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Suno AI를 사용하여 Aurs1에 의해 생성됨

Я рожденный без яиц Я рожденный бех хуя Залетаю в ВОВ сосать хуя. Я вчера продал диван и зашкурил пару грамм. У меня есть друг Аллах, и он тоже на солях ...А теперь немного про Аллаха... Аллах, он любитель каках Он кричит что не гей а сам как дурак, ебашит соли себе на пердак


Suno AI를 사용하여 Bostjan Marolt에 의해 생성됨

Warriors never never forget naver never warriors


Suno AI를 사용하여 CKK Andy에 의해 생성됨

徘徊着的 在路上的 你要走吗 via via 易碎的 骄傲着 那也曾是我的模样 沸腾着的 不安着的 你要去哪 via via 谜一样的 沉默着的 故事你真的 在听吗 我曾经跨过山和大海 也穿过人山人海 我曾经拥有着的一切 转眼都飘散如烟 我曾经失落失望 失掉所有方向 直到看见平凡 才是唯一的答案 当你仍然 还在幻想 你的明天 via via 她会好吗 还是更烂 对我而言 是另一天 我曾经毁了我的一切 只想永远地离开 我曾经堕入无边黑暗 想挣扎无法自拔 我曾经像你像他 像那野草野花 绝望着 也渴望着 也哭也笑平凡着 向前走 就这么走 就算你被给过什么 向前走 就这么走 就算你被夺走什么 向前走 就这么走 就算你会错过什么 向前走 就这么走 就算你会 我曾经跨过山和大海 也穿过人山人海 我曾经拥有着的一切 转眼都飘散如烟 我曾经失落失望 失掉所有方向 直到看见平凡 才是唯一的答案 我曾经毁了我的一切 只想永远地离开 我曾经堕入无边黑暗 想挣扎无法自拔 我曾经像你像他 像那野草野花 绝望着 也渴望着 也哭也笑平凡着 我曾经跨过山和大海 也穿过人山人海 我曾经问遍整个世界 从来没得到答案 我不过像你像他 像那野草野花 冥冥中 这是我 唯一要走的路啊 时间无言 如此这般 明天已在 Hia Hia 风吹过的 路依然远 你的故事讲到了哪


Suno AI를 사용하여 CKK Andy에 의해 생성됨

我带着比身体重的行李 游入尼罗河底 经过几道闪电 看到一堆光圈 不确定是不是这里 我看到几个人站在一起 他们拿着剪刀摘走我的行李 擦拭我的脑袋 没有机会返回去 直到我听见一个声音 我确定是你 可你怎记得我 我带来了另界的消息 可我怎么告知你 注定失忆着相遇 我记得这里是片树林 后面有个山坡 山坡上的枣树每当秋天到来 我们把枣装满口袋 我记得除了朋友我还 做过你的叔父 你总喜欢跟在我的屁股后面 只是为了那几个铜钱 我记得我们曾是恋人 后来战争爆发 你上战场后就再也没有回来 直到收不到你的信 我们总这样重复分离 却要重新开始 相互送别对方 说着来世再见 再次失忆着相聚 呜 呜 呜 呜… 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 呜 呜 呜 呜… 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 在路上我遇到了一位故去多年的人 她是如此年轻 扎着过肩马尾 露出和你一样的笑 她和我讲了很多关于你成长的故事 在星空另一端 思念从未停止 如同墓碑上的名字 不要哭我最亲爱的人 我最好的玩伴 时空是个圆圈 直行或是转弯 我们最终都会相见 在城池的某个拐角处 在夕阳西下时 在万家灯火的某一扇窗纱里 人们失忆着相聚 呜 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 呜 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 我终于找到你 呜 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 我终于找到你


