
Country Tunes

Suno AI brings you bespoke country melodies. Explore the innovative blend of AI and musical artistry.

Rowerzysta Toczek

Rowerzysta Toczek

Suno AI를 사용하여 Damian Zelwach에 의해 생성됨

Tomasz Toczek jeździ na rowerze szosowym w Hiszpanii
the KKks revenge

the KKks revenge

Suno AI를 사용하여 Isaiah Clayton에 의해 생성됨

the KKK finding elijah and taking him away to make him pay for his devious acts of racsism
Fucking Great Insurance

Fucking Great Insurance

Suno AI를 사용하여 Jason Phillips에 의해 생성됨

Weston Bradbury Insurance Services, Fucking Great Insurance
Dzika Litwo

Dzika Litwo

Suno AI를 사용하여 Kabulu Mamulu에 의해 생성됨

Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteś jak zdrowie. Ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie, Kto cię stracił. Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie Widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie. Panno Święta, co Jasnej bronisz Częstochowy I w Ostrej świecisz Bramie! Ty, co gród zamkowy Nowogródzki ochraniasz z jego wiernym ludem! Jak mnie dziecko do zdrowia powróciłaś cudem (Gdy od płaczącej matki pod Twoję opiekę Ofiarowany, martwą podniosłem powiekę I zaraz mogłem pieszo do Twych świątyń progu Iść za wrócone życie podziękować Bogu), Tak nas powrócisz cudem na Ojczyzny łono. Tymczasem przenoś moję duszę utęsknioną Do tych pagórków leśnych, do tych łąk zielonych, Szeroko nad błękitnym Niemnem rozciągnionych; Do tych pól malowanych zbożem rozmaitem, Wyzłacanych pszenicą, posrebrzanych żytem; Gdzie bursztynowy świerzop, gryka jak śnieg biała, Gdzie panieńskim rumieńcem dzięcielina pała, A wszystko przepasane, jakby wstęgą, miedzą Zieloną, na niej z rzadka ciche grusze siedzą.
Mrmot a sorka

Mrmot a sorka

Suno AI를 사용하여 _tobias_ bubla_에 의해 생성됨

Na ceste dlhej a nekonečnej, Mrmot jazdí na sorke, s ťažkým srdcom sklesnutým a utrápeným. Presne tak ako keď dežerický autobusár vezie Tobiasa a Matúša, ťažký život autobusárov začína sa. Z každodenného zhonu po Machnáči a po Úspechu, Mrmot v hustej premávke pláva a cíti sa sklamaný. Autobusári nemajú ľahký život, plnia svoju náročnú úlohu, vždy včas, vždy na ceste, to je ich každodenný rituál. Keď sa zatiahne ručná, Mrmot zastavuje s bolesťou v srdci a smútkom v duši. Občas sa zdá, že život autobusára, je ako bludný poklad, Nikdy nevieš, aký autobus ťa čaká, aká bude tvoja osudová nálada. Tobias a Matúš na palube, sprevádzajú Mrmota na ceste, Autobus dvere zavrie a nasleduje jazda plná nástrah a zvratov. Ale do srdca autobusára vojde pocit hrdosti a oddanosti, Veď predsa voziť pasažierov je jeho povolaním, jeho životnou úlohou. Tak nech táto pesnička rozoznie výkriky po celej Krásnej Vsi, o Mrmotovi, sorke a ťažkom živote autobusára. Spievajme o ceste, ktorá je ako život, ako autobusy, ktoré nesú náš osud a každý deň nový príbeh píšu.
Git Gud, Nathan

Git Gud, Nathan

Suno AI를 사용하여 Aren Fraughton에 의해 생성됨

[Verse 1] Nathan sits down, controller in his hand But when it comes to Hunt Showdown, he just don't understand His aim is shaky, he can't hit a single shot Every time he plays, it's just one big jackpot He runs through the swamps, but he's always out of luck He's a real-life cowboy, but in the game, he sucks He's got the skills of a rookie, and even though he tries He's the king of bad decisions, always end up compromised [Verse 2] Nathan's team is frustrated, they always have to carry They're on a mission, but he's always in a hurry He stumbles through the bushes, makes a noise, and gets ambushed Nathan's in trouble, and it's all because he rushed
Balada o jastrabskom smraďochovi

