, I still get nervous
I, I
Adrenaline runnin' through my veins
I'm a skeleton when you say my name
And the high, no it never goes away
Like jumpin' out an airplane to swimmin' with the sharks
That existential feelin' when you're starin' at the stars
There's a hurricane in my head
But the lightnin' in my heart makes it worth it
Yeah, I still get nervous
When you walk through the door
And you look in my eyes
Yeah, it feels, yeah, it feels like the very first time
I can fall for you forever, I'm certain
'Cause I still get nervous
When your lips hit my lips and the fireworks fly
Sendin' sparks through the air, like the Fourth of July
I can fall for you forever, I'm certain
'Cause I still get nervous
Every time, every time we touch
It's like paradise, fell down from above
And the high, even too much ain't enough, no, no
Like flyin' in the fast lane, no headlights in the dark
That existential feelin' when you wonder what you are
Got a wild wind in my head
But the butterflies in my heart make it worth it
Yeah, I still get nervous
When you walk through the door and you look in my eyes
Yeah, it feels, yeah, it feels like the very first time
I can fall for you forever, I'm certain
'Cause I s
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Menacin' methods label me a lethal weapon
Makin' hittaz die witnessin' breathless imperfections
Can you picture my specific plan?
To be the man in this wicked land underhanded hits are planned
Scams are plotted over grams and rocks
Outlaws mother suckers die by the random shots
We all die in the end, so revenge we swore
I was all about my ends, cut friends and foes
Me, a born leader, never leave the block
Without my my heat or Glock got me a dog and named her "My dig digger Eater"
What could they do to me and lil' brat?
Get, them haters that shot me and still terrified I'll get they ass
How can I show you how I feel inside?
We Outlawz, mothe suckers can't kill my pride
Haters talk a lot of spit, but that's after I'm gone
'Cause they fear me in physical form
Let it be known I'm troublesome
Put it down to the fullest
Spittin' rhymes and bullet
All you haters die
Y'all know what time it is
Call the punk police, they can't stop us
Hittaz run the streets, we troublesome (byebye byebye you snitches die)
We troublesome
[Verse 1]
In the same old routine,
Stuck in a loop,
Every day feels the same,
Like walking in a troop.
But if you want change,
You gotta rearrange,
Break free from the mold,
Before you grow old.
[Verse 2]
Try something new,
Take a different road,
Life's an adventure,
Yet to be fully told.
But if you want change,
You gotta rearrange,
Break free from the mold,
Before you grow old.
Don't be afraid,
To step out of line,
Embrace the unknown,
And let your light shine.
But if you want change,
You gotta rearrange,
Break free from the mold,
Before you grow old.
We were at the beach cleanup, seagull in sight
Blown near a trash can, what a sad plight
Sand buried the treasures, deep out of reach
A crack in the pier, where the waves breach
Underwater cave, a mystical lair
But a fishing net caught, helpless in despair
Into the trash can, let's make things right
Clean up our oceans, keep shining bright
Oh oh, waste never bothered me
I throw it away and set the seagull free
Just grab a bag, join the beach cleanup dance
Together we'll make a cleaner expanse
Oh oh, saving our Earth each day
For the creatures who call the ocean their bay
Let's reduce, reuse, recycle again
Keep our beaches clean, let's make this a trend
Trash belongs in the trash can, don't you see?
Let's protect our oceans, keep them clean and trash-free
We were at the beach cleanup, seagull in sight
Blown near a trash can, what a sad plight
Sand buried the treasures, deep out of reach
A crack in the pier, where the waves breach
Underwater cave, a mystical lair
But a fishing net caught, helpless in despair
Into the trash can, let's make things right
Clean up our oceans, keep shining bright
Oh oh, waste never bothered me
I throw it away and set the seagull free
On a dusty road in the wild
Wild west
A lonesome cowboy rides
Seeking solace and rest
His heart is heavy
Burdened by the weight of the past
Searching for redemption
Hoping it will last
[Verse 2]
Through the prairies and canyons
His horse gallops on
At night
He sings his sorrows under the moonlight gone
His guitar strums the tales of love and loss
Echoing across the plains
Like a whispering ghost
Dusty roads
They lead him home
Where the prairies and the wind forever roam
With his guitar and his soul
He'll ride the endless trails
A troubadour of heartache
Spinning lonely tales
The wild goose sings in joy as snow plays with the spring sunshine,
Snow playing with the spring sunshine, the night moon shines bright.
The wind gently carries red petals, flying like rain,
Red petals flying like rain, descending upon town and village."
"In town and village, rain falls like flying red petals,
Rain falls like flying red petals, drifting with the gentle wind.
On a moonlit night, in clear spring, snow is teased,
In clear spring, teasing snow, the wild goose sings in joy."
(Verse 1)
Out in Israel, where the tech stars shine,
Amit's at the helm, steering dreams online.
Unicorn Technologies, they're called by name,
Chasing big ideas, never tamed.
Oh, they're the unicorns of innovation,
Riding through the tech nation.
Amit, Ligad, Tony, and Itay,
Lighting up the path in their own unique way.