Suno AI를 사용하여 CKK Andy에 의해 생성됨

我带着比身体重的行李 游入尼罗河底 经过几道闪电 看到一堆光圈 不确定是不是这里 我看到几个人站在一起 他们拿着剪刀摘走我的行李 擦拭我的脑袋 没有机会返回去 直到我听见一个声音 我确定是你 可你怎记得我 我带来了另界的消息 可我怎么告知你 注定失忆着相遇 我记得这里是片树林 后面有个山坡 山坡上的枣树每当秋天到来 我们把枣装满口袋 我记得除了朋友我还 做过你的叔父 你总喜欢跟在我的屁股后面 只是为了那几个铜钱 我记得我们曾是恋人 后来战争爆发 你上战场后就再也没有回来 直到收不到你的信 我们总这样重复分离 却要重新开始 相互送别对方 说着来世再见 再次失忆着相聚 呜 呜 呜 呜… 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 呜 呜 呜 呜… 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 在路上我遇到了一位故去多年的人 她是如此年轻 扎着过肩马尾 露出和你一样的笑 她和我讲了很多关于你成长的故事 在星空另一端 思念从未停止 如同墓碑上的名字 不要哭我最亲爱的人 我最好的玩伴 时空是个圆圈 直行或是转弯 我们最终都会相见 在城池的某个拐角处 在夕阳西下时 在万家灯火的某一扇窗纱里 人们失忆着相聚 呜 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 呜 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 我终于找到你 呜 快来抱抱 快来抱抱我 我终于找到你
You were the one

You were the one

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jason “Jayski” Born에 의해 생성됨

One day we'll meet again. Like that time when we looked at each other and new that is where I belong.
Mein Kampf ist angekommen

Mein Kampf ist angekommen

Suno AI를 사용하여 Düşledim Rich에 의해 생성됨

Selbst wenn der Regen fällt, und die Dunkelheit naht, In meinem Herzen brennt ein Feuer, das niemals erlischt. Durch die Stürme des Lebens, stark und fest, Stehe ich aufrecht, nie vom Weg abgewest. Chorus: Ich kämpfe weiter, Tag für Tag, Mit jedem Atemzug, den ich wag. Mein Herz schlägt laut im Takt des Lebens, Durch Leid und Freude, ich werde siegen. In der Stille der Nacht, wenn die Welt schlummert ein, Träume ich von einem Morgen, voller Sonnenschein. Mit Mut und Entschlossenheit, vorwärts stets, Schmiede ich meinen Weg, aus Stahl und aus Fleisch. Chorus: Ich kämpfe weiter, Tag für Tag, Mit jedem Atemzug, den ich wag. Mein Herz schlägt laut im Takt des Lebens, Durch Leid und Freude, ich werde siegen. Brücke: Wenn Zweifel mich quälen und Ängste mich plagen, Rufe ich die Kraft in mir wach, um weiterzutraben. Denn in meinem Inneren lodert das Feuer der Hoffnung, Das mich antreibt, durch jede Dunkelheit zu hoffen. Chorus: Ich kämpfe weiter, Tag für Tag, Mit jedem Atemzug, den ich wag. Mein Herz schlägt laut im Takt des Lebens, Durch Leid und Freude, ich werde siegen. Outro: Mit jedem Schritt, den ich gehe, bin ich frei, Denn meine Träume tragen mich, weit und breit. In meinem


Suno AI를 사용하여 谯康에 의해 생성됨

[verse]早上起床 军号嘹亮 整齐的步伐 呼喊出 杀 杀 杀 一起翻越五公里 浓雾还未散去 练兵的时机 要一鼓作气 敢把敌人全都抹灭 集结队伍 战歌号响 神秘的作装 展现了 亮 亮 亮 共同奔赴机动场 娇阳还在天上 作战的本领 要越练越强 敢把敌人全都灭光 [rap]强大的祖国 有你有我 守卫疆土 彰显男人本色 滚烫热血 战斗狂烈 一抹军绿 充满朝气 面对敌人 敢打敢杀 誓死保卫 我们的国家 [chorus]烽烟军旗魂 烈火烧青春 使命不辱荣光 上战场 我们是钢铁儿郎 守家乡 我们敢作敢当 骄傲的民族血脉 觉醒在我们的时代