Balada o jastrabskom smraďochovi

Suno AI를 사용하여 StreXo에 의해 생성됨

Na poli za hradom, veľká zima a mráz, Tam žil smraďoch Tomáš Panáček, smradláček, smrad a zráz. Po dvore blúdil, páchol jak smraďoch a sliz, Nechce sa osprchovať, je mastný, už aby zhnil. Jastrabie je jeho domov letel nad ním, kričal: "Čo je to za smrad? Ale Tomáš si nevšímal, pokračoval vo svojom zdvorilom živote, Užíval si života plného smradu, smraďocha a hanby, netrápili ho ľudia. A tak Tomáš Panáček, mastný a znečistený, Na hrade sa stal povestným, jeho chvíle nikdy neboli skomolené, Nad Jastrabím len vzdychol nad jeho hanebnou existenciou, Smraďoch smraďoch, to bol Tomáš Panáček, jeho príbeh nezabudnuteľný. Tak poďme spievať pieseň o Tomášovi, smradláčkovi, O smrade a mastnotách, o Jastrabí zosmiešnenom. Nech sa táto pesnička šíri, sláva Tomášovi nech zdochne sama, A smradľavý smraďoch nech v smrade zvýrazní sa!


Suno AI를 사용하여 Opuch Pekny에 의해 생성됨

Tomaš panaček smrad malý Citíš ho aj ked ho nechceš JE to kokot smradľavý Smradľavýýýýýýýýýýý oooooooOOoooooooo Neumije sa ani čo to ide Je to debil ryšavý Určite si strka veci do riti Ako je aj DILDO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO Stale smrdí ako hovno na poli Jeho ryšave vlasy su jak olej v mekači Hlas krasny to sa povie Je to teda krasavec Kokot vieš SMRAD SMRAD SMRAD To su ty ryšavci SMRAD SMRAD SMRAD To je ten panaček Kokot ryšavy ako moje trenky Obsrate trenky ma na sebe Bubla ho cíti a hovorí AKO TEN KOKOT MOZE TAK SMRDIET SMRAD SMRAD SMRAD Kokot ti do huby daju Cely ksicht ti opuchne OOOooooOOO Jastrabie zamorene je Možno aj Prievidza či Poprad je Smrad sa šíri ako vírus aj COVID sa ho bojí Doktori si nevedia rady SMRAD SMRAD SMRAD
Moj kokot

Moj kokot

Suno AI를 사용하여 fufo333에 의해 생성됨

Tomaš Panaček naš maly ryšavec Smrdí cez cele okolie Či v triede aj v Jastrrabíí KAždí kdo je pri ňom ho cíti ako bublove trenky Panáček Panáček To je ale meno hnusé Ako jeho trenky su hnusé JE to naš vysoký ryšavec Smrdľavý jak krava na žite Žije si svoj smradľavý svet KAždy hh musí cítiť ako hovno Ja som kokot prečo ho cítim Všetci teraz umreme ako židvia v plynovej komore OOOOOOOOOoooo To je ten smradľavý Panáček Citiš ho aj v blave či aj na luniku Jeho ryšave vajcochlpy OOooooOOOO To je same niečo o sebe Smrad strašnyyyy Smrad strašnyyyyyy Fakt ho nechceš citit MAtuš vie povedať svoje Moj kokot ked ho citi Stočí sa dole a čaka dole oooOooooo Moj chudačik kokot ooooooo kokotkooooo
The Lumber Baroness

The Lumber Baroness

Suno AI를 사용하여 Vladimir Buchakov에 의해 생성됨

(Verse 1) In the forest's heart where the tall pines sway, There's a woman known for miles away. With arms of steel and a will so strong, She lifts the logs and sings her song. (Chorus) Oh, she's the lady of the woods, so bold, Carrying logs as if they're gold. Her laughter rings through the pine and fog, The mighty woman and her logs. (Verse 2) She strides along with an easy grace, Each step she takes, she leaves a trace. Of strength and joy in the earth so deep, She moves the wood, a promise to keep. (Chorus) Oh, she's the lady of the woods, so bold, Carrying logs as if they're gold. Her laughter rings through the pine and fog, The mighty woman and her logs. (Bridge) No mountain too high, no river too wide, She bears the weight with power and pride. From dawn till dusk, in the sun's warm glow, She's the queen of the forest, the logs in tow. (Chorus) Oh, she's the lady of the woods, so bold, Carrying logs as if they're gold. Her laughter rings through the pine and fog, The mighty woman and her logs. (Outro) So here's to the lady, tall and grand, With the heart of the woods in her strong hands. She carries on through the days so long, The forest whispers her name in song.


