carai a goiabada estragou
que odioooo
porra eu toda feliz
ok não era pra ser
Olá eu queria saber sobre o Kit de pigmentos e Sérum para hidragloss..
Está em oferta?
Olá.. tudo bem? Qual o seu nome?
Perfeito Leticia, nós temos sim os novos pigmentos de fácil implantação e Sérum que você deseja para Hidragloss.
Esses pigmentos são os novos micronizados e híbridos?
Siiiimmm. São os próprios! Incríveis.
Eu uso outro produto mas estão falando tão bem deles que quero usar😍😍
Obrigado pelo feedback meu amor. Eles estão bem desejados mesmo e estão quase esgotando
Estamos com as ofertas de 5 anos.. Tem um combo que vai o Kit Start também..
Será que vai me ajudar?
Eu estou começando
Claro que vai te ajudar! É fundamental esse cuidado antes, durante a após. Aproveita e já leva ele.
Parcela em quantas?
Ate 6x sem juros e ainda ganha o Frete Gratis no PAC😉
Ta bom. Manda o link!😍
Olá, Rafael.
Agradecemos a sua participação no nosso processo seletivo da Designer UX/UI Pleno,
mas nesse momento não seguiremos com a sua candidatura.
Mas não desanime, suas informações estão cadastradas no nosso banco de talentos e caso surja uma nova oportunidade compatível com sua experiência, entraremos em contato novamente.
Lembre-se de ficar de olho nas vagas publicadas em nosso site e no perfil do LinkedIn!
Em caso de dúvidas você pode entrar em contato no e-mail abaixo, nossa equipe terá o prazer de te responder:
[email protected]
Até breve.
Esse e-mail foi enviado pelo time de atração e seleção do Grupo Imagem.
A Gupy é a empresa que auxilia na captura e compilação das informações.
붉은 피, 보이지 않는 폭룡의 전투
눈물겨운 기억들, 망가진 내 육체, 내 가슴에 묻고
승리여 나에게 오라
자만도 오만도 그것은 폭룡의 검
어느날 전투의
패배에 쓰러졌어도
숱한 전투의
종착지라 생각지마라
육체는 단명이고
근성은 영원한것
폭룡이 최고다
폭룡이 최고다
Lakótelep szélén nőttem, gyerekként jártam, A szegénység mellett, ahol mindig volt árnyam. De most felnőttem és tudom, merre járom, Magabiztos léptekkel, az én utamon.(1. Vers) Gyermekként kis utcákon át bátran jártam, A szívemben remény, mely sosem fáradt. Egyedül küzdöttem, de sosem fáradtam, Bátran léptem előre, nem volt, ami hátráltat.(Refrén) Lakótelep szélén nőttem, gyerekként jártam, A szegénység mellett, ahol mindig volt árnyam. De most felnőttem és tudom, merre járom, Magabiztos léptekkel, az én utamon.(2. Vers) A viharokkal küzdve, lakótelep szélén, De én nem hagytam, hogy bármi is bántson. Az álmokat kergettem, büszke voltam én, Felnőttem, megértettem az életben, mi fontos.(Refrén) Lakótelep szélén nőttem, gyerekként jártam, A szegénység mellett, ahol mindig volt árnyam. De most felnőttem és tudom, merre járom, Magabiztos léptekkel, az én utamon.(3. Vers) A múlt nehéz terhe, hátamon cipeltem, De a bátorságom sosem vesztettem. A reményt magamban hordoztam, szüntelen, Felnőttem, és az életet megértem én jól.(Refrén) Lakótelep szélén nőttem, gyerekként jártam, A szegénység mellett, ahol mindig volt árnyam. De most felnőttem és tudom, merre járom, Magabiztos léptekkel, az én
Cuesta, na meia esquerda. ameaçou, não bateu, vem pra tabela. peglow, pro Cuesta, bateu cruzado
quarenta e um anos
subiu a bandeira
subiu a bandeira
confusão no beira rio
O bandeirinha subiu Fabrício Vilarinho impugnou invalidou o gol do inter
Em caso de investigação policial, eu declaro que não tenho envolvimento com este grupo e não sei como estou no mesmo, provavelmente fui inserido por terceiros, declaro que estou disposto a colaborar com as investigações e estou disposto a me apresentar a depoimento se necessário
Quando eles forem
Bem lá pro céu
Quando eles forem lá pro céu
Eu quero estar no meio dos santos
Quando forem lá pro céu
Vem, querido!
