and thought, a comical spree.Oh, language and thought, dance in my head, Tossing and turning, on my mental bed. From Quora to Whorf, the journey's been wild, Got lost in translation, like a language-struck child. Sapir and Whorf, they had a hunch, Our mother tongue's more than a lunch bunch. Shapes our reality, in ways unseen, Guides our thought, in the mind’s canteen. Languages differ, so do our views, Filter our world, in the words we choose. “Is my thinking my own?” I ponder with glee,Or does my language have a hold on me?Oh, language and thought, jive and sway,They shape our world, in a mystical way.Like a catchy, that won’t leave your brain,The words we, use, are a cognitive train


由 Gio Abou Sleiman 与 Suno AI 创建

In my exploratory essay, I dove headfirst, Into the impact of language, it quenched my thirst. I laughed at the theories, so outlandish and grand, How words shape our thoughts in this mysterious land. Oh, language and thought, a whimsical delight, The way we communicate is quite a sight. In my essay I explored, with humor in tow, The power of words on the mind's great show. From Sapir-Whorf to Chomsky's universal grammar, I delved into linguistics without any stammer. But amidst all the research and academic chatter, I found myself drawn to what really mattered: laughter. So here's to you, dear reader, let's raise a toast To exploring language with humor as our host. Let's break down barriers with wit and jest, And see how language shapes minds at its best. Oh, language and thought, they go hand in hand A funny take on serious matters can help us understand So sing along now to this catchy tune Language impacts thought like sun impacts June As I wrap up this song about my exploratory essay On how language affects our thoughts every day Remember to approach life with a light-hearted glee And see how humor can set your mind


由 Skåne Gatan 与 Suno AI 创建

tessmon related

tessmon related

由 Peter Wiberg 与 Suno AI 创建

livet här på tessmon är det bästa som vi har. Med mina prinsar vill jag leva mina lyckligaste dar
zs-folk metal

zs-folk metal

由 kamerr cactus 与 Suno AI 创建

En el reino de Zeew Space, donde el fuego arderá, A través de la oscuridad, la verdad encontrarás. Luchando contra las sombras, en la noche sin fin, El conocimiento es el arma, que nos guiará hasta el fin. En cada batalla, una lección se hallará, En el fragor de la guerra, el saber brillará. Entre ruinas y cenizas, un nuevo camino se abrirá, En Zeew Space, el poder se forjará. Levanta tu espada, en nombre del saber, En la tormenta de acero, el alma renacerá. Con el rugido de los truenos, el destino cambiará, En Zeew Space, la victoria alcanzarás. Bajo el cielo en llamas, el alma resistirá, Cantando baladas de batalla, hasta el amanecer llegar. En la senda de la sabiduría, el coraje se encontrará, En la furia de la música, la fuerza se liberará. En cada batalla, una lección se hallará, En el fragor de la guerra, el saber brillará. Entre ruinas y cenizas, un nuevo camino se abrirá, En Zeew Space, el poder se forjará. Levanta tu espada, en nombre del saber, En la tormenta de acero, el alma renacerá. Con el rugido de los truenos, el destino cambiará, En Zeew Space, la victoria alcanzarás. A través de la oscuridad, el camino encontrarás, En el corazón de la batalla, la verdad prev


由 will - 与 Suno AI 创建

[verse] i know im not a good man but i try all that i can you wanna hang me up high hands nailed, modern man crucified i know i didn’t treat you well i know one day ill rot in hell when im angry i can lose control i still love you more than this world [pre chorus] insanity creeps up on me self medicate, drown all the hate post therapy disassociate [chorus] i know that you gave up months ago but i still see your face at my shows not really you, i hit new lows even the mirror thinks im sick [verse] alcoholic to my core whiskey and i can’t feel my face chainsmoke till my throats raw you said we should take some space you wanted less i gave you more couldn’t take it at your pace i slammed that door your cried on the floor [pre chorus] misogyny takes hold of me why can’t i just leave her be my toxicity at arms reach [chorus] i know that you gave up months ago but i still see your face at my shows not really you, i hit new lows even the mirror thinks im sick [bridge] momma doesn’t love you dadda gonna leave you babies tryna leave you but baby girl i love you momma left me dadda left me baby leave me stay away from me