(Verse 2)
Ligad's the President, with a vision so bold,
Crafting strategies that break the old mold.
Then there's Tony, he’s the CFO,
Balancing the books, making that cash flow.
Yeah, they're the unicorns of innovation,
Riding through the tech nation.
Amit, Ligad, Tony, and Itay,
Lighting up the path in their own unique way.
Itay analyzes, with a keen eye,
Spotting the next big thing passing by.
Together, they're a force, strong and true,
Building futures out of the blue.
(Verse 3)
From startup seeds to tech giants they grow,
In the heart of Israel, where dreams never slow.
Unicorn Technologies, remember the name,
In the land of promise, they’re changing the game.
Oh, they're the unicorns of innovation,
Riding through the tech nation.
Amit, Ligad, Tony, and Itay,
Lighting up the path in the
A lonely mother gazing out of her window
Staring at a son that she just can't touch.
If at any time he's in a jam she'll be by his side,
But he doesn't realize he hurts her so much.
But all the praying just ain't helping at all,
'Cause he can't seem to keep his self out of trouble.
So, he goes out and he makes his money the best way he know how,
Another body laying cold in the gutter.
Listen to me.
Don't go chasing waterfalls.
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all,
But I think you're moving too fast.
Little precious has a natural obsession for temptation,
But he just can't see.
She give him loving that his body can't handle,
But all he can say is, "Baby, it's good to me."
One day he goes and takes a glimpse in the mirror,
But he doesn't recognize his own face.
His health is fading and he doesn't know why.
Three letters took him to his final resting place.
Y'all don't hear me.
Don't go chasing waterfalls.
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all,
But I think you're moving too fast.
In den Hallen des Wissens, wo Träume geboren werden,
Ein Meer aus Büchern, das die Seele ernährt.
Junge Köpfe, neugierig und bereit zu lernen,
Entdecken Welten, die das Denken verklärt.
Lehrer als Leuchttürme, die Wissen verschenken,
Geben Orientierung, wenn Wege sich verrenken.
Die Schule ist der Garten, wo Wissen gedeiht,
Die Zukunft formt sich, wenn Bildung zur Freiheit verleih't.
Cyntia, oči zelené, krásne až na výške,
Prsia ako sen, nádherná, ako kvetinová záhrada v údolí.
Srdce mi vyskočí, keď ťa vidím, to nie je klam,
S tebou život je ako sen, plný šťastia, to nie je žiaden flám.
(Strofa 1)
V kine sme sa stretli, Duna nás obaja oslovila,
Naše srdcia v rytmu, to bola pravá bomba, vcelku geniálna.
Druhé rande prišlo, s tebou všetko svieti,
Vnútri horí oheň, to nie je fikcia, to je jasný fakt, ver mi.
Cyntia, oči zelené, krásne až na výške,
Prsia ako sen, nádherná, ako kvetinová záhrada v údolí.
Srdce mi vyskočí, keď ťa vidím, to nie je klam,
S tebou život je ako sen, plný šťastia, to nie je žiaden flám.
(Strofa 2)
Naše chvíle vzrušujúce, s tebou som vo výške,
Láska a smiech, to je náš recept na úspech, žiadny spadnutý klátik.
Motýľ na tvojej ruke, náš symbol, náš znamení,
Spolu sme neporaziteľní, to je náš úplný vrchol, takto to myslím.
Cyntia, oči zelené, krásne až na výške,
Prsia ako sen, nádherná, ako kvetinová záhrada v údolí.
Srdce mi vyskočí, keď ťa vidím, to nie je klam,
S tebou život je ako sen, plný šťastia, to nie je žiaden flám.
I want to eat large amounts of feces,
I don't care from what species
Jenei Marci, Márton vagy Jenő
Tinderezik és a kukija megnő
Szereti a focit, Zsirut és Pelét
Hétvégén bontja a Kamagra zselét
Jenei Marci
Jenei Marci
Jenei Marci
Jenei Marci
Tata Jacek uwielbia długie spanie,
Mama kocha jajka na śniadanie,
Hania na punkcie lodów ma bzika,
Wiki po piętrowych łóżkach fika.
I tak się w Rogalinku żyje powoli,
to miejsce zawsze każdego zadowoli!
Tata nie lubi wcześnie rano wstawać,
Wiki nie cierpi z aftami nic zajadać,
Hania za wodnymi fikołkami nie przepada,
a Mama do basenu nawet stopy nie wkłada.
I tak się w Rogalinku żyje powoli,
to miejsce zawsze każdego zadowoli!
Mama chce nas ciągle na wycieczki zabierać,
Hania chce spódniczki tutu ubierać,
Wiki kolczyki planuje nosić nowe,
a Tata na kanapie grać w gry odlotowe.
I tak się w Rogalinku żyje powoli,
to miejsce zawsze każdego zadowoli!
I remember something's from my youth
Both happy and some sad
Like my first kiss
In first grade from a sweet classmate
She brought me a book she was sweet to me
I smiled at her and she at me
When I was reaching for the book she said in a sweet little country voice
No ..I looked at her kinda puzzled wondering why she said that..