Suno AI를 사용하여 epicc games에 의해 생성됨

Volám sa Tomáš Smradláček a smrdím ako starý dedeček ryšavec to som predsa ja strčte mi kus hovna do vaja nadržaný som jak taký Bubla keď vidím Glenu hneď mi knedla stvrdla neumyjem sa ja nikdy v živote ani keby mi za to platili päť korunami po kokote, Volám sa ja Evelyn Papierniková ale aj tak ma všetci prezývajú Ryna, naozaj sa mi páči Miško Szekereš pretože má ozaj veľkú bakulu bakulu bakulu lu lu lu lu lu no a ten smraďoch ryšavý Tomino smrdí mi až za ušami smrdí ako psie hovno ktoré mi vysral môj labrador or or or , Volám sa ja Michal Szekereš a som napól Chorvát anebo Slovinec sám to neviem ale viem čo som mal na obed, bolo to hovno s makom podpadákom zistil som to keď som ho vysral von oknom om om om to hovno pristálo Ryne rovno na pysky odvtedy ma ľúbi do pičky Ja milujem Evelyn Evelyn Evelýyyn ona je tá ktorú som hľadal po celých Čachticiach aj Trenčíne vytrtkal by som ju jak takú traktoristku pretože ona má rozum nie jak ten smrad Panáček ooooo oooooo ooooo Tomáš Panáček náš smrad malinký máme ťa aj tak radi aj keď smrdíš jak moje trenky vyhonené od sobotyyyy ten tvoj smrad je ozaj neuveriteľný ako Štromajerove vlasy na fyzikeeee prosíme osprchuj sa už naozaj


Suno AI를 사용하여 Carlo Cesari에 의해 생성됨

[Introduzione] In un mondo di sorrisi e di lacrime, In un viaggio fatto di giorni e di anime, Tu, Silvana, splendore senza fine, Una madre, una moglie, un dono divino. [Strofa 1] Con il cuore aperto, con amore sincero, Hai guidato i passi dei nostri figli, leggero, Tra le pagine della vita, hai scritto poesia, Con ogni gesto, con ogni carezza, con ogni melodia. [Ritornello] Silvana, grazie per essere così speciale, Una madre che illumina il cammino in ogni male, Una moglie che fa brillare il sole anche nel buio, La tua luce, il tuo amore, ci rende più sicuri. [Strofa 2] Con ogni risata, con ogni abbraccio, Hai dipinto un arcobaleno nel nostro spazio, Filippo e Federico, tesori da amare, Tu sei il faro che li guida nel loro mare. [Ritornello] Silvana, grazie per essere così speciale, Una madre che illumina il cammino in ogni male, Una moglie che fa brillare il sole anche nel buio, La tua luce, il tuo amore, ci rende più sicuri.
onchain tears

onchain tears

Suno AI를 사용하여 Владимир에 의해 생성됨

In the dead of night, when the world's asleep, The rain pours down in a rhythmic beat. Echoes in the darkness, a soothing sound, As the online rain falls to the ground. Online rain, falling from the screen, Washing away all that we've been. In the virtual world, it's a gentle embrace, As the onscreen rain fills this cyber space. Each drop a pixel, each rhythm a code, In this digital realm, our stories unfold. With every click, another drop falls, Online rain, stitching digital walls. Online rain, falling from the screen, Washing away all that we've been. In the virtual world, it's a gentle embrace, As the onscreen rain fills this cyber space. No thunder roars, no lightning flash, Just the steady rhythm, in this digital bash. Through bytes and data, it's a silent parade, Online rain, in this digital arcade. Online rain, falling from the screen, Washing away all that we've been. In the virtual world, it's a gentle embrace, As the onscreen rain fills this cyber space. So let it rain, in this online domain, A digital symphony, a virtual reign. For in the onscreen deluge, we find our release, In the soothing embr
Goodbye Old Buddy

Goodbye Old Buddy

Suno AI를 사용하여 Lucy Wilson에 의해 생성됨

[Verse] Drivin' down that dusty road My old buddy by my side He was my faithful companion Always there for the ride With his tail waggin' and his tongue hangin' out He made every journey feel like there ain't no doubt [Verse 2] Through the fields and across the streams We'd roam Chasing rabbits and squirrels Never longing for a home He'd run ahead Then look back As if to say "Come on My friend Let's keep the blues at bay" [Chorus] But now he's gone My old pal My loyal buddy His spirit lingers on Even though his body I'll cherish the memories The laughter we had Goodbye Old buddy Life's just a touch too sad..


