
Top Metal Music Tracks - Explore Now

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The Underdog

The Underdog

Gemaakt door Vipin Baikampady metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In shadows deep, where dreams lay asleep, An underdog with a fire to keep, Through trials unseen, they've been confined, But now it's time to free their mind. (Pre-Chorus) Through the storm, they'll find their way, Against the odds, they'll seize the day, With every scar, they'll wear it proud, This battle cry, it's ringing loud. (Chorus) Rise up from the ashes, break through the chains, Against the current, we'll brave the rains, In the face of doubt, we'll stand tall, This underdog will conquer all. (Verse 2) With every step, a legacy to write, They'll fight the darkness, embrace the light, No longer bound by fear's embrace, They'll chase their dreams, they'll find their place. (Pre-Chorus) Through the storm, they'll find their way, Against the odds, they'll seize the day, With every scar, they'll wear it proud, This battle cry, it's ringing loud. (Chorus) Rise up from the ashes, break through the chains, Against the current, we'll brave the rains, In the face of doubt, we'll stand tall, This underdog will conquer all.


Gemaakt door Karl Wilcockson metSuno AI

Lost in thought I see myself drifting apart Knowing that I will get lost in the shadows of my dreams
Skyborne Blades

Skyborne Blades

Gemaakt door Mlg pro player 291 metSuno AI

In the vast skies, where steel birds soar, Our wings of fury, ready for war. Ace pilots fearless, hearts beating strong, In the fighters, where we belong. Through the turbulence, our engines cry, With comrades by our side, we'll touch the sky. In the dance of combat, we'll reach new heights, Our spirits ablaze, in the celestial lights. In the vast skies, where engines roar, Metal beasts, their power we adore. Ace pilots fearless, hearts beating strong, In the fighters, where we belong.


Gemaakt door Attila Darvas metSuno AI

Aludt a park, aludt a város... Szomorú voltam, és nagyon magányos.. ...Csak a csillagok sétáltak velem, És szívemben az a régi szerelem.... Aztán némán átkarolt a Hold... Neked eddig csak Ő udvarolt... Ketten voltunk: Te meg Én, Mint az Éjszaka és a Fény! Ott álltam és attól féltem: A kiadó helyet szívedben lekéstem, Mikor valahol messze-messze, Egy dalt dúdolt a csillagos este: Lunánu-nánu-nánu-nánu-náéh! Néha még, most sem hiszem el! Lunánu-nánu-nánu-nánu-náéh! Ami velem megtörtént, hisz A Hold némán átkarolt, emlékszem: csillagos este volt, mikor a szerelem szembejött, és a szívembe költözött! Tudod, sosem hittem el, valaha másé is leszel, érzem, örökké imádsz, és csak rám vágysz! Éreztem, nem tévedtem, Hisz a sors akarta így, nem a véletlen... Elmúlt sok tavasz, elmúlt sok tél: De örökre a szívembe költöztél... Itt maradtál, hogy vigasztaljál, Vérző sebeimre vigaszt adjál... Bár emlékszem, attól féltél, Véletlen hozzám ne érjél... Most a karjaimban tartalak, Így nyugszik le, és kel fel a Nap..., S azóta is, valahol messze-messze, egy dalt dúdol a csillagos este: Lunánu-nánu-nánu-nánu-náéh! Néha még, most sem hiszem el! Lunánu-nánu-nánu-nánu-náéh! Ami velem megtörtént, hisz


Gemaakt door Vipin B metSuno AI

In the valley where the shadows dwell, Roams a creature with eyes like hell. Horns that pierce the midnight sky, A beast of darkness, none dare defy. (Pre-Chorus) Through the mountains, it roams alone, A guardian of secrets, to the unknown. With a fury that none can tame, In the heart of darkness, it lays claim. (Chorus) Goat of metal, lord of the night, With hooves of thunder, you take flight. In the symphony of chaos, you reign, A creature of darkness, unbound by chains. (Verse 2) In the fire, it finds its home, A creature of chaos, free to roam. Through the forests and ancient halls, It echoes its call, as darkness falls. (Pre-Chorus) With eyes that burn like embers bright, In the realm of shadows, it takes flight. A king of the night, a lord of might, In the realm of darkness, it ignites. (Chorus) Goat of metal, lord of the night, With hooves of thunder, you take flight. In the symphony of chaos, you reign, A creature of darkness, unbound by chains. (Bridge) Through the storm and raging gale, The goat of metal will never fail. In the heart of darkness, it shall dwell, A creature of chaos, a legend to tell. (Solo) (Chorus) Goat of metal, lord of the night, With hooves of
Dark world