The she spoke in a pure sweet tone you can't have this book she said...while giggling
Only a kiss can get this book from me.
I got that book I did.
Then every day after lunch I got a new book to read. That is the sweetest memory
I have from that time in West Virginia. A very sweet place it is.
nem mindegy baszki hogy felhívnak baszni
vagy basznak felhívni pertu vagy parti
hogy eszed a szarod vagy szarod az eszed
vizibusz vagy buzi visz vakarod a fejed
hogy fel-e falod a falafeled felét
vagy a falafeled fal-e felfelé
nem mindegy az ha az utcán kint vagy
hogy hívnak a kurvák vagy kurvának hívnak
tíz trip vagy striptiz idd ki vagy vidd ki
penész vagy pénisz szimpi vagy szívd ki
nem mind egy hogy eminem vagy menj innen
happy end vagy te pihenj maradjunk ennyiben
szar mellett sírni vagy sír mellet szarni
hal mellett pénzelni vagy pénz mellet halni
párbajban vérezni vagy vérbajban pározni
az okos hülyéskedik vagy a hülye okoskodik
nem mindegy az hogy harag vagy harang
hogy vörös a szalag vagy szőrös a valag
hogy a nyomodba lépnek vagy a lépedbe nyomnak
nem mindegy az hogy mit hoz a holnap
fejlődés vagy fejlövés tisztelet vagy tíz telit
víz alatt szexelni vagy szex alatt vizelni
nem mind egy hogy erek között egy inyekció
vagy az inyek között egy erekció
nem mind egy hogy kicsapongás vagy picsa kongás
igazoltatás vagy kigazoltatás
nem mindegy hogy a nyúl fingik vagy a fing nyúlik
hogy buzdít az erkölcs vagy erkölcs és buzik
hogy farkasokkal táncoló vagy táncosokkal farkaló
(Verse 1)
In the halls of Stiles Point, we took our first leap,
Like dolphins in the ocean, so vast and deep.
From ABCs to 123s, our minds began to swell,
At Stiles Point Elementary, where we all excelled.
So wave goodbye, it's time to sail,
With memories that will never pale.
Our dolphin friends, so smart and keen,
Guided us through the grades, unseen.
(Verse 2)
We laughed and played, our spirits free,
On the playground where we scraped a knee.
With every book and every test,
We found our way, we did our best.
Remember the field days, under the sun,
Racing and cheering, we all won.
The art we created, the friends we found,
In every corner, joy was abound.
So wave goodbye, it's time to sail,
With memories that will never pale.
Our dolphin friends, so smart and keen,
Guided us through the grades, unseen.
(Verse 3)
Now we're moving on, our caps in the air,
But the spirit of Stiles Point, we'll always wear
[Verse 1]
Her heart like a butterfly
flutters with wings
it floats
[Verse 2]
on the wave of his love
if the wave draws back
the butterfly will drown
anxiety of the heart is growing
longing suppresses breath
I love a girl and Earlene is her name
I love her and she lives me just the same
I hurt her when I said mean stuff now I feel like I've lost her for good .oh me oh me oh my
I was looking forward till we could be together
Now I think I messed that up I don't know why I did .
She didn't need to be talked to like that. She had done nothing wrong
I cry out in shame for the pain I have caused
I can't understand why but I did it just the same
I am the one to blame for messing it all up oh baby oh baby I'm gone
if you ever cruise down the 66,
the mother of all roads
A thousand miles of memories,
and a thousand dreams to share.
When Denis and Henry cross my way
From Chicago to L.A.,
And the roaring sound of my Harley
It´s like a symphony of Verdi
it's a legendary ride,
A highway of dreams,
and I'm feelin' so free.
Past the neon lights
and the desert's embrace,
In the heart of America,
I have found my place.
From the diners to the motels,
It's a classic scene,
Every stop along the way,
it's like a movie screen.
With Gasoline in my Venes
and Adventures in my brain,
with asphalt in my bones
3000 Miles and no zones.
Now, the road stretches out,
and the sun begins to set,
But on Route 66, l`ll never forget.
All the friends I've made
and the sights I`ve seen,
In this timeless journey,
where the past and future convene.
With Gasoline in my Veines
and Adventure in my brain,
with asphalt in my bones
3000 Miles and no zones.
There's this spirit in the air,
the freedom in the drive,
As I chase the horizon,
I feel so alive.
From the painted desert
to the Santa Monica shore,
Route 66, the one that I adore.
Pierwszy raz umarła
tak nieoczekiwanie
że całkiem zwaliło ją z nóg
ale nikt tego nie zauważył
kiedy przychodzili
z urazą i niedowierzaniem
czarną pustke
mnie tu już nie ma
ale to im nic nie mówiło
[Verse 2]
Później umieranie spowszedniało
co rano z trudem
wprawiała w ruch
martwe ciało
jak tego wymagano
wychodziło to trochę sztywno
jednak było konieczne
aby usprawiedliwić
ciągłą obecność ciała
tylko twarz jej zastygła
i czerń źrenic
zgęstniała niepokojąco