Suno AI를 사용하여 谯康에 의해 생성됨

[verse]早上起床 军号嘹亮 整齐的步伐 呼喊出 杀 杀 杀 一起翻越五公里 浓雾还未散去 练兵的时机 要一鼓作气 敢把敌人全都抹灭 [rap]强大的祖国 有你有我 守卫疆土 彰显男人本色 滚烫热血 战斗狂烈 一抹军绿 充满朝气 面对敌人 敢打敢杀 誓死保卫 我们的国家 [verse 2]集结队伍 战歌号响 神秘的作装 展现了 亮 亮 亮 共同奔赴机动场 娇阳还在天上 作战的本领 要越练越强 敢把敌人全都灭光 [chorus]烽烟军旗魂 烈火烧青春 使命不辱荣光 上战场 我们是钢铁儿郎 守家乡 我们敢作敢当 骄傲的民族血脉 觉醒在我们的时代


Suno AI를 사용하여 guang yang에 의해 생성됨



Suno AI를 사용하여 Piotr Świerszcz에 의해 생성됨

Refren) Wspaniałość i blask to my, Na scenie gwiazdą jak błysk, Glam rockowa moc, szaleństwo w takt, Lat osiemdziesiątych ducha czar. (Wers 1) W skórzanych spodniach, butach z ostrogami, Błysk w oczach, jak gwiazda na niebie, Brawurowo gramy, gitara wrze, W świecie glam rocka szaleństwo trwa. (Refren) Wspaniałość i blask to my, Na scenie gwiazdą jak błysk, Glam rockowa moc, szaleństwo w takt, Lat osiemdziesiątych ducha czar. (Wers 2) Włosy jak płomienie, makijaż jak maska, Pod światła reflektorów, nie ma litości, Brawurowo tańczymy, w rytm gitary, W świecie glam rocka, serca biją razem. (Refren) Wspaniałość i blask to my, Na scenie gwiazdą jak błysk, Glam rockowa moc, szaleństwo w takt, Lat osiemdziesiątych ducha czar. (Bridge) Podnieśmy kielichy, na szaleństwo nasze, Glam rockowe noce, pełne ekstazy, Wspaniałość i blask, jak gwiazdy na niebie, Żyjmy chwilą, niech trwa to wiecznie. (Solo instrumentalne) (Refren) Wspaniałość i blask to my, Na scenie gwiazdą jak błysk, Glam rockowa moc, szaleństwo w takt, Lat osiemdziesiątych ducha czar. (Outro) W świetle fleszy, błyszczymy jak złoto, Glam rockowe dziedzictwo, niech trwa na wieki, Wspaniałość i blask, jak hymn rockowej nocy,


Suno AI를 사용하여 xiaofan cai에 의해 생성됨

(Verse 1) 孟总试驾小米车,扬帆起航 引领潮流,创新风华绝世 追逐梦想,志在高远 他的身影,散发着光芒四溢 (Chorus) 孟总试驾小米汽车 超越极限,无人可比 掌握未来,科技之巅 梦想的火焰燃烧不息 (Verse 2) 小米车轮踏破尘埃 孟总的决心坚如磐石 挥洒汗水,追求卓越 创造辉煌,让世界为之惊叹 (Bridge) 勇往直前,毫不畏惧 孟总开创自己的天地 小米车驰骋在无尽的道路 展现风采,引领潮流的风尚 (Chorus) 孟总试驾小米汽车 超越极限,无人可比 掌握未来,科技之巅 梦想的火焰燃烧不息 (Outro) 小米车的引擎咆哮呼啸 孟总的魅力无人能比 驶向未来,不断前行 开创辉煌,永不停息
Echoes of the Fallen