由 will - 与 Suno AI 创建

[verse] i know im not a good man but i try all that i can you wanna hang me up high hands nailed, modern man crucified i know i didn’t treat you well i know one day ill rot in hell when im angry i can lose control i still love you more than this world [pre chorus] insanity creeps up on me self medicate, drown all the hate post therapy disassociate [chorus] i know that you gave up months ago but i still see your face at my shows not really you, i hit new lows even the mirror thinks im sick [verse] alcoholic to my core whiskey and i can’t feel my face chainsmoke till my throats raw you said we should take some space you wanted less i gave you more couldn’t take it at your pace i slammed that door your cried on the floor [pre chorus] misogyny takes hold of me why can’t i just leave her be my toxicity at arms reach [chorus] i know that you gave up months ago but i still see your face at my shows not really you, i hit new lows even the mirror thinks im sick [bridge] momma doesn’t love you dadda gonna leave you babies tryna leave you but baby girl i love you momma left me dadda left me baby leave me stay away from me
Aklın sınırlarını aşar düşünceler, Yaratıcı ruhlar bir arada, yenilik peşinde. Hayallerle dokunuruz geleceğe, Sanatla, bilimle açılır her yeni pencere. Bir fikir, bin umut filizlenir kelimelerden, Endüstriye can verir her bir yenilikçi emek. Zihinler buluşur, fikirler dans eder, Mx Çalıştayı’nda yaratıcılık her dem tazelenir.


由 Maddy 与 Suno AI 创建

lassi pila de mohe lassi pila de
Bagobgo, the Goblin Saint

Bagobgo, the Goblin Saint

由 Philipp Borkowitsch 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] In the land of green Where legends reside There's a tale of a goblin It won't be denied Bagobgo The saint of mischief and cheer With his tricks and his laughter There is nothing to fear [Verse] He dances through the night Under moon's soft glow With his mischievous grin And his fiddle in tow Bagobgo The goblin Brings joy to us all Spinning tales and melodies With a mischievous call [Verse] Through the fields and glens His laughter resounds As he plays his tunes Skipping bounds and bounds Bagobgo The goblin with a heart full of glee Brings laughter and light To both you and me


由 Mitul Mollah 与 Suno AI 创建

চাঁদের আলোয় গ্রামের পথে, রাতের শিশির ভেজা ক্ষেতে। জোনাকির আলো ঝিলমিল করে, সবুজ পাতার মাঝে লুকোচুরি খেলে। বাঁশির সুরে মন ভরে যায়, বাতাসে ভাসে প্রেমের মায়া। ধানের শীষে দোলে আকাশ, প্রাণের গানে বাঁধা পড়ে আশা। মায়ের কোলে শিশুর ঘুম, পিতার হাতে নিশ্চিন্ত সুখ। গ্রামের মেলা, খেলার ছলে, বন্ধুত্বের বন্ধন মজবুত হলে।


由 Petar 与 Suno AI 创建

Kol'ko jadno kradu mi fore 'ladno najebace gadno ponasam se k'o Pablo Janko se vraca na scenu u trenu uvek na vrhu, uvek u trendu pregledi ne staju samo kad krenu hejteri nestaju, imaju tremu WTF, nekad smo bili bff 'ajde pali, mrs koji si, tebra, krs Kol'ko sam lud, vidi se kol'ko si glup, stidi se slomim ti zub, smiri se zarazno sranje siri se Ref. I sam znas da sam bolji i sam znas da sam jaci i sam znas da cu doci i sam znas da te kacim I sam znas, i sam znas i sam, i sam, i sam znas Gde smo ono stali nisam rek'o da se salim, nego da se saim vi ste tako mali, nisko ste pali cune da se hvalim, ali I'am tol'ko love da vas kupim jak sam k'o Rusija, Putin kad ja pricam samo cuti cuti, ticu Bio glavni u vrticu svi klicu - Jankovicu kurve - Janko, vicu u krevetu jako vicu Sefujem jer mi se moze fleksujem, kuje se loze snimi me, brz sam k'o porse pare se trose i trose
A See Knee

A See Knee

由 Invisible Enough 与 Suno AI 创建

When you say the word I always say it back But I think we both know It never meant the same to you At least not the same way it did to me And now I'm at this crossroad The one that had a million warning signs Bright ones I saw for miles away The one that despite the anticipation took me by surprise Now terrified I stand facing the final haunting question Do I stay and watch the life I dreamt through another? Or do I cut and run so I don’t have to suffer? Turns out I’m the coward afraid of pain Too selfish to live through your happiness Hoping, waiting to escape I know the right thing to do But I choose me I was happy and content when I was Back when you needed me And I gave it my all But now I want more Maybe even all Even the part of you that belongs To someone else The part I’m afraid I can never ask for Nor expect so instead… Please don’t hate me I can’t stand the thought But if you must then do Because I’m afraid. so I have to run If not, I don’t think I’ll survive So, thank you and goodbye Let’s call it compromise And for who I am I truly apologize
Баллада о Сигурде