Dark world

Gemaakt door Bartłomiej Waśniewski metSuno AI

I am the warior in the world of cowards. I am a thief in the world of the rich. I am the priest in the world of demons. How to exist, how to exist?
Crimson Sunset

Crimson Sunset

Gemaakt door 赖鑫 metSuno AI

[Verse] The crimson skies collide with roars of thunder As the solitary wild swan takes to the sky Autumn waters reflecting the endless horizon In this realm where darkness and light intertwine [Verse 2] Through the chaos and chaos We find our serenity The power surges through our veins like an adrenaline rush Screaming guitars electrify the atmosphere As we paint this canvas with the colors of twilight [Chorus] In a symphony of shattered dreams and rebellious cries We rise above the chaos Defying the norm Unleashing our spirits We claim the tempest of the skies In this crimson sunset Heavy metal is born (yeah-yeah)
Tierra del alma

Tierra del alma

Gemaakt door Nayara González González metSuno AI

(Comienzo con un ritmo de fondo) En el Atlántico, donde el sol brilla con esplendor, Surge una isla, un paraíso, un gran amor. La Palma, tierra de volcanes y de mar, Donde el viento susurra secretos al caminar. Desde las cumbres al rugir del mar, La Palma es un sueño que nunca morirá. Sus paisajes pintados con colores mil, Son la inspiración que despierta un sentir. Montañas majestuosas abrazan al cielo, Bajo un manto de estrellas, danzan los anhelos. En cada rincón, historia y tradición, La Palma es un canto de pura emoción. En cada calle, en cada plaza, Se respira vida, se siente la alabanza. La Palma, joya del archipiélago, Es un tesoro que llevamos en el halago. Con sus playas de arena negra y fina, La Palma es la musa que domina. En cada ola, en cada suspiro, Se escucha su voz, un eterno susurro. Desde Tenerife hasta Gran Canaria, La Palma resplandece con su propia gloria. En el corazón de este paraíso terrenal, La Palma, eterna, nunca dejará de brillar. (Concluyo con un ritmo más suave) Así es La Palma, canaria y sin par, Un lugar donde el alma encuentra su lugar. En cada verso, en cada melodía, La Palma vive en la poesía.
In the fire of passion

In the fire of passion

Gemaakt door Lubko Tonka metSuno AI

SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, Our bodies are wildly intertwined in the darkness. SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, In the fire of passion, we're bound forever. In the hell of passion, where even hell fears to tread, Damn, our bodies become one in every curve. The guitar sets the sound to our wild dance, Heart pounding like a blow to raw flesh. SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, Our bodies are wildly intertwined in the darkness. SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, In the fire of passion, we're bound forever. As the moonlight illuminates our frenzied dance, Watch us move under its glow. In the thunderous roar, in the rhythmic pounding, Our bodies merge, unstoppable. SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, Our bodies are wildly intertwined in the darkness. SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, In the fire of passion, we're bound forever. Sin holds me tight as I pull you close, Our passions endure until the end of ages. Now we're here, in this sacred unity, Our connection is like a stream of sinister darkness. SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, Our bodies are wildly intertwined in the darkness. SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX, In the fire of passion, we're bound forever.
Celestial Symphony

Celestial Symphony

Gemaakt door Below Above metSuno AI

[Verse] In the realms of divinity A tale is unfurled The language of creation Wisdom of the world From Heaven's boundless glory to Earth's mortal domain The cosmic symbolism In Genesis It reigns [Verse 2] Hear the echoes of creation Resounding across the skies A symphony of power Where paradise lies God's hand crafted galaxies Stars shining bright A universe of wonders In majestic flight [Chorus] Heaven and Earth entwined Their destinies align In the center Humans rise Infinite design Celestial symphony A tapestry of grandeur Divine creation Guided by God's candor
The Celestial Serenade

The Celestial Serenade

Gemaakt door Above Below metSuno AI

[Verse] In the ancient tome of Genesis A tale untold Heaven and earth entwined The cosmic symphony unfolds Words of power and creation A divine decree A language spoken by the gods For all to see [Verse 2] Lift your voice to the heavens Let the stars align Beneath the moonlit sky Where secrets intertwine Celestial symbols etched on scrolls Ancient and profound Unveiling the universe's mysteries In the language we have found [Chorus] Serenade of creation A celestial dance With shred guitars and infernal growls We take a chance The Language of Creation Harmonizing heaven and earth In this melodic storm We celebrate its sacred birth
Warriors of Whiskers