Echoes of the Fallen

Suno AI를 사용하여 ErikTheChampion에 의해 생성됨

Verse 1: In the shadows, where whispers dwell, We march through the echoes of a forsaken hell. Beneath the ruins of dreams, we find our scars, Painted with the stories of our broken hearts. Pre-Chorus: Can you hear the cries, lost in the wind? A symphony of pain, where nightmares begin. Chorus: We are the echoes of the fallen, Screaming in silence, for redemption we're calling. In this desolate world, we stand tall, Rising from the ashes, we'll never fall. Verse 2: With fists clenched, against the storms we ride, Bearing the memories, of those who've died. In the eye of despair, we find our might, Illuminating darkness, with our inner light. Bridge: Shattered souls, with strength reborn, Facing the fury of the storm. In every tear, a story told, Of resilience, brave and bold. Chorus: We are the echoes of the fallen, Screaming in silence, for redemption we're calling. In this desolate world, we stand tall, Rising from the ashes, we'll never fall. Outro: So let our voices be the beacon, in the night, Guiding the lost, towards the light. For every echo fades, but not in vain, In the end, only the echoes remain.
Echoes of the Thunder God

Echoes of the Thunder God

Suno AI를 사용하여 ErikTheChampion에 의해 생성됨

In the realm where shadows clash and light, A hero rises in the dead of night, With a heart ablaze and eyes so bright, He embarks upon an endless fight. Chorus: Echoes of the Thunder God, resound through the skies, With every strike and every nod, the ancient power lies. In storms and lightning, he finds his might, Battling darkness with all his light. Verses of valor, sung with steel, In every wound, in every heal, The Thunder God, his fate to seal, Against the dark, his wrath to deal. Chorus: Echoes of the Thunder God, a force fierce and wild, Through raging storms and odds so odd, he remains undefiled. With thunder's roar and lightning's guide, He carves his path, with no place to hide. Bridge: Upon the mountain, high and steep, The Thunder God awakes from sleep. His hammer raised, his vow to keep, Into the storm, he takes the leap. Solo: (A majestic guitar solo that embodies the might and movement of a storm, intertwining with the essence of power metal.) Chorus: Echoes of the Thunder God, a legend born in strife, With every heart he's ever awed, with every breath of life. In his hands, the power to revive, With his will, the dead come alive. Outro: So hear the tale of t
Shadows of the Silent Realm

Shadows of the Silent Realm

Suno AI를 사용하여 ErikTheChampion에 의해 생성됨

Verse 1: In the heart of night, under the waning moon's light, Echoes stir the silent air, whispers of despair. A realm forgotten, veiled in shades of sorrow, Where dreams fade, and hopes are swallowed whole. Chorus: In the shadows of the silent realm, we roam, Bound by chains of time, in this darkened home. Our cries, mere echoes in the void, unseen, Lost souls wandering, in between the seams. Verse 2: Beneath the ancient trees, secrets lie asleep, In the soil, memories buried deep. The earth, a witness to the silent cries, Under the starless sky, where light dies. Chorus: In the shadows of the silent realm, we roam, Bound by chains of time, in this darkened home. Our cries, mere echoes in the void, unseen, Lost souls wandering, in between the seams. Bridge: The river's flow, a melody of grief, Carrying away leaves of belief. In the mist, figures loom, ghostly and tall, In the silence, hearing the ancient call. Verse 3: Through the mist, a path unseen, To the lands where we've never been. A journey through the night, without end, In search of light, around the bend. Chorus: In the shadows of the silent realm, we roam, Bound by chains of time, in this darkened home. Our cries
Chains of Fury