Quando eles forem (tá mal passado)
Bem lá pro céu (parece vivo)
Quando eles forem lá pro céu (com licença, ai, tem muito alho!)
Eu quero estar no meio dos santos (leva embora, vai, leva isso, leva, leva)
Quando forem lá pro céu (hoje não vai ter queijo não)
Todo mundo!
Depois que o Victor (depois que o Victor)
Saiu daqui (saiu daqui)
Essa comida está ruim
Tá tudo cru e mal temperado
Depois que o Victor saiu daqui
É, depois que o Victor (depois que o Victor)
Saiu daqui (saiu daqui)
Essa comida está ruim
Tá tudo cru e mal temperado
Depois que o Victor saiu daqui
O Victor tem (olha pra lá!)
Tem que voltar (olha pra lá!)
O Victor tem, tem que voltar
Eu acho bom eu ir parando
O Victor tem, tem que voltar!
Ele vai voltar!
(Verse 1)
In the heart of Buckeye land, where the scarlet colors fly,
There's a young quarterback, reaching for the sky.
From the fields of Ohio, his talent did unfurl,
CJ Stroud's the chosen one, he's gonna rock the world.
Oh, CJ Stroud, with a cannon for an arm,
He's a gridiron king, he's gonna do no harm.
Leading touchdowns, breaking records in his stride,
With each throw, he's spreading hope far and wide.
(Verse 2)
On the gridiron stage, where legends are made,
CJ Stroud's the name that's gonna be displayed.
With precision passes and a fearless heart,
He's leading the Buckeyes, he's tearing teams apart.
Oh, CJ Stroud, with a cannon for an arm,
He's a gridiron king, he's gonna do no harm.
Leading touchdowns, breaking records in his stride,
With each throw, he's spreading hope far and wide.
From Columbus to the end zone, his journey's just begun,
With every snap, he's shining like the sun.
The fans all cheer, as he takes the field,
With CJ Stroud at the helm, victory's sealed.
Oh, CJ Stroud, with a cannon for an arm,
He's a gridiron king, he's gonna do no harm.
Leading touchdowns, breaking records in his stride,
With each throw, he's sprea
Listen up
Brothers and sisters
Let me tell you a story
'Bout a man named Jesus
The one who brings the glory
On a funky path
With a groove that never dies
He'll make a way for us
Take us to heavenly skies
[Verse 2]
He's the king of kings
And the master of the groove
With a bassline so funky
It'll make your body move
He'll turn your life around
And make your burdens fly
Just trust in the Lord
Let His rhythm make you high
The Lord's gonna make a way
In the funky gospel style
With a bassline so deep
It'll make you shout and smile
He'll bring joy to your soul
And heal your broken heart
The Lord's gonna make a way
Let the funky groove start
No jardim da igreja nasceu uma rosa
Que nasceu virtuosa
Em fé e oração
O seu único tesouro, é Jesus, Cruxificado
Sua vida era plena de visível caridade
Ela é
Ela é
Rosa Gattorno, mulher de oração
E em meio ao seu povo
Pregava o perdão
[Verse 1]
Yo, they call him Meoti, or is it Steelo?