Баллада о Сигурде

由 Владислав Хорошавин 与 Suno AI 创建

Храбрый викинг Сигурд убил оборотня
Gönlümün efendisi

Gönlümün efendisi

由 Aleyna Yılmaz 与 Suno AI 创建

(Verse 1) Gönlümün efendisi bir güzel göründü (heyy heyyoo) Aşkının ateşiyle yüreğim döndü (haydii haydii) Gamzeli bakışları, o siyah saçları (ahhh vay vay) Zihnimde yer etti hiç durmadı aşkı (ooohh ooohh) (Verse 2) Coşkun ırmak gibi sellerle bezenmiş (heyyheyy) Gözlerine daldıkça zihnim pörsümüş (ooohhhuu) Kavuşmak dileğiyle yanar bu gönül (aaamaan aaamaan) Bir pınara muhtacım kursağım kunmuş (haayddii haydii) (Chorus) Ey gönül hükümdarı, efendim sultanım (ooooyyy ooooyyyy) Aşkının perendesi gönlüme dağlandı (ohhooohhuuu) Arzu kılıp seyrine doyamaz oldum (hoyyhoyyhoyy) Bu derde düşeli aklım şaşkındır (ooooohhooohhh) (Bridge) Aaaahhhh aaahhhhh ooooyyyyyyy Aaaaahhhhhhh vaaayyyy vaaayy (Chorus) Ey gönül hükümdarı, efendim sultanım... (Outra) Oooooohhhhhhuuuuuu aaaahhhhhhhh
Wim van den Brink is opa geworden

Wim van den Brink is opa geworden

由 Jelle Nibba 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse] In een tuin vol bloemen Zit een oude man Met zijn kleindochter Linde Hand in hand Hij zingt een lied van vroeger Met een glimlach op zijn gezicht Opa's stem zo zacht Vol liefde en vol licht [Verse 2] Linde luistert aandachtig Naar opa's wijsheid en zijn verhaal De gitaar klinkt zachtjes Als een zachte waterstraal Liedjes van vroeger Vol van hart en ziel Opa's liefde gaat nooit voorbij Het brandt als een vuur Zo stil [Chorus] Opa en Linde Samen in het licht Een lied van liefde Een lachend gezicht Opa's lied zal altijd blijven klinken In hun harten vol vuur en zonneschijn Opa en Linde Voor altijd verbonden In een melodie van geluk en pijn
Dil Ki Baat

Dil Ki Baat

由 Tufail Rana Muhammd 与 Suno AI 创建

Verse 1: میں ہوں وہی، جو میں چاہوں گا دل کی باتوں میں، چھپی رازوں گا تسلی کے لئے، کوشش نہیں کروں گا صرف خود کو خوش رکھوں گا Chorus: میں ہوں وہی، جو چاہتا ہوں دل کی باتوں میں، خوابوں کا سفر ہوں میری زندگی، میرے ہوشوں میں خود کو پہچانوں، خود کو ہوں Verse 2: پیسے کا مطلب، میری خوشی ہے جو میرا دل خوش کرے، وہی میرا مال ہے میں وہی ہوں گا، جو میں چاہوں گا صرف اپنے راستے پر، خود کو پہچانوں گا Chorus: میں ہوں وہی، جو چاہتا ہوں دل کی باتوں میں، خوابوں کا سفر ہوں میری زندگی، میرے ہوشوں میں خود کو پہچانوں، خود کو ہوں Bridge: دوسروں کی تسلی، میری فکر نہیں میری رضامندی، خود سے ہے مطمئن میرا یقین، میرے ہر پل میں خودی کا جذبہ، ہے میری راہوں میں Chorus: میں ہوں وہی، جو چاہتا ہوں دل کی باتوں میں، خوابوں کا سفر ہوں میری زندگی، میرے ہوشوں میں خود کو پہچانوں، خود کو ہوں


由 Marco Somma 与 Suno AI 创建

Riding down the highway, sun fading in my rearview, Old radio's playing tunes, feeling like something new. Coast to coast, under the starry skies, Every town has a story, every road a surprise. Wheels rolling past, memories in the dust, Every mile, a new friend, in wanderlust we trust. From the golden coasts to the mountains high, With the wind as my guide, under the vast sky. On this road, where freedom lies, Let's travel 'til the end of the skies. Through the desert sands, where the cacti stand tall, City lights far behind, embracing the traveler’s call. Route 66, the dreamers' pathway, Chasing horizons, where the free spirits play. Nights under the stars, stories around the fire, Every face a chapter, every laugh takes me higher. From the smoky bars to the serene lake's view, It’s the journey, not the destination, with a crew so true. On this road, where freedom lies, Let's travel 'til the end of the skies.
Love is