Warriors of Whiskers

Gemaakt door Matthew Bethman metSuno AI

[Verse] Through the lands of eternal frost Where battle cries and metal meet Warriors of whiskers rise Their feral eyes in burning heat [Verse] With swords of claws and shields of pride They march towards the enemy's lair Against the mighty pizzas they ride Sparks of chaos fill the air [Chorus] Warriors of Whiskers Fierce and brave Defenders of feline honor and grace In this great war of legendary quest Changing the future They continue to blaze
[Verse] Beneath the burning flames of hell's domain A pizza chef profane Ben's his name His culinary skills An abysmal fright He's just a fool lost in the dark of night [Verse 2] His pizzas A charred mess from Lucifer's stove A taste so foul it fills me with loathe His lack of skill A torment to behold Ben's cooking prowess is nothing but cold [Chorus] Infernal flames Devour his failed cuisine Ben's cooking nightmares A sight obscene Burned crusts Tasteless cheese A culinary disgrace We shall rise against Ben Bring him to his place!
desolation of man

desolation of man

Gemaakt door Paulina Mendiola metSuno AI

space marines fighting demons in space


Gemaakt door Dávid Kovács metSuno AI

Bogyó és Babóca Két jó barát kalandja Mindig csak előre Erdőre mezőre Bogyó és Babóca Ha kisüt a napocska Szaladnak nevetve Dombokra hegyekre
Allazars Requiem

Allazars Requiem

Gemaakt door TripodsForMe metSuno AI

Free of my chains, I am not wrath, I am not revenge. I am the foolish hope of all men and women. I am the spark of good in all evil. I am the Allazar the God of Redemption
Cash Strapped Birthday Bash

Cash Strapped Birthday Bash

Gemaakt door Joan French metSuno AI

Happy birthday bridgette
Feral Battle Hymn

Feral Battle Hymn

Gemaakt door Ryan Crystal metSuno AI

[Verse] Fury awakens A battlefield of claws and fangs Cats and dogs in a savage war Ukraine's bloodstained lands Amidst the chaos The drums of conflict rise A symphony of violence A dance with demise [Verse] Torn apart by instincts Primal forces collide Whiskers and snarls Hatred unabridged Russia's shadow looms Teeth bared in disdain Cats and dogs united They shall not be tamed [Chorus] Feral battle hymn Echoes through the night Cats and dogs entwined Together they fight In the midst of war's despair A flicker of hope ignites Feral battle hymn Their unity takes flight


Gemaakt door Gabor Toth metSuno AI

(refrén) Jenei Marci Jenei Marci Jenei Marci Jenei Marci Jenei Jenei Marci Marci


Gemaakt door Gabor Toth metSuno AI

(refrén) Isten, áldd meg a magyart Jó kedvvel, bőséggel, Nyújts feléje védő kart, Ha küzd ellenséggel; Bal sors akit régen tép, Hozz rá víg esztendőt, Megbünhödte már e nép A multat s jövendőt! (verse) Őseinket felhozád Kárpát szent bércére, Általad nyert szép hazát Bendegúznak vére. S merre zúgnak habjai Tiszának, Dunának, Árpád hős magzatjai Felvirágozának.
That rocks

That rocks

Gemaakt door Enzo Hugonnier metSuno AI

That's right! Do you think AI could help you with your homework, especially with subjects like math or science?


Gemaakt door Hasan Can metSuno AI

Bir adım öteye gidemedim Kalbimi sensizliğe itemedim Dudaklarından öpemedim Gel al beni Hadi öp beni Tüm kalbim senin Zıpla üstümde deli gibi Atsın kalbim kaaaaalbim kaalbimmmm


Gemaakt door Israel Borja metSuno AI

estoy bien estoy bien no te preocupes por mi también tengo problemas como hoy que no dormí te escribo poemas como en cualquier noche tengo a veces flemas quizas te las derroche no mereces nada de mio no esperes ni mi roce no me digas que estoy frio si te pillo con un coche ya no doy fruto por tu gran vacio con mi mente disputo este desvario ahora te ejecuto tus restos van al rio sin ti ya no construyo mi futuro sombrio yo mismo me instruyo no es un desafio simple y eficaz intuyo sin mi no posees brio


Gemaakt door Che Cheng metSuno AI