Pro gamer with an ego, always on the go
Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh!, TFT, he plays those
But winning big titles? Man, he stays low
Steelo, Steelo, pro with no gold
Controversy, controversy, his story's told
Talkin' big game, but he falls short
His career's a joke, a sad report
[Verse 2]
Claims he's the king of strategic fights
But his past's shady, darker than nights
Dissin' opponents, beef left and right
In the end, he's just a mess, can't do it right
He could've been a champ, if he had the drive
But his ego's too big, his skills don't thrive
Maybe one day, he'll learn to be humble
Until then, he stumbles and fumbles
Steelo, Meoti, whatever his name
In the gaming world, he's just a lame
A cautionary tale of pride and deceit
A pro gamer with nowhere to retreat
Senhor, fazei-me instrumento de vossa paz
Onde houver ódio, que eu leve o amor
Onde houver ofensa, que eu leve o perdão
Onde houver discórdia, que eu leve união
Onde houver dúvida, que eu leve a fé
Onde houver erro, que eu leve a verdade
Onde houver desespero, que eu leve a esperança
Onde houver tristeza, que eu leve alegria
Onde houver trevas, que eu leve a luz
Ó mestre, fazei que eu procure mais consolar que ser consolado
Compreender que ser compreendido
Amar que ser amado
Pois é dando que se recebe
É perdoando que se é perdoado
E é morrendo que se vive
Para a vida eterna
Ó mestre, fazei que eu procure mais consolar que ser consolado
Compreender que ser compreendido
Amar que ser amado
Pois é dando que se recebe
É perdoando que se é perdoado
E é morrendo que se vive
Para a vida eterna
Kicsikét szűk a világ nekem,
Keresem benne még a helyem,
Nem látom tisztán a holnapot,
Lehet, hogy ebbe én ma még belehalok!
Félig telt poharak az asztalon,
Ha úgy tartja kedvem, néha beleiszom,
Szólj rám, ha egyszer véletlen
Összefutnánk egy másik Életben!
Volt, amikor azt hittem, hogy nincs, ami megállít,
De tudom, ha esik, a magamfajta megázik,
Megbecsülöm már, hiszen hamar elillan a gyönyör,
Hiába mászok ki, mindig jön ugyanaz a gödör!
Felismertem már, és meg is bántam a hibáim,
Hiszem, hogy odafenn meghallgatják az imáim,
Úszom az árral és hiába látom: messze a part,
Az éj leple alatt én csak tovább írom a dalt!
Nem tudom mi lesz majd, ha megunom az egészet,
De még ezt itt hagyom nektek, mielőtt lelépek,
Én a szívembe zárok mindenkit, ki megértett,
És hitt bennem, engem már csak ez éltet!
Eddig sem adtam fel a hitem, ezután se fogom,
Akkor sem, ha becsúszik az Élettől egy-két pofon,
Míg a szívemben bármi lesz , ha sírni lesz is okom,
Mindig ott lesz velem: a papír, a toll, a mikrofon!
Kicsikét szűk a világ nekem,
Keresem benne még a helyem,
Nem látom tisztán a holnapot,
Lehet, hogy ebbe én ma még belehalok!
Félig telt poharak az asztalon,
Ha úgy tartja kedvem,
[Verse 1]
I was lost
when I wished him
happy Easter
and he laid the world
at my feet
I know who I am
I guessed that long ago
for those years of love
when I renounced You
I had to give back
just as much of
life full of suffering
I deserved the punishment
[Verse 2]
an eye for an eye
until the present day
I’ve had that silver cross
which I hid then
You let me survive dying
You sprinkled luck
by a handful Lord
Pierwszy raz umarła
tak nieoczekiwanie
że całkiem zwaliło ją z nóg
ale nikt tego nie zauważył
kiedy przychodzili
z urazą i niedowierzaniem
czarną pustke
mnie tu już nie ma
ale to im nic nie mówiło
[Verse 2]
Później umieranie spowszedniało
co rano z trudem
wprawiała w ruch
martwe ciało
jak tego wymagano
wychodziło to trochę sztywno
jednak było konieczne
aby usprawiedliwić
ciągłą obecność ciała
tylko twarz jej zastygła
i czerń źrenic
zgęstniała niepokojąco
out of my dream’s nest fell
a spiky morning
it scowls
I hold my breath
maybe it will fall asleep
reluctantly squinted
it hides under the duvet
like under the night’s closed wing
and time that broke
in the first feathers of the day
stops again
Pierwszy raz umarła
tak nieoczekiwanie
że całkiem zwaliło ją z nóg
ale nikt tego nie zauważył
kiedy przychodzili
z urazą i niedowierzaniem
czarną pustke
mnie tu już nie ma
ale to im nic nie mówiło