Chains of Fury

Suno AI를 사용하여 ErikTheChampion에 의해 생성됨

Verse 1: In the shadows, where the iron forges blaze, A beast of metal, born from fire's embrace. With fists of thunder, hearts fueled by rage, We're the warriors, breaking free from our cage. Chorus: Chains of fury, binding our souls tight, We'll smash through the darkness, into the night. Screaming engines, on the road to fight, Chains of fury, in the pit, ignite. Verse 2: Under the moon, where the cold steel sings, Our guitars wail, as the hammer swings. Blood and sweat mix with the tears we shed, For the anthem of the living, fighting the dead. Bridge: Solo screams, as the crowd surges wild, Each riff, a call to the untamed child. Pounding drums, echo our ancestors' calls, In the thrash pit, where the shadow falls. Chorus: Chains of fury, unbreakable will, Through the fire, through the storm, we kill. With every note, our legacy we fulfill, Chains of fury, our spirits, they cannot chill. Outro: In the end, when the battle is won, Underneath the burning sun, Our chains will break, one by one, Chains of fury, our story, never undone.
Shadows of the Infernal Abyss

Shadows of the Infernal Abyss

Suno AI를 사용하여 ErikTheChampion에 의해 생성됨

In the depths of night, where shadows dwell, Beneath the earth, in the darkest cell, Rises a force, unseen, untold, Ancient whispers, fervent and bold. Chorus: Shadows of the infernal abyss, Summoning the storm with a hiss, Chains of destiny, we resist, In the heart of darkness, we exist. Verses of fire, written in blood, On the altar of metal, we flood, The echoes of the damned, they scream, In the infernal abyss, we dream. Chorus: Shadows of the infernal abyss, Fueled by fire, we can't dismiss, Through the gates of hell, we enlist, In the forge of chaos, we persist. Bridge: Across the sea of despair, we sail, With the wind of sorrow, fierce and frail, In the eye of the storm, we unveil, The power within, that never fails. Solo: (A fierce and relentless guitar solo, embodying the struggle and power of the abyss) Final Chorus: Shadows of the infernal abyss, In the silence, we find our bliss, Against the odds, we coexist, For in the shadows, we are the mist. Outro: As the dawn breaks, and shadows fade, In the light, our fears are laid, Yet in the dark, our strength is made, In the shadows of the abyss, we wade.
Tensity 8

Tensity 8

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jon에 의해 생성됨

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [chorus 2] [verse] [bridge] [breakdown] [solo]
Tensity 7

Tensity 7

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jon에 의해 생성됨

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [chorus 2] [verse] [bridge] [breakdown] [solo]
Tensity 6

Tensity 6

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jon에 의해 생성됨

[instrumental] [verse] [verse 2] [chorus] [chorus 2] [verse] [bridge] [breakdown] [solo]
Tensity 5

Tensity 5

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jon에 의해 생성됨

[verse] [verse 2] [heavy atmospheric breakdown] [shift into minor chords] [chorus] [bridge] [breakdown with fast riffs between palm muted chugs] [chorus]
Tensity 3

Tensity 3

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jonathon Shropshire에 의해 생성됨

[instrumental] [verse] Dream awake Keep your eyes closed It’ll all be over soon Bound in disobedience To keep your eyes closed Is what they want you to do [verse 2] Wake up and see the world around Burning with fire Groaning with birth pains The harvest is ripe The wine press is ready [chorus] Lord, help us all Lord, teach us how to love Lord, it’s not fun anymore Lord, take me home [bridge] [verse] Torn between the two To live is to die and to die is gain [chorus] Lord, teach us to love like you [breakdown]
Tensity 2

Tensity 2

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jonathon Shropshire에 의해 생성됨

[instrumental] [verse] Dream awake Keep your eyes closed It’ll all be over soon Bound in disobedience To keep your eyes closed Is what they want you to do [verse 2] Wake up and see the world around Burning with fire Groaning with birth pains The harvest is ripe The wine press is ready [chorus] Lord, help us all Lord, teach us how to love Lord, it’s not fun anymore Lord, take me home [bridge] [verse] Torn between the two To live is to die and to die is gain [chorus] Lord, teach us to love like you [breakdown]


Suno AI를 사용하여 Jonathon Shropshire에 의해 생성됨

We wrestle not against the flesh but against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places