Love is

由 のりちゃん 与 Suno AI 创建



由 Adi S 与 Suno AI 创建

Kukirimkan sepotong senja untukmu , bukan kata-kata cinta. Kukirimkan padamu sepotong senja , yang lembut dengan langit kemerah-merahan yang nyata dan betul-betul ada dalam keadaan yang sama seperti ketika aku mengambilnya saat matahari hampir tenggelam ke balik cakrawala.
taylor swift arun

taylor swift arun

由 Adi S 与 Suno AI 创建

[Verse 1] Di komplek Arun, kami bersua Sembilan enam, bersatu dalam cinta Bersama, dalam mimpi-mimpi kecil Melangkah bersama, takkan terpisah walau jauh berkelana [Chorus] Bersama Arun Sembilan enam, takkan pernah sendiri Meski jarak memisahkan, hati tetap bersatu Kenangan-kenangan, mengikat erat Kembali dalam doa, satu untuk semua Persahabatan abadi, hingga akhir nanti [Verse 2] Di gedung multi, cerita bergema Makan di base camp, memori yang indah Pajak batuphat, belanja bersama Pantai pioneer, jejak kita terukir abadi [Outro] Persahabatan Arun sembilan enam Menyala seperti bintang di malam Tetap bersama, dalam suka dan duka Persahabatan abadi, hingga akhir nanti.


由 Иван Ундер 与 Suno AI 创建

Очень тяжёлый фарм лесных крипов от Димы в Лиге Легенд


由 Haku Yuki 与 Suno AI 创建

1) К тебе бежала я в ночи, На сааван посмотри! Он цвета неба без луны, И волосы чернЫ, Мои глаза тебя, дитя, Пугают – два огня, Зачем же спать, моё дитя? Ведь как прекрасна тьма! Припев: Не спи, не спи - луна светла, И мы к тебе пришли, Кричи и плачь опять, дитя, До утренней зари, В ночи туманна пелена, Мы принесли укрыть, Тебя, любимое дитя, Услышав ночью крик. 2) Ночницы тёмную любовь, Ты познаёшь, дитя, Сегодня мы с тобой летим, На крыльях воронья, Вновь серебром звенит слеза- Подарок для тебя, Теперь я матушка твоя, Прижмись ко мне, дитя… Припев: Не спи, не спи - луна светла, И мы к тебе пришли, Кричи и плачь опять, дитя, До утренней зари, В ночи туманна пелена, Мы принесли укрыть, Тебя, любимое дитя, Услышав ночью крик. 3. Полынь горька – моя судьба Бездетной умереть, Теперь в ночи мне суждено, Искать детей мне впредь, Ты будешь вечностью моей, Любимое дитя! Не плачь, с тобой летим туда, Где правят сон и тьма! Припев: Поспи теперь и ночь темна! Все мёртвые добры! Усни, усни, теперь дитя! До утренней зари, Тебе хрустальна колыбель, Навеки в ней заснёшь, Не будешь видеть горя ты, И материнских слёз! …Не будешь видеть горя ты, …И материнских слёз!
Des cigany

Des cigany

由 Zoltán Varga 与 Suno AI 创建

Oh, Lady M, te vagy a fétisem. Minden éjjel hozzád bújnék, kedvesem, De én a szegénységben nőttem fel, Hiába súgta a szív, hogy őt vedd el már. Üres zsebek és egy bőr tarisznya, Sírva énekel egy bús barista, Elmenekülnék innen messzire már. Teltház kaviár és osztriga, Ott mindenkinek fullos a romnyija, Tudom, bennük is megvan a sok hiba, De nekünk nem jutott csak kotyogós omnia. Itt messze fújt a szél, a bú, a bánat, És senki nem segít már. Az életet vádolják, feladják, és a könnyebb utat választják. Karakol, piano, negro, ugyanúgy kotyogós presszó, Fame ain’t stuffin’ me. Kicsi baba, tudod, meg kell pörgetni a szoknyát, De kiszakad az ingem a forró tánctól, Úgy kopog a cipő, hogy a parkett lángol. De te, hajadon amazon, égkő a nyakadon, Szerelem a szemembe, de nem lehetsz enyém. Mondd el, minek igéztél meg, És a kicsi szívedet kinek ígérték, Amíg odabent egy lattét kikértél, Minden lépésed az angyalok kísérjék. Üres zsebek és egy bőr tarisznya, Sírva énekel egy bús barista, Elmenekülnék innen messzire már. Teltház kaviár és osztriga, Ott mindenkinek fullos a romnyija, Tudom, bennük is megvan a sok hiba, De nekünk nem jutott csak kotyogós omnia. Itt messze fúj a szél, a bú, a bánat