[Verse 2]
Później umieranie spowszedniało
co rano z trudem
wprawiała w ruch
martwe ciało
jak tego wymagano
wychodziło to trochę sztywno
jednak było konieczne
aby usprawiedliwić
ciągłą obecność ciała
tylko twarz jej zastygła
i czerń źrenic
zgęstniała niepokojąco
Oh, Ryan, I hope you're feeling the burn
I hope your bridges all start to turn
May your troubles come knockin' at your door
'Cause you won't be welcomed here no more
(Verse 2)
He'd smile to your face, then talk behind your back
Always plotting some kind of attack
But karma has a funny way of coming 'round
I hope it knocks you flat to the ground
Oh, Ryan, I hope you're feeling the burn
I hope your bridges all start to turn
May your troubles come knockin' at your door
'Cause you won't be welcomed here no more
You thought you were clever, thought you were slick
But now it's your turn to take the hit
I'll sit back and watch as your world falls apart
Hope it stings like a dagger to the heart
Oh, Ryan, I hope you're feeling the burn
I hope your bridges all start to turn
May your troubles come knockin' at your door
'Cause you won't be welcomed here no more
So here's to you, Ryan, may your luck run dry
I hope you choke on every little lie
May your days be filled with regret and strife
I'll raise a glass to your miserable life
Oh, Ryan, I hope you're feeling the burn
I hope your bridges all start to turn
May your troubles come knockin' at your door
'Cause you won't be welcomed here no more
(Verse 2)
He'd smile to your face, then talk behind your back
Always plotting some kind of attack
But karma has a funny way of coming 'round
I hope it knocks you flat to the ground
Oh, Ryan, I hope you're feeling the burn
I hope your bridges all start to turn
May your troubles come knockin' at your door
'Cause you won't be welcomed here no more
You thought you were clever, thought you were slick
But now it's your turn to take the hit
I'll sit back and watch as your world falls apart
Hope it stings like a dagger to the heart
Oh, Ryan, I hope you're feeling the burn
I hope your bridges all start to turn
May your troubles come knockin' at your door
'Cause you won't be welcomed here no more
So here's to you, Ryan, may your luck run dry
I hope you choke on every little lie
May your days be filled with regret and strife
I'll raise a glass to your miserable life
(Verse 1)
In the public restroom, feeling so unkind,
Gotta go real bad, can't hold it inside,
But as I sit down, feeling oh so bold,
My stomach starts churning, a story to unfold.
Puking in my pants while taking a shit,
Oh, what a mess, can't believe it, not a bit,
Spraying out of both ends, in this moment I'm sold,
Straight painting the walls with every hole.
(Verse 2)
Thought I'd be discreet, in this public place,
But my body betrays me, in this awful case,
The vomit and the poop, it's all just a mess,
Flowing from every hole, what a distress.
Puking in my pants while taking a shit,
Oh, what a sight, feels like I've been hit,
Spraying out of both ends, in this moment so cold,
Straight painting the walls with every hole.
In the midst of this chaos, feeling so low,
Never thought I'd be here, with nowhere to go,
But life's full of surprises, even when it unfolds,
Gotta find a way out, with every hole.
Puking in my pants while taking a shit,
Oh, what a tale, in this moment I'm sold,
Spraying out of both ends, in this story untold,
Straight painting the walls with every hole.
Some days it's good
Some days it's the opposite
But then God, God knows the best
Many worries inside of me
Many questions boiling inside of me
I need a fresh bath
But then God, God really knows the best
For all things worketh together for good to them that love God
Give me water to drink, water really really cold
Your plans for me are good to bring me to an expected end
Really you know, God knows the best, he knows the best
Some days it's good
Some days it's the opposite
But God knows best
For all things worketh together for good, to them that love God
Many worries inside of me
Many questions boiling inside of me
But then God knows best
For He is the God of all my days