Suno AI를 사용하여 pippo tutto에 의해 생성됨

c'è un serpente vicino a un cappello il cappello è da cowboy il serpente non mi morde perché sa che sono un cowboy rit. odio i maschi odio i tori amo le vacche e amo le donne odio i maschi odio i tori amo le vacche e amo le donne lei mi Guarda ,perché gli piaccio e naturale sono un cowboy lei lo sa che sono bravo a cavalcare i miei cavalli sono un cowboy io so che sa cavalcare anche lei odio i maschi odio i tori a me piacciono vacche e donne odio i maschi odio i tori a me piacciono vacche e donne
Nyári nap

Nyári nap

Suno AI를 사용하여 Renátó Kovács에 의해 생성됨

Új nap, új reggel Nehéz szív, tele a fej Mégis újra fel kell kelni Az idő múlása a remény szikrái Erőt adnak A test fiatal, a lélek feldúlt A szív fárad, de élno akar Az akarat utat tör, húz ha menni is fáj, ha fáraszt Nincs félelem, nincs stressz Nyugtat hogy bármit megtehetek Padlón lenni béke Tiszta a kép Nincs tét Már nem fáj semmi, nem bánt semmi Jöjjön ami jön Az új nap Nyári nap Perzseld fel a bánatom Nincs több fájdalom Nyári nap Töltsd fel a szívem Még van miért Még van kiért élnem
Mira and barbara

Mira and barbara

Suno AI를 사용하여 Rafal N에 의해 생성됨

Here is a little stoey about cute girl, Her name is Mira a sings better than shakira, Her sister is Barbara, They make a sisters power
Torn Apart

Torn Apart

Suno AI를 사용하여 Stephizzy에 의해 생성됨

[Verse] Sitting on my porch swing, sippin' on that sweet tea Thinking 'bout the girl who used to mean the world to me She said she found somebody else, someone new Now my heart's torn apart, don't know what to do Weekend nights were spent, dancin' under that old moon But now those memories feel like a sad country tune She packed up her bags, left me with broken dreams Now I'm left here drownin' in my own whiskey streams [Verse 2] She was the sunlight that brightened up my life Now I'm just a lonely soul, stuck in this strife Thought we had a love that was built to last But now my heart is shattered, like broken glass


Suno AI를 사용하여 Marco Trump에 의해 생성됨

记忆中的故乡 是破旧的木瓦房, 夏天,赤膊坐在竹椅上, 等着一阵弄堂风, 吹凉我燥热的小身板, 傍晚,躺在屋边的石板上, 听爷爷叔公们聊家常, 替我赶走蚊子的, 是奶奶一摇一摇的麦秆扇, 记忆中的故乡 是门前那口老水井, 井边,打水的铁桶吱吱嘎嘎, 妈妈和婶婶们忙着洗衣衫, 棒槌咚咚不停响, 记忆中的故乡 是爷爷养的那头老牛, 稻田里,拉着笨重的铁犁在蹒跚, 瞪着铜铃大的眼, 却从来不吭声, 它最惬意的时光是卧在水塘, 甩着长长的尾巴赶蚊蝇, 悠闲地嚼着那甜甜的玉米杆, 我的故乡, 在爷爷的烟袋里, 在奶奶的发髻里, 在迎亲的花轿里, 在过年的炮仗里, 在扇谷的风车里, 在脚踩的水车里, 在谢佛的行灯里, 在矮矮的坟墓里, 在祭祖的酒水里, 在瞎子的道情里......
Midnight Memories

Midnight Memories

Suno AI를 사용하여 Harry Singh에 의해 생성됨



Suno AI를 사용하여 Demitree 704에 의해 생성됨

about truck driving and everything being expensive. my 25 year old son is lazy sometimes. and i love my dog named dutches


Suno AI를 사용하여 ryanj1201에 의해 생성됨

Forest gets high all day and drinks beers Forest is short and fat Forest lost all of his hair


Suno AI를 사용하여 Nanette Niemann에 의해 생성됨

Underneath the moonlit sky, On waters calm, the night draws nigh. A cabin cruiser gently sways, Rocking me to sleep in its embrace. (Chorus) Sailing dreams, oh so deep, On this cabin cruiser I find peace. Stars above, the waves below, In this sanctuary, I let go.
The Cookies

The Cookies

Suno AI를 사용하여 Dev Forge에 의해 생성됨

Hey Dad, do you know what happened to the cookies in the jar? What cookies? The chocolate chip ones that were on the counter. Haven't seen them. Maybe Mom took them? Nope, asked her already. She said she saw you near the kitchen earlier. Maybe the dog ate them? We don’t have a dog, Dad. Right… Must’ve been the cat then. We don’t have a cat either. Ah, must've been a cookie monster then Dad, are you sure YOU didn’t eat them? Me? No way! I'm on a diet, remember? Got it. So no idea where the cookies went? Nope. But if they magically reappear, I’ll help you eat them to remove all evidence! Deal. Oh, by the way, I set up a camera in the kitchen last night for a school project. I think we should buy more cookies and discuss this over milk. Caught ya! Guess I’m buying the cookies AND